APTM20AM04FG Phase leg MOSFET Power Module VDSS = 200V RDSon = 4m typ @ Tj = 25C ID = 372A @ Tc = 25C Application VBUS * * * * Q1 G1 Welding converters Switched Mode Power Supplies Uninterruptible Power Supplies Motor control OUT Features S1 Q2 * G2 S2 0/VBUS * * VBUS 0/VBUS * OUT S1 Benefits * * * * * G2 Outstanding performance at high frequency operation Direct mounting to heatsink (isolated package) Low junction to case thermal resistance Low profile RoHS Compliant Absolute maximum ratings Symbol VDSS ID IDM VGS RDSon PD IAR EAR EAS Parameter Drain - Source Breakdown Voltage Tc = 25C Tc = 80C Continuous Drain Current Pulsed Drain current Gate - Source Voltage Drain - Source ON Resistance Maximum Power Dissipation Avalanche current (repetitive and non repetitive) Repetitive Avalanche Energy Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Tc = 25C Max ratings 200 372 278 1488 30 5 1250 100 50 3000 Unit V A V m W A July, 2006 S2 mJ These Devices are sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handing Procedures Should Be Followed. See application note APT0502 on www.microsemi.com www.microsemi.com 1-6 APTM20AM04FG- Rev 2 G1 Power MOS 7(R) FREDFETs - Low RDSon - Low input and Miller capacitance - Low gate charge - Fast intrinsic reverse diode - Avalanche energy rated - Very rugged Kelvin source for easy drive Very low stray inductance - Symmetrical design - M5 power connectors High level of integration APTM20AM04FG All ratings @ Tj = 25C unless otherwise specified Electrical Characteristics RDS(on) VGS(th) IGSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Drain - Source on Resistance Gate Threshold Voltage Gate - Source Leakage Current Dynamic Characteristics Symbol Ciss Coss Crss Qg Characteristic Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance Total gate Charge Qgs Gate - Source Charge Qgd Gate - Drain Charge Td(on) Turn-on Delay Time Tr Td(off) Rise Time Turn-off Delay Time Tf Fall Time Eon Turn-on Switching Energy Eoff Turn-off Switching Energy Eon Turn-on Switching Energy Eoff Turn-off Switching Energy Test Conditions Min VGS = 0V,VDS = 200V Tj = 25C VGS = 0V,VDS = 160V T j = 125C VGS = 10V, ID = 186A VGS = VDS, ID = 10mA VGS = 30 V, VDS = 0V Test Conditions VGS = 0V VDS = 25V f = 1MHz VSD dv/dt Characteristic Continuous Source current (Body diode) Diode Forward Voltage Peak Diode Recovery X trr Reverse Recovery Time Qrr Reverse Recovery Charge 4 3 Min VGS = 10V VBus = 100V ID = 372A Typ 28.9 9.32 0.58 560 Unit Max Unit A m V nA nF nC 268 32 Inductive switching @ 125C VGS = 15V VBus = 133V ID = 372A R G = 1.2 64 116 3396 J 3716 Inductive switching @ 125C VGS = 15V, VBus = 133V ID = 372A, R G = 1.2 Test Conditions ns 88 Inductive switching @ 25C VGS = 15V, VBus = 133V ID = 372A, R G = 1.2 3744 J 3944 Min Typ Tj = 25C Max 372 278 1.3 5 230 Tj = 125C 450 Tc = 25C Tc = 80C VGS = 0V, IS = - 372A IS = -372A VR = 133V diS/dt = 400A/s IS = -372A VR = 133V diS/dt = 400A/s Max 500 2000 5 5 200 212 Source - Drain diode ratings and characteristics Symbol IS Typ Tj = 25C 3.6 Tj = 125C 13.6 Unit A V V/ns ns C July, 2006 IDSS Characteristic X dv/dt numbers reflect the limitations of the circuit rather than the device itself. IS - 372A di/dt 700A/s VR VDSS Tj 150C www.microsemi.com 2-6 APTM20AM04FG- Rev 2 Symbol APTM20AM04FG Thermal and package characteristics Symbol RthJC VISOL TJ TSTG TC Characteristic Junction to Case Thermal Resistance Min RMS Isolation Voltage, any terminal to case t =1 min, Isol<1mA, 50/60Hz Torque Mounting torque 2500 -40 -40 -40 3 2 Wt Package Weight Operating junction temperature range Storage Temperature Range Operating Case Temperature To heatsink For terminals M6 M5 Typ Max 0.1 150 125 100 5 3.5 280 Unit C/W V C N.m g See application note APT0601 - Mounting Instructions for SP6 Power Modules on www.microsemi.com www.microsemi.com 3-6 APTM20AM04FG- Rev 2 July, 2006 SP6 Package outline (dimensions in