IsoLoop® is a registered trademark of NVE Corporation.
*U.S. Patent number 5,831,426; 6,300,617 and others.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 ©NVE Corporation
Isolated High-Speed CAN Transceiver
Functional Diagram
VDD2 (V) TxD
4.75 to 5.25 Low
High Low Dominant Low
4.75 to 5.25 X High VDD2/2 VDD2/2 Recessive High
4.75 to 5.25 X VDD2/2 VDD2/2 Recessive High
<2V (no pwr) X X 0<V<2.5 0<V<2.5 Recessive High
2>VDD2<4.75 >2V X 0<V<2.5 0<V<2.5 Recessive High
Table 1. Function table.
1. TxD input is edge triggered: = Logic Lo to Hi, = Hi to Lo
2. Valid for logic state as described or open circuit
X = don’t care
Single-chip isolated CAN/DeviceNet transceiver
Fully compliant with the ISO 11898 CAN standard
Best-in-class loop delay (180 ns typ.)
3.0 V to 5.5 V input power supplies
>110-node fan-out
High speed (up to 1 Mbps)
2,500 VRMS isolation (1 minute)
Very low Electromagnetic Emission (EME)
Differential signaling for excellent Electromagnetic Immunity (EMI)
30 kV/µs transient immunity
Silent mode to disable transmitter
Unpowered nodes do not disturb the bus
Transmit data (TxD) domin a n t time -out function
Edge triggered, non-volatile input improves noise performance
Bus pin transient protection for automotive environment
Thermal shutdown protection
Short-circuit protection for ground and bus power
55°C to +125°C operating temperature
0.15" and 0.3" and 16-pin JEDEC-standard SOIC packages
UL1577 and IEC 61010-2001 approved
Noise-critical CAN
Partially-powered CAN
Factory automation
The IL41050 is a galvanically isolated, high-speed CAN (Controller
Area Network) transceiver, designed as the interface between the
CAN protocol controller and the physical bus. The IL41050 provides
isolated differential transmit capability to the bus and isolated
differential receive capability to the CAN controller via NVE’s
patented* IsoLoop spintronic Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR)
Advanced features facilitate reliable bus operation. Unpowered nodes
do not disturb the bus, and a unique non-volatile programmable
power-up feature prevents unstable nodes. The devices also have a
hardware-selectable silent mode that disables the transmitter.
Designed for harsh CAN and DeviceNet environments, IL41050 T
transceivers have transmit data dominant time-out, bus pin transient
protection, thermal shutdown protection, and short-circuit protection,
Unique edge-triggered inputs improve noise performance. Unlike
optocouplers or other isolation technologies, IsoLoop isolators have
indefinite life at high voltage.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 ©NVE Corporation
Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) (2)
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Storage temperature TS 55 150 °C
Ambient operating temperature TA 55 135 °C
DC voltage at CANH and CANL pins VCANH VCANL 27 40 V 0 V< VDD2 < 5.25 V;
indefinite duration
Supply voltage V
DD1 , VDD2 0.5 6 V
Digital input voltage VTxD , VS 0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
Digital output voltage VRxD 0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
DC voltage at VREF V
REF 0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
Transient Voltage at CANH or CANL Vtrt
200 200 V
Electrostatic discharge at all pins Vesd 4,000 4,000 V Human body model
Electrostatic discharge at all pins Vesd 200 200 V Machine model
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Supply voltage VDD1
VDD2 3.0
4.75 5.5
5.25 V
Input voltage at any bus terminal
(separately or com mon mode) VCANH
VCANL 12 12 V
High-level digital input voltage (3) (4) V
IH 2.0
2.0 VDD1
VDD2 V VDD1 = 3.3 V
VDD1 = 5.0 V
VDD2 = 5.0 V
Low-level digital input voltage (3) (4) V
IL 0 0.8 V
Digital output current (RxD) IOH 8 8 mA VDD1 = 3.3V to 5V
Ambient operating temperature TA 55 125 °C
Digital input signal rise and fall times tIR, tIF 1 μs
Insulation Specifications
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Creepage distance (external) 8.08 mm
Barrier impedance > 1014 || 7 || pF
Leakage current 0.2 μARMS 240 VRMS, 60 Hz
Safety and Approvals
TUV Certificate Numbers: N1502812 (pending)
Classification: Reinforc e d Insulation
Model Package Pollution Degree Material Group Max. Working Voltage
IL41050 SOIC (0.15" and 0.3") II III 300 VRMS
UL 1577
Component Recognition Program File Number: E207481
Rated 2,500VRMS for 1 minute
Soldering Profile
Moisture Sensitivity Level: MSL=2
1. Absolute Maximum specifications mean the device will not be damaged if operated under these conditions. It does not guara ntee performance.
