CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) 2-Mbit (128 K x 16) Static RAM 2-Mbit (128 K x 16) Static RAM is ideal for providing More Battery LifeTM (MoBL(R)) in portable applications such as cellular telephones. The device also has an automatic power down feature that significantly reduces power consumption by 90% when addresses are not toggling. The device can also be put into standby mode reducing power consumption when deselected (CE HIGH or both BLE and BHE are HIGH). The input and output pins (I/O0 through I/O15) are placed in a high impedance state when: deselected (CE HIGH), outputs are disabled (OE HIGH), both Byte High Enable and Byte Low Enable are disabled (BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE LOW and WE LOW). Features Very high speed: 45 ns Wide voltage range: 2.20 V to 3.60 V Pin compatible with CY62137CV30 Ultra low standby power Typical standby current: 1 A Maximum standby current: 7 A Ultra low active power Typical active current: 2 mA at f = 1 MHz Easy memory expansion with CE and OE features Automatic power-down when deselected Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) for optimum speed and power Byte power-down feature Offered in Pb-free 48-ball very fine-pitch ball grid array (VFBGA) and 44-pin thin small outline package (TSOP II) package Functional Description The CY62137EV30 is a high performance CMOS static RAM organized as 128K words by 16 bits. This device features advanced circuit design to provide ultra low active current. This Writing to the device is accomplished by asserting Chip Enable (CE) and Write Enable (WE) inputs LOW. If Byte Low Enable (BLE) is LOW, then data from I/O pins (I/O0 through I/O7), is written into the location specified on the address pins (A0 through A16). If Byte High Enable (BHE) is LOW, then data from I/O pins (I/O8 through I/O15) is written into the location specified on the address pins (A0 through A16). Reading from the device is accomplished by asserting Chip Enable (CE) and Output Enable (OE) LOW while forcing the Write Enable (WE) HIGH. If Byte Low Enable (BLE) is LOW, then data from the memory location specified by the address pins appears on I/O0 to I/O7. If Byte High Enable (BHE) is LOW, then data from memory appears on I/O8 to I/O15. See the Truth Table on page 11 for a complete description of read and write modes. The CY62137EV30 is available in 48-ball VFBGA and 44-pin TSOPII packages. For a complete list of related documentation, click here. Logic Block Diagram ROW DECODER 128K x 16 RAM Array SENSE AMPS DATA IN DRIVERS A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 I/O0 - I/O7 I/O8 - I/O15 COLUMN DECODER BHE WE CE OE BLE BHE BLE Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I * A13 A14 A15 A16 A11 CE A12 Power -Down Circuit 198 Champion Court * San Jose, CA 95134-1709 * 408-943-2600 Revised November 24, 2015 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Contents Pin Configurations ........................................................... 3 Product Portfolio .............................................................. 3 Maximum Ratings ............................................................. 4 Operating Range ............................................................... 4 Electrical Characteristics ................................................. 4 Capacitance ...................................................................... 5 Thermal Resistance .......................................................... 5 AC Test Loads and Waveforms ....................................... 5 Data Retention Characteristics ....................................... 6 Data Retention Waveform ................................................ 6 Switching Characteristics ................................................ 7 Switching Waveforms ...................................................... 8 Truth Table ...................................................................... 