Analog Devices
Amplifiers, Multipliers, Modulator, Converters, Signal Compression, Interface Products
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Interface Products
The ADM2XXL family is designed to meet the EIA-232E specifications while operating from a single +5 V power supply.
This is achieved by the use of an on-chip voltage doubler. Older generation RS-232 drivers required three separate power
supplies: +5 V, +12 V, and Ð12 V, resulting in large bulky power supply units. Linear voltage regulators tend to be
inefficient and are wasteful of power. This is especially a problem in todayÕs portable equipment which operates with
battery powered supplies. Ideally the single power supply should be used which can easily be derived from a battery pack.
A new design, Analog DevicesÕ process for the 5 V RS-232 market offers lowest ICC, lowest I shutdown and the highest
speed in its class. Our ADM23XL series of line drivers/receivers are major upgrades.
Line Drivers/Receivers, RS-232
Mfr.Õs Power Supply No. of No. of External Low Power TTL Three-
Type Voltage (V) Drivers Receivers Capacitors Shutdown State Enable
ADM202JRN +5 2 2 Y N N
ADM232LJN +5 2 2 Y N N
ADM232LJR +5 2 2 Y N N
ADM232AAN +5 2 2 Y N N
ADM233LJN +5 2 2 N N N
Transceivers, EIA RS-485
Mfr.Õs Transmission Drivers/Receivers Max. Cable Min. Driver Driver Load Receiver Input Receiver Input Receiver Input Data
Type Type Per Line Length (Ft.) Output Voltage Impedance Resistance Sensitivity Voltage Range Rate
ADM485JN Differential 32/32 4000 ±1.5 V 54 ½ 12 K½ min. ±200 mV Ð7 V to +12 V 5 Mb/s
ADM485AN Differential 32/32 4000 ±1.5 V 54 ½ 12 K½ min. ±200 mV Ð7 V to +12 V 5 Mb/s
Signal Compression
Signal compression products fall into two categories: variable gain amplifiers and logarithmic amplifiers. Logarithmic
amplifiers like the AD606 and the AD640 provide an output voltage proportional to the logarithm of the input voltage for
signals from dc to 120 MHz. Variable gain amplifiers like the AD600/602 and AD603 use a patented X-AMP technology
which allows the amplifier gain to be varied as the dynamic range of the input signal changes.
Logarithmic amplifiers are excellent in all applications that require compression of wide-range analog input data. Variable
gain amplifiers are typically employed as fast-response automatic gain control (AGC) elements in RF and IF systems.
Alternatively, they can be used to provide time gain control (TGC) in applications such as commercial sonar.
Variable Gain Amplifiers
Mfr.Õs Gain Gain Accuracy Bandwidth
Type Range Max. Typ. (MHz)
AD600JN 0 dB to +40 dB ±0.5 dB* 35
AD603AQ Ð11 dB to +31 dB ±1.0 dB 90
AD603AR Ð11 dB to +31 dB ±1.0 dB 90
AD605AR Ð14 dB to +34 dB or 0 dB to +48 dB ±1.0 dB 40
*Gain accuracy measured over the 3 dB to 37 dB gain range.
Conversion Full-Scale dB Output
Mfr.Õs Accuracy Range Error
Type mV ±% Read (V RMS) dB Max
AD737JN ±0.4±0.5 0.2 Ñ
AD637KQ ±0.5±0.2 7.0 ±0.3 typ.
AD736JN ±0.5±0.5 0.2 Ñ
AD736JR ±0.5±0.5 0.2 Ñ
AD637JQ ±1.0±0.5 7.0 ±0.5 typ.
Conversion Full-Scale dB Output
Mfr.Õs Accuracy Range Error
Type mV ±% Read (V RMS) dB Max
AD637JR ±1.0±0.5 7.0 ±0.5 typ.
AD536AKD ±2.0±0.2 7.0 ±0.3
AD536AJD ±5.0±0.5 7.0 ±0.6
AD536AJH ±5.0±0.5 7.0 ±0.6
RMS-to-DC Converters
Analog Multipliers/Dividers
BW Total Supply Output
Mfr.Õs Typ. Error Voltage Voltage
Type (MHz) Max. (% FS) Range Swing Min.
AD534JD 1 ±1.00 ±8.00 V to ±18.00 V ±11.0 V
AD534JH 1 ±1.00 ±8.00 V to ±18.00 V ±11.0 V
AD633JN 1 ±2.00 ±8.00 V to ±18.00 V ±11.0 V
AD633JR 1 ±2.00 ±8.00 V to ±18.00 V ±11.0 V
MLT04GS 8 ±5.00 ±4.75 V to ±5.25 V ±3.0 V
BW Total Supply Output
Mfr.Õs Typ. Error Voltage Voltage
Type (MHz) Max. (% FS) Range Swing Min.
AD734AN 10 ±0.40 ±8.00 V to ±16.50 V ±12.0 V
AD734AQ 10 ±0.40 ±8.00 V to ±16.50 V ±12.0 V
AD835AN 250 NS ±4.50 V to ±5.50 V ±2.2 V
AD835AR 250 NS ±4.50 V to ±5.50 V ±2.2 V
Analog Multipliers/Dividers are devices that can accept analog voltages and multiply, divide, square and/or square-root
them. These devices can process signals over a wide frequency range, from DC to over 500MHz, and with varying
degrees of accuracy, from 0.4% full scale to 2% full scale, depending on the device selected. Most of these devices are
referred to as Ò4-quadrant multipliers,Ó meaning that these devices can accept any combination of input signal polarity
and provide output signals of appropriate polarity. Analog Multipliers can be used to implement a wide variety of signal
processing functions including modulation and demodulation, fixed and variable remote gain adjustment, power
measurement and mathematical operations in analog computing, curve fitting and linearizing.
Unity Gain
Mfr.Õs Open Loop Input Offset Output Voltage
Channel BW
Type Gain Min./dB Voltage Max./µV Swing Min.
Typ. (MHz)*
AD630JN 2 90 500 ±10 V
AD630KN 2 100 100 ±10 V
*Unity gain small signal bandwidth.
Unity Gain
Mfr.Õs Open Loop Input Offset Output Voltage
Channel BW
Type Gain Min./dB Voltage Max./µV Swing Min.
Typ. (MHz)*
AD630BD 2 100 100 ±10 V
*Unity gain small signal bandwidth.
This category is unusual in that it includes a single product, the AD630. The AD630 is a fast, flexible switched dual-input
op amp with an on-chip comparator. The AD630 is intended to operate in wide-band, low level and wide-dynamic range
instrumentation applications and coherent systems. The AD630 is capable of many analog signal processing functions
such as balanced modulation and demodulation, phase detection, square-wave multiplication, absolute-value
amplification, and two-channel precision multiplexing. It can also be used as a lock-in amplifier, synchronous detector,
rectifier, and much more. The AD630 essentially provides a complete, solution, with on-chip scaling resistors and requires
little or no additional circuitry.
Propagation V
Mfr.Õs Dispersion
Delay Logic Max. Dual
Type (ps)
Max. (ns) (mV) Quad
AD96685BQ 3.5 50 ECL 2.0 S
AD96687BQ 3.5 50 ECL 2.0 D
AD790JN 45.0 Ñ TTL 1.0 S
Propagation V
Mfr.Õs Dispersion
Delay Logic Max. Dual
Type (ps)
Max. (ns) (mV) Quad
AD790JR 45.0 Ñ TTL 1.0 S
CMP04FP 300.0 Ñ TTL 1.0 S
Amplifiers (Continued)