Interconnect Solutions
3M is a trademark of 3M Company.
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3M™ Mini D Ribbon (MDR) Cable Assembly
.050″ High Speed Digital Data Transmission System, 26 Position 1W226-TZLB-XXX-0LC
*RoHS = Directive 2002/95/EC, Restrict ion of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
"RoHS compliant" mea ns that the product or part does not contain any of the following substances in exce ss of the following maximum con centration values
in any homogeneous material, unless the substance is in an application that is exempt under RoHS: (a) 0.1% (by weight) for lead, mercury, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphe nyls or po lybromiante d dip henyl e thers; o r (b) 0.01% (by weight) for cadmium. Unle ss o therwise s tate d by 3M in writing,
this information represents 3M's knowledge and belief based upon information provided by third party suppliers to 3M.
Channel Link is a trademark of National Se miconductor.
Camera Link is a certification mark of Automated Imag ing Association.
Connector Contact Plating
Wiping Area: 30μ″ [ 0.76μm ] Min. Gold
Shell Color: Beige
Shell Material: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Cable Color: Beige
Cable Jacket Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Cable Flammability: AWM VW-1
Voltage Rating: 30 V
Current Rating: 1 A
Insulation Resistance: > 1 × 108Ω at @100 Vdc
Withstanding Voltage: 350 Vrms for 1 minute
Individually Shielded Twisted Pairs
Characteristic Impedance: 100 ± 10Ω
Conductor Size : 28 AWG Stranded
Propogation Velocity: 1.25 ns/ft [4.1 ns/m ]
Skew (within pair): 50 ps / meter maximum
Skew (channel skew per chipset ): 50 ps / meter maximum
Temperature Rating: -20°C to +75°C
Sheet 1 of 3
• Supports LVDS Channel Link™ signaling
• Supports Camera Link® Specification V1.0
• 11 shielded pairs (100 ohm) +4 grounds for
high bandwidth applicatio ns
• High density 26 position MDR with rugged
ribbon type contact
• Overmolded backshell
• Thumbscrew latching options
• Used for bulkhead connection, or rack IO
panel connection
• Used to extend the length of a standard
Camera Link® cable assembly
• RoHS* compliant
Date Modified: May 29, 20 06
UL File No.: E86982