11 Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Ordering Information ...................................................... 12 Ordering Code Definitions ......................................... 12 Package Diagrams .......................................................... 13 Acronyms ........................................................................ 15 Document Conventions ................................................. 15 Units of Measure ....................................................... 15 Document History Page ................................................. 16 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 18 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 18 Products .................................................................... 18 PSoC(R) Solutions ...................................................... 18 Cypress Developer Community ................................. 18 Technical Support ..................................................... 18 Page 2 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Pin Configurations Figure 1. 48-ball VFBGA pinout (Top View) [1, 2] 1 2 3 4 5 6 BLE OE A0 A1 A2 NC A I/O8 BHE A3 A4 CE I/O0 B I/O9 I/O10 A5 A6 I/O1 I/O2 C VSS I/O11 NC A7 I/O3 Vcc D VCC I/O12 NC A16 I/O4 Vss E I/O14 I/O13 A14 A15 I/O5 I/O6 F I/O15 NC A12 A13 WE I/O7 G NC A8 A9 A10 A11 NC Figure 2. 44-pin TSOP II pinout (Top View) [1] A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 CE I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 VCC VSS I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 WE A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 H 1 44 2 3 43 42 4 41 40 39 38 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A5 A6 A7 OE BHE BLE I/O15 I/O14 I/O13 I/O12 VSS VCC I/O11 I/O10 I/O9 I/O8 NC A8 A9 A10 A11 NC 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 25 24 23 Product Portfolio Power Dissipation VCC Range (V) Product CY62137EV30-45LL Speed (ns) Min Typ [3] Max 2.2 V 3.0 V 3.6 V 45 ns Operating ICC (mA) f = 1 MHz f = fmax Standby ISB2 (A) Typ [3] Max Typ [3] Max Typ [3] Max 2 2.5 15 20 1 7 Notes 1. NC pins are not connected on the die. 2. Pins D3, H1, G2, H6 and H3 in the 48-ball VFBGA package are address expansion pins for 4 Mb, 8 Mb, 16 Mb, and 32 Mb and 64 Mb respectively. 3. Typical values are included for reference only and are not guaranteed or tested. Typical values are measured at VCC = VCC(typ.), TA = 25 C. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 3 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) DC input voltage [4, 5] ................-0.3 V to (VCC(MAX) + 0.3 V) Maximum Ratings Exceeding the maximum ratings may impair the useful life of the device. These user guidelines are not tested. Storage temperature ............................... -65 C to + 150 C Ambient temperature with power applied ......................................... -55 C to + 125 C Supply voltage to ground potential [4, 5] .............................-0.3 V to (VCC(MAX) + 0.3 V) DC voltage applied to outputs in High Z state [4, 5] ...................-0.3 V to (VCC(MAX) + 0.3 V) Output current into outputs (LOW) ............................. 20 mA Static discharge voltage (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015) ......................... > 2001 V Latch up current .................................................... > 200 mA Operating Range Device Range Ambient Temperature VCC[6] CY62137EV30-45LL Industrial -40 C to +85 C 2.2 V to 3.6 V Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter VOH VOL VIH VIL Description Output HIGH voltage Output LOW voltage Input HIGH voltage Input LOW voltage Test Conditions 45 ns Min Typ [7] Max Unit IOH = -0.1 mA VCC = 2.20 V 2.0 - - V IOH = -1.0 mA VCC = 2.70 V 2.4 - - V IOL = 0.1 mA VCC = 2.20 V - - 0.4 V IOL = 2.1 mA VCC = 2.70 V - - 0.4 V VCC = 2.2 V to 2.7 V 1.8 - VCC + 0.3 V VCC= 2.7 V to 3.6 V 2.2 - VCC + 0.3 V VCC = 2.2 V to 2.7 V -0.3 - 0.6 V VCC= 2.7 V to 3.6 V -0.3 - 0.8 V IIX Input leakage current GND < VI < VCC -1 - +1 A IOZ Output leakage current GND < VO < VCC, Output disabled -1 - +1 A ICC VCC Operating supply current f = fmax = 1/tRC - 15 20 mA - 2.0 2.5 f = 1 MHz VCC = VCCmax IOUT = 0 mA CMOS levels ISB1[8] Automatic CE power-down current -- CMOS inputs CE > VCC -0.2 V or (BHE and BLE) > VCC -0.2 V, VIN > VCC - 0.2 V, VIN < 0.2 V, f = fmax (address and data only), f = 0 (OE and WE), VCC = 3.60 V - 1 7 A ISB2 [8] Automatic CE power-down current -- CMOS inputs CE > VCC - 0.2 V or (BHE and BLE) > VCC -0.2 V, VIN > VCC - 0.2 V or VIN < 0.2 V, f = 0, VCC = 3.60 V - 1 7 A Notes 4. VIL(min.) = -2.0 V for pulse durations less than 20 ns. 5. VIH(max) = VCC + 0.75 V for pulse durations less than 20 ns. 6. Full device AC operation assumes a 100 s ramp time from 0 to Vcc(min) and 200 s wait time after VCC stabilization. 7. Typical values are included for reference only and are not guaranteed or tested. Typical values are measured at VCC = VCC(typ.), TA = 25 C. 8. Chip enable (CE) and byte enables (BHE and BLE) need to be tied to CMOS levels to meet the ISB1 / ISB2 / ICCDR specification. Other inputs can be left floating. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 4 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Capacitance Parameter [9] Description CIN Input capacitance COUT Output capacitance Test Conditions TA = 25 C, f = 1 MHz, VCC = VCC(typ) Max Unit 10 pF 10 pF Thermal Resistance Parameter [9] Description JA Thermal resistance (junction to ambient) JC Thermal resistance (junction to case) Test Conditions 48-ball BGA Still air, soldered on a 3 x 4.5 inch, four-layer printed circuit board 44-pin TSOP II Unit 54 57 C/W 12 17 C/W AC Test Loads and Waveforms Figure 3. AC Test Loads and Waveforms R1 VCC OUTPUT VCC R2 30 pF 10% GND Rise Time = 1 V/ns ALL INPUT PULSES 90% 90% 10% Fall Time = 1 V/ns Equivalent to: THEVENIN EQUIVALENT RTH OUTPUT VTH INCLUDING JIG AND SCOPE Parameters 2.50 V 3.0 V Unit R1 16667 1103 R2 15385 1554 RTH 8000 645 VTH 1.20 1.75 V Note 9. Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect these parameters. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 5 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Data Retention Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter VDR ICCDR Description Conditions VCC for data retention [11] Data retention current VCC= 1 V, Min Typ [10] Max Unit 1 - - V - 0.8 3 A CE > VCC - 0.2 V or (BHE and BLE) > VCC -0.2 V, VIN > VCC - 0.2 V or VIN < 0.2 V tCDR[12] Chip deselect to data retention time 0 - - ns tR[13] Operation recovery time 45 - - ns Data Retention Waveform Figure 4. Data Retention Waveform [14] VCC CE or BHE.BLE VCC(min) tCDR DATA RETENTION MODE VDR > 1.0 V VCC(min) tR Notes 10. Typical values are included for reference only and are not guaranteed or tested. Typical values are measured at VCC = VCC(typ.), TA = 25 C. 11. Chip enable (CE) and byte enables (BHE and BLE) need to be tied to CMOS levels to meet the ISB1 / ISB2 / ICCDR specification. Other inputs can be left floating. 12. Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect these parameters. 13. Full device operation requires linear VCC ramp from VDR to VCC(min.) > 100 s or stable at VCC(min.) > 100 s. 14. BHE.BLE is the AND of both BHE and BLE. The chip can be deselected by either disabling the chip enable signals or by disabling both BHE and BLE. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 6 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter [15, 16] Description 45 ns Min Max Unit Read Cycle tRC Read cycle time 45 - ns tAA Address to data valid - 45 ns tOHA Data hold from address change 10 - ns tACE CE LOW to data valid - 45 ns tDOE OE LOW to data valid - 22 ns [17] 5 - ns - 18 ns tLZOE tHZOE OE LOW to Low Z OE HIGH to High Z [17, 18] [17] tLZCE CE LOW to Low Z 10 - ns tHZCE CE HIGH to High Z [17, 18] - 18 ns tPU CE LOW to power-up 0 - ns tPD CE HIGH to power-down - 45 ns tDBE BLE/BHE LOW to data valid - 45 ns tLZBE BLE/BHE LOW to Low Z [17] 5 - ns - 18 ns tHZBE Write Cycle BLE/BHE HIGH to High Z [17, 18] [19, 20] tWC Write cycle time 45 - ns tSCE CE LOW to write end 35 - ns tAW Address setup to write end 35 - ns tHA Address hold from write end 0 - ns tSA Address setup to write start 0 - ns tPWE WE pulse width 35 - ns tBW BLE/BHE LOW to write end 35 - ns tSD Data setup to write end 25 - ns tHD Data hold from write end 0 - ns tHZWE WE LOW to High Z [17, 18] - 18 ns 10 - ns tLZWE WE HIGH to Low Z [17] Notes 15. Test conditions for all parameters other than tri-state parameters assume signal transition time of 3 ns (1V/ns) or less, timing reference levels of VCC(typ)/2, input pulse levels of 0 to VCC(typ.), and output loading of the specified IOL/IOH as shown in Figure 3 on page 5. 16. In an earlier revision of this device, under a specific application condition, READ and WRITE operations were limited to switching of the byte enable and/or chip enable signals as described in the Application Notes AN13842 and AN66311. However, the issue has been fixed and in production now, and hence, these Application Notes are no longer applicable. They are available for download on our website as they contain information on the date code of the parts, beyond which the fix has been in production. 17. At any given temperature and voltage condition, tHZCE is less than tLZCE, tHZBE is less than tLZBE, tHZOE is less than tLZOE, and tHZWE is less than tLZWE for any given device. 18. tHZOE, tHZCE, tHZBE, and tHZWE transitions are measured when the outputs enter a high impedance state. 19. The internal write time of the memory is defined by the overlap of WE, CE = VIL, BHE and BLE = VIL. All signals must be ACTIVE to initiate a write and any of these signals can terminate a write by going INACTIVE. The data input setup and hold timing should be referenced to the edge of the signal that terminates the write. 20. The minimum pulse width for write cycle 3 (WE controlled, OE LOW) should be equal to the sum of tSD and tHZWE. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 7 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Switching Waveforms Figure 5. Read Cycle 1: Address Transition Controlled [21, 22] tRC ADDRESS tOHA DATA OUT tAA DATA VALID PREVIOUS DATA VALID Figure 6. Read Cycle No. 2: OE Controlled [22, 23] ADDRESS tRC CE tPD tHZCE tACE OE tHZOE tDOE BHE/BLE tLZOE tHZBE tDBE tLZBE DATA OUT HIGH IMPEDANCE HIGH IMPEDANCE DATA VALID tLZCE VCC SUPPLY CURRENT tPU 50% 50% ICC ISB Notes 21. The device is continuously selected. OE, CE = VIL, BHE and BLE = VIL. 22. WE is HIGH for read cycle. 23. Address valid prior to or coincident with CE and BHE, BLE transition LOW. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 8 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 7. Write Cycle No. 1: WE Controlled [24, 25, 26] tWC ADDRESS tSCE CE tAW tHA tSA WE tPWE tBW BHE/BLE OE tSD DATA I/O NOTE 27 tHD DATAIN tHZOE Figure 8. Write Cycle No. 2: CE Controlled [24, 25, 26] tWC ADDRESS tSCE CE tSA tAW tHA tPWE WE tBW BHE/BLE OE tSD DATA I/O tHD DATAIN NOTE 27 tHZOE Notes 24. The internal write time of the memory is defined by the overlap of WE, CE = VIL, BHE and BLE = VIL. All signals must be ACTIVE to initiate a write and any of these signals can terminate a write by going INACTIVE. The data input setup and hold timing should be referenced to the edge of the signal that terminates the write 25. Data I/O is high impedance if OE = VIH. 26. If CE goes HIGH simultaneously with WE = VIH, the output remains in a high impedance state. 27. During this period, the I/Os are in output state and input signals should not be applied. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 9 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 9. Write Cycle No. 3: WE Controlled, OE LOW [28] tWC ADDRESS tSCE CE tBW BHE/BLE tAW tHA tSA tPWE WE tSD DATAI/O NOTE 29 tHD DATAIN tHZWE tLZWE Figure 10. Write Cycle No. 4: BHE/BLE Controlled, OE LOW [28] tWC ADDRESS CE tSCE tAW tHA tBW BHE/BLE tSA tPWE WE tHZWE DATA I/O NOTE 29 tSD tHD DATAIN tLZWE Notes 28. If CE goes HIGH simultaneously with WE = VIH, the output remains in a high impedance state. 