For more information contact Cutler-Hammer at: www.ch.cutler-hammer.com/catalog CAT.200.01.T.E
January 2001
Product Line Overview
Vol. 1, Ref. No. [0468]
Product Line Description
Cutler-Hammer Molded Case Circuit
Breakers are designed to provide circuit
protection for low voltage distribution
systems. They are described by NEMA
as, “. . . a device for closing and inter-
rupting a circuit between separable
contacts under both normal and
abnormal conditions,” and furthermore
as, “. . . a breaker assembled as an
integral unit in a supporting and
enclosing housing of insulating
material.” The NEC describes them as,
“A device designed to open and close
a circuit by non-automatic means, and
to open the circuit automatically on a
predetermined overload of current,
without injury to itself when properly
applied within its rating.”
So designed, Cutler-Hammer circuit
breakers protect conductors against
overloads and conductors and con-
nected apparatus, such as motors and
motor starters, against short circuits.
In low voltage distribution systems,
there are many varied applications
of molded case circuit breakers.
Cutler-Hammer offers the most
comprehensive family of molded
case circuit breakers in the industry.
This family of circuit breakers includes:
■Thermal Magnetic Trip Breakers
■Electronic rms Trip Breakers
■Molded Case Switches
■Motor Circuit Protectors
■Current Limiting Breakers
■Special Application Breakers
■World Breakers
Special Calibration
Special non-UL-listed calibrations
are available for certain ambient
temperatures other than 40°C and for
frequencies other than 50/60 Hz or DC.
Reduced interrupting ratings will apply
for 400 Hz applications. Maximum
thermal calibration is limited to 135A
at 400 Hz.
50°C Calibration
Add suffix V to Catalog Number for
complete breaker, listed above, when
ordering listed ampere ratings for
breakers to be used in 50°C ambients.
Moisture-Fungus Treatment
All circuit breaker cases are molded
from glass-polyester which does not
support the growth of fungus. Any
parts which are susceptible to the
growth of fungus will require special
Freeze-Tested Circuit Breakers
The circuit breakers may be ordered
with freeze testing. This option uses
special lubrication and mechanical
operation is verified at -40°C.
Marine Applications
F-Frame circuit breakers can be sup-
plied to meet the following marine
■U.S. Coast Guard CFR 46 ABS —
American Bureau of Shipping
These specifications generally require
molded case circuit breakers to be
supplied with 50°C ambient calibration,
special nameplating, and plug-in
adapter kits. When plug-in adapter kits
are used, no terminals need be supplied.
Circuit breakers can also be supplied
to meet UL489 Supplement SA
(Marine Use) and UL489 Supplement
SB (Naval Use).
UL489 Supplement SA applies to vessels
over 65 feet in length. Requirements
include 40°C ambient calibration, spe-
cial labeling, and no use of aluminum
conductors or terminals.
UL 489 Supplement SB requires 50°C
ambient calibration, vibration testings,
special nameplating and no use of
aluminum conductors or terminals.
Standards and Certifications
Molded case circuit breakers are
designed to conform with the follow-
ing standards:
■Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.,
Standard UL489, Molded Case
Circuit Breakers and Circuit Breaker
■National Electrical Manufacturers
Association Standards Publication
No. AB1-1993, Molded Case Circuit
■Australian Standard AS 2184,
Molded Case Circuit Breakers
■British Standards Institution Standard
BS 4752: Part 1, Switchgear and
Control Gear Part 1: Circuit Breakers
■Canadian Standards Association
Standard C22.2 No. 5, Service
Entrance and Branch Circuit Breakers
■International Electrotechnical
Commission Recommendations
IEC 157-1, Circuit Breakers
■Japanese T-Mark Standard Molded
Case Circuit Breakers
■South African Bureau of Standards,
Standard SABS 156, Standard
Specification for Molded Case Circuit
■Swiss Electro-Technical Association
Standard SEV 157-1, Safety Regula-
tions for Circuit Breakers
■Union Technique de l’Electricite
Standard NF C 63-120, Low Voltage
Switchgear and Control Gear Circuit
Breaker Requirements
■Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker
(Association of German Electrical
Engineers) Standard VDE 0660, Low
Voltage Switchgear and Control
Gear, Circuit Breakers
Conformance with these standards
satisfies most local and international
codes, assuming user acceptability
and simplified application.
Molded case circuit breakers equal or
exceed Federal Specification Classifi-
cation W-C-375b requirements for the
particular class associated with the cir-
cuit breaker frame being considered.
Note: For further information, see Circuit
Breaker, CD-ROM SA.74A.01.T.E.
Suffix H01 400 Hz 20% Adder
Suffix J01 Fungus Treated $325. + 20% Adder
Suffix F01 Freeze Tested 20% Adder
Suffix H08 “Marine” 10% Adder
Suffix H09 “Naval” 10% Adder