2. All voltages are with respect to network ground except differential I/O bus voltages.
3. The TxD input is edge sensitive. Voltage magnitude of the input signal is specified, but edge rate specifications must also be met.
4. The maximum time allowed for a logic transition at the TxD input is 1 μs.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 ©NVE Corporation
IL41050-3 Pin Connections (0.15" SOIC Package)
1 VDD1 VDD1 power supply input
2 GND1 VDD1 power supply ground return
3 T D Transmit Data input
4 RxD Receive Data output
5 NC No internal connection
6 NC No internal connection
7 NC No internal connection
8 NC No internal connection
9 IsoRxD Isolated RxD output.
No connection should be made to this pin.
10 CANL Low level CANbus line
11 VDD2 VDD2 CAN I/O bus circuitry power supply input*
12 CANH High level CANbus line
13 S
Mode select input. Leave open or set low for
normal operation; set high for silent mode.
14 IsoTxD Isolated TxD output.
No connection should be made to this pin.
15 GND2 VDD2 power supply ground return
16 VDD2 VDD2 isolation power supply input*
TxD IsoTxD
IL41050 Pin Connections (0.3" SOIC Package)
1 VDD1 VDD1 power supply input
2 GND1 VDD1 power supply ground return
(pin 2 is internally connected to pin 8)
3 TxD Transmit Data input
4 NC No internal connection
5 RxD Receive Data output
6 NC No internal connection
7 NC No internal connection
8 GND1 VDD1 power supply ground return
(pin 8 is internally connected to pin 2)
9 GND2 VDD2 power supply ground return
(pin 9 is internally connected to pin 15)
10 VREF Reference voltage output
(nominally 50% of VDD2)
11 VDD2 VDD2 CAN I/O bus circuitry power supply input*
12 CANL Low level CANbus line
13 CANH High level CANbus line
14 S
Mode select input. Leave open or set low for
normal operation; set high for silent mode.
15 GND2 VDD2 power supply ground return
(pin 15 is internally connected to pin 9)
16 VDD2 VDD2 isolation power supply input*
*NOTE: Pin 11 is not internally connected to pin 16; both should be connected to the VDD2 power supply for normal operation.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 ©NVE Corporation
Electrical Specifications are Tmin to Tmax and VDD1, VDD2= 4.75 V to 5.25 V unless otherwise stated.