mm) APTM20AM04FG Typical Performance Curve Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction to Case vs Pulse Duration Thermal Impedance (C/W) 0.12 0.1 0.9 0.08 0.7 0.06 0.5 0.04 0.3 0.02 0.1 Single Pulse 0.05 0 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 rectangular Pulse Duration (Seconds) Low Voltage Output Characteristics Transfert Characteristics 1200 VGS=15V 2500 10V 2000 9V 1500 8.5V 8V 1000 7.5V 7V 500 ID, Drain Current (A) VDS > ID(on)xRDS (on)MAX 250s pulse test @ < 0.5 duty cycle 1000 800 600 400 TJ=25C 200 TJ=125C 6.5V 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 VDS , Drain to Source Voltage (V) 1.2 Normalized to V GS=10V @ 186A 1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VGS, Gate to Source Voltage (V) DC Drain Current vs Case Temperature 400 RDS(on) vs Drain Current ID, DC Drain Current (A) VGS=10V 1 VGS=20V 0.9 0.8 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 ID, Drain Current (A) 25 50 75 100 125 150 TC, Case Temperature (C) www.microsemi.com July, 2006 RDS(on) Drain to Source ON Resistance TJ=-55C 0 4-6 APTM20AM04FG- Rev 2 ID, Drain Current (A) 3000 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TJ, Junction Temperature (C) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 VGS=10V ID= 186A 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -50 -25 25 50 75 100 125 150 Maximum Safe Operating Area 0.6 1000 limited by RDSon 100s 100 1ms Single pulse TJ=150C TC=25C 10 10ms 100ms 1 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 1 Capacitance vs Drain to Source Voltage 100000 Ciss Coss 10000 1000 Crss 100 10 20 30 40 50 VDS, Drain to Source Voltage (V) 10 100 1000 VDS, Drain to Source Voltage (V) Gate Charge vs Gate to Source Voltage 14 I D=372A V DS=40V 12 TJ =25C VDS=100V 10 8 VDS=160V 6 4 2 0 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 Gate Charge (nC) July, 2006 0 VGS, Gate to Source Voltage (V) TC, Case Temperature (C) C, Capacitance (pF) 0 TJ, Junction Temperature (C) 10000 ID, Drain Current (A) VGS(TH), Threshold Voltage (Normalized) Threshold Voltage vs Temperature 1.2 ON resistance vs Temperature 2.5 www.microsemi.com 5-6 APTM20AM04FG- Rev 2 BVDSS, Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage (Normalized) Breakdown Voltage vs Temperature 1.15 RDS(on), Drain to Source ON resistance (Normalized) APTM20AM04FG APTM20AM04FG Delay Times vs Current Rise and Fall times vs Current 160 120 VDS=133V RG=1.2 T J=125C L=100H 60 40 t r and tf (ns) t d(on) and td(off) (ns) t d(off) 80 t d(on) 120 100 80 tr 60 20 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 I D, Drain Current (A) 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 ID, Drain Current (A) 600 Switching Energy vs Gate Resistance Switching Energy vs Current 12 8 VDS=133V RG=1.2 TJ=125C L=100H 6 Eoff Switching Energy (mJ) Eon and Eoff (mJ) tf 40 20 Eon 4 2 Eoff 0 V DS=133V ID=372A T J=125C L=100H 10 8 Eoff 6 Eon 4 2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 I D, Drain Current (A) Operating Frequency vs Drain Current 250 200 ZVS 150 ZCS 100 Hard switching 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 5 7.5 10 12.5 300 Source to Drain Diode Forward Voltage IDR, Reverse Drain Current (A) VDS=133V D=50% RG=1.2 T J=125C T C=75C 300 2.5 Gate Resistance (Ohms) 350 Frequency (kHz) V DS=133V R G=1.2 T J=125C L=100H 140 100 350 I D, Drain Current (A) 1000 100 TJ=150C TJ =25C 10 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Microsemi reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications and information contained herein Microsemi's products are covered by one or more of U.S patents 4,895,810 5,045,903 5,089,434 5,182,234 5,019,522 5,262,336 6,503,786 5,256,583 4,748,103 5,283,202 5,231,474 5,434,095 5,528,058 and foreign patents. U.S and Foreign patents pending. All Rights Reserved. www.microsemi.com 6-6 APTM20AM04FG- Rev 2 July, 2006 VSD, Source to Drain Voltage (V)