133X CompactFlash Card
Transcend Information Inc.
Multiple Sector Setting
Bits 15-9 are reserved and shall be set to 0.
Bit 8 shall be set to 1 indicating that the Multiple Sector Setting is valid.
Bits 7-0 are the current setting for the number of sectors that shall be transferred per interrupt on
Read/Write Multiple commands.
Total Sectors Addressable in LBA Mode
This field contains the total number of user addr essable sectors for the CompactFlash Storag e Card in
LBA mode only.
Multiword DMA transfer
Bits 15 through 8 of word 63 of the Identify Device parameter information is defined as the Multiword DMA
mode selected field. If this field is supported, bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. This field is bit significant.
Only one of bits may be set to one in this field by the CompactFlash Storage Card to indicate the
multiword DMA mode which is curr ently se lect ed. O f these bits, bits 1 5 thro ug h 11 are res er ved. Bit 8, if
set to one, indicates that Multiword DMA mode 0 has been selected. Bit 9, if set to one, indicates that
Multiword DMA mode 1 has been selected. Bit 10, if set to one, indicates that Multiword DMA mode 2 has
been selected.
Selection of Multiword DMA modes 3 and above are specific to CompactFlash are reported in word 163,
Word 163: CF Advanced True IDE Timing Mode Capabilities and Settings.
Bits 7 through 0 of word 63 of the Identify Device parameter information is defined as the Multiword DMA
data transfer supp or te d field. If this field is supported, bit 1 of wo rd 5 3 sh all be set to one. This field is bit
significant. Any number of bits may be set to one in this field by the CompactFlash Storage Card to
indicate the Multiword DMA modes it is capable of supporting.
Of these bits, bits 7 through 2 are reserved. Bit 0, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage
Card supports Multiword DMA mode 0. Bit 1, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card
supports Multiword DMA modes 1 and 0. Bit 2, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage
Card supports Multiword DMA modes 2, 1 and 0. Support for Multiword DMA modes 3 and above are
specific to CompactFlash are reported in word 163, Word 163: CF Advanced True IDE Timing Mode
Capabilities and Settings.
Word 64: Advanced PIO transfer modes supported
Bits 7 through 0 of word 64 of the Iden tify Devic e para meter infor mation is d efined as th e advanc ed PIO
data transfer supp or te d field. If this field is supported, bit 1 of wo rd 53 shall be set to one. This field is bit
significant. Any number of bits may be set to one in this field by the CompactFlash Storage Card to
indicate the advanced PIO modes it is capable of supporting.
Of these bits, bits 7 through 2 are reserved. Bit 0, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage
Card supports PIO mode 3. Bit 1, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash StorageCard supports
PIO mode 4.
Support for PIO modes 5 and above are specific to CompactFlash are reported in word 163.
Word 65: Minimum Multiword DMA transfer cycle time
Word 65 of the parameter information of the Identify Device command is defined as the minimum
Multiword DMA transfer cycle time. This field defines, in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time that, if
used by the host, the CompactFlash Storage Card guarantees data integrity during the transfer.
If this field is su pported, bit 1 of word 53 shal l be set to one. The value in word 65 shall not be less than the
minimum cycle time for the fastest DMA mode supported by the device. This field shall be supported by all
CompactF lash Storage Cards su pporting DM A modes 1 and ab ove. If bit 1 of word 53 is set to one, bu t
this field is not supported, the Card shall return a value of zero in this field.
Recommended Multiword DMA transfer cycle time
Word 66 of the parameter information of the Identify Devic e command is defined as the recommended
Multiword DMA transfer c yc le tim e. T his fie ld de fines, in nanosec o nds, the cycle time that, if used by the
host, may optimize the data transfer from by reducing the probability that the CompactFlash Storage Card