tipo 18 measured at ping ano 24 Baucus nf ; t DUAL J-K FLIP-FLOP MDTL MC930/830 series MC952F - MC852F, MC953F : MC853F, MC955F - MC855F, P P P MC956F > MC856F, P Each section of the monolithic MC952/MCBS2 and MC953/MC853 dual J-K clocked the: tlaps consists: of twa directly-coupled flip-Haps operating on the mastertieve principle. Operation depends only on voltage levtis, #0 the rise and fall tires of the input clock are unimpartent im determining the state of the Rip tiop laput information is stored in the master flip-tiop when the clock voltage 1 high and is trans ferred 10 the slave when the clock voltage goss tow. The MCB52/MCHS2 has e common clock input which makes this device suitable tor clocked counters and anit cogestes applications. A common direct clear (Cp) and ssparate direct sats (SE) are avarlavle. The direct weguts override all synchronous inputs. The MCOSQIMCES has seperate clock inputs to each flip-flop, which makes the device suitable for ripple counter applications. Seperate direct set inputs which override the synchronous inputs are also provided. The ourputs of the flip-flops are buffered, thereby reducing the possibility of circuit disturbance tron smvornal line noise. Mc952/MC852 MC953/MC853 4 2) . 3 610) ajay (2) 2 os io (2) 10 (2) W 08 (10) (943) (2) 12 (2/3) 09 (10) * 42 tor MCBS2 * 12 for MCB53 Number in parenthesls indicates laading. Each metion of the monolithic MCBSS/MCBSS and MCSSE/MCBEG du Hops consists of two directly-coupled flip-flops Operating on the martar-siave princi Input information is stored n ge matter tiptiop when the clack voltage ia high and is transferred 10 the slave when the clock voltage goes low. The MC9SS/MCBBS has & common clock input which makes this device suitable for clocked counters and nut regerter applications, A common direct clear (Cp) and seperste diract sets {Spl are available. The direct sous override all synchronous inputs. The MCRSE/MCAEG has separste clock inputs to each flip-flop, which makes the device sutable tar apple covater applications, Separate direct set inputs which override the synchronous inputs ate also provided. The outputs of the flip-flops ere buttered, thereby reducing the possibility of circuit disturbance from external tine noise, The output pull-up resistor hes been changed trom that utilized in tha MCOB2/MC852 cna WCOEGMCBES in order to improve the propagation deley versus capacitance characteristics. \ MC955/MC855 MC956/MC856 | (2 4 (2 3a | iwa 3 AS % 6 19") aay (4) Loy Ee iT (2 wa 204 Ee. stony (23 (a 10 (2 p08 [9 aan as) (23) 2 1204 be (ert) 2/9) (a) 130-4 11 for MCBSS # 11 for MC356 Number in parenthesis indicates loading. (49 Total Power Dissipation MC952/MCB52. MC953/MCB53 = 120 mW typ/pkg MCaS5/MCB55, MC996/MCB56 = 440 mW tye/pkg Propagation Delay Time ~ 40 ns typ ASYNCHRONOUS TRUTH TABLE MC952/MC852 and MC955/MC855 ASYNCHRONOUS TRUTH TABLE MC953/MC853 and MC956/MCB56 Asynchronous inputs, direct