MITSUBISHI Confidential (21/22) AA057VF02_02_00
Please pay attention to the followings in handling TFT-LCD products;
a. Please do not bending or wrenching LCD in assembling. And please do not drop, bend or twist
LCD m odule in handling.
b. Please de sign displa y housing in accordance w it h t h e follow ing guide lines.
(a) Housi n g case must be design ed car ef u ll y so as not to pu t str e sses on LC D all si des an d no t to
wrench module. The stresses may cause non-uniformity even if there is no non-uniformity
(b) Under high temperature environment, performance and life time of LED may heavily
shorten. When you design with our LCD product, please consider radiating heat and
ventilation for good heat m anagement.
(c) Keep sufficient clearance between LCD module back surface and housing when the LCD
module is mounted. Approximately 1.0mm of the clearance in the design is recommended
taking into account the tolerance of LCD module thickness and mounting structure height on
the housing.
(d) When some parts, such as, FPC cable and ferrite plate, are installed underneath the LCD
module, still sufficient clearance is required, suc h as 0.5mm. This clearance is, especially, to
be reconsidered when the additional pa rts are implemented for EMI countermeasure.
(e) Keep sufficient clearance between LCD module and the others parts, such as inverter and
speaker so as not to inter fac e the LCD modu le. Approximately 1.0mm of the clearance in the
de sign is recomme nded.
(f) To avoid local elevation/decrease of temperature, considering location of heating element,
heat release, thermal design should be done.
c. Please do not push or scratch LCD panel surface with anything hard. And do not soil LCD panel
surface by touching with bare hands . (Pola rizer film, surface of LCD panel is easy to be flawed.)
d. Please do not press any parts on the rear side such as source TCP, gate TCP, control circuit
board and FPCs during handling LCD module. If pressing rear part is unavoidable, handle the
LCD module with care not to damage them.
e. Please w ipe off LCD pa nel s urface with abs orbent cotton or soft cloth in case of it being soiled.
f. Pl ease wipe off drops of adhesives like saliva and water on LCD panel surface immediately. They
migh t damage t o cause pane l surface variat ion and color change.
g. Please do not take a LCD module to pieces and reconstruct it. Resolving and reconstructing mod-
ules may cause them not to work well.
h. Please do not touch metal frames with bare hands and soiled gl oves. A color change of the metal
frames can happen during a long preservation of soiled LCD modules.
i. Please handle m e t al frame ca refully becaus e ed ge of m e t al frame is very sharp .
j. Please connect the metal frame of LCD module to GND in order to minimize the effect of external
noise and EMI.
k. B e sure to connect the cables and th e connecters co rrectly.
a. Please be sure to turn off the power supply before connecting and disconnecting signal input
b. Please do n ot chang e variabl e resist ance se tting s in LC D modul e. They are adj usted to the mo st
suitable value. If they are changed, it might happen LCD does not satisfy the characteristics
c. The interface signal speed is very high. Please pay attention to transmission line design and
other high speed signal precautions to satisfy signal specification.
d. A condensation might happen on the surf ace and inside of LCD module in c ase of sudden change
of ambient temperature.