1051787-1 Product Details - TE
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1051787-1 Product Details
TE Internal Number: 1051787-1
A c ti ve
SMA/QMA RF Connectors
Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)
Product Highlights:
A pplies T o C oaxial C able
C onnec tor - RF
RF C onnec tor T ype = SM A
P lug
Without Snap-Loc k
V iew all Features
Documentat ion & Additional Inf ormation
Product Drawings:
O SM ST R A I GHT C A B LE P LU G C RI M P A T T A C HM E N T M3 9 0 1 2 /5 5 - 3 ...
(P D F, E nglis h)
Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:
N one A vailable
Product Specifications:
N one A vailable
Application Specif ications:
N one A vailable
Instruction Sheets:
SM A Straight C able P lugs (P D F, Englis h)
CAD Files:
N one A vailable
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T ooling
Product Feat ures (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
P roduc t T ype = C onnec tor - RF
RF C onnec tor T ype = SM A
Gender = P lug
C rimp T ype = C ompress ion
Body Style = Straight
Body M aterial = Stainless Steel
Body Finis h = P ass ivated
C enter C ontac t = With
Retractable C ollar = Without
Safety Wire H oles = With
M ilitary C ategory = C
Dielectric M aterial = T F E Fluoroc arbon
C oupling N ut M aterial = Stainless Steel
Gas ket M aterial = Silic one Rubber
Mechanical Attachment:
P anel M ount Retention = Without
Electrical Characteristics:
Frequenc y = D C - 12 .4 GHz
Termination Features:
C oaxial C able T ermination T ype = C rimp
Body Features:
Snap- Loc k = Without
Length (mm [in]) = 33.0 0 [1 .300 ]
Ferrule M aterial = C opper, Bras s
Contact Features:
C enter C ontac t M aterial = Beryllium C opper, C opper
A lloy
C enter C ontac t P lating = Gold
Conf igurat ion Features:
C oaxial C able T ype (RG /U or M fg.) = 3 0 3 , 58
Industry Standards:
Government/I ndus try Q ualific ation = Y es
Government/I ndus try P art N umber = M 3 9 0 1 2 /5 5 - 3 0 2 9
RoH S /E LV C omplianc e = RoHS c ompliant, ELV c ompliant
Lead Free Solder P roces s es = N ot relevant for lead free
proc es s
RoH S /E LV C omplianc e H is tory = A lways was RoHS
c ompliant
Conditions for Usage:
A pplies T o = C oaxial C able
Ot her:
Brand = A M P
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