lQF-20L Series I&Q NETWORKS 3 to6 GHz / Low boss | Excelfent Phase and Amplitude Balances | Wee! Hermetic Package LO InG 4 _ sch 20) HIKERS Power 1-0 AF IN i G PRINCIPAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS RFILO VQ Output RF/LO Input Characteristics Model Frequency Bandwidth TRF Blanehielthe: 10%. af fo Number fo , GHz MHz Impedance: 50.0 mom. ony ase . VSR: 20:1 max. KF 200 B 36 Dt - 150 RP Power Level: 0 dBm max For com plele floded Number repisaes "* wilh desired LO) Center Frequency in fae Goneral Notes: 1.14.0 mebvorks are inkegrated devices that produce bwo quadralure-phased, equal amnplilude signals when fed RF and LO signet. 2. Conpiged of ata ndand components, these unite are optimined for high aosurcy al a specified LO frequency and maintain speciied perlormance across a bandwith of 10%) of the LO frequency. 3.18 2 nebworks can abe be used in digtal systema 46 4 OPSR demodulator where B reoovers eo data channels from he incoming phase information. The OPS input is agplied tp the RF port while the recovercd cartier is applied to the LO port resulting inthe feo independant dala outpurs at the | ard cata porte. 4, Memimac | & nebworks comply with the relevant sections of Mi -f-seo7 and can ba supplied screaned tor compliance with ackitional specications tor miliary and space applications requiring le highest! reliabdily LO Power Level @ fy: +10 dir nem, 1& 2 Output Characteristics Output Impedance: BOO mom. Conversion Loss (FF to | oe Oy): dB typ., 12 dB man. IF Quadrature Bal.,(I to OQ), 100 kHz IF Phage (LO=fa): Fnem., 23mrax, Phase (LOef +55): +"mnonn., 5rmax. Aripl LOefo: 0.3 dB max. Amp. (LO=f.25%): 0.5 dB max. Weight, nominal: 0.55 02 (15.4 g) Operating Temp: = 55 tor 85C TOR arveS Wachee: Glacial erm coe Be? La eae OTB 03 eee > oA, TYP 662 O08 a 18 PLACES L- Flatpack Outline t ~ 1500+ 020 3B0= 0.51 I a = = a 7502 090 - Tre 400 6354076 2 TP. 10.46 hs RF 200 son *P* 100 sya. . Poh 1.0008 020 402 051 230 WO o5, | ore __ ell 1000 Ba 500 yp 2.46 1 nw i 200 yee) Hf} Lie, 5 TYP = 354 te 200 TYP __ Lo 308 HOTES 1 2 4a 4 Falensce ont 5 plibcw chit 10] 28) ecepl a eded CHa Ace Pe a rele. Lad dienes Soply only ai boty #0) unrrea ried pica. ee ae OETUIm Aiati2 For further inforraion aorta MERRIMAC | 47 Fairfield Pl, West Caldwell, NJ O7006 | 973-575-1300 | FAX 972-575-0531