Type 99M wire has a dual
wall construction of radia-
tion cross-linked modified
polyester. This combines
excellent mechanical per-
formance and chemical
resistance with a range of
enhanced fire hazard
properties. Type 99M wire
is designed to meet the
stringent low fire hazard
performance now being
specified by the UK Naval
Defense Standard Authority
for ship wiring and cabling.
During the 1980’s there
were major changes in the
demands of many wire and
cable specifications to
reduce the risks associated
with all aspects of fire
hazards. Specifications
such as Def Stan 61-12
Part 18, have been devel-
oped over the last decade
demanding improved
performance of wires
and cables under fire
This has led to a tightening
of the requirements for
flammability, smoke genera-
tion, corrosive gas genera-
tion and hazardous fume
emission. Type 99M wire
achieves these improve-
ments in performance
whilst retaining small size,
light weight, flexibility,
handleability, resistance to
carbon arc tracking and
resistance to chemicals
and fluids.
Physical Characteristics
Type 99M wire has been
designed to be compatible
with modern wiring and
harnessing techniques.
It is a flexible wire with virtu-
ally no springback once
set. It is easily stripped with
tools such as conventional
die-blade strippers.
Small Size
Type 99M equipment wire
has a nominal 0.2 mm insu-
lation wall thickness which
is comparable to other
established thin wall wires
such as SPEC 44 wire.
Light Weight
Type 99M wire is designed
to have the same weights
as SPEC 44 wire.
Product Facts
■Low flammability
■Low smoke generation
■Low toxicity index
■Low generation of corrosive
■Small size, lightweight
Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable
Type 99M
Wire and Cable
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999
www.te.com to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015