OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-03/04 1/4 DUTY LCD DRIVER WITH 4-DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 50-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM 9004-03 /04 is an LCD driver for dynamic display with a 1/4 duty and 50-dot segment driver, it can display up to 200 segments. FEATURES * Logic power supply voltage (Vpp) * LCD drive power supply voltage (Vp) * Serial transfer clock frequency * LCD output resistance -Common driver -Segment driver Display duty * LCD segment output Maximum number of display segments * Display blanking terminal attached * Operating temperature range Interface with microcontroller -MSM9004-03 -MSM9004-04 System clock -MSM9004-03 -MSM9004-04 * Package :5.0V+ 10% :35V to5.5V : 2 MHz max. 20 kQ : 60 kQ :1/4 > 50 : 200 segments max. > -40 to +85C : LOAD, DATA, CLOCK1, CLOCK2 : LOAD, DATA, CLOCK2 : external input : internal oscillation circuit (need external resistor and capacitor) 64-pin plastic QFP (QFP 64-P-1414-BK) (Product name : MSM9004-03 GS-BK) (Product name : MSM9004-04 GS-BK) * Comparison of device code with function Functi t unction | LCD segmen Duty System clock output Internal oscillati . 50 | 49 | 1/3 | 1/4 | External input | "ema oseMlation Device code circuit msmg00401 | | O01] 0] 0 O = msmg00402 | | O10 | 0 6 msmgo04-03 | Oo | | | o O msmg9004-04 | O | | | oO 0 Mi 6724240 00230459 1745 om 139 a aMSM9004-03/04 BLOCK DIAGRAM MSM9004-03 SEG1 50-OUT SEGMENT DRIVER SEG50 OKI Semiconductor ts TIMING GENERATOR 50-BIT DATA SELECTOR ! DRIVER COMMON | 50-BIT 50-BIT 50-BIT 50-BIT DATA LATCH 1 DATA LATCH 2 DATA LATCH 3 DATA LATCH 4 1 lic I | at Voo CLOCK! 50-BiT SHIFT REGISTER 5 Vs o bee CONTROL DATA LOGIC 140 MM 6724240 0023050 556 =OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-03/04 BLOCK DIAGRAM MSM9004-04 SEG1 SEG50 >a 50-OUT SEGMENT DRIVER = /e ! COM1 TIMING COMMON COM2 GENERATOR 50-BIT DATA SELECTOR DRIVER cOMs I | 50-BiT 50-BIT 50-BIT 50-BIT DATALATCH1 | | DATALATCH2 | | DATALATCHS | | DATALATCH4 1 = 7 th dvnp OSCILLATOR osc 50-BIT SHIFT REGISTER 4 Vss LOAD CONTROL CLOCK2O DATAS LOGIC 141 MM 6724240 0023051 sec: a a aMSM9004-03/04 OKI Semiconductor PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) MSM9004-03 s 9 wTwoSN oo S222 55895 8888888 ff fl lf ff Fl fF SG1 (J . | 48 ] SEG48 SEG2 (7 () | 47 | SEG47 SEG3 [3_| | 46 | SEG46 SEG4 [4] | 45 ] SEG4S SEG5 [3] | 44] SEG44 SEG6 [| | 43 | SEG43 SEG7 LZ | 42 | SEG42 SEG8 [8 rat] SEG41 SEG9 (9_] | 40 |] SEG40 seEG10 [10 [39] SEGS9 SEG11 LIT] [38 | SEG38 SEG12 (12 ] [37] SEG37 SEG13 [13] [36] SEG36 SEG14 (14) [35 | SEG35 SEG15 [15] C) | 34 | SEG34 SEG16 (16 | | 33 | SEG33 SEG17 [17] SEG18 [181 SEG19 [15 SEG20 [201 SEG21 [27 SEG22 [221 SEG23 [23] SEG24 [2a SEG25 [25] SEG26 (26) SEG27 [27] SEG28 [28] SEG29 (251 SEG30 [30] SEG31 [31 SEG32 [321] 64-Pin Plastic QFP 142 MB &724240 0023052 7bOKI Semiconductor MSM9004-03/04 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) MSM9004-04 seas a=< S882 325525529 22852533 fa | fe fF) Fl | ff ff fl | seGi C7] 48] SEG48 SEG2 [2 (O) (47 | SEG47 SEG3 [7] [46] SEG46 SeG4 (7 ] 45] SEG45 SEGS [5 _| (44) SEG44 SEG6 [6_ (43) SEG43 SEG? C77] [42] SEG42 SEGS [8] aT] SEG41 seco (1 [40] SEG4O SEG10 [10] [39] SEG39 SEG11 OT [38] SEG38 SEGI2 [12] [37] SEG37 SEG13 [13] [g6 | SEG36 SEG14 [14] [35] SEG35 SEG15 [15] C) 34] SEG34 SEG16 [15] 33] SEG33 SEG17 [17] SEG18 [181 SEG19 [19 | SEG20 [20] SEG21 (27 SEG22 [22] SEG23 [25 | SEG24 [24] SEG25 [25 | SEG26 [26 | SEG27 27] SEG28 [28] SEG29 [29 | SEG30 [30] SEG31 (3T] SEG32 (32 64-Pin Plastic QFP 143 Mi 6724240 0023053 bT5 aMSM9004-03/04 OKI Semiconductor PIN DESCRIPTION Pin | Symbol | Type | Connected to Description 56 |CLOCKI*1| | Micro- System clock input pin. controller _| For details see "MSM9004-04 Oscillation Circuit characteristics 56 |OSC *2| | External Pin for oscillation Vop resistor Connecting the external resistor and capacitor Capacitor . ge configures the oscillation circuit. Connect the resistor and capacitor as in the figure |_OSC to the right. yd Vss 53 | DATA I Micro- Serial data input controtler _| For details on the configuration of input data, see Data Configuration. 2 | CLOCK2 | Micro- Shift clock input (Schmitt circuit included) controller _| input data is read synchronizing with the rising edge of this clock. 54 |LOAD | Micro- Load signal input (Schmitt circuit included) controller _| Serial input data is transferred to the display latch when this LOAD signal is at a"H" level. 51 | BLANK Input pin for turning off all segments All segments turn off, regardless of the display data, when this pin is ~ at aL" level, and all segments return to the status before turning off when this pin is at a H" level. 61 to 64) COM1-4 0 LCD LCD common output pins 1 to 50| SEG1-50 0 LCD LCD segment output pins 60 | Vic Power Bias power supply pins for driving the LCD 59 | Vice supply Conditions for bias voltage are as follows : 3.5V < Vpp Vic3 $ 5.5V 58 [Vics ~ Vici = Voo - (Voo - Vics) Vice = Voo - (Vpp ~ Vics) Vics 2 Vss 55 |Vop Power Power supply pins 57 | Vsg supply Z Normally used as Vpp = 4.5 - 5.5 Vand Vss = OV. *1: Applied to MSM9004-03. *2: Applied to MSM9004-04. 144 Mm 6724240 0023054 53)OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-03/04 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Condition Rating Unit Power Supply Voltage Voo _ -0.3 to +6.5 V Bias Voltage Ve - ~0.3 to Vpp +0.3 V Input Voltage Vin _ 0.3 to Vpp +0.3 V Power Dissipation Pp Ta = +85C 450 mW Storage Temperature Tst _ ~55 to +150 C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Condition Range Unit Power Supply Valtage Voo 45to5.5 V Bias Voitage Vel "4 Von ~5.5 to Vpp -3.5 V System Clock Frequency for Applied to MSM9004-01 1.6 to 3 kHz Self Oscillation Frequency fosc Applied to MSM9004-02 1.6 to 3 kHz Shift Frequency (Max) fop2 _ 2.0 MHz Operating Temperature Top _ ~40 to +85 i *1: Add the following voltages to Vici, Vicz and Vi.c3. Vici=Vpp- $(pp-Vo) Vic2=Vpp- 4 Wpp-Vp) Vic3s=Vpp- 3 (Vpp-Vap=VBr Vica2Vss 145 we 6724240 0023055 475 aaa aaaMSM9004-03/04 OKI Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC Characteristics (MSM9004-03) (Tas - 40 to +85C, Vop=4.5 to 5.5 V, Vei=Vop-5.5 V to Vpp-3.5 V) Parameter Symbol Condition Min. | Max. | Unit] Applicable pin