JULY 2011
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A Maxi m In tegrated Produ cts Brand
STATUS (0x14)
The four bytes in this register reflect the status of the various measurement functions of the 71M6515H. This register is
read only. When a bit in the STMASK register is set, an interr upt (IRQZ) is generated as soon as the correspondi ng bit in
the STATUS register is set.
Bi t 0 : This bit (BOOTUP) signals a r equest from the 71M6515H to the host to be i nitiali zed.
Bit 1: This bit (SAGA ), w hen set, i ndic ates th at the volt age appli ed to phase A has sagged below SAGTHR. See the for SAG
register for a detailed description.
Bi t 2 : This bit (SAGB), when set, indicates that the voltage appl i ed to phase B has sagged below SAGTHR.
Bi t 3 : This bit (SAGC), when set , indicates that the voltage appli ed to phase C has sagged below SAGTHR.
Bit 4: This bit (F0) follows the polarity of the input voltage selected with the F_SELECT bits in the CONFIG register. It
r epres ents a smoothed, f ilt ered and squared copy of the f undamen tal waveform.
Bit 5: This bit (MAXV), when set, indicates that a voltage greater than the voltage limit defined in the VI_PTHRESHOLD
r egis ter h ad been detected in t he previo us accumulatio n i nterval .
Bit 6: This bit (MAXI), when set, indicates that a current greater than the current limit defined in the VI_PTHRESHOLD
r egis ter h ad been detected in t he previo us accumulatio n i nterval .
Bi t 7 : This bit (1SECI, t oggles ever y second. I t i s contr olled by the R TC.
Bit 8: This bi t (VXEDGE), when set , i ndicates a change i n state of VX com parator. Thi s bit is updated ev ery accumulati on
Bit 9: This bit (DEDGE), when set, indicates a change in state of any selected DIO pin. This bit is updated every
accumulation interval. Pins have to be configured to generate the DEDGE flag using the DIO_INT_CTRL bits in the
D_CONFIG register.
Bi t 10: Thi s b it ( XOVF), when set, i ndicates that the host failed to read at least one of the Wh values. Between interrupts
(i ndi cated by the READY bit in the STATUS wor d), the 71M6515H exp ects the host to read at least one of t he WATTHR_A,
WATTHR_B, o r WATTHR_C values.
Bit 11: This bit (READY), when set , indicates that the 71M6515H has f r esh output values ready for the host. Setting this bit
in STMASK will enable the hardware interrupt output pin IRQZ.
Bit 14-12: These bits (bit 12 for phase A, bit 13 for phase B, bit 14 for phase C), when set, indicate that the energy
r ec ei v ed f r om elemen t A, B, or C i s belo w t h e c r eep t h r es h ol d def in ed i n th e CREEP_THRSHLD register or t h at th e c ur r en t
in elements A, B, or C is below the threshold defined in bits 15-0 of th e START_THRESHLD register. The creep condition
flagged by bits 14-12 of the STATUS register indicates that Wh, VARh, and IRMS measurements of element A, B, or C
have been zer oed out. Consequently, accumulation di d not occur.
Bit 15: This bit (CMD_IGNORED), when set, indicates that the 71M6515H ignored the last command received from the
host. The reason can be any type of command incompatibility, e.g. attempts to write to a read-only register.
Bit 16: This bit (PULSEW_ERR), when set, indicates that the pulse generator PULSEW is configured for external (host)
input, b ut di d not r ecei ve an update duri ng t he previous accumul at io n i nter val.
Bi t 1 7: This bit (PULSER_ERR), when set, indicates t hat the pulse generat or PULSER is configured for external ( host) input,
but did not receive an updat e during the pr evious accumulation int erval.
Bit 18: This bit (PULSE3_ERR), when set, indicates that the puls e generator PULSE3 is conf igured for external ( host) input,
but did not receive an updat e during the pr evious accumulation int erval.
Bit 19: This bit (PULSE4_ERR), when set, indicates that the pulse generator PULSE4 is configured for external ( host) input,
but did not receive an updat e during the pr evious accumulation int erval.