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Power Supply Current
Quiescent supply current (recessive) IQVDD1 1
0.7 1.75
1.4 3.0
2.0 mA dr = 0 bps; VDD1 = 5 V
dr = 0 bps; VDD1= 3.3 V
Dynamic supply current (dominant) IVDD1 1.2
2.2 mA
dr = 1 Mbps, RL= 60
VDD1 = 5 V
dr = 1 Mbps, RL= 60Ω;
VDD1 = 3.3 V
Quiescent supply current (recessive)
Dynamic supply current (dominant) IQVDD2
IVDD2 3.5
26 6.75
52 13
78 mA 0 bps
1 Mbps, RL = 60Ω
Transmitter Data input (TxD)(1)
High level input voltage V
IH 2.4 5.25 V VDD1 = 5 V; recessive
High level input voltage V
IH 2.0 3.6 V VDD1 = 3.3 V; recessive
Low level input voltage V
IL 0.3 0.8 V Output dominant
TxD input rise and fall time(2) tr 1 μs 10% to 90%
High level input current IIH 10 10 μA VTxD = VDD1
Low level input current IIL 10 10 μA VTxD = 0 V
Mode select input (S)
High level input voltage VIH 2.0 VDD2 + 0.3 V Silent mode
Low level input voltage VIL 0.3 0.8 V High-speed mode
High level input current IIH 20 30 45 μA VS = 2 V
Low level input current IIL 15 30 10 μA VS = 0 V
Receiver Data output (RxD)
High level output current IOH 2 8.5 20 mA VRxD = 0.8 VDD1
Low level output current IOL 2 8.5 20 mA VRxD = 0.45 V
Failsafe supply voltage
VDD2 3.6 3.9 V
Reference Voltage output (VREF)
Reference Voltage output VREF 0.45 VDD2 0.5 VDD2 0.55 VDD2 V 50 μA<IVREF< +50 μA
Bus lines (CANH and CANL)
Recessive voltage at CANH pin VO
CANH 2.0 2.5 3.0 V VTxD = VDD1, no load
Recessive volta ge at CANL pin VO
CANL 2.0 2.5 3.0 V VTxD = VDD1, no load
Recessive current at CANH pin IO(reces) CANH 2.0 +2.5 mA
27 V < VCANH< +32V;
0V < VDD2<5.25V
Recessive current at CANL pin IO(reces) CANL 2.0 +2.5 mA
27 V < VCANL < +32V;
0 V <VDD2 < 5.25 V
Dominant voltage at CANH pin VO
CANH 3.0 3.6 4.25 V VTxD = 0 V
Dominant voltage at CANL pin VO
CANL 0.5 1.4 1.75 V VTxD = 0 V
Differential bus input voltage
(VCANH VCANL) Vi(dif)(bus) 1.5 2.25 3.0 V
VTxD = 0 V; dominant
42.5 Ω < RL < 60 Ω
50 0 +50 mV
VTxD = VDD1;
recessive; no load
Short-circuit output current at CANH IO
CANH 45 70 95 mA VCANH = 0 V, VTxD = 0
Short-circuit output current at CANL IO
CANL 45 70 100 mA VCANL = 36 V, VTxD = 0
Differential receiver threshold voltage Vi(dif)(th) 0.5 0.7 0.9 V
12 V <VCANL< +12V;
12 V <VCANH< +12 V
Differential receiver input voltage
hysteresis Vi(dif)(hys) 50 70 100 mV
12 V <VCANL< +12 V;
12 V <VCANH< +12 V
Common Mode input resistance at
CANH Ri(CM)(CANH) 15 25 35 kΩ
Common Mode input resistance at
CANL Ri(CM)(CANL) 15 25 35 kΩ
Matching between Common Mode
input resistance at CANH, CANL Ri(CM)(m) 3 0 +3 % VCANL = VCANH
Differential input resistance Ri
25 50 75
Input capacitance, CANH Ci
7.5 20 pF VTxD = VDD1
Input capacitance, CANL Ci
7.5 20 pF VTxD = VDD1
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 ©NVE Corporation
Specifications (...cont.)
Electrical Specifications are Tmin to Tmax and VDD1, VDD2= 4.5 V to 5.5 V unl ess otherwis e stated.
