A3515: ±10 G x 5.0 mV/ G ≈ ±50 mV
A3516: ±10 G x 2.5 mV/ G ≈ ±25 mV
A3506: ±20 G x 2.5 mV/ G ≈ ±50 mV
A3507: ±35 G x 2.5 mV/ G ≈ ±87 mV
A3508: ±50 G x 2.5 mV/G ≈ ±125 mV
Essentially, the list establishes the A3516 as the favored linear
when the quiescent voltage drift is an important criteria, and
maximum sensitivity is not the primary consideration. In
current-sensing applications this entails twice the number of
turns (vs. A3515) to attain the same voltage swing.
Over a full-scale voltage swing (≥±2.0 V) the maximum error
with the A3516 is ≤±1.3% but, consistently, quiescent voltage
drift is <±3 G (≈±7.5 mV with the A3516). This error factor is
dependent upon temperature; hence, sufficient turns should be
employed to drive the output near full-scale. This minimizes
the overall effect of temperature-related quiescent output
voltage drift. Therefore, operation near full-range is absolutely
advised as the ∆VOQ error percentage is lower.
Temperature Influence upon Sensor Sensitivity
The nominal sensitivities (and ranges) of both of the new linears
was mentioned previously. However, the circuit tolerances
were unspecified. The ICs have different nominal sensitivities;
however, the temperature-related maximum shifts are identical.
Reiterating sensitivity and range, plus adding the tolerances,
produces the following Hall-effect IC parameters and device
temperature shifts:
Sensitivity ........................... 5.0 mV/G, ±10%
∆Sensitivity(∆T) at TA = Max
-2.5% (min), +2.5% (typ), +7.5% (max)
∆Sensitivity(∆T) at TA = Min
-9.0% (min), -1.3% (typ), +1.0% (max)
Magnetic Range ............... ≥±400 G (≥±2.0 V)
Sensitivity ........................... 2.5 mV/G, ±10%
∆Sensitivity(∆T) at TA = Max
-2.5% (min), +2.5% (typ), +7.5% (max)
∆Sensitivity(∆T) at TA = Min
-9.0% (min), -1.3% (typ), +1.0% (max)
Magnetic Range ............... ≥±800 G (≥±2.0 V)
Temperature Ranges:
TA (min) ................................................. -40°C
TA (max) ............................. +85°C or +125°C
Essentially, the attainable accuracy of open-loop linear HEDs
involves dc offset and sensitivity.
Accuracy of Open-Loop Linear Hall Sensors
In any classic mystery, at this juncture the ‘plot’ thickens.
Because precise, exacting measurement demands are increasing,
a concise explanation of the interrelated elements associated
with attaining ‘accuracy’ and dependability is next. Accuracy,
repeatability, cost, etc. are very interrelated.
Though parametric maximums can be defined, the cumulative
impact on accuracy is quite nebulous. Also, it is improbable
that all worst-case errors occur coincidentally. Increasingly,
cost-sensitive designs are based upon typical specifications, and
this may precipitate a small (although tolerable) failure rate that
cannot (easily) be decreased.
Pinpointing the absolute accuracy of ‘open-loop’ current
sensing is beyond this treatise. However, reviewing the
essential factors supports analysis.
Hysteresis, hys ........................................... ≈±1%
Output Quiescent Voltage, VOQ ................. ±8%*
(A3515 or A3516 .............2.5 V ±0.2 V)
Output Quiescent Voltage Drift, ∆VOQ ..... ±10 G
(A3515.................................. ≤±50 mV)
(A3516.................................. ≤±25 mV)
Sensitivity, TA = Max ................................. ±10%
(A3515.................................. 5.0 mV/G)
(A3516.................................. 2.5 mV/G)
TA = Max ..................... -2.5% to +7.5%
TA = Min...................... -9.0% to +1.0%
Positive/Negative Linearity .................... ≈99.7%
Symmetry................................................. ≈99.7%
Wide-Band Noise, en............................... 400 µV
Clearly, some of these elements are very crucial to attaining
accurate current sensing, while others are rather inconsequen-
tial. Fundamentally, errors correlated to hysteresis, linearity,
symmetry, and wide-band noise become quite insignificant.
The factors linked to quiescent voltage and sensitivity are
(absolutely) essential to any implemention of an accurate and
precise current sensing design.
Errors linked to quiescent output voltage drift are range depen-
dent and device related. The ±10 G (typically <±5 G) shift
correlates to a potential error of 50% with a 10 gauss applied
magnetic field. However, the ±10 G drift represents less than
1.5% with a field strength >667 G. Thus, the quiescent voltage
error factor is ‘non-linear’ and is (substantially) diminished with
large output-voltage swings of the A3516 linear HED.
* Refer to addendum.