ATA-2001 – Analog LVDT/RVDT Signal Conditioner with digital calibration
ATA-2001 Rev. 5 www.meas-spec.com 2015-July
• 115 or 220 VAC line powered
• Microprocessor controlled calibration
• Superior digital filtering
• Selectable ex cit atio n frequencies & amplitudes
• Voltage and current outputs
• 250 to 1000Hz selectable frequency response
• Auto fall-back s ynchronization
• Splash-proof front panel with status LEDs
• 1/8 DIN standard panel mounting
T he AT A-2001 is a genera l purpose, AC line-powered, LVDT/RVDT analog signal conditioner with digital set up
and cali bration. The embedded micr oproces sor generates a PWM-s haped sine wave and handles all c alibr ation
functions. It also controls the demodulation, filtration and synchronization of the LVDT or RVDT transducer
signal. All settings are stored in non-volatile memory for restoration on power up. Zero, Gain and Phase
adjustments are accomplished via the use of splash-proof front panel pushbuttons and digital voltage dividers.
Intended for the m ost demanding industri al applicati ons, the AT A-2001 is CE c ertified, and has been rigorously
tested to the highest industrial standards for EMI, RFI and ESD.
Designed f or universal c ompatibilit y with 4, 5 and 6 e lectrical con nection transducers, the ATA-20 01 provides a
wide range of oscillator frequencies, gains and two excitation voltages, affording maximum interface versatility.
The very high drive current of 45mA allows operation with transducer input impedances as low as 12 Ohms
(with 0.5 VRMS excitation). With high gain capability and low noise, the ATA-2001 provides measurement
resolutions beyond most products c urr ent l y availa ble.
The unique auto fall-back synchronization feature allows reliable master/slave operation, for prevention of
amplif ier cros s talk , without the wor ry of s ync signa l los s. If the internal proces sor in a s lave am plif ier detec ts an
unstable or missing sync signal, the internal clock will take over, continuing at the pre-selected nominal
frequency. Upon restoration of a normal sync pulse, the oscillator will return to the slave mode.
The ATA-2001 is contained within a rugged, one-piece, extruded aluminum housing which provides optimal
amplifier performance under the most rigorous EMI and RFI conditions. An integral panel mounting system
provides f or con venien t 1/8 DIN stan dard, panel insta llation. A pre-p unched 19” rack adapter is also available to
accommodate up to eight amplifiers per adapter installation.
Also see our other signal conditioner models, LDM-1000 (DIN rail mount, VDC and 4-20mA output), LVM-110
(VDC input/output), LiM-420 (4-20m A trans mitter), PML-1000 (1/ 8th DIN pa nel meter , VDC, curr ent and RS 485
outputs), and our IEM-422 (NEMA-13 rated 4-20mA transmitter).
Measurement Specialties, Inc. (NASDAQ MEAS) offers many other types of sensors and signal conditioners.
Data sheets can be downloaded from our web site at: http://www.meas-spec.com/datasheets.aspx
MEAS acquired Schaevitz Sensors and the SchaevitzTM trademark in 2000.
• Microprocessor controlled & non-volatile memory
• Power-gen turbine control
• Phase shift compensation
• Auto fall-back synchronization
• Rugged extruded aluminum housing
• Head box slice lip posit io n c ontrol
• Roller gap position feedback
• Precision metrology labs