7Maxim Integrated
Dual 2.2MHz, Low-Voltage Step-Down
DC-DC Converter
Pin Descriptions (continued)
Detailed Description
The MAX16963 is a high-efficiency, dual synchronous
step-down converter that operates with a 2.7V to 5.5V
input voltage range and provides a 0.8V to 3.6V output
voltage range. The MAX16963 delivers up to 1.5A of load
current per output and achieves Q3% output error over
load, line, and temperature ranges.
The device features a PWM input that, when set to
logic-high, forces the MAX16963 into a fixed-frequency,
2.2MHz PWM mode. A logic-low at the PWM input
enables the device to enter a low-power pulse frequency
modulation mode (PFM) under light-load conditions. An
optional spread-spectrum frequency modulation mini-
mizes radiated electromagnetic emissions due to the
switching frequency and a factory programmable syn-
chronization I/O (SYNC) allows better noise immunity.
On-board low RDSON switches help minimize efficiency
losses at heavy loads and reduce critical/parasitic
inductance, making the layout a much simpler task with
respect to discrete solutions. Following a simple layout
and footprint ensures first-pass success in new designs.
The device is offered in factory-preset output volt-
ages to allow customers to achieve Q3% output-voltage
accuracy without using expensive Q1% resistors. In
addition, the adjustable output-voltage versions can be
set to any desired values between 0.8V to 3.6V using
an external resistive divider. See the Selector Guide for
available options.
Additional features include 8ms fixed soft-start, 16ms
fixed power-good output, overcurrent, and overtempera-
ture protections. See Figure 1.
Power-Good Output
The MAX16963 features an open-drain power-good out-
put that asserts when the output voltage drops 8% below
the regulated voltage. PG_ remains asserted for a fixed
16ms timeout period after the output rises up to its regulat-
ed voltage. Connect PG_ to OUTS_ with a 10kI resistor.
The MAX16963 includes an 8ms fixed soft-start time.
Soft-start time limits startup inrush current by forcing the
output voltage to ramp up towards its regulation point.
Spread-Spectrum Option
The MAX16963 featuring spread-spectrum (SS) opera-
tion varies the internal operating frequency up by SS
= 6% relative to the internally generated operating fre-
quency of 2.2MHz (typ). This function does not apply
to externally applied oscillation frequency. The internal
oscillator is frequency modulated with a 6% frequency
deviation. See the Selector Guide for available options.
Synchronization (SYNC)
SYNC is a factory-programmable I/O. See the Selector
Guide for available options. When SYNC is configured
as an input, a logic-high on PWM enables SYNC to
accept signal frequency in the range of 1.7MHz < fSYNC
< 2.5MHz. When SYNC is configured as an output, a
logic-high on PWM enables SYNC to output a 90N phase-
shifted signal with respect to internal oscillator.
12 14 PV Device Supply Voltage Input. Bypass with at least a 1FF ceramic capacitor to GND. In addition,
connect a 10I decoupling resistor between PV and the bypass capacitor.
13 15 PG2 OUT2 Power-Good Output. Open-drain output. PG2 asserts when VOUT2 drops by 8%. Connect
to a 10kI pullup resistor.
14 16 OUTS2 Converter #2 Feedback Input (Adjustable Output Option Only). Connect an external resistive
divider from VOUT2 to OUTS2 and GND to set the output voltage.
15 1 EN2 Converter #2 Enable Input. Drive EN2 high to enable converter #2. Drive EN2 low to disable
converter #2.
16 2 PV2 Converter #2 Input Supply. Bypass PV2 with at least a 4.7FF ceramic capacitor to PGND2.
— — EP Exposed Pad. Connect EP to a large-area contiguous copper ground plane for effective power
dissipation. Do not use as the only IC ground connection. EP must be connected to GND.