Application and Maintenance for instruction Sheet AMP* Fixed Shroud Duplex (FSD*) 408-9469 AM Breakout Kit Assembly 502020-[ | 15SEP94 RevC BREAKQUT DUPLEX STRAIN RELIEF TUBING BREAKOUT BODY HOUSING SIMPLEX INNER CRIMP DUPLEX INNER CRIMP RING RING DUPLEX OUTER GRIMP RING SIMPLEX OUTER CRIMP RING SIMPLEX STRAIN RELIEFS Figure 7 89-159 cad 9808 1. INTRODUCTION This instruction sheet covers the application of AMP Breakout Kit Assembly 502020-[ ] to fiber-optic cable. Refer to AMP Instruction Sheet 408-9373 for connector terminating procedures. Refer to AMP Catalog 82188 for connector part numbers and application requirements. Read this material thoroughly before starting assembly. aI ce = Measurements are in millimeters {followed by inch equivalents in brackets}. Figures and illustrations are not drawn to = scale. Reasons for reissue are provided in Section 4, REVISION SUMMARY. 2. DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows the Breakout Kit Assembly. The kit consists of two housing halves, one duplex strain relief, duplex inner and outer crimp rings, inner eyelet, two simplex strain reliefs, two inner and two outer simplex crimp rings, and 1 m [39.4 in.] of breakout tubing. The kit can be used with DUALAN* fiber-optic cable. 3. ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 3.1. Required Tooling The following AMP tools are required for applying the breakout kit to optical fiber: Cable Stripper 501198-1 (408-9394) PRO-CRIMPER* i Hand Tool Assembly 58519-1 (contains Die Assembly 58510-1) (408-9917) ae Neer eee ee eee eee AMP Incorporated, Hamsburg, PA17105 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER 1-800-722-1111 AMP FAX/PRODUCT INFO 1-800-522-6752 tof5 This AMP controlled decarnent is subject to change. For latest revision call the AMP FAX number. Copyright 19594 by AMP Incorporated. All Rights Reserved "Trademark LOCB AMF FSD Breakout Kit Assembly 502020- | 408-9469 3.2. Preparing Fibers and Crimping Connector 219.10 [8.63] Always wear safety glasses when working with le 209.55 poiablals optical fibers. Be very careful to dispose of fiber (8.25) ends properly. The fibers create slivers thal can 3 easily puncture the skin and cause irftation. NOTE: NOT TO SCALE 1. Cut the cable to length. (Exampie cable: DUALAN 501749). Figure 2 2. Mark the end of the cable for stripping as shown in Figure 2. (Do not strip the cable at this time.) INNER CRIMP RING STRAIN RELIEF 3. Slide the duplex sirain relief over the cable. Slide the inner crimp ring over the cable and onto , the strain relief. See Figure 3. Figure 3 STRENGTH MEMBERS cea odadedad I t 4. Strip the outer jacket to the first mark FIRST MARK 209.55 [8.25] using Cable Stripper 501198-1. Remove jacket in increments of about 51.0 [2.0}. Figure 4 See Figure 4. FIBERS 5. Trim the strength members back to the jacket (see Figure 5). Do not damage the fibers. STRENGTH MEMBERS Figure 5 I} FIRST MARK 6. Strip the outer jacket to the second mark. See Figure 6. Dad SECOND MARK Figure 6 a 20f5 Rev C ANP 7. Slide inner eyelet (flared end out) over the fibers until it bottoms and flares out the strength members. Make sure that strength members are spaced evenly around eyelet. See Figure 7A. 8. Position the end of the strain relief even with the edge of the outer jacket. See Figure 7B. While supporting the strain relief, push the outer crimp ring over the strength members so that they are folded back over the inner crimp ring. See Figure 7C. 9. Crimp the outer crimp ring using PRO-CRIMPER II Hand Tool Assembly 58519-1. See Figure 12. Be careful not to iet the strength members or the inner crimp ring slide out of position. 10. Cut two pieces of the breakout cable tube (501972-1) to a length of 190.5 [7.50]. 