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Industrial Power Supplies
TCL Series 24 to 240 Watt
Input Specifications
Input voltage range 85–264 VAC/85–375 VDC
TCL 240 model: 85–132/187–264 VAC autoselect (no DC input)
Output derating – at operation between 85...93 VAC/85...130 VDC 15% for TCL 060 & TCL 120
20% for TCL 024-112 & TCL 024-124 & TCL 240
30% for TCL 024-105
Input frequency 47–63 Hz
Harmonic limits EN 61000-3-2, Class A
Input current at full load (typ.) (115 VAC / 230 VAC) TCL 024 models: 0.35 A / 0.2 A
TCL 060 models: 1.2 A / 0.6 A
TCL 120 models: 2.0 A / 1.0 A
TCL 240 model: 3.3 A / 1.7 A
Recommended circuit breaker TCL 240 model: 10 A (characteristic C or slow blow fuse)
all other models: 5 A (characteristic C or slow blow fuse)
Output Specifications
Output voltage adjustable range 5.1 VDC model: 5.0 – 5.25 VDC
(potentiometer on frontpanel) 12 VDC models: 12 – 15 VDC (12 - 16 VDC for TCL 024-112)
24 VDC models: 24 – 28 VDC
48 VDC models: 48 – 56 VDC
Output regulation (10 to 90% load variation) 2.5 % (1 % for TCL 60-112)
Ripple and noise (20MHz bandwidth) <50 mV pk-pk
Electronic short circuit protection current limitation at 120 % typ.
(constant current, automatic recovery
TCL 24 models: foldback, automatic recovery)
Parallel operation output current characteristic suitable for
parallel operation of max. 5 units
(not for TCL 240-124)
Overvoltage protection, trigger point 5.1 VDC model: <6.5 VDC
12/24 VDC models: <40 VDC
48 VDC models: <60 VDC
Hold-up time (115 VAC / 230 VAC) min. 15 ms / min. 125 ms
TCL 240 model: min. 15 ms / min. 40 ms
Power OK signal (TCL 60, 120 & 240 models only) trigger output signal
point (reference to – Vout)
12 VDC models: >11V 11.0 V ±1.0 V / 60 mA max.
24 VDC models: >22V 22.0 V ±2.0 V / 30 mA max.
48 VDC models: >44V 44.0 V ±4.0 V / 15 mA max.
General Specifications
Temperature ranges – Operating –10°C to +70°C max.
– Storage (non operating) –25°C to +85°C
Temperature derating – at 187...264 VAC or 265...375 VDC operation 1.7 %/K above +50°C
– at 93...132 VAC or 130...187 VDC operation 1.1 %/K above +40°C
– at 85...130 VDC operation 1.3 %/K above +30°C
Humidity (non condensing) 95 % rel. H max.
Temperature coefficient 0.02 %/K
Switching frequency 55 – 180 kHz depending on load
(frequency modulation)
Efficiency 88 % typ.
Isolation voltage – I/O isolation voltage (60 s) 3000 VAC