TYPICAL APPLICATION : RS232C Data Transmission
The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) has
released the RS232C specification detailing the
requirementsfor the interfacebetween data proc-
essing equipment.This standardspecifies not only
voltagelevels tobe used.The MC1488 quaddriver
and its companion circuit, the MC1489 quad re-
ceiver, provide a complete interface system be-
tween DTL or TTL logic levels and the RS232C
defined levels. The RS232C requirements as ap-
pliedto drivers are discussedherein.
The required driver voltages are defined as be-
tween5 and15 V inmagnitudeandarepositive for
a logic ”0” and negative for a logic ”1”. These
voltagesareso definedwhen thedrivers are termi-
natedwitha 3000to 7000Ωresistor. TheMC1488
meets this voltage requirement by converting a
DTL/TTL logic level into RS232C levels with one
stageof inversion.
ing transitions, the driver output slewrate must not
exceed 30 V per µs. The inherent slew rate of the
MC1488 is much too fast for this requirement. The
currentlimited output of thedevice can be used to
controlthis slew rate by connectinga capacitorto
each driver output.The required capacitorcan be
easilydeterminedby using the relationshipC = IOS
x∆T/ ∆V from which Figure 12 is derived. Accord-
ingly, a 330 pF capacitor on each output will guar-
antee a worst case slewrate of 30 V per µs.
accidentalshort to anyother conductorin an inter-
connectingcable. The worst possiblesignalonany
conductorwould be another driver using a plus or
minus 15 V, 500 mA source. The MC1488 is de-
signed to indefinitely withstand such a short to all
ply voltages are greater than 9.0 V (i.e., VS ≥9.0
EE ≤- 9.0 V). In somepower-supply designs,
a loss of system power causes a low impedance
on the power-supply outputs. When this occurs,a
low impedanceto groundwould exist at the power
inputsto theMC1488 effectivelyshortingthe 300Ω
output resistor to ground. If all four outputs were
then shorted to plus or minus 15 V, the power
dissipation in these resistors would be excessive.
Therefore, if the system is designed to permit low
impedancestogroundat the power-suppiesof the
drivers, a diode should be placed in each power-
supply lead to prevent over-heating in this fault
condition. These two diodes, as shown in Figure
13, could be used to decouple all the driverpack-
ages in a system. (These same diodes will allow
the MC1488 to withstandmomentary shorts to the
±15 V limits specified in the earlier Standard
RS232B). The addition of the diodes also permits
the MC1488 to withstand faults with power-sup-
pliesof lessthan the 9.0 V stated above.
Themaximumshort-circuitcurrentallowable under
fault conditions is more than guaranteed by the