set (So) and direct clear (Cp), override the synchronous inputs, they are indepen: dent of all other inputs. Valid only when J and K inputs re- main unchanged during period while CP is highMC952F/MC852F, P, MC953F/MCB53F, P (continued) MC955F/MC855F, P, MC9S56F/MCB8S6F, P (continued) i fe, 3 : t i a i CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC (% of circuit shown) 296 (8) 149 Voc Bg6 (9) 7 7 GND GND 410) 80 4 Vee Vee ay 2412} a @ ber GNO ? i (@) Used onty on MC@S2/MCBS2 and MC965/MC855 NOTE: Number in parenthesis Indicates pln number for other : (5) Used only on MC952/MCBEZ end MCSBI/MCBE3 haif of the schematic. Ground end Vcc Pine ere com 5 mon to both sides. () Used only on MCOGB/MCBES and MC956/MCB56 + McB52/MCB52 and MC9B3/MC8S3 6 k (5) Pin 13 used for other side of MC9B3/MCBSS end MC966/MCBS6 MC955/MCB6E and MC9B6/MCBS6 ~ 2 k : PROPAGATION DELAY TIME TEST CLOCK PULSE WAVEFORMS { CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS START TEST : Tt TIME Veo 6.0 Vae oF TES A B PULSE a 4.0V cP, > 2.6V 9 vd L o cr q ( PULSE b 1 CP, > 2.5V Pw + 200 ne 1 Vert t - - - . | : aye : 7 ty h: | . - : - - : 9 - - : - - t Short-Circait Current MCB52/MC852 Tyo 5 4, 45]-2. 4SP-L. 30)-2. 25]-1. 151-2. OOF mAdc f-1. 25}-2. 50,1, 151-2, 30-1. 05-2. Sins, 6 | MCa5$/MCBSS 5 -3. OOf-5. 10-2. 70-4. GO]-2. 40)-4. 10) +2. 601-5. 20}-2. 35-4. 75)-2. 20-444 | 8 PLU EEL 9 Reverse Current All Types Ip 2 - faol - Fao] - [5.0] adc] - $5.0] - | 5.0) - | 10), 3 - 2 : . : : : : - - - 10 - - - - - u - - - - - - j wy - - - - - t All Types 2p wa | - [ao] - feo] - pao - |i | - dao] - | 2 MCOS2/MCB52 2tacp ft ~{-j)2a] - | - |ao | - | aot - | M955 /MCB55 Zncp |! - fm f- [a] - | 4 - [ao | - fae] - | 1 Forward Current av Ls 2 ~ biog] - f-1.07) - |-1.00)maAdcf - $0.95] - |-0.95) - [0.0m : 3 - - - - - - Be LTETEPE TV 1 wz] - - - - - - 2 Tecp 1 - }6.401 - ]-6.40) - ]-6.00F = $5.80} - ]-5.60) - |-5.34 1 - }6.40] - |-6.40] - |-6.00 - 5.60) - |-5.6of - [5.04 tps 4 - f-3.20) - 3.20) - 1-3,00) - 2.80) - |-2.80] - |-2.61] 10 - [3.20] - |-3.20) - |-3. 00) - 2.80] - |-2.80) - |-2.61 2leg 13 - +6.40) - |[-6.40) - }-6. 00) - 5.60] - |-5.60) - $5.34 Power Drain Current MC#52/MC852 lopn | ME Pe ff ee ff fmagef eff pee pe fe 1 4 - - ~ | 32 - - - - - [36 |] - max MC955/MCB55, pH 14 - - 27 - - - - 34 - I 4 - - - | 38 - - - - ~ [45] - max Switching Times MCP52/MC852 teas 16) - - 25 | 100} - - ne - - 2 | 100] - od ue] -4- | wis | - | - - f- dasfss | - 7d - has 18] - | - fas |r] - | - - | - | as | roo] - a waft - | - fasfos | - | - - |- | yas | - MCO5S/MCBSS yas ney - | - || | - 7 - - |= fas] pa 1,6 - - 15] 55 - - - - 15] 55 - Todt M - - 25) 15 - - - - 2 | 75 - 1 - - - - ~ + - pd . 