_ MSS-30,000 Series Low Barrier Schottky Diode metelics CORPORATION Features Applications Low Rs-5Q Mixers: single diode, image reject, image Low NE enhancement, ring quad Doublers e Available in many configurations . Modulator e Tight batch matching available meron @ Hi-Rel available Low Barrier Specifications @ 25C Part Number Ve Typ. Var Min. C, Typ. C, Typ. NF cp R, Typ. Ro Typ. Foo Typ. Outline @imaA @ 10 na @ov @ov * @5mA tee (Volts) (Volts) (PF) (pF) (dB) (Ohms) (Ohms) (GHz) MSS-30,046-C 15 10 MSS-30,046-P55 29 2 10 23 6 10 15 160 MSS-30,046-P86 27 MSS-30,050-C 15 15 MSS-30,050-P55 27 2 15 28 6 6 11 175 MSS-30,050-P86 32 MSS-30,142-B10 10 MSS-30, 142-E20 29 2 07 .20 6 13 18 175 MSS-30, 142-H20 25 MSS-30, 148-B10 15 MSS-30, 148-E20 27 2 12 25 6 7 12 190 MSS-30, 1 48-H20 30 MSS-30, 154-B10 25 MSS-30, 154-E20 25 2 22 35 6 3 8 240 MSS-30,154-H20 40. MSS-30,242-B20 10 MSS-30,242-E35 29 2 .07 15 6 13 18 175 MSS-30,242-H30 25 MSS-30,248-B20 15 MSS-30,248-E30 27 2 2 25 6 7 12 190 MSS-30,248-H30 30 MSS-30,254-B20 25 MSS-30,254-E30 25 2 22 35 6 3 8 240 MSS-30,254-H30 .40 MSS-30,442-B41 29 2 .07* 10% 6 13 18 175 MSS-30,442-E45 29 2 07 .15* 6 13 18 175 MSS-30,448-B4 1 27 2 12* .15* 6 7 12 190 MSS-30,448-E45 27 2 .12* .20* 6 7 12 190 MSS-30,454-B40 .25* MSS-30,454-E40 25 2 .22* .25* 6 3 8 240 MSS-30,454-H40 .25* * Diagonal **See page 2 ***FCO= I/{2*x*Rg*Cj; FCO =Hz, Ro= Ohms; Cy = Farads tSee page 2 (Cro Adjacent = 4*C7o Diag} Notes: Consuit factory for special versions, configurations, packages, high reliability screening, or customer designs. Disclaimer: This data sheet is issued to provide information only and Metelics Corporation reserves the right to alter without notice the specifications, design, price, or conditions of supply of this product. _ Low Barrier Schottky Description The Metelics MSS-30,000 series silicon Schottky barrier diodes are constructed using advanced technology, materials and processes, resulting in a lower series resistance (Rs) than is produced with conventional methods. This N-type mixer diode is well-suited for applications where 6 dBm to +5 dBm per diode is available. Typical Data |-V Forward Curve - a 4 _ _ | 10 = c SJ 2 [ a 5 [_ i Oo 1 / E y a 2 - / MSS-30,046-P86 = 2 = 100 pA = / = 10 / 0 5 1.0 Forward Voltage (VOLTS) a = mn Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature .............. 65 to + 150C Operating Temperature ............ 65to + 150C Soldering TemperatureChips ...... 230C for 30 sec. Soldering TemperatureB.L......... 230C for 10 sec. DC Power Dissipation ............... 100 mW max. derate linearly to O mW at + 150C Beam Lead Pull Strength..........0......... 