Pin Descriptions
Pin number Pin name Type Description
1 GNDREF Power Ground for 14.318 MHz reference clock outputs
2 X1 Input 14.318 MHz crystal input
3 X2 Output 14.318 MHz crystal output
4 PCICLK_F Output 3.3 V free running PCI clock output, will not be stopped by the PCI_STOP#
5,6,9,10,11 PCICLK (1:5) Output 3.3 V PCI clock outputs, generating timing requirements for Pentium II
7 GNDPCI Power Ground for PCI clock outputs
8 VDDPCI Power 3.3 V power for the PCI clock outputs
12 VDD48 Power 3.3 V power for 48/24 MHz clocks
13 48 MHz Output 3.3 V 48 MHz clock output, fixed frequency clock typically used with USB devices
14 TS#/48/24MHz Output 3.3 V 48 or 24 MHz output and Tri-state option, active low = tri state mode for testing,
active high = normal operation
15 GND48 Power Ground for 48/24 MHz clocks
16 SEL 100/66# Input
control for the frequency of clocks at the CPU & PCICLK output pins. If logic "0" is
used the 66.6 MHz frequency is selected. If Logic "1" is used, the 100 MHz
frequency is selected. The PCI clock is multiplexed to run at 33.3 MHz for both
selected cases.
17 PD# Input
Asynchronous active low input pin used to power down the device into a low power
state. The internal clocks are disabled and the VCO and the crystal are stopped. The
latency of the power down will not be greater than 3ms.
18 CPU_STOP# Input
Asynchronous active low input pin used to stop the CPUCLK in active low state, all
other clocks will continue to run. The CPUCLK will have a "Turnon " latency of at
least 3 CPU clocks.
19 VDD Power Isolated 3.3 V power for core
20 PCI-Stop# Input Synchronous active low input used to stop the PCICLK in active low state. It will not
effect PCICLK_F or any other outputs.
21 GND Power Isolated ground for core
22 GNDL Power Ground for CPU clock outputs
23,24 CPUCLK(1:0) Output 2.5 V CPU clock outputs
25 VDDL Power 2.5 V power for CPU clock outputs
26 REF1/SPREAD# Output
3.3 V 14.318 MHz reference clock output and power-on spread spectrum enable
option. Active low = spread spectrum clocking enable. Active high = spread spectrum
clocking disable.
27 REF0/SEL48# Output 3.3 V 14.318 MHz reference clock output and power-on 48/24 MHz select option.
Active low = 48 MHz output at pin 14. Active high = 24 MHz output at pin 14.
28 VDDREF Power 3.3 V power for 14.318 MHz reference clock outputs.