Rev. 26 Aug 2004 VTI Technologies reserves the right to modify this specification without prior to notice.
E = 100% xVout(@5V)
SCA110 and SCA111 Series
Stand Alone Accelerometer
• Stand alone accelerometer in zinc housing
• Available ranges ±1.2g, ±2g
• Accurate over a wide temperature range -40°C ... +125°C
without any compensation
• Electrical connection through the moulded-in PUR cable
• Standard analogue output
• Acceleration in the direction of the arrow will increase the
output voltage
• Long term stability
• Excellent overload durability
• Zinc hausing (IP66) with overload protection make
the accelerometer durable enough to stand a drop
from 2 meters onto a concrete floor
• Meet typical automotive EMC requirements
• Easy to use
• Acceleration measurement
• Inclination measurement
• Vibration measurement
• Motion measurement
Note 1 SCA110 (5V) Accelerometers are ratiometric; Offset and Sensitivity are proportional to supply
Note 2 Output swing 0.5 - 4.5 V with nominal supply voltage.
Note 3 Measuring direction is perpendicular to the mounting plane (see Note 10). Zero is defined with
no acceleration and the device mounted in the prescribed mounting plane (see Note 10 and
pictures page 2).
Note 4 Sensitivity specified as [Vout (+1g) - Vout(-1g)] / 2 [V/g].
Note 5 Zero point error specified as (Vout (+0g) - Vdd/2) / Vsens [g] (room temp. error included);
Vsens = Nominal sensitivity.
Note 6 Sensitivity error specified as { [Vout(+1g)-Vout(-1g)] / 2 - Vsens} / Vsens x 100% Vsens =
Nominal sensitivity.
Note 7 Relative to the straight line between ±1g.
Note 8 Output has true DC (0Hz) response.
Note 9 The cross-axis sensitivity determines how much acceleration, perpendicular to the measuring
axis, couples to the output. The total cross-axis sensitivity is the geometric sum of the
sensitivities of the two axes, which are perpendicular to the measuring axis.
Note 10 Offset measuring direction in figures (see picture page 2)
Note 11 Supply voltage noise also couples to the output, due to the ratiometric (output proportional to
supply voltage) nature of the accelerometer.
Parameter Comment SCA110-
CC4H1W Units
Sensitivity error (6 @ room temperature ±2 ±2 ±2 %
-20 . . . 85 °C ±3 ±3 ±3
-40 . . . 125 °C ±4 ±4 ±4
Typ. Non-linearity (7 Deviation from ±1g line ± 20 ±20 ±60 mg
Frequency response -3dB point (8 400 ± 150 400 ± 150 115 ± 55 Hz
Output load resistive (min.) 20 20 20 kΩ
capacitive (max.) 20 20 20 nF
Supply voltage effect Offset ±35 ±25 ±50 mg
Cross-axis sensitivity (9 ±4 ±4 ±4 %
Typ. Output noise V(AC)RMS (DC ... 4 kHz) 5 5 5 mV
Ratiometric error(11 Vdd=4.75...5.25V ±2 %
Supply voltage effect Offset ±25 ±50 mg
The ratiometric error is specified as:
Parameter Comments SCA110-
CC4H1W Unit
Supply voltage Ratiometric (1 5 ± 0.25 7 – 27 7 – 27 V
Supply current Typical, without load 2 2 2 mA
Measuring range (2 ±1.2 ±1.2 ±2 g
Measuring direction (3 Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal
Zero point (9 Nominal value 0.5 * Vdd 2.5 2.5 V
Sensitivity (4 Nominal value 0.3 * Vdd 1,5 1 V/g
Offset error (5 @ room temperature ±50 ±50 ±75 mg
-20 . . . 85 °C ±80 ±80 ±130
-40 . . . 125 °C ±120 ±120 ±195