EN5337QI Evaluation Board Application Note
August 2008 V1.0
Enpirion EN5337QI 3A DCDC Converter
w/Integrated Inductor Evaluation Board
Thank you for choosing Enpirion, the source for Ultra small foot print power
converter products!
• The EN5337QI features integrated inductor, power MOSFETS, Controller,
a bulk of the compensation Network, and protection circuitry against
system faults. This level of integration delivers a substantial reduction in
footprint and part count over competing solutions. However, the evaluation
board is not optimized for minimum footprint; rather for engineering ease
of evaluation through programming options, clip leads, test points etc.
• The EN5337QI features a customer programmable output voltage by
means of a resistor divider. The resistor divider allows the user to set the
output voltage to any value within the range 0.75V to (VIN-VDROPOUT). The
evaluation board, as shipped is populated with a 4 resistor divider option.
The upper resistor is fixed (150kΩ) and has a phase lead capacitor (27pF)
in parallel. One of 4 lower resistors is selected with the jumper option for
output voltages of 1.0V, 1.2V, 1.55V and 2.5V. We recommend the user to
retain the upper resistor and capacitor values and change only the lower
resistor to program the output to the desired voltage.
• This device has no over-voltage protection feature. We strongly
recommend the customer to ensure the feedback loop is truly closed
before powering up the device especially if the load can not withstand the
input voltage.
• The input capacitor is a 10V rated 2X10uF X5R MLCC. The output filter
section is populated with 1 x 10uF and 1 x 47uF, 6.3V rated X5R MLC
capacitors to achieve the required ~50uF of output capacitance. This
combination of output caps yields very low ESR and hence low output
ripple. A single 47uF capacitor may be substituted if minimizing footprint
is important. The Soft-start capacitor is a small 10V rated 15nF X5R
• Pads are available to add an additional input capacitor and there are a
total of 5 pads to accommodate the output capacitor(s). This allows for
evaluation of performance over a wide range of input/output capacitor
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