Freescale Semiconductor
Data Sheet: Documen t Nu mber: MSC8144E
Rev. 13, 11/2009
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007, 2009. All rights reserved.
29 mm ×29 mm
• Four StarCore® SC 3400 DSP subsystems , each with an SC3400
DSP core, 16 Kbyte L1 instruction cache, 32 Kbyte L1 data cache,
memory management unit (MMU), extended prog r a mmable
interrupt controller (EPIC), two general-purpose 32-bit timers,
debug an d pro filin g sup po rt, an d low-p ower Wait and Sto p
processing modes.
• Chip-level arbitration and system (CLASS) that provides full
fabric non-blocking arbitration between the processing el ements
and other initia tors and the M2 memory, DDR SRAM controlle r,
device configuration control and status registers, and ot her
• 128 Kbyte L2 shared instruction cache.
• 512 Kbyte M2 memory for critical data and temporary data
• 10 Mbyte 128-bit wide M3 memory.
• 96 Kbyte boot ROM.
• Three input cloc ks (shared, global, and differentia l).
• Four PLLs (system, core, global, and serial RapidIO).
• Security Engine (SEC0 optimized to process all the algorithms
associated with IPSec, IKE, WTLS/WAP, SSL/TLS , an d 3GPP
using 4 crypto-channels with multi-command chains, integrated
controller for assignment of the six execution units (PKEU, DEU,
AESU, AFEU, MDEU, and KEU0) and the random number
generator (RNG), and XOR engine to accelerate parity checking
for RAID storage appl ications.
• DDR controller with up to a 200 MHz clock (400 MHz data rate),
16/32 bit data bus, support ing up t o 1 Gbyte in up to two ba nks
and support for DDR1 and DDR2.
• DMA controller with 16 bidirectional channels with up to 1024
buffer descri ptors, and progra mmable prior ity, buffer, and
multip lexin g co nf igu r atio n.
• Up to e ight inde pendent TDM modules with progra mmable word
size (2, 4, 8, or 16-bi t), hardware-base A-law/μ-law conver s i on ,
up to 128 M bps data ra te for all c hann els, with glu e less inte rfac e
to E1 or T1 framers, and can in t erface wi th H-MVIP/H.110
devices, T SI, and codecs such as AC-97.
• QUICC Engine™ technolo gy subsystem with dual RISC
processors, 48 Kbyte multi-master RAM, 48 Kbyte instruct ion
RAM, supporting three communication controllers with one ATM
and tw o Gigabit E thernet interfaces, to offload scheduling task s
from the DSP cores.
– The two Ethernet controllers support 10/100/1000 Mbps
operations via MII/RMII/S MII/RGMII/SGMII and the SGMII
protocol using a 4-pin SerDes interface at 1000 Mbps data rate
– The ATM controller supports UTOPIA level II 8/16 bits a t
25/50 MHz in UTOPIA/POS mode with adaptation layer
support AAL0, AAL2, and AAL5.
• PCI designed to comply with the PCI specifica tion revision 2.2 at
33 MHz or 66 M Hz with access to all PCI address spaces.
• Serial RapidIO® 1x/4x endpoint corresponds to Specification 1.2
of the RapidIO trade association, and supports read, write,
messa ges, doorbe lls, and mai ntenance a ccesses in inbound mod e,
and messages and doorbells in outbound mode.
• I/O interrupt concentrator consolidates all chip maskable interrupt
and non-maskable interrupt sources and routes them to
INT_OUT, NMI_OUT, and the cores.
• UART that permits full-duplex operation with a bit rate of up to
6.25 Mbps.
• Serial peripheral interface (SPI).
• Four ti mer modules, each with four configurable16-bit timers.
• Four software watchdog timer (SWT) modules.
• Up to 32 general-purpose input/output (GPIO) ports, 16 of which
can be configur ed as maska b le int err up t inputs.
2C interface that allows booting from EEPROM devices.
• Eigh t programmable hard war e semaphores.
• Thirty two virtual maskable interru pts and one vi r tual NMI that
can be generated b y a simple write access.
• Optional booting via serial Rapid IO port, PCI, I2C, SPI, or
Ethernet i nterfaces.
Note: This document supports mask set M31H.
Quad Core Digital Signal