USB333x Industry's Smallest Hi-Speed USB Transceiver with Single Supply Operation PRODUCT FEATURES Data Brief USB-IF Battery Charging 1.1 Specification Compliant Link Power Management (LPM) Compliant Integrated ESD protection circuits Up to 25kV IEC Air Discharge without external devices Over-Voltage Protection circuit (OVP) protects the VBUS pin from continuous DC voltages up to 30V Integrated USB Switch (USB3331, USB3336 and USB3338) -- No degradation of Hi-Speed electrical characteristics -- Allows single USB port of connection by providing switching function for: - Battery charging - Stereo and mono/mic audio - USB Full-Speed/Low-Speed data SMSC RapidCharge AnywhereTM Provides: -- 3-times the charging current through a USB port over traditional solutions -- USB-IF Battery Charging 1.1 compliance to any portable device -- Charging current up to 1.5Amps via compatible USB host or dedicated charger -- Dedicated Charging Port (DCP), Charging (CDP) & Standard (SDP) Downstream Port support flexPWR(R) Technology -- Extremely low current design ideal for battery powered applications -- "Sleep" mode tri-states all ULPI pins and places the part in a low current state -- 1.8V to 3.3V IO Voltage (USB3333) Single Power Supply Operation -- Integrated 1.8V regulator -- Integrated battery to 3.3V regulator - 100mV dropout voltage PHYBoost -- Programmable USB transceiver drive strength for recovering signal integrity VariSenseTM -- Programmable USB receiver sensitivity "Wrapper-less" design for optimal timing performance and design ease -- Low Latency Hi-Speed Receiver (43 Hi-Speed clocks Max) allows use of legacy UTMI Links with a ULPI bridge External Reference Clock operation available -- ULPI Clock In Mode (60MHz sourced by Link) -- 0 to 3.6V input drive tolerant -- Able to accept "noisy" clock sources as reference to internal, low-jitter PLL -- USB3330 and USB3333 support multiple frequencies Smart detection circuits allow identification of USB charger, headset, or data cable insertion Includes full support for the optional On-The-Go (OTG) protocol detailed in the On-The-Go Supplement Revision 2.0 specification Supports the OTG Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP) UART mode for non-USB serial data transfers Internal 5V cable short-circuit protection of ID, DP and DM lines to VBUS or ground Industrial Operating Temperature -40C to +85C 25 ball, WLCSP lead-free RoHS Compliant package (1.97 x 1.97 x 0.53 mm height) Applications The USB333x is the solution of choice for any application where a Hi-Speed USB connection is desired and when board space, power, and interface pins must be minimized. Cell Phones PDAs MP3 Players GPS Personal Navigation Scanners External Hard Drives Digital Still and Video Cameras Portable Media Players Entertainment Devices Printers Set Top Boxes Video Record/Playback Systems IP and Video Phones Gaming Consoles SMSC USB333x Revision 1.3 (11-20-12) PRODUCT PREVIEW Industry's Smallest Hi-Speed USB Transceiver with Single Supply Operation Order Number(s): ORDER NUMBER REFCLK FREQUENCY (Note 0.1) USB3330E-GL-TR Selectable USB3331E-GL-TR 26MHz USB3333E-GL-TR Selectable USB3336E-GL-TR 19.2MHz USB3338E-GL-TR 38.4MHz Note 0.1 PACKAGE TYPE REEL SIZE 25 Ball, WLCSP Lead-Free RoHS Compliant Package (tape and reel) 3,000 pieces All versions support ULPI Clock Input Mode (60MHz input at REFCLK) This product meets the halogen maximum concentration values per IEC61249-2-21 For RoHS compliance and environmental information, please visit Copyright (c) 2012 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC's website at SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation ("SMSC"). