Table 18. Document Revi sion History
M41T81, 41T81, T8 1Serial, Seria l, Serial, Serial , Serial , Serial, Serial, Serial, Seria l, Serial, Se rial, Serial , Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Se rial, Serial , Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Serial, Seria l, Serial, Ser ial,
Serial, Serial, Serial, Se rial, Seria l, Serial, Serial, Serial, Seria l, Serial, Serial , Serial, Se rial, S erial, Serial , Ser ial, Serial, Serial, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access,
Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Acces s, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Ac-
cess, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, A ccess, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access,
Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Access, Interface, Inte rface, Interface, Interfa ce, In terfac e, Inte rfa ce, In te rface,
Inte rface, Int erface, In terf ace, I nterface, Int erface, In ter face, Interfa ce, In terface, I nterface, Int erface, In terf ace, I nterface, Int erface, In ter face, Interfa ce, In terface, In te rface, Interfa ce, In terf ace, I nterface, Interfa ce,
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Interfa ce, Interface, Interface, Interfa ce, Interface, Interface, Interface, Inte rface, Interface, Interface, Interfac e, Interface, In terface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Interface, Clock,
Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Cloc k, Clock, Clock, C lock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Cloc k, Clock, Clock, C lock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Cloc k, Clock, Clock, C lock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clock, Clock,
Clock , Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock, Clock , Clock, Clo ck, Clock, Clock, Clock, RTC, RT C, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RT C, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC,
RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, RTC, Programmable, Pro gramm able , Prog rammabl e, Pr ogramm able, Pr ogra mmable , Progra m ma ble, Pr ogramma -
bl e, Progra mmable, Prog r am m able, Prog r am m able, P r ogramma ble, P r og r am ma ble, Programma ble, Progra mm a bl e, Progra mmable , Pr ogra mmable, Programmab le, Programmable, Programmable, Programma -
ble, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable,
Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable, Programmable,
Pr ogra mma ble, Prog ram mabl e, Pr ogr ammabl e, Pr ogr amm able, Pro gramm abl e, Pr ogr ammab le , Pro gra mmabl e, Pr ogra mma ble, Prog ram mabl e, Pr ogr ammabl e, Pr ogr amm able Al ar m, Pro gra mmabl e Ala rm, Pr o-
grammab le Alarm, Programm able Alarm , Programm able Alarm, P rogrammable Alarm, P rogrammable Alarm, Programma ble Alarm, Programm able Alarm, Programmable Al arm, Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm,
Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Ala rm, Al arm , Alarm, Al arm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm , A larm, Alarm, Ala rm, A larm,
Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Ala rm, Al arm , Alarm, Al arm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm , A larm, Alarm, Ala rm, A larm,
Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Ala rm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Ala rm, Al arm , Alarm, Al arm, Ala rm, Alarm, Alarm , A larm, Alarm, Ala rm, A larm,
Alarm, A larm , Alarm, Alarm, Alarm, Alarm , Alarm, Alarm, A la rm, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rru pt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, In ter-
rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, In ter-
rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, In ter-
rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt,
Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru pt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interru p t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, In ter-
rupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Inte rrupt, Interrupt, In terrupt, Interrup t, Interrupt, Interrupt, Interrupt, Watchdog, Watc hdog, Watchdog, Wa tchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog,
Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog,
Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog,
Watchdog, Watchdog, Watch d og, Watchdog, Watchdog, Watchdog, Wa tchdog, Watchdog, Battery, Battery, Battery, Ba ttery, Battery , Battery, Ba ttery, Battery, Ba ttery, Battery, Ba ttery, B a ttery, Battery , Battery,
Battery, B attery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Ba ttery, Battery, Battery, Ba ttery, Ba ttery, Battery, Battery, B attery, Battery, Battery, Battery, Batt ery, Batt ery, Battery, Batt ery, Batt ery, Battery, Batt ery,
Battery, Battery, Batt ery, Battery, Battery, Ba ttery, Batte ry, Batte ry, Battery, Battery, Batt ery, Battery, Battery, Ba tte ry, Battery, Battery, Battery , Battery, Bat tery, Battery, Ba tter y, Switchover, Switchover, Switcho-
ver, Switchover , Switchover, Switchover, Switchover, Swit chover, Switchover, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backu p, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup, Backup,
Backup, Backup, Bac kup, Backup, Backup, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write
Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, W rite Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Write Protect, Industrial,
Industria l, In dustrial , In dustrial , In dustrial, Industri al, Industrial, Industrial, Industria l, I ndustrial , Indu strial , vIndustria l, Industrial, Indust rial, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC, SOIC,
Date Version Revision Details
December 2001 1.0 First Issue
21-Jan-02 1.1 Fix table footnotes (Table 9, 10)
01-May-02 1.2 Modify reflow time and temperature footnote (Table 6)
05-Jun-02 1.3 Modify Data Retention text, Trip Points (Table 12)
10-Jun-02 1.4 Corrected Supply Voltage values (Table 6, 7)
03-Jul-02 1.5 Modify DC Characteristics, Crystal Electrical table footnotes, Preferred Default Values
(Table 9, 10, 5)
11-Oct-02 1.6 Add marketing status (Figure 3; Table 17); adjust footnotes (Figure 3; Table 9)
21-Jan-03 1.7 Add embedded crystal package option (Figure 2, 4, 23; Table 16); modified pre-
existing mechanical drawing (Figure 21; Table 14).
05-Mar-03 1.8 Correct dimensions (Figure 23; Table 16); remove SNAPHAT® package option
12-Sep-03 2.0 Updated disclaimer, v2.2 template; add SOX18 package (Figure 3, 5, 22; Tab le 17, 15)
27-Apr-04 3.0 Reformatted; update characteristics (Figure 5, 4, 7, 14, 17, ; Table 1, 6, 9, 12, 17)
17-Jun-04 4.0 Ref ormatted; add Lead-free information; add dual f ootprint connections (Figure 6;Table
6, 17)
7-Sep-04 5.0 Update footprint and Maximum Ratings (Figure 6; Table 6)
13-Sep-04 6.0 Update max ratings (Table 6)