H" Level Input Voltage LOAD, CLOCK2 Vv _ . Vv ee m 0.8Vo0| Yoo DATA, BLANK Vine _ 0.85Vpp} Vop | V | CLOCK1 "L" Level Input Voltage LOAD, CLOCK2 Vie 0.0 |02Vo0/ V | pata, BLANK Vite _ 0.0 |0.15Vpp] V | CLOCK1 H Level Input Current LOAD, CLOCK1 | VineV| -1: . i weVo0 10) 1.0 | HA | clock, DATA line Vin=Vop -2.0 | 2.0 | yA | BLANK L" Level Input Current LOAD, CLOCK1 hur Vop=5.5 V, Vin=0 V -1.0 | 1.0 | pA CLOCK2, DATA lite Vpp=5.5 V, Vin=0 V -130 | -20 | yA | BLANK Ron vo lo=-10 pA ON Resistance (SEG) Row vi lo=t10 WA Vpn=5.5 V Ron v2 lo=#10 pA 9 _ 60 | kQ | SEG1-50 Ronva _| lo=#0 pA Vic1=-3Vp0 lo 1 na vo Vice="qVo0 ON Resistance (COM) oni a Ron v2 lo=t30 pA Vicg=Vsg _ 20 | kk | COM1-4 Ron va Ip=30 pA fop1=2.4 kHz *4 D ct t fopo=1 MHz ynamic Curren _ Consumption Ipoo 1/4 duty 0.55 | mA | Vpp COM1-4: No Load SEG1-50: No Load fep1=0 Hz : . fop2=0 Hz Static Current Consumption | Ipps | 10 | yA 1 Vpp COM1-4: No Load SEG1-50: No Load *1: 146 MB 6724240 0023056 304 For input data, input a logic "0" and a logic "1" alternatively to LCD display bits.OKI Semiconductor DC Characteristics (MSM9004-04) MSM9004-03/04 (Ta= - 40 to +85C, Vop=4.5 to 5.5 V, VaieVpo-5.5 V to Vop-3.5 V) Parameter Symbol Condition Min. | Max. | Unit} Applicable pin "H" Level Input Vottage V 08Vmn| Vv V LOAD, CLOCK2 IMI ~ senoD | DD DATA, BLANK "L" Level Input Voltage V oo loa v LOAD, CLOCK2 tu mw peenbb DATA, BLANK "H Level Input Current LOAD, CLOCK2 l =V -1, 1. {Ht Vin=Vbp 1.0 O | pA DATA line Vin=Vop ~2.0 | 2.0 | yA | BLANK L" Level Input Current LOAD, CLOCK2 I Vpp=5.5 V, Vine -1. 1. A 11 DD=5.5 V, Vin=O V 1.0 0] uw DATA live Vop=5.5 V, Vin=0 V -130 | -20 | pA | BLANK Ron vo lo=-10 pA R Io=t10 WA =5. ON Resistance (SEG) ONY {Moret WA Voo-8SV 7 | go | ka | seet-s0 Ron vz Ip=+10 pA 9 Rowva _|lo=10yA _| Vic1=-g Vo ti ON Resistance (COM) ony! _ee | 20 | ka |comi-4 Ronve | lo=#30 HA | Vicg=Vss Ron v3 Io=30 A fop2=1 MHz *4 Dynamic Current 1/4 duty _ Consumption loon COM1-4: No Load 0:75 | mA | Voo SEG1-50: No Load *1: For input data, input a logic "0" and _a logic "1" alternatively to LCD display bits. External resistor for oscillation : Rg = 62 kQ External copacitor for oscillation : Co = 0.01 pF 147 MM! 6724240 0023057 240 a a a aMSM9004-03/04 OKI Semiconductor AC Characteristics (Ta= 40 to +85C, Vpp=4.5 to 5.5 V, Vgy=Vpp5.5 V to Vpp-3.5 V) Parameter Symbol Condition Min. | Max. | Unit System Clock Frequency fop1 Not applied to MSM9004-04 1.6 3.0 kHz System Clock Pulse Width twep1 Not applied to MSM9004-04 1.0 _ ps Data Clock Frequency fope _ _ 2.0 MHz Data Clock Pulse Width twop2 _ 200 _ ns Data Setup Time tsu _ 100 _ ns Data Hold Time typ _ 100 _ ns Load Pulse Width twp _ 200 _ ns Clock-Load Time tet _ 200 _ ns Load-Clock Time ttc _ 200 _ ns Rise Time tr ~~ _ 100 ns Fall Time tt _ _ 100 ns twop1, tWops too a rN 7 oN 0.85Vpp crock } tg 0.15Vpp twWep2, twep2 Vicps t y rN ON /\ 08Von CLOCK2 j k ] \ 4 0.2Vpp tsy tuo 1Acp2 0.8Vpp DATA 0.2Vpp twup eH _ to. / tic 0.8Vop LOAD Le 02Vpp t tt *1: Not applied to MSM9004-04. 