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compare functions are included for generating
output signals or for timing software delays.
Since the input-capture and output-compare
functions may not be familiar to all users,
these concepts are explained in greater detail.
A programmable periodic interrupt circuit
called RTI is tapped off of the main 16-bit
timer counter. Software can select one of four
rates for the RTI, which is most commonly
used to pace the execution of software rou-
tines. The COP watchdog function is loosely
related to the main timer in that the clock input
to the COP system (clk*217) is tapped off the
free-running counter chain. The timer sub-
system involves more registers and control
bits than any other subsystem on the MCU.
Each of the three input-capture functions has
its own 16-bit time capture latch (input-capture
register) and each of the five output-compare
functions has its own 16-bit compare register.
All timer functions, including the timer overflow
and RTI, have their own interrupt controls and
separate interrupt vectors. Additional control
bits permit software to control the edge(s) that
trigger each input-capture function and the
automatic actions that result from output-
compare functions. Although hardwired logic
is included to automate many timer activities,
this timer architecture is essentially a soft-
ware-oriented system. This structure is easily
adaptable to a very wide range of applications
although it is not as efficient as dedicated
hardware for some specific timing applica-
SCI - The SCI is a full-duplex UART type
asynchronous system, using standard non
return to zero (NRZ) format : 1 start bit, 8 or 9
data bits and a 1 stop bit. The DF6811 resyn-
chronizes the receiver bit clock on all one to
zero transitions in the bit stream. Therefore
differences in baud rate between the sending
device and the SCI are not as likely to cause
reception errors. Three logic samples are
taken near the middle of data bit time, and
majority logic decides the sense for the bit.
For the start and stop bits seven logic sam-
ples are taken. Even if noise causes one of
these samples to be incorrect, the bit will still
be received correctly. The receiver also has
the ability to enter a temporary standby mode
(called receiver wakeup) to ignore messages
intended for a different receiver. Logic auto-
matically wakes up the receiver in time to see
the first character of the next message. This
wakeup feature greatly reduces CPU over-
head in multi-drop SCI networks. The SCI
transmitter can produce queued characters of
idle (whole characters of all logic 1) and break
(whole characters of all logic 0). In addition to
the usual transmit data register empty (TDRE)
status flag, this SCI also provides a transmit
complete (TC) indication that can be used in
applications with a modem.
SPI Unit – it’s a fully configurable mas-
ter/slave Serial Peripheral Interface, which
allows user to configure polarity and phase of
serial clock signal SCK. It allows the micro-
controller to communicate with serial periph-
eral devices. It is also capable of interproces-
sor communications in a multi-master system.
A serial clock line (SCK) synchronizes shifting
and sampling of the information on the two
independent serial data lines. SPI data are
simultaneously transmitted and received. SPI
system is flexible enough to interface directly
with numerous standard product peripherals
from several manufacturers. Data rates as
high as CLK/8. Clock control logic allows a
selection of clock polarity and a choice of two
fundamentally different clocking protocols to
accommodate most available synchronous
serial peripheral devices. When the SPI is
configured as a master, software selects one
of four different bit rates for the serial clock.
Error-detection logic is included to support
interprocessor communications. A write-
collision detector indicates when an attempt is
made to write data to the serial shift register
while a transfer is in progress. A multiple-
master mode-fault detector automatically dis-
ables SPI output drivers if more than one SPI
devices simultaneously attempts to become
bus master.
Pulse Accumulator – This system is based
on an 8-bit counter and can be configured to
operate as a simple event counter or for gated
time accumulation. Unlike the main timer, the
8-bit pulse accumulator counter can be read
or written at any time (the 16-bit counter in the
main timer cannot be written). Control bits
allow the user to configure and control the
pulse accumulator subsystem. Two maskable
interrupts are associated with the system,
each having its own controls and interrupt
vector. The PAI pin associated with the pulse
accumulator can be configured to act as a
clock (event counting mode) or as a gate sig-
nal to enable a free-running E divided by 64
clock to the 8-bit counter (gated time accu-
mulation mode). The alternate functions of the