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. The Microchip name and logo, and the Microchip logo are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Revision 1.3 (11-20-12) 2 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC USB333x Industry's Smallest Hi-Speed USB Transceiver with Single Supply Operation General Description SMSC's USB333x is a family of High Speed USB 2.0 Transceivers that provides a physical layer (PHY) solution well-suited for portable electronic devices. Both commercial and industrial temperature applications are supported. Each model in the USB333x family may use a 60MHz reference clock or the model-number specific reference clock shown in Order Numbers on page 2. The USB3330 and USB3333 can support several different frequencies driven on the REFCLK pin. The configuration of the frequency selection pins set the desired reference frequency. Several advanced features make the USB333x the transceiver of choice by reducing both eBOM part count and printed circuit board (PCB) area. Outstanding ESD robustness eliminates the need for external ESD protection devices in typical applications. The internal Over-Voltage Protection circuit (OVP) protects the USB333x from voltages up to 30V on the VBUS pin. By using a reference clock from the Link, the USB333x removes the cost of a dedicated crystal reference from the design. The USB333x includes integrated 3.3V and 1.8V regulators, making it possible to operate the device from a single power supply. Versions of the USB333x with the integrated USB switch enable unique product features with a single USB port of connection. The USB333x is optimized for use in portable applications where a low operating current and standby current is essential. The USB333x also supports the Link Power Management protocol (LPM) to further reduce USB operating currents. The USB333x also includes integrated battery charger detection circuitry. These circuits are used to detect the attachment of a USB Charger. By sensing the attachment to a USB Charger, a product using the USB333x can draw more than 500mA from the USB connector. The USB333x meets all of the electrical requirements for a High Speed USB Host, Device, or an Onthe-Go (OTG) transceiver. In addition to the supporting USB signaling, the USB333x also provides USB UART mode and, in versions with the integrated USB switch, USB Audio mode. USB333x uses the industry standard UTMI+ Low Pin Interface (ULPI) to connect the USB PHY to the Link. ULPI uses a method of in-band signaling and status byte transfers between the Link and PHY to facilitate a USB session with only twelve pins. The USB333x uses SMSC's "wrapper-less" technology to implement the ULPI interface. This "wrapperless" technology allows the PHY to achieve a low latency transmit and receive time. SMSC's low latency transceiver allows an existing UTMI Link to be reused by adding a UTMI to ULPI bridge. By adding a bridge to the ASIC the existing and proven UTMI Link IP can be reused. SMSC USB333x 3 PRODUCT PREVIEW Revision 1.3 (11-20-12) Industry's Smallest Hi-Speed USB Transceiver with Single Supply Operation REFCLK OVP ID DP Low Jitter Integrated PLL OTG ESD Protection VBUS Hi-Speed USB Transceiver DM ULPI Registers and State Machine SPK_R SPK_L USB DP/DM Switch BIAS RBIAS Integrated Power Management RESETB VBAT VDD33 VDD18 ULPI Interface STP NXT DIR CLKOUT DATA[7:0] OVP ID DP ESD Protection VBUS DM REF[1:0] REFCLK Figure 1 Block Diagram (USB3331, USB3336 and USB3338) Low Jitter Integrated PLL OTG Hi-Speed USB Transceiver ULPI Registers and State Machine BIAS RBIAS Integrated Power Management RESETB VBAT VDD33 VDD18 ULPI Interface STP NXT DIR CLKOUT DATA[7:0] Figure 2 Block Diagram (USB3330) Revision 1.3 (11-20-12) 4 PRODUCT PREVIEW SMSC USB333x OVP ID DP ESD Protection VBUS DM REF[0] REFCLK Industry's Smallest Hi-Speed USB Transceiver with Single Supply Operation Low Jitter Integrated PLL OTG Hi-Speed USB Transceiver ULPI Registers and State Machine BIAS Integrated Power Management RBIAS RESETB VBAT VDD33 VDD18 VDDIO ULPI Interface STP NXT DIR CLKOUT DATA[7:0] Figure 3 Block Diagram (USB3333) SMSC USB333x 5 PRODUCT PREVIEW Revision 1.3 (11-20-12) Figure 4 25WLCSP, 1.97x1.97mm Body, 0.4mm Pitch SMSC USB333x 6 PRODUCT PREVIEW Industry's Smallest Hi-Speed USB Transceiver with Single Supply Operation Revision 1.3 (11-20-12) Package Outline