Differential input capacitance Ci
3.75 10 pF VTxD = VDD1
Input leakage current at CANH ILI
100 170 250 μA VCANH= 5 V, VDD2= 0 V
Input leakage current at CANL ILI
100 170 250 μA VCANL= 5 V, VDD2= 0 V
Thermal Shutdown
Shutdown junction temperature T
155 165 180
Timing Characteristics
TxD to bus active delay td(TxD-BUSon) 29
32 63
66 125
128 ns VS= 0 V; VDD1 = 5 V
VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 3.3 V
TxD to bus inactive delay td(TxD-BUSoff) 29
32 68
71 110
113 ns VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 5 V
VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 3.3 V
Bus active to RxD delay td(BUSon-RxD) 24
27 58
61 125
128 ns VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 5 V
VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 3.3 V
Bus inactive to RxD delay td(BUSoff-RxD) 49
52 103
106 170
173 ns VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 5 V
VS = 0 V; VDD1 = 3.3 V
Loop delay low-to-high or high-to-low T
LOOP 53 180 210 ns VS = 0 V
TxD dominant time for ti meout Tdom(TxD) 250 457 765 μs VTxD = 0 V
3.0 V > VDD1 < 5.5 V
Magnetic Field Immunity(3) VDD1 = 5 V, VDD2 = 5 V
Power frequency magnetic immunity HPF 2,500 3,000 A/m 50 Hz/60 Hz
Pulse magnetic field immunity HPM 3,000 3,500 A/m t
= 8 µs
Cross-axis immunity multiplier KX 1.8 Figure 1
VDD1 = 3.3 V, VDD2 = 5 V
Power frequency magnetic immunity HPF 1,000 1,500 A/m 50 Hz/60 Hz
Pulse magnetic field immunity HPM 1,800 2,000 A/m t
= 8 µs
Cross-axis immunity multiplier KX 1.5 Figure 1
1. The TxD input is edge sensitive. Voltage ma gnitude of the input signal is specified, but edge rate specifications must also be met.
2. The maximum time allowed for a logic transition at the TxD input is 1 μs.
3. Uniform magnetic field applied across the pins of the device. Cross-axis multiplier effective when field is applied perpendicular to the pins.
4. If VDD2 falls below the specified failsafe supply voltage, RxD will go High.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity
This product has been tested for electrostatic sensitivity to the limits stated in the specifications. However, NVE recommends that all integrated
circuits be handled with appropriate care to avoid damage. Damage caused by inappropriate handling or storage could range from performance
degradation to complete failu re.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
The IL41050 is fully compliant with generic EMC standards EN50081, EN50082-1 and the umbrella line-voltage standard for Information
Technology Equipment (ITE) EN61000. The IsoLoop Isolator’s Wheatstone bridge configuration and differential magnetic field signaling ensure
excellent EMC performance against all relevant standards. NVE conducted compliance tests in the categories below:
Residential, Commercial & Light Industrial
Methods EN55022, EN55014
EN50082-2: Industrial Environment
Methods EN61000-4-2 (ESD), EN61000-4-3 (Electromagnetic Field Immunity), EN61000-4-4 (Electrical Transient Immunity),
EN61000-4-6 (RFI Immunity), EN61000-4-8 (Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity), EN61000-4-9 (Pulsed Magnetic
Field), EN61000-4-10 (Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field)
Radiated Field from Digital Telephones (Immunity Test)
Immunity to external magnetic fields is higher if the field direction is “end-to-end” (rather than to “pin-to-pin”) as shown in the
diagram at right. Fig. 1
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
Application Information
VDD2 Power Supply Pins
Both VDD2 power supply inputs (pins 11 and 16) must be connected to the bus-side power supply. Pin 11 powers the bus side of the CAN I/O
circuitry, while pin 16 powers the bus-side isolation circuitry. For testing purposes, they are not internally connected, but the part will not operate
without both pins powered, and operation without both pins powered can cause damage.
Power Supply Decoupling
Both VDD1 and VDD2 must be bypassed with 100 nF ceramic capacitors. These supply the dynamic current required for the isolator switching and
should be placed as close as possible to VDD and their respective ground return pins.
Input Configurations
The TxD input should not be left open as the state will be indeterminate. If connected to an open-drain or open collector output, a pull-up resistor
(typically 16 kΩ) should be connected from the input to VDD1.
The Mode Select (“S”) input has a nominal 150 kΩ internal pull-down resistor. It can be left open or set low for normal operation.
