DID F11-20000-*A. 5/29/97 Copyright ©1997 Alliance Semiconductor. All rights reserve d.
DC operating characteristics 1
Shaded areas contain advance information.
Capacitance 2(f = 1 MHz, Ta = Room temperature, VCC = 5V)
Read cycle 3,9,12
Parameter Symbol Test conditions
-10 -12 -15 -20
UnitMin Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Input leakage
current | ILI | VCC = Max,
Vin = GND to VCC –1–1–1–1µ
Output leakage
current | ILO | CE1 = VIH or CE2 = VIL,
VCC = Max,
Vout = GND to VCC
Operating power
supply current ICC CE1 = VIL, CE2 = VIH,
f = fmax, Iout = 0 mA
AS7C1024 – 175 – 160 – 120 – 110 mA
AS7C31024 – – – 100 – 70 – 65 mA
power supply
ISB CE1 = VIH or CE2 = VIL,
f = fmax
–55 – 50 – 40 – 40 mA
CE1 ≥ VCC–0.2V or CE2 ≤0.2V,
V in ≤ 0.2V or Vin ≥ VCC–0.2V,
f = 0
–10 – 10 – 10 – 10 mA
Output voltage VOL IOL = 8 mA, VCC = Min – 0.4–0.4–0.4–0.4 V
OH IOH = –4 mA, VCC = Min 2.4 –2.4–2.4–2.4– V
Parameter Symbol Signals Test conditions Max Unit
Input capacitance CIN A, CE1, CE2, WE, OE Vin = 0V 5 pF
I/O capacitance CI/O I/O Vin = Vout = 0V 7 pF
Parameter Symbol
Unit Notes
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Read cycle time tRC 10 –12–15–20– ns
Address access time tAA –10 – 12 – 15 – 20 ns 3
Chip enable (CE1) access time tACE1 –10 – 12 – 15 – 20 ns 3, 12
Chip enable (CE2) access time tACE2 –10 – 12 – 15 – 20 ns 3, 12
Output enable (OE) access time tOE –3–3–4–5 ns
Output hold from address change tOH 2–3–3–3– ns 5
CE1 LOW to output in Low Z tCLZ1 3–3–3–3– ns4, 5, 12
CE2 HIGH to output in Low Z tCLZ2 3–3–3–3– ns4, 5, 12
CE1 HIGH to output in High Z tCHZ1 –3–3–4–5 ns4, 5, 12
CE2 LOW to output in High Z tCHZ2 –3–3–4–5 ns4, 5, 12
OE LOW to output in Low Z tOLZ 0–0–0–0– ns 4, 5
OE HIGH to output in High Z tOHZ –3–3–4–5 ns 4, 5
Power up time tPU 0–0–0–0– ns4, 5, 12
Power down time tPD –10 – 12 – 15 – 20 ns 4, 5, 12