Circular DIN-Locking, Mini-DIN and
Snap-In DIN Connectors
Circular DIN Connectors, Industrial Watertight Connectors and Junction Boxes
For Fast, Dependable Service, Make Just One Call Ñ 1-800-433-5700 ALLIED
742-1100 XS32 Male plastic shielded plug; mates with 3 .71 .56
742-1102 XS52 XK or B Series 5 .99 .78
742-1104 XS62 6 1.00 .77
742-1107 XS82 8 1.20 .93
742-1108 XK32 Female plastic shielded plug; mates with 3 1.06 .83
742-1110 XK52 XS Series 5 1.20 .93
742-1112 XK62 6 1.28 1.01
742-1114 XK82 8 1.42 1.10
742-1116 B31 Shielded chassis socket, mates with 3 1.06 .93
742-1118 B51 XS Series 5 1.23 .99
742-1120 B61 6 1.61 1.28
742-1122 B81 8 1.71 1.36
742-1124 KFV30 Female chassis socket, with lock-ring; 3 3.84 3.13
742-1126 KFV50 mates with SV, WSV Series 5 3.68 3.01
742-1128 KFV60 6 3.88 3.17
742-1129 KFV70 7 4.59 3.75
742-1130 KFV80 8 4.25 3.47
742-1132 KV30 Female plug, dull chrome, with flush 3 7.85 6.48
742-1134 KV50 lock-ring; mates with SV, WSV, SFV Series 5 8.23 6.79
742-1136 KV60 6 8.42 6.94
742-1138 KV80 8 8.78 7.24
742-1140 SFV30 Male chassis socket, with lock-ring; 3 2.72 2.20
742-1142 SFV50 mates with KV, WKV Series 5 2.90 2.35
742-1144 SFV60 6 4.02 3.30
742-1146 SFV80 8 3.35 2.74
742-1148 SV30 Male plug, dull chrome, with flush 3 7.37 6.09
742-1150 SV50 lock-ring; mates with KV, WKV, KFV Series 5 7.54 6.22
742-1152 SV60 6 7.80 6.44
742-1154 SV80 8 7.98 6.59
742-1156 WKV30 Female plug, right-angle style, with flush 3 8.31 6.86
742-1158 WKV50 lock-ring; mates with SFV, SV, WSV Series 5 8.66 7.15
742-1160 WKV60 6 8.86 7.31
742-1162 WKV80 8 9.21 7.61
742-1164 WSV30 Male plug, right-angle style, with flush 3 7.07 5.83
742-1166 WSV50 lock-ring; mates with KFV, KV, WKV Series 5 7.26 6.00
742-1168 WSV60 6 7.47 6.16
742-1170 WSV80 8 7.95 6.55
742-1540 TM 0508A/3 Mini-DIN miniature female receptacles for 3 1.06 .89
742-1542 TM 0508A/4 PCBs with metal cover 4 1.21 1.02
742-1544 TM 0508A/6 6 1.20 1.01
742-1548 TM 0508A/8 8 1.29 1.08
742-1550 MP-371/S3 Mini-DIN miniature male plugs 3 1.01 .85
742-1552 MP-371/S4 4 1.12 .90
742-1554 MP-371/S6 6 1.48 1.17
742-1556 MP-371/S8 8 1.45 1.15
Stock Mfr.Õs No. of
No. Type Contacts 1-99 100-249
Stock Mfr.Õs No. of
No. Type Poles
742-1004 RS30-695/2M Male, single ended, 2 M 3 21.19 17.66 17.03
742-1028 RKF30-695/0.3M Female, mating receptacle, 0.3 M 3 14.85 12.37 11.98
742-1032 RKF50-694/0.3M Female, mating receptacle, 0.3 M 5 17.21 14.34 13.70
742-1014 RK40-693/2M Female, single ended, 2 M 4 20.23 16.86 16.10
742-2000 RSF 30-693/0.3M Male, mating receptacle, 0.3 M 4 11.15 9.23 8.86
742-1017 RK50-694/2M Female, single ended, 2 M 5 23.10 19.25 18.45
Micro DC, M12, 250 V, Single Keyway
10-24 25-99
Industrial Watertight Connectors
and Junction Boxes
Mini, 7/8-16UN-2B 300 V, IP68/NEMA 6P; Cable Type Ñ PVC, 18 AWG
742-9990 RST4-633-2M Male, single ended, 2 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 16.17 13.39 12.98
742-2002 RST 4-633/5M Male, single ended, 5 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 20.82 17.24 16.72
742-2004 RSF 4/05M PG 9, female, mating receptacle, 0.5 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 13.47 11.15 10.71
742-2006 RSF 4-1/2-14
" NPT, female, mating receptacle, 0.5 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 11.05 9.15 8.78
742-2008 RST4-RKT4/633/1M Male/female, double ended, 1 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 24.55 20.33 19.71