11. Mark one end of each tube for stripping as shown in Figure 8. 12. Strip the outer jacket according to the marking. 13. Beginning at the end of the tube with the outer jacket removed, thread a buffered fiber through the tube. Remove the inner tube from the breakout assembly. See Figure 9. 14. Slide the outer crimp ring, the inner crimp ring, and simplex strain relief on to the breakout fiber. irc If the breakout kit contains a blue simplex strain 3 rlief, the blue strain relief should be located on the same fiber channel as the FSD connector side marked AMP." See Figure 13. Reve FSD Breakout Kit Assembly 502020-[ ] INNER EYELET 408-9469 STRENGTH MEMBERS STRAIN RELIEF EVEN WITH EDGE SO OF OUTER JAGKET STRENGTH MEMBERS __ae c OUTER . CRIMP RING Figure 7 ~ poe 375] L j ] J 190.50 _ [7.50] Figure 8 - BUFFERED FIBER J / STRENGTH MEMBERS INNER TUBE Figure 9 89-180 30f5 ANP FSD Breakout Kit Assembly 502020-| ] a _ a 15, Press the inner (knurled) crimp ring over the nose of the simplex strain relief and adjust the strain relief so it is in line with the edge of the breakout tube. See Figure 10. 16. Fold the strength members over the inner crimp ring and slide the outer crimp ring down to trap the strength member strands between both rings. 17. Place the flange of the dup/ex strain relief in its designated slot in one half of the breakout kit housing; slide the simp/ex strain relief and breakout cable along the buffered fiber and place the flange in its designated slot. See Figure 11. 18. In front of the crimp ring, place a mark on the fiber buffer. The mark on the buffer will aid in positioning the strain relief during crimping. 19. Carefully remove all strain reliefs from their housing cavities. 20. Align the strain relief to the buffer mark. Crimp the strain relief using PRO-CRIMPER # Hand Tool Assembly 58519-1. See Figure 12. 21. Repeat steps 13 through 20 for the second simplex strain relief. 4o0f5 408-9469 OUTER SIMPLEX = INNER CRIMP CRIMP RING RING DUPLEX } STRAIN SIMPLEX RELIEF STRAIN RELIEF Figure 10 ae-161 TL BREAKOUT BODY HOUSING \ MARK ON BUFFER hobohobonane DUPLEX STRAIN RELIEF SIMPLEX STRAIN RELIEF Figure 11 9-162 HAND TOOL ASSEMBLY eit 6 TehebeRatane DIE ASSEMBLY 58510-1 FIBERS fh Ufo a C0 PS cad 9373 Figure 12 Rev C ANF FSD Breakout Kit Assembly 502020-[ ] 408-9469 ASSEMBLED BREAKOUT KIT 15.20[.60] t pipladndedod | wEeneE eee 21.59 .850] pa eadeas de. a a \ \ \ pf |__ MINIMUM BEND { {MINIMUM BEND tt RADIUS 19.01.75] i 1 RADIUS 19.0 .75] ty i 121.26{4.77]MIN. 123.85 [4.88] MAX, : : 7 BLUE SIMPLEX STRAIN RELIEF ON SAME += tego Lo CHANNEL AS CONNECTOR SIDE MARKED AMP* MARKING AMP Figure 73 90-393, 89-165 22. With the crimping process complete, place the e Replaced reference to tools in Paragraph 3.2, three strain reliefs in their respective positions in Steps 9 and 20, with PRO-CRIMPER # Hand the breakout kit housing and snap the Tool Assembly 58519-1 two housing halves together. To double check @ Added information to Paragraph 3.2, Step 7 the breakout, measure the length as shown in e Replaced Figure 6 Figure 13. e Changed reference to figure in Paragraph 3.2, 23. Follow the aporopriate instructions for the Step 9, from 7B to 7C connectors used on the ends of the breakout cable Replaced Figure 7A, changed 7B to 7C, and assembly. added Figure 7B @ Replaced tocls in Figure 12 with PRO-CRIMPER 1! Hand Tool Assembly 4, REVISION SUMMARY 58519-14 Revisions to this document include: Per EC 0990-0252-93: Per EC 0500-0342-94: ; e Updated format Replaced Figures 2A and 2B with Added reference to instruction sheets to PRO-CRIMPER II Hand Too! Assembly Paragraph 3.1 98519-1 | . Modified subhead for Paragraph 3.2 e Removed information from Paragraph 3.2, Step 6 Rev 5of5