29. During this period, the I/Os are in output state and input signals should not be applied. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 10 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Truth Table CE WE OE BHE BLE [30] [30] High Z Deselect/power-down Standby (ISB) X X Inputs/Outputs Mode Power H X X X[30] X X H H High Z Deselect/power-down Standby (ISB) L H L L L Data out (I/OO-I/O15) Read Active (ICC) L H L H L Data out (I/OO-I/O7); I/O8-I/O15 in High Z Read Active (ICC) L H L L H Data out (I/O8-I/O15); I/O0-I/O7 in High Z Read Active (ICC) L H H L L High Z Output disabled Active (ICC) L H H H L High Z Output disabled Active (ICC) L H H L H High Z Output disabled Active (ICC) L L X L L Data in (I/OO-I/O15) Write Active (ICC) L L X H L Data in (I/OO-I/O7); I/O8-I/O15 in High Z Write Active (ICC) L L X L H Data in (I/O8-I/O15); I/O0-I/O7 in High Z Write Active (ICC) Note 30. Chip enable (CE) and Byte enables (BHE / BLE) must be at fixed CMOS levels (not floating). Intermediate voltage levels on these pins is not permitted. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 11 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Ordering Information Speed (ns) Ordering Code Package Diagram Package Type 45 CY62137EV30LL-45BVXI 51-85150 48-ball VFBGA (Pb-free) 45 CY62137EV30LL-45ZSXI 51-85087 44-pin TSOP II (Pb-free) Operating Range Industrial Ordering Code Definitions CY 621 3 7 E V30 LL - 45 XX X I Temperature Grade: I = Industrial Pb-free Package Type: XX = BV or ZS BV = 48-ball VFBGA ZS = 44-pin TSOP II Speed Grade: 45 ns Low Power Voltage Range: V30 = 3 V typical Process Technology: E = 90 nm Bus Width: 7 = x 16 Density: 3 = 2-Mbit Family Code: 621 = MoBL SRAM family Company ID: CY = Cypress Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 12 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Package Diagrams Figure 11. 48-ball VFBGA (6 x 8 x 1.0 mm) BV48/BZ48 Package Outline, 51-85150 51-85150 *H Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 13 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Package Diagrams (continued) Figure 12. 44-pin TSOP Z44-II Package Outline, 51-85087 51-85087 *E Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Page 14 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Acronyms Acronym Document Conventions Description Units of Measure BLE Byte Low Enable BHE Byte High Enable C degree Celsius CE Chip Enable MHz megahertz CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor A microampere I/O Input/Output s microsecond OE Output Enable mA milliampere SRAM Static Random Access Memory mm millimeter TSOP Thin Small Outline Package ns nanosecond VFBGA Very Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array % percent WE Write Enable pF picofarad ohm V volt W watt Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Symbol Unit of Measure Page 15 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Document History Page Document Title: CY62137EV30 MoBL(R), 2-Mbit (128 K x 16) Static RAM Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. ECN No. Orig. of Change Submission Date ** 203720 AJU See ECN New data sheet *A 234196 AJU See ECN Changed ICC MAX at f=1MHz from 1.7 mA to 2.0 mA Changed ICC TYP from 12 mA (35 ns speed bin) and 10 mA (45 ns speed bin) to 15 mA and 12 mA respectively Changed ICC MAX from 20 mA (35 ns speed bin) and 15 mA (45 ns speed bin) to 25 mA and 20 mA respectively Changed ISB1 and ISB2 TYP from 0.6 A to 0.7 A Changed ISB1 and ISB2 MAX from 1.5 A to 2.5 A Changed ICCDR from 1 A to 2 A Fixed typos on TSOP II pinout: Pin 18-22: address lines Pin 23: NC Added Pb-free information *B 427817 NXR See ECN Converted from Advanced Information to Final. Removed 35 ns Speed Bin Removed "L" version Changed ball E3 