1s | 55 15 | 55 Ping not listed are eft open. .CP, = Clock Pulse a CPp = Clock Pulse b 1 Applied after Clock Pulse. t Momentary Ground. ] See Clock Pulse Waveforms. ' 6% 'en by mc952, MC9SS @ Test Temperature -55C +25C +125C rcs] Micoss | MC952[ MC9SS 14.6 15,2 12.8 13.0 -0, 12 -0.5 sop Wa Yea mcas2 15.4 34.6 | -0.12 Ts ao[s. 001 - TEST CURRENT / VOLTAGE APPLIED TO PINS USTED BELOW: fo | lon Val Ver| Ve | Ya Vee Woes VecutY anf @PsS/CPA8| Grd _, 5 St - 2y-7-7-])- 4 - : TAst ate You 5 st : 34-]-4- ]- ah a br : nu}. f-f-4- - | For 2 st + 12 + - - - - qaat 5 51 a ]2 >|: ~|)-qt 437 You 5 5 zis} 4 - - 7 6 et 2 | 3 - | - 7431 8 6 a4pa3}- f- | - : 1 8 8r wpe f- | - -4|- 7131 8 8 wihis]- p- 4 - -|- 7 1] 12] - - - 7.001 a 9 12,13 10 | - | - | - 1 eo cucu wes? MCESZ Igo 8 - : Yeh debe diy deqe 1 4 a - - - ~ Po ye Ve - - Joye - ce] we ss MCBSS : - - - - . - - : 3 a 8 - - -J-p-d-4- Ta . - - - - f- f-4-: - 79 beverae Current 2 a La wtp eo 3 : : Pyt yids dl]. v7 4 - - - po f-]4agp- vy 26,7 10 - - -J-]- gud - f- i]: 7.8.12 WL - - - he f- fu. |e 47 12 - - - |[- 2] - | - - - iq ae Tapes 2ly 13 - - -|- 1a} - -faq- $. we bo? MCE? 2lhep 1 - - - - ~ [Ute : 25 eae AL wets MCBSS Ztrep |} ee 4 23.608 ll, 2 eward Corre 2a, | 2 - - - |- 2 >t - 7 - fia 1 7 3 - - -|- - : ul - : -|f-fuy- - | 12 - - 7). fad-]- t- a1, 1 - - anop- fa d- p- [- - | Fee | y - : ist - |a -|- i 23 1 4 - - - [4 - 23708 : FS 10 - : - 10 -|- - T1213 a1 13 - : - fe fas] - 23.4.7 FS WAL de Te eee Crain Current | ww? MCHSZ lpn 14 - - - - - 14 - 7 - - 7 : t 4 - - : - - - - 14 -,7, max 10,0112 wees) MCBSS lopy 4 - - - - - - la - 7 1 ity - - - - - . 14 - 1,2,3.4,7. max W112 fe cotang Time Peng Fines Pulse la Pulse Out te esr cas? eas 1,6 i 6 ~~ te. g-)- )aat- p- be d- 7 t ~ fede d- od 1,6 me | PEL yey pd- wor MCBSS yas 1,6 6 - - - - . - . . t 1 6 - - - - - - - on 0s a t 8 -~ |e f-]- -|.- Pir 1,8 8 1 . ~J-ded- : -|- pa Piss wot inated are left open. 47%, - Clork Pulse a Ch + Clock Putue b } See Clock Pulse Waveforms. * Applied atter Clock Pulse. 1 Momentary Ground,DSP56301 Product Documentation PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION The three documents listed in the following table are required for a complete description of the DSP56301 and are necessary to design properly with the part. Documentation is available from one of the following locations (see back cover for detailed information): A local Motorola distributor A Motorola semiconductor sales office A Motorola Literature Distribution Center The World Wide Web (WWW) See the Additional Support section of the DSP56300 Family Manual for detailed information on the multiple support options available to you. Table 1 DSP56301 Documentation Name Description Order Number DSP56300 Detailed description of the DSP56300 family processor DSP56300FM/ AD Family Manual | core and instruction set DSP56301 Detailed functional description of the DSP56301 memory | DSP56301UM/AD User's Manual configuration, operation, and register programming DSP56301 DSP56301 features list and physical, electrical, timing, DSP56301/D Technical Data and package specifications ose Preliminary Data vi DSP56301 Technical Data sheet, Rev. 1 MOTOROLA Me 6967248 0157042 Ocd