Dominant Mode Time-out and Failsafe Receiver Functions
CAN bus latch up is prevented by an integrated Dominant mode timeout func tion. If the TxD pin is forced permanently low by hardware or
software application failure, the time-out returns the RxD output to the high state no more than 765 μs after TxD is asserted dominant. The timer
is triggered by a negative edge on TxD. If the duration of the low is longer than the internal timer value, the transmitter is disabled, driving the
bus to the recessive state. The timer is reset by a positive edge on pin TxD.
If power is lost on Vdd2, the IL41050 asserts the RxD output high when the supply voltage falls below 3.8 V. RxD will return to normal
operation as soon as Vdd2 rises above approximately 4.2 V.
Programmable Power-Up
A unique non-volatile programmable power-up feature prevents unstable nodes. A state that needs to be present at node power up can be
programmed at the last power down. For example if a CAN node is required to “pulse” dominant at power up, TxD can be sent low by the
controller immediately prior to power down. When power is resumed, the node will immediately go dominant allowing self-check code in the
microcontroller to verify node operation. If desired, the node can also power up silently by presetting the TxD line high at power down. At the
next power on, the IL41050 will remain silent, awaiting a dominant state from the bus.
The microcontroller can check that the CAN node powered down correctly before applying power at the next “power on” request. If the node
powered down as intended, RxD will be set high and stored in IL41050’s non-volatile memory. The level stored in the RxD bit can be read
before isolated node power is enabled, avoiding possible CAN bus disruption due to an unstable node.
Replacing Non-Isolated Transceivers
The IL41050 is designed to re place common non-isolated CAN transceivers such as the Philips/NXP TJA1050 with minimal circuit changes.
Some notable differences:
Some non-isolated CAN transceivers have internal TxD pull-up resistors, but the IL41050 TxD input should not be left open. If
connected to an open-drain or open collector output, a pull-up resistor (typically 16 kΩ) should be connected from the input to VDD1.
Initialization behavior varies between CAN transceive rs. To ensure the desired power-up state, the IL41050 should be initialized with a
TxD pulse (low-to-high for recessive initialization), or shut down the transceiver in the desired power-up state (the “programmable
power-up feature”).
Many non-isolated CAN transceivers have a VREF output. Such a reference is available on the IL41050 wide-body version.
The VREF Output
VREF is a reference voltage output used to drive bus threshold comparators in some legacy systems and is provided on the IL41050 wide-body
version. The output is half of the bus supply ±10% (i.e., 0. 45 VDD2 < VREF < 0.55 VDD2), and can drive up to 50 µA.
IsoRxD / IsoTxD Outputs
The IsoRxD and IsoTxD outputs are isolated versions of the RxD and TxD signals. These outputs are provided on the wide-body version for
troubleshooting, but normally no connections should be made to the pins.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
The Isolation Advantage
Battery fire cause d by over or under charging of individual lithium ion ce lls is a major concern in multi-cell high voltage electric and hybrid
vehicle batteries. To combat this, each cell is monitored for current flow, cell voltage, and in some advanced batteri es, magnetic susceptibility.
The IL41050 allows seamless connection of the monitoring electronics of every cell to a common CAN bus by electrically isolating inputs from
outputs, effectively isolating each cell from all other cells. Cell status is then monitored via the CAN controller in the Battery Management
System (BMS).
Another major advantage of isolation is the tremendous increase in noise immunity it affords the CAN node, even if the power sour ce is a
battery. Inductive drives and inverters can produce transient swings in excess of 20 kV/μs. The traditional, non-isolated CAN node provides some
protection due to differential signaling and symmetrical driver/receiver pairs, but the IL41050 typically provides more than twice the dV/dt
protection of a traditional CAN node.
