FPS2800B12C4 – Fluid Property Sensor Module
FPS2800B12C4 FPC012 Rev H www.meas-spec.com December 09
• FPS2800B12C4 contains circuits to protect its inputs and outputs against Ele ctrostatic discharges (ESD) up
to ±25kV (air discharge)
• FPS2800B12C4 is protected against EMC interferences (SAE J1114)
• FPS2800B12C4 is protected against reverse polarity
• FPS2800B12C4 is cross wire protected
• Additional tests under harsh chemical conditions demonstrate good operation in presence of 5% nitric acid,
soot, fuel, water, oxidized oil, a non-exhaustive list
NOTE: This FPS and its use may be covered by one or more patents, including US Patents 6,957,565;
6,873,916; 6,494,079; 6,336,353; 7,043,969 and other pending US and worldwide patents.
FPP800A110 for FPS2800B12C4
Customer Service contact details
Meas France
105 av. du Général Eisenhower
BP 23705 31037 TOULOUSE CEDEX 1
Tél: +33 (0) 561 194 543
Fax:+33 (0) 561 194 553
Sales: fluid.sales@meas-spec.com
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