60V N-Channel MOSFET
Document Number: DS_P0000067 2 Version: C15
Electrical Specifications (Ta = 25°C, unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Conditions Symbol
Min Typ Max Unit
Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage VGS = 0V, ID = 10µA BVDSS 60 -- -- V
Gate Threshold Voltage VDS = VGS, ID = 250µA VGS(TH) 1.0 -- 2.5 V
Gate Body Leakage VGS = ±20V, VDS = 0V IGSS -- -- ±10 uA
Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current VDS = 60V, VGS = 0V IDSS -- -- 1.0 uA
Drain-Source On-State Resistance VGS = 10V, ID = 100mA RDS(ON) -- 3 5 Ω
VGS = 5V, ID = 100mA -- 3.6 5.5
Forward Transconductance VDS = 10V, ID = 200mA gfs 100 -- -- mS
Diode Forward Voltage IS = 300mA, VGS = 0V VSD -- 0.9 1.2 V
Total Gate Charge VDS = 10V, ID = 250mA,
VGS = 4.5V Qg -- 0.4 -- nC
Input Capacitance VDS = 25V, VGS = 0V,
f = 1.0MHz
Ciss -- 7.32 --
Output Capacitance Coss -- 3.42 --
Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crss -- 7.63 --
Turn-On Delay Time VDD = 30V, RG = 10Ω
ID = 100mA, VGEN = 10V,
td(on) -- 25 -- nS
Turn-Off Delay Time td(off) -- 35 --
a. pulse test: PW ≤300µS, duty cycle ≤2%
b. For DESIGN AID ONLY, not subject to production testing.
b. Switching time is essentially independent of operating temperature.