BPW 4 Series Data Sheet, Page 1 of 3
BIAS Power Revised 08/22/2011 www.biaspower.com
Specifications subject to change
BIAS Power Supply Module
BPW 4 Series Data Sheet
Single (Vo) or Dual (Vo & Vr) output
BPW 4-08-00, -08-33, -08-50
BPW 4-14-00, -14-33, -14-50
BPW 4-24-00
The BPW 4 Power Supply Module is an ideal solution for numer-
ous control applications in lighting, sensing, smart building and
power distribution where operation from 277VAC mains is re-
quired. This low-cost supply provides up to four watts of output
power at 8, 14 and 24 VDC (Vo) and optional 3.3 and 5.0 VDC (Vr)
output for microprocessors, logic, timing circuits, transceivers,
sensors or other control functions. Incorporating a custom inte-
grated circuit into a small package (2.45 in
[40.1 cm
]) the BIAS
Module provides an immediate “drop-in” solution, requiring no
additional external components.
Operating Specifications
(@120VAC / 60 Hz / 25ºC unless otherwise specified)
Input Voltage Range 85 - 308 VAC (50/60Hz)
Input Surge Withstand 345V, < 30 sec
Output Power (Pmax) 4 W min. (60Hz)
3.33 W min. (50Hz)
Efficiency ≥ 70%
Output Vo (Peak) 8, 14 or 24 VDC nom. +/- 5%
Line / Load Regulation Vo (Peak) +/- 1% Po < Pmax
Temperature Regulation Vo (Peak) +/- 2% Po < Pmax
Ripple Vo (@120 Hz)
(@ 100 kHz)
1.75 V p:p
0.25 V p:p
Output Vr, 3.3 volt (+/- 5%)
For Vo = 8V, Ir out 160mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 500mA
For Vo = 14V, Ir out 70mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 285mA
For Vo = 24V, Vr not available
Output Vr, 5.0 volt (+/- 5%)
For Vo = 8V, Ir out 250mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 500mA
For Vo = 14V, Ir out 83mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 285mA
For Vo = 24V, Vr not available
No-load Consumption 30 mW typical @ Vin=120 VAC
Isolation 3000 VAC (meets UL / CSA & EN Product Safety)
Earth Leakage @ 120 VAC < 10 uA
Short Circuit Protection Continuous, Pin ≤ 0.7 w @ Vin = 120 VAC
Reliability @ 25° C, MIL HDBK-217F
> 500 Khr MTBF
Operating Temperature -30 to +70
Operating Relative Humidity 0 – 95%, non-condensing
Storage Temperature -40 to +105
Package Size (L x W x H) 1.91 x 1.31 x 0.98 inches [48.5 x 33.3 x 24.9 mm]
Safety Compliance UL / EN 60950-1 2
Ed. (CB Report Available)
EMI Emissions EN 55022, Class B, FCC Part 15, Class B
• Universal Input (85-308 VAC, 50/60Hz)
• Small Size—2.45 in
[40.1 cm
• Low no-load input power <30mW
• Constant power mode, not current limit
• 3000 VAC Isolation
• Up to 75% efficiency
• EN 55022, Class B; FCC Part 15, Class B
• Meets UL/CSA and EN Product Safety (ITE)
Bias Power AC/DC power supplies are designed to be
applied in two major categories of applications…
Auxiliary, where the Bias supply is one of two or more sup-
plies and provides power for standby, housekeeping, bias-
ing or other requirements. Generally, these supply 3.3V or
5.0V requirements from the Vr output. In some cases a
small amount of Vo power is used.
Second is as a main or utility supply where Bias is the only
supply and provides all power necessary for the product or
system. Both Vr and Vo supplies are often utilized for opti-
mum system performance.
The characteristics of the Vo and Vr outputs are different
and each has application-specific benefits which can pro-
vide high value to the system designer.
Vo is a voltage-regulated output which has a constant
power mode instead of a conventional current limit. This
output is best suited to drive mechanical relays, solenoids,
SSRs, capacitive loads, indicating lights, LEDs and as a
source for isolated DC utility power which may be used
directly or post-regulated with either a linear regulator or a
DC/DC converter. Vo is self protecting, cannot be over-
loaded and can be shorted indefinitely. The graceful transi-
tion from voltage regulation to constant power along with
the wide range of product ratings, allows the designer to
select a supply tightly matched to the design load. There is
no need to oversize a Bias Power supply. Unlike design-
your-own, or partially complete modules where significant
design margin is required, to stay far away from current
limit, Bias’s constant power alternative requires no such
Vr is also a voltage-regulated output and is thermally pro-
tected from overload. It has very low output ripple capable
of driving microprocessors , logic, transceivers, sensors and
other elements which require a low-noise, tightly-regulated
supply. In addition, Vr is supplied internally by Vo. This
means that any capacitance added to Vo can increase the
hold-up time of Vr as well.
*Note: maximum currents specified for constant voltage
range only. See V-I curve on page 2 for Vo in constant
power range.