KK Series 3.3V CMOS kHz Crystal Oscillator 3.2 x 2.5mm KK 3.3V CMOS 32.768kHz KN Series Real Time Clock Oscillator 7.0x5.0mm (XO) 3.2 x 2.5mm Ceramic SMD Package: (Dimensions are in mm) Product Features Recommended Land Pattern: *32.768 kHz *3.3V CMOS compatible logic levels *Low power standby mode (< 10A) *Low power active mode (<0.3mA typ.) *Designed for standard reflow and washing techniques *Pb-free and RoHS/Green compliant CREATED USING CADSTD LITE FREEWARE FROM WWW.CADSTD.COM. NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. Product Description Pin Functions: The KK Series real time clock oscillator achieves superb stability over a broad range of operating conditions. The output clock signal is compatible with LVCMOS/LVTTL logic levels. The device, available on tape and reel, is contained in a 3.2 x 2.5mm surface-mount ceramic package. Pin Function 1 OE Function 2 Ground 3 Clock Output 4 V DD Applications Real-Time Clock Oscillator Part Ordering Information: CREATED USING CADSTD LITE FREEWARE FROM WWW.CADSTD.COM. NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. KN K XXX YYYY YYYY = SpecificationCode XXX = FrequencyCode ProductFamily Following the above format, SaRonix-eCera part numbers will be assigned upon confirmation of exact customer requirements. SaRonix-eCeraTM is a Pericom(R) Semiconductor company * US: +1-408-435-0800 TW: +886-3-4518888 * www.saronix-ecera.com 11-0037 All specifications are subject to change without notice. KK 3.3V REV B 2011_DEC 07 1 3.3V CMOS 32.768kHz KK KK Series 3.3V CMOS kHz Crystal Oscillator 3.2 x 2.5mm Electrical Performance Parameter Min. Typ. Output Frequency Max. Units 32.768 Supply Voltage +2.97 Supply Current, Output Enabled kHz +3.63 V 0.3 0.5 mA +3.63 VDC, 15 pF load 10 A Output Hi-Z 20 to 50 ppm See Note 1 below Frequency Stability -20 +70 -40 +85 Output Logic 0, VOL Output Logic 1, VOH As specified C As specified 0.1 V DD V 15 pF See Note 2 below 55 % measured 50% of V DD 15 nsec 0.9 V DD V Output Load Duty Cycle As specified +3.3 Supply Current, Standby Mode Operating Temperature Range Notes 45 Rise and Fall Time measured 10/90% of V DD Notes: 1. As specified. Stability includes all combinations of operating temperature, load changes, rated input (supply) voltage changes, initial calibration tolerance (25C), aging (1 year at 25C average effective ambient temperature), shock and vibration. 2. For specifications other than those listed, please contact sales. Output Enable / Disable Function Parameter Min. Input Voltage (pin 1), Output Enable Typ. Max. Units 0.7 V DD Input Voltage (pin 1), Output Disable (low power standby) 0.3 V DD Internal Pullup Resistance 470 Notes V or open V Output is Hi-Z k Output Disable Delay 100 ns Output Enable Delay 10 ms Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Storage Temperature Min. Typ. -55 Max. Units +125 C Notes For the latest product information visit: http://www.pericom.com/products/timing/oscillators/KK3.3/ For test circuit go to: http://www.pericom.com/pdf/sre/tc_cmos2.pdf For soldering reflow profile and reliability test ratings go to: http://www.pericom.com/pdf/sre/reflow.pdf For tape and reel information go to: http://www.pericom.com/pdf/sre/tr_3225_xo.pdf SaRonix-eCeraTM is a Pericom(R) Semiconductor company * US: +1-408-435-0800 TW: +886-3-4518888 * www.saronix-ecera.com 11-0037 All specifications are subject to change without notice. KK 3.3V REV B 2011_DEC 07 2