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The actual measured peak–to–peak jitter will be very
dependent on the actual circuit configuration (e.g.,
noise on the supply , decoupling, other noise sources in
close proximity, etc.). This probably accounts for the
somewhat anomalous readings for the –200 device ris-
ing edge. An rms measurement of jitter will yield some-
what smaller results. The main consideration is that out-
put jitter will exist and that it will increase with longer
programmed delays.
In the extreme situation when the input pulse width is
close to the programmed delay value there can be a
substantial increase in jitter. This is caused by noise
being introduced to the supply line when the output
changes state. If this noise occurs close to the next tran-
sition on the input, the trigger point becomes less well
defined and output jitter will increase. Although the
device should not normally be operated under these
conditions (see Page 108), it is of interest when using
configurations such as the oscillator described on
pages 91–93, and explains why the jitter of the oscillator
exceeds the values shown above.
NOTE: If you wish to attempt to make jitter measure-
ments it is unwise to simply measure the delay time
between successive output edges. Most test genera-
tors also generate jitter. Therefore timing measure-
ments should be made between an input edge and the
corresponding output edge.
Improving Absolute Accuracy
Systems in which the delay is changed during operation
and have no feedback applied may require a greater
absolute accuracy than the data sheet tolerance, per-
haps approaching the same magnitude as the individual
step size. In this situation each device will need to be
individually calibrated to the desired accuracy . Typically
this would be done by measuring actual delay values in
the application and generating a look–up table in
EPROM for use in normal operation.
Alternatively the device can be operated in a closed loop
mode to eliminate the effects of any inaccuracies (see
Page 93).
Output Loading
As with any type of delay line the output delay will be
dependent on the output loading. The DS1020/DS1021
is tested and characterized with a load of 15 pF. Dif fer-
ent values of load capacitance will change the slope of
the output rise and fall waveforms and produce a resul-
tant change in measured delay time.
The effect of various output loads can be approximated
by assuming the output consists of a voltage source,
switch and resistors as shown in this diagram:
Using this model the following charts were generated to
show the predicted change in output transition with load
NOTE: The resistor values used were chosen so that
the charts approximate to actual (dynamic) in–circuit
performance and do not necessarily apply for DC