Low Profile Jumper – Gold or GXT Plated 10 of 15 G
J.ZHOU 05/15/12
Copyright FCI
Form E-3334
Rev F
3.7.4 Shock. There shall be no evidence of physical or mechanical damage when the mated
connector is subjected to transient accelerations. During and after each shock, the
contacts shall evidence no discontinuity greater than 1 microsecond. The test shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-202, Method 213. The following details shall apply:
(a) Test Condition - 1 (100G, 6 ms sawtooth).
(b) Number of Shocks - 3 shocks in each direction along three orthogonal axes (18
(c) Mounting - See Figure 4
(d) Restraining Method - None
3.7.5 Vibration. There shall be no evidence of physical or mechanical damage when the mated
connector is subjected to prolonged mechanical vibration; and the individual contact
withdrawal force shall be not less than the value specified in Table II (see 3.6.4). During
the vibration along each axis, the contacts shall evidence no discontinuity greater than 1
microsecond. At the completion of the test, the contact resistance shall not exceed the
value specified in Table I (see 3.5.2). The test shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-202,
Method 204. The following details shall apply:
(a) Test Condition - B ( 15G, 10 to 2000 Hz)
(b) Test Duration - 4 hours along each of three orthogonal axes (12 hours total)
(c) Mounting - see Figure 4
(d) Restraining Method - None
3.7.6 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Atmosphere. After exposure of the mated connector to moist
contaminated environment, the low level circuit resistance shall not exceed the value
specified in Table I (see 3.5.3). The following details shall apply:
(a) Test Medium - 3 ppm H2S in air
(b) Test Temperature - +40oC
(c) Test Duration - 48 hours
3.7.7 Salt Spray. After exposure of the mated connector to a salt fog atmosphere, the low level
circuit resistance shall not exceed the value specified in Table I (see 3.5.3). The test
shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-202, Method 101. The following details shall apply:
(a) Salt Solution - 5 percent by weight
(b) Test Condition - B (48 hours)
PDS: Rev :G STATUS:Released Printed: May 22, 2012