148 MM 6724240 0025058 14?OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-03/04 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Display Data Input cos PLE LALLA DATA A250 bas {048 Da X48) _..._X03 {pe X 01 X 0 X_0 Kcr X ce Xe3 C4 ) N N / LCD display bit Dummy bit Select bit LOAD (50 bits) (2 bits) (4 bits) TL Note: Always set a logic 0 to the dummy bit. LCD Display bit - LCD Panel Lighting Status Correspondence Table LCD diaplay bit LCD panel Lighting (D1 to D50) status 1 ON 0 OFF LCD Display bit - Segment Output Correspondence Table LCD display bit} D1 1 D46 D47 D48 D49 D50 Segment output; SEG1 SEG2 | ------------- SEG46 | SEG47 | SEG48 | SEG49 | SEGS5SO Select bit - Data Latch Correspondence Table C4 C3 ce C1 Display data writing | Corresponding data latch common output 0 0 0 1 Data latch 1 COM1 0 0 1 0 Data latch 2 COM2 0 1 0 0 Data latch 3 COM3 1 0 0 0 Data latch 4 COM4 Select bits C1 to C4, select Data latch 1 to Data latch 4 corresponding to COM 1 to COM 4 independently. If logic "1"s are selected to multiple select bits, the LCD display bits are written to all corresponding data latches. Example: When logic "1's are set to all select bits C1 to C4, and logic "O's are set to all LCD display bits D1 to D50, logic"0"s are written to Data latch 1 to Data latch4 by once data input. This leads to turning off the entire LCD panel. 149 MM! 6724240 0023059 013 aMSM39004-03/04 OKI Semiconductor How to Decrease Transfer Time When Unused Segments Exist The MSM9004-03/04 can operate even if segment data is not full. Input data as in the figure shown below. In this case, the last 4 bits are the select bit. Transfer example: for 30 segments CLOCK2 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f pata __ Xp30Xp29XbeaXp27XD26X (2 X01 X 0 X 0 X Cr X C2 X C3 X C4 \ A A / LCD display bit Dummy bit Select bit LOAD (30 bits) (2 bits) (4 bits) mM Note: Always set "0" to the dummy bit. 150 Mm 6724240 O0230b0 435OKI Semiconductor MSM39004-03/04 MSM9004-04 Oscillation Circuit Characteristics The values of resistor and capacitors connected to the OSC pin are shown below. In this case the frame frequency is 64 to 150 Hz. Parameter Symbol} Condition Min. | Max. | Unit Resistor for Oscillation Ro Accuracy : +5% 20 91 kQ Capacitor for Oscillation Co Accuracy: 210% | 0.01 | 0.022 pF Frame frequency = 1/24 oscillation frequency 151 MW 6724240 00230b1 771 aMSM9004-03/04 OKI Semiconductor APPLICATION CIRCUITS MSM9004-03 +45V Tt Voo SEG1 Yoo DATA ! Output cLock2 ! 1/4 DUTY m ! LCD LOAD ' CPU cLocKt | 7) PANEL Vss BLANK 1 tL MSM9004-03 | l ' BIAS Vict CIRCUIT Vice SEGs0 Vics coMt COM2 cOM3 Vsg COM4 WT MSM9004-04 +5V t Vop SEG1 Yoo DATA ! Output | cLocke | 1/4 DUTY on LCD LOAD ' CPU PANEL Ves BLANK | L MSMg004-04 7) BIAS Vict CIRCUIT Vice SECs | Vics coMt a Ose COM2 0 + Co COM3 + Vss COM4 747 152 MH 6724240 OO2e30be bO8OKI Semiconductor MSM9004-03/04 REFERENCE DATA fi s.R FRM VS. Ro Vop = 5V _ 500 Ta = 25C = 300 z 2 & 100 = Co= 0.01 uF = 50 Co = 0.015 pF a Le 20 40 6 80 100 Resistance Ro [kQ] 140 b fram vs. Ta Vp = 5V L Ro = 33 kQ = 120 me ett z 1007 Ro = 62 kQ > Co = 0.01 pF F gob # DoD 3 Og = sot Ro = 62 ka = Cp = 0.015 pF S 40+ we 20+ 1 1 J i 40-100 25 85 Temperature Ta ["C] 153 MB 6724240 0023063 544 a aaa aa