1. Coil operating power
Pure DC current should be applied to the
coil. The wave form should be
rectangular. If it includes ripple, the ripple
factor should be less than 5%.
However, check it with the actual circuit
since the characteristics may be slightly
different. The nominal operating voltage
should be applied to the coil for more
than 20 ms to set/reset the latching type
2. Coil connection
When connecting coils, ref er to the wiring
diagram to prevent mis-operation or
3. External magnetic field
Since RK relays are highly sensitive
polarized relays, their characteristics will
be aff ected by a strong e xternal magnetic
field. Avoid using the relay under that
4. Soldering and cleaning
1) Perform manual soldering under the
conditions below.
• Within 10 s at 260°C 500°F
• Within 3 s at 350°C 662°F
Preheat according to the following
Soldering should be done at 260±5°C
500±9°F within 6 s.
2) For automatic cleaning, the boiling
method is recommended. Avoid
ultrasonic cleaning which subjects the
rela ys to high frequency vibrations, which
may cause the contacts to stick. It is
recommended that alcoholic solvents be
5. Conditions for operation, transport
and storage conditions
1) Ambient temperature, humidity, and
atmospheric pressure during usage,
transport, and storage of the relay:
(1) Temperature:
–40 to +70°C –40 to +158°F
(2) Humidity: 5 to 85% RH
(Avoid freezing and condensation.)
The humidity range varies with the
temperature. Use within the range
indicated in the graph below.
(3) Atmospheric pressure: 86 to 106 kPa
Temperature and humidity range for
usage, transport, and storage:
2) Condensation
Condensation forms when there is a
sudden change in temperature under
high temperature and high humidity
conditions. Condensation will cause
deterioration of the relay insulation.
3) Freezing
Condensation or other moisture may
freeze on the rela y when the temperature
is lower than 0°C 32°F. This causes
problems such as sticking of movable
parts or operational time lags.
4) Low temperature, low humidity
The plastic becomes brittle if the relay is
exposed to a low temperature, low
humidity environment for long periods of
6. Latching relay
In order to assure proper operating
regardless of changes in the ambient
usage temperature and usage conditions,
nominal operating voltage should be
applied to the coil f or more than 30 ms to
set/reset the latching type relay.
Temperature 120°C 248°F or less
Time Within 2 minute
Humidity, %RH
Temperature, °C °F
Tolerance range
+32 70
(Avoid freezing
when used at
temperatures lower
than 0°C 32°F
when used at
temperatures higher
than 0°C 32°F
For general cautions for use, please
refer to the “General Application
ASCTB73E 201201-T
Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e