T4-LDS-0278, Rev. 2 (11/19/13) ©2013 Microsemi Corporation Page 1 of 7
Available on
Voidless Hermetically Sealed Bidirectional
Transient Voltage Suppressors
Qualified to MIL-PRF-19500/516
and JANS
This series of industry recognized voidless, hermetically sealed bidirectional Transient Voltage
Suppressors (TVS) are military qualified to MIL-PRF-1950 0/51 6 and ar e id e al f or high-reliability
applications where a failure cannot be toler ated. Th ey pro vide a working peak “standoff” voltage
selection from 5.2 to 15 2 Vol ts wi th a 1500 W rating f or a 10/10 0 0 µs p ulse. They are very robust
i n har d -glass construction and use internal Category 1 metallurgical bonds for high reliability.
Thes e d evi ces are avai labl e as b oth a n on-suffix part and an “A” version part involving different
vol tag e t oler a nces as des cr i bed i n the nomenclature section. The se devices are al so avail able in a
surface mount MELF package configuration.
“C” Package
Also available in:
(s urf ace mount)
1N6138US – 1N6173US
Important: For the latest information, v isit our website http://www.microsemi.com.
• High surge current and peak pulse power provides transient voltage protecti on for sensitive circuits
• Triple-layer passivation
• Internal “Category 1” metallurgical bonds
• Voidless hermetically sealed glass package
• JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS qualified versions are available per MIL-PRF-19500/516.
(See part nomenclature for all available options .)
• RoHS com pliant versions available (commercial grade only)
• Military and other high-reliability applications
• Extremely robust construction
• Extensive range in working peak “standoff” vol tage (VWM) from 5.2 to 152 volts
• 1500 watt peak pulse power (PPP) for a 10/1000 us test pulse
• ESD and EFT protection per IEC6100-4-2 and IEC61000-4-4 respectively
• Protection from the secondary effects of lightning per select levels in IEC61000-4-5.
• Flexible axial-leaded mounting terminals
• Non-sensitive to ESD per MIL-STD-750 method 1020
• Inherently radiation hard as described in Microsemi “Micr oNote 050 ”
MAXIMUM RATINGS @ TA = 25 oC u nless otherwise n oted.
MSC – Lawrence
6 Lake Street,
Lawrence, MA 01841
Tel: 1-800-446-1158 or
(978) 620-2600
Fax: (978) 689-0803
MSC – Ireland
Gort Road Business Park,
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044
Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298
Parameters/Test Conditions
Junction and St orage Temperature
Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Lead (1)
Off-State Power @ TL = 75 oC (1)
Solder Temperature @ 10 s
Notes: 1. At 3/8 inch lead length from body (see fi gure 4).
2. Steady-state pow er ratings with reference to ambient are for PC boards where thermal resistance from
mounting point to ambient is sufficientl y controlled where TOP or TJ(MAX) is not exceeded (also see