from DNU to NC. Removed the redundant footnote on DNU. Moved Product Portfolio from Page # 3 to Page #2. Changed ICC (Max) value from 2 mA to 2.5 mA and ICC (Typ) value from 1.5 mA to 2 mA at f=1 MHz Changed ICC (Typ) value from 12 mA to 15 mA at f = fmax=1/tRC Changed ISB1 and ISB2 Typ. values from 0.7 A to 1 A and Max. values from 2.5 A to 7 A. Changed VCC stabilization time in footnote #7 from 100 s to 200 s Changed the AC test load capacitance from 50pF to 30pF on Page# 4 Changed VDR from 1.5V to 1V on Page# 4. Changed ICCDR from 2 A to 3 A. Added ICCDR typical value. Corrected tR in Data Retention Characteristics from 100 s to tRC ns Changed tOHA , tLZCE and tLZWE from 6 ns to 10 ns Changed tLZBE from 6 ns to 5 ns Changed tLZOE from 3 ns to 5 ns Changed tHZOE, tHZCE, tHZBE and tHZWE from 15 ns to 18 ns Changed tSCE,tAW and tBW from 40 ns to 35 ns Changed tPWE from 30 ns to 35 ns Changed tSD from 20 ns to 25 ns Updated the Ordering Information table and replaced the Package Name column with Package Diagram. *C 2604685 VKN / PYRS 11/12/08 Added footnote 8 related to ISB2 and ICCDR Added footnote 13 related to AC timing parameters *D 3143896 RAME 01/17/2011 Converted all tablenote to footnotes. Added Ordering Code Definitions. Added Acronyms and Units of Measure. Updated Package Diagrams: spec 51-85150 - Changed revision from *D to *F. *E 3283711 AJU 06/15/2011 Updated Functional Description: Removed the Note "For best practice recommendations, refer to the Cypress application note "SRAM System Design Guidelines" on website." and its reference. Updated to new template. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Description of Change Page 16 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Document History Page (continued) Document Title: CY62137EV30 MoBL(R), 2-Mbit (128 K x 16) Static RAM Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. ECN No. Orig. of Change Submission Date *F 3806123 TAVA 11/08/2012 Updated Data Retention Waveform (Updated Figure 4 (Changed "VDR > 1.5 V" to "VDR > 1.0 V")). Updated Package Diagrams (spec 51-85150 (Changed revision from *F to *H), spec 51-85087 (Changed revision from *C to *E)). *G 4101224 VINI 08/21/2013 Updated Switching Characteristics: Updated Note 16. Updated to new template. Completing Sunset Review. *H 4574264 VINI 11/19/2014 Updated Functional Description: Added "For a complete list of related documentation, click here." at the end. Updated Maximum Ratings: Referred Notes 4 and 5 In "Supply voltage to ground potential". Updated Switching Characteristics: Added Note 20 and referred the same note in "Write Cycle". *I 5025363 VINI 11/24/2015 Updated Thermal Resistance: Changed value of JA parameter corresponding to 48-ball BGA package from 75 C/W to 54 C/W. Changed value of JA parameter corresponding to 44-pin TSOP II package from 77 C/W to 57 C/W. Changed value of JC parameter corresponding to 48-ball BGA package from 10 C/W to 12 C/W. Changed value of JC parameter corresponding to 44-pin TSOP II package from 13 C/W to 17 C/W. Updated to new template. Completing Sunset Review. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Description of Change Page 17 of 18 CY62137EV30 MoBL(R) Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer's representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. PSoC(R) Solutions Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers Interface Lighting & Power Control Memory PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 4 | PSoC 5LP Cypress Developer Community Community | Forums | Blogs | Video | Training Technical Support (c) Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2004-2015. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress' product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. Document Number: 38-05443 Rev. *I Revised November 24, 2015 All products and company names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks of their respective holders. Page 18 of 18