ADR 0...7, CS
Fig. 2. Isolated CAN node using the IL41050 and an SJA1000 MCU.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
Package Drawings, Dimensions and Specifications
0.15" 16-pin SOIC Package
0.054 (1.4)
0.072 (1.8)
0.040 (1.0)
0.060 (1.5)
0.016 (0.4)
0.050 (1.3)
0.386 (9.8)
0.394 (10.0)
Pin 1 identified
by either an
indent or a
marked dot
0.228 (5.8)
0.244 (6.2)
0.152 (3.86)
0.157 (3.99)
Dimensions in inches (mm)
0.007 (0.2)
0.013 (0.3)
0.004 (0.1)
0.012 (0.3)
0.040 (1.02)
0.050 (1.27)
0.013 (0.3)
0.020 (0.5)
Pin spacing is a BASIC
dimension; tolerances 
do not accumulate
0.3" 16-pin SOIC Package
Pin 1 identified by
either an indent
or a marked dot
0.287 (7.29)
0.300 (7.62)
Dimensions in inches (mm)
0.08 (2.0)
0.10 (2.5)
0.092 (2.34)
0.105 (2.67)
0.397 (10.1)
0.413 (10.5)
0.013 (0.3)
0.020 (0.5)
0.394 (10.00)
0.419 (10.64)
0.040 (1.0)
0.060 (1.5) 0.004 (0.1)
0.012 (0.3)
0.007 (0.2)
0.013 (0.3) 0.016 (0.4)
0.050 (1.3)
Pin spacing is a BASIC
dimension; tolerances 
do not accumulate
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
Ordering Information and Valid Part Numbers
IL 4 1050 T -3 E TR13
Bulk Packaging
Blank = Tube (50 pcs)
TR7 = 7'' Tape and Reel
(800 pcs; 0.15'' SOIC only)
TR13 = 13'' Tape and Reel
(3,000 pcs 0.15'' SOIC or
1,500 pcs 0.3'' SOIC)
E = RoHS Compliant
Package T ype
Blank = 0.3'' SOIC
-3 = 0.15'' SOIC
Temperature Range
T = Extended
(-55˚C to +125˚C)
Channel Configuration
1050 = CAN Transceiver
Base Part Number
4 = Isolated Transceiver
Product Family
IL = Isolators
Valid Part Numbers
IL4150TE TR13
IL4150T-3E TR7
IL4150T-3E TR13
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
Revision History
June 2011 Changes
Added loop delay specifications (p. 5).
June 2011
UL approval no longer “pending” (p. 2).
Clarified VDD2 power supply connections with note on pinouts page (p. 3) and new explanatory
“Application Information” paragraph (p. 6).
February 2011
Added “Input Configurations,” “Replacing Non-Isolated Transceivers,” “the VREF Output,” and
“IsoRxD/IsoTxD Outputs” Application Information (p. 6).
April 2010
Added 7-inch tape-and-reel bulk packaging option (TR7) for narrow-body parts (p. 8).
March 2010
Changed narrow-body pinouts for pins 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14 (p. 3).
March 2010
Added 0.15" narrow-body SOIC package.
Added failsafe supply voltage specification and related Note 4.
February 2010
Extended min. operating temperature to 55°C.
Misc. changes and clarifications for final release.
January 2010
Clarified TxD edge trigger mode. Added information to Applications section.
Tightened timing specifications based on qualification data.
January 2010
Initial release.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
About NVE
An ISO 9001 Certified Company
NVE Corporation manufactures innovative products based on unique spintronic Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) technology. Products include
Magnetic Field Sensors, Magnetic Field Gradient Sensors (Gradiometers), Digital Magnetic Field Sensors, Digital Signal Isolators, and Isolated
Bus Transceivers.
NVE pioneered spintronics and in 1994 introduced the world’s first products using GMR material, a line of ultra-precise magnetic sensors for
position, magnetic media, gear speed and current sensing.
NVE Corporation
11409 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA
Telephone: (952) 829-9217
Fax: (952) 829-9189
The information provided by NVE Corporation is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed by NVE Corporation for its use,
nor for any infringement of patents, nor rights or licenses granted to third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of NVE Corporation. NVE Corporation does not authorize, nor warrant, any NVE
Corporation product for use in life support devices or systems or other critical applications, without the express written approval of the
President of NVE Corporation.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
June 2011