period will be 648 ns. Similar calculations hold
for the E1 rate.
The c lock recovery circuit is designed to acc ept at
leas t 0.4 UI of jitter at the receive r. Sin ce the dat a
stream contains information only when ones are
transmi tted, a clo ck/dat a recove ry ci rcuit mus t as-
sume a zero when no signal is measured durin g a
bit period. Likewise, when zeros are received, no
information is present to update the clock recov-
ery circuit reg arding the trend of a signal which is
jittered. The result is that two ones that are sepa-
rated by a string of zeros can exhibit maximum
deviation in pulse arrival time. For example, one
half of a period of jitter at 100 kHz occurs in 5
µs, whi ch is 7. 7 T1 bi t p eriod s. If the j itt er ampl i-
tude is 0.4 UI, then a one preceded by seven zeros
can have maximum displacement in arrival time,
i.e. either 0.4 UI too early or 0.4 UI too late. For
the CS61 535 A, th e d ata rec ove ry circu it correctl y
assigns a received bi t to its proper clock period if
it is displaced by less than 6/13 of a bit period
from its optimal location. Theoretically, this
would give a jitter tolerance of 0.46 UI. The ac-
tual jitter tolerance of the CS61535A is only
slightly less than the ideal.
In the event of a maximum jitter hit, the RCLK
clock period immediately adjusts to align itself
with the incoming data and prepare to accurately
place the next one, whether it arrives one period
later, or after another string of zeros and is dis-
placed by jitter. For a maximum early jitter hit,
RCLK will have a period of 7/1 3 * 648 ns = 34 9
ns (2,865,961 Hz). For a maximum late jitter hit,
RCLK will have a period of 19/13 * 6 48 ns = 947
ns (1,055,880 Hz).
Loss of Signal
Receiver loss of signal is indicated upon receiv-
ing 175 consecutive zeros. A digital counter
counts received zeros based on RCLK cycles. A
zero in put is determine d eithe r when ze ros are re-
ceived, or when the received signal amplitude
drops below a 0.3 V peak threshol d.
The receiver reports loss of signal by setting the
Loss of Signal pin, LOS, high. If the serial inter-
face is used, the LOS bit will be set and an
interrupt issued on INT. LOS will go low (and
flag the INT pin again if serial I/O is used) when
a valid signal is detected. Note that in the Host
Mode, LOS is simultaneously availabl e f r om both
the register and pin 12.
In a loss of signal state, the RCLK frequency will
be eq ual to the ACLKI freq uen cy sinc e ACLK I is
bein g used to calibrate th e clock reco very circuit.
Received data is output on RPOS and RNEG (or
RDATA) regardless of LOS status. The LOS re-
turns to logic zero when the ones density reaches
12.5% (based up on 175 bit periods staring wit h a
one and containing less than 100 consecutive ze-
ros) as prescribed in ANSI T1.231-1993. A
power-up or manual reset will also set LOS high.
Local Loopback
The local loopback mode takes clock and data
presented on TCLK, TPOS, and TNEG (or
TDATA) and outputs it at RCLK, RPOS and
RNEG (or RDATA). Local loopback is selected
by taking pin 27 hi gh, o r LLOOP may be selected
using the serial interface. The data on the trans-
mitter inputs is transmitted on the line unless
TAOS is selected to cause the transmission of an
all ones signal instead. Receiver inputs are ig-
nored when local loopback is in effect. The jitter
attenuator is not included in the local loopback
data path. Selection of local loopback overrides
the chip’s loss of signal response.
Remote Loopback
In remote loopba ck, the recove red clock and da ta
input on RTIP and RRING are sent through the
jitt er attenuato r and back ou t on the lin e via TTIP
and TRING. The recovered incoming signals are
also sent to RCLK, RPOS and RNEG (or
16 DS40F2