1194 Tape
Copper Foil with Nonconductive Adhesive
Data Sheet
Product Description
3M 1194 Tape consists of a 1-ounce deadsoft
copper foil backing and an aggressive
noncond u ctive pr es sur e-sen si tiv e acr ylic
• Deadso ft 1-ounce copper foil backing
• Nonconductive acrylic adhesive
• Supplied on a removable liner for easy
handling and diecutting
Like all 3M shielding tapes, 3M 1194 is
available in standard and custom widths and
lengths. Standard length for 3M 1194 is 36
• Widths from 1/4” to 23”
• Longer lengths up to several times normal
length, dependent upon width. Check with
Customer Service.
3M 1194 Tape is typically u sed for
applications requiring economical electrical
bonding, grounding, and EMI shielding. The
copper foil backing is solder abl e and resist s
oxidat ion and disc ol ora tion.
Shielding Effectiveness
Many factors determine the true shielding
effectiveness of a shielding tape, including
type and thickness of foil, adhesive type,
intimacy of contact, smoothness of application
surface, strength and frequency of the EMI
signal, etc. However, using standard tests and
fixtures, it is possible to determine a value for
the attenu a tion.
For 3M 1194 Tape, typical shielding
effectiveness (far field) is in the range of 50dB
to 60dB (30 MHz to 1 GHz).
Properties Typical Values
Backing thickness 11.4 mil (0,04mm)
Total thickness (backing plus adhesive) 2.6 mil (0.066mm)
Breaking strength 1 25 lb./in (44 N /10mm)
Adhesion to steel 1 40 oz/in (4,4 N/10mm)
Flame retardancy 2 Pass
* Footnote: 1. Test method ASTM D 1000
2. UL-recognized for fl am e retardancy per UL 510, Product Category 0ANZ2, File E17385.