2 grams CAUTION: Static Sensitive Device |-V Reverse Curve 100 nA TOT PETTY TOT TTT TT Try PUTTY 10 pA / a TpA 5 JL. oO w 100nA g go a a 10nA 1nA 100 pA LLL tdi | A 1 10 100 1000 Reverse Voltage (VOLTS) NF & ZIF VS LO Power 10 500 9 400 MSS-30,046-P86 8 300 NF 2iF dB) OHMS 7 200 ' } 6 100 5 0 ~6 -3 0 +3 +6 L.O. Power (dBm) Note* * NF measured at 9.375 (3 GHzt) 500 source impedance 500 toad at 30 MHz, 1.5 dB NF amplifier < 10 load at DC Zjp Measured using a 10 kHz signal in same set-up NF esp = NF asp +3 dB METELICS CORPORATION 975 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Telephone: (408) 737-8181 TWX: 910-339-9537 FSCM & CAGE 59365 Smith Chart 502 Reference A= 100 pA, -6 dBm B=1% mA, 0 dBm C=5 mA, +6 dBm Equivalent Circuits Packaged Beam Lead Cp Lp Cp |} oTrryrn, {} 4 Lp TT eT | | 3 A ; R 1 o *3 S I ib I fad ! Al \ AT I t I I | nth ! Mr I yy t rv I R; ' R; j \ j Chip ! Poo PY Notes: Consult factory for special versions, configurations, packages, high reliability screening, or custom designs. Disclaimer: This data sheet is issued to provide information only and Metelics Corporation reserves the right to alter without notice the specifications, design, price, or conditions of supply of this product. te Package Outlines Dimensions are in Mils (mm). POLARITY: METELICS CORPORATION 975 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Telephone: (408) 737-818) TWX: 910-339-9537 FSCM & CAGE 59365 CATHODE ANODE DOT CAP CUT LEAD PAD POINTED BEAM B10 B20 B40 B41 18 (.46) SQ (3.18) MIN 22 (.56 i se 12 (.30 a so 85 80 (22) 21.9 (20) 19.5 Cp = .08 pF | 7 r (sal r , 6) | bp=10nH 10 (.25) TYP 12(.30) f 5(13) dt } 24 aetae _ Sy 11 G28} Lo > re Cp =.03 pF 12(.30} 1i Lp=.1nH 40(25} cp =.04 pF a L | J L Cp =.03 pF Lp=.10nH .0(.13) ; . Lo =.1 ne TYP. C15,C16 E20 E30 200 5.1) _ 22 (56) T4013.56) 78 (.46) ree ape (3 PLCS) 110 (2.79) Gold Pad 2 Places | 90 (2.29) } cut beaa ox 0) 1822 T Cut Lead 38 + .005) & ) Model Pad Dia Tt eo 221.56) GIS | 4.11.09 x 003) Resin 102 (2.59) 2 18(.46) C16 | 221.05 + 03) Encapsulation . 95 (2.41) Places Ce = Pry at . _ + 5.13) 541 = 31.08) go (132 03) sta 3(08) 0(1.27) 13.18} Max. 733} CERAMIC SUBSTRATE 50 (1.27) MAX. CERAMIC SUBSTRATE 125 B18 ree ae 128 22 (56) MIN bp=.4nH 78 (46) Lp= 40H (4 PLCS) Cp= 07 pF 55 (1.4) Cp=13pF $1(7.3) DIA. at 22 1 56) (poasen Cc. | 12030) Fo U0 a DOUBLE RING 50(1.27) 50 (1.27) 1S CAP 40 (7.02) SQUARE RESIN - 14 (.36) ENCAPSULATION Max Oo 180 190 4.571 mn 50 (1.27) j 14:( 36) SQUARE RESIN = o i me Man i iy 7 ENCAPSULATION { RESIN ENCAPSULATION 4{ 10) eo o CERAMIC SUSTRATE Typ ~~ ~ CERAMIC SUBSTRATE 41.10) 50 (1.27) CERAMIC SUSTRATE Tye. 198 eee. 82) LID DIAMETER ; 30 #3 a aa 23(.58) HF ae SQUARE a om * " 17 (43) 23 (58) 64 (1.63) aT 2 17.43) oir 5y OVA Cut Lead ~_J t oa 106 (2.6 92 (2.34) (~7, SQUARE 64163) | 43 10212! ott. L] Bat S2 82 (2.08) 104 (2, 104g) aN ) 81 (2.08) Cp =.18 pF Cp =.18 pF 70 (1.78) ORE , Lp =.5 0H ip=5nH . 210 (5.33) a3 180 (4.57) 190 (4.83) a Sousre. MIN 61.15) 180 (4.57) 8(.20 , | 31.08) MIN. 8(20) 35 (89) 8(.20) Fea a yo ze =~ (15) - o 3.08) 61.15) eee 31.08} | 84 (2.13) Cp=.18 pF 35(.89) o { 78 (1.98) ip =.5 nH 25 (64) S oa DIA. Date Code 8307 Rev.A 8519 Printed in U.S.A.