Absolute Maximum Ratings
Rating Value Units
CW RF Power Dissipation (See: Typical Test Circuit.) dBm
DC Voltage between Any Two Pins (Observe ESD P r ecautions.) ±30 VDC
Case Temperature 1°C
Electrical Characteristics
CAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.
1. Frequency aging is the change in fC with time and is spe cified at +65°C or less. Ag ing may exceed t he specifi c ation for prol ong ed tem peratures abo ve
+65°C. Typically, aging is greatest the first year after manufacture, decreasing in sub sequent yea rs.
2. The frequency fC is the frequency of minimum IL with the resonator in the specified test fixture in a 50 test system with VSWR 1.2:1.
3. One or mo re of th e following United States patents appl y: 4,454,488; 4,616,197.
4. Typically, e quipme nt utilizing this device requires emissions testing and government a pproval, which is the responsibility of the equi pment manufacturer.
5. Unless noted othe rwise, case temperature TC = +25°C ± 2°C.
6. The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this d ev ice are subject to chang e without n otic e.
7. Derived mathematically from one or more of the following directly m easured parameters: fC, IL, 3 dB bandwidth, fC versus TC, an d CO.
8. Turnover temperature, TO, is the temper ature of maximum (or turnover) frequency, fO. The nominal frequency at any case temperature, T C, may be calculated
from: f = fO [ 1 – FTC ( TO – TC )2 ].
9. This equivalent RLC model approximates re sonator perf ormance near the resonant fre quency and is provided for refe rence o nly. The ca pacitance C O is the
measured static (nonmotional) capacitance between eithe r pin 1 and ground or pin 2 and ground. The measur ement includes cas e p arasitic capacit an ce.
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Center Frequency (+25°C) Absolute Frequency
Tolerance from fC2, 3, 4, 5 MHz
Insertion Loss IL 2, 5, 6 dB
Qual ity Factor Unloa ded Q
50 Loaded Q QU5, 6, 7
Temperature Stability Turnover Temperature
Turnover Frequency
Frequency Temperature Coefficient
TO6, 7, 8 °C
FTC ppm/°C2
Frequency Aging Absolute Value during the F irst Year |fA|610 ppm/yr
DC Insulation Resistance between Any Two Pins 5 1.0 M
RF Equivalent RLC Model Motional Resistance
Motional Inductance
Motional Capacitance
Shunt Static Capacitance
RM5, 7, 9
CO5, 6, 9 pF
Lid Symbolization (in Addition to Lot and/or Date Codes)
Quartz Stab ility
Rugged, Hermetic, Low-Profile TO39 Case
TO39-3 Case
668.03 MHz
Designed for 668.0 MHz CATV Converter LOs
Nominal Insertion Phase Shift of 0° at Resonance
The RS1033-1 is a two-port surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) resonator in a low-profile
TO39 case. It provides reliable, fundamental-mode, quartz frequency stabilization of
fixed-frequency oscillators operating at or near 668 MHz. Typic al ap pli cations include
the secon d LO in CATV set-top con vertors with channel 2 output.
40 to +85
668.030 MHz 667.930 668.130
10.4 12.5
66 81 96
fC+78 kHz
230 322
1.1 1.4 1.7
RFM 1033-1
Typically, fOSCILLATOR or fTRANSMITTER is less than the resonator fC.
Typically, oscillator TO is 20° less than the specified resonator TO.