742-2060 RST4-RKT4/633/2M Female, mating receptacle, 0.3 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 29.21 24.19 23.46
742-2010 RST4-RKTW4/633/1M Male/90 female, double ended, 1 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 24.55 20.33 19.71
742-2012 RST4-RKTW4/633/2M Male/90 female, double ended, 2 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 29.21 24.19 23.46
742-2014 RKC 4/7 Female, field attachable 4-6 mm OD 5 11.67 9.66 9.27
742-2016 RKC 4/9 Female, field attachable 6-8 mm OD 5 11.67 9.66 9.27
742-2018 RSC 4/7 Male, field attachable 4-6 mm OD 5 11.67 9.66 9.27
742-2020 RSC 4/9 Male, field attachable 6-8 mm OD 5 11.67 9.66 9.27
Micro AC, M12, 250 V, Dual Keyway
742-2022 RKT 3U-618/6F Female, single ended, 6 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 3 15.77 13.06 12.54
742-2024 RSF 3U/1F
" NPT, male, mating receptacle, 1 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 3 10.10 8.36 8.03
742-2026 RKT 4U-674/6F Female, single ended, 6 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 4 21.06 17.44 16.91
742-2028 RSF 4U/1F
" NPT, male, mating receptacle, 1 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 4 14.09 11.67 11.20
742-2030 RKT 5U-673/6F Female, single ended, 6 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 5 24.68 20.43 19.82
742-2032 RSF 5U/1F
" NPT, male, mating receptacle, 1 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 5 15.92 13.18 12.66
742-2034 RST 3U-618/6F Male, single ended, 6 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 3 16.28 13.48 12.94
742-2036 RKF 3U/1F
" NPT, female, mating receptacle, 1 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 3 15.58 12.91 12.39
742-2038 RST 4U-674/6F Male, single ended, 6 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 4 19.45 16.10 15.62
742-2040 RKF 4U/1F
" NPT, female, mating receptacle, 1 ft. PVC, 22 AWG 4 17.49 14.48 13.91
742-2042 RKC 3U/7 Female, field attachable 4-6 mm OD 3 12.25 10.14 9.73
742-2044 RSC 3U/7 Male, field attachable 4-6 mm OD 3 12.25 10.14 9.73
Pico, M8, 75 VDC, Locking
742-2046 RKMV 3-06/2M Female, single ended, 2 M PVC, 22 AWG 3 12.38 10.26 9.85
742-1532 RSMF3/0.5M Male, mating receptacle, 0.5 M PVC, 22 AWG 3 12.06 9.96 9.50
742-1530 RKMV4-07/2M Female, single ended, 2 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 18.16 16.16 13.16
742-1534 RSMF4/0.5M Male, mating receptacle, 0.5 M PVC, 22 AWG 4 12.41 10.44 9.97
742-2048 RSMV3-RKMV3-90/2M Male/90 female, double ended, 2 M PUR/PVC 3 24.63 20.40 19.78
742-2050 RSM C3 Male, field attachable 3.5-5 mm OD 3 15.55 12.89 12.37
Distribution Boxes, LED/PNP Type, 10 M Cable Length, PUR/PVC Cable Type
Stock Mfr.Õs Cable No. of
No. Type Type Poles
1-9 10-24 25-99
Stock Mfr.Õs No. of
No. Type Ports
1-9 10-24 25-99
742-2052 ASB 4/LED 5/4-12/10M Micro, 5/4 wired 4 161.08 133.40 129.35
742-2054 ASB 6/LED 5/4-13/10M Micro, 5/4 wired 6 214.15 177.35 171.97
742-2056 ASB 8/LED 5/4-14/10M Micro, 5/4 wired 8 238.58 197.57 191.58
742-2058 SBS 8/LED 3-220/10M Pico, 3 8 163.97 135.79 131.67
Designed for a wide variety of applications Ñ ideal for new designs and replacements. Precision-built to exacting
standards; outside metal housing and coupling nut on locking DINs. Available in 3 to 12 contacts; male and female
configurations, solder contacts standard.