Modicon™ Momentum™
automation platform
Enhanced grounding system
Modicon™ Momentum™ communication adapter ground screw
Due to new In t e r Bu s ™ standards for electrical noise immunity, a number of Modicon™
Momentum™ products have been updated to include the enhanced grounding
system, that is required to meet the revised electrical noise immunity standard
(ability to pass a 2.2 kVDC electrical fast transient burst test).
This grounding system includes a ground screw located in the communication or
M1/M1E processor adapter, that is connected to a xed standoff-ground nut on the
printed circuit board, and to a standoff on selected Modicon Momentum I/O bases.
Note: This electrical noise immunity requirement applys only to systems that requires InterBus
certication, version 2, and not to any other communication network that Modicon Momentum I/O
currently uses. The standard electrical fast transient test for Modicon Momentum is 500 Vdc.
The following is a list of the Modicon Momentum modules that currently have been
updated to include the new grounding system:
b Communication adapters
b M1/M1E processor adapters and option adapters
b Discrete and analog I/O bases
Range Description Reference See
Ethernet TCP/IP 10/100 Mbits/s (V2) 170 ENT 110 01 49
Ethernet TCP/IP 10 Mbits/s (V1) 170 ENT 110 02 49
In t e r Bu s ™ suPI 3 (V2) 170 INT 110 03 57
FIPIO™ bus (for Premium) (V2) 170 FNT 110 01 55
M1/M1E processor
64 K, 1 Modbus™, 20 MHz 171 CCS 700 00 68
64 K, 1 Modbus, 32 MHz 171 CCS 700 10 68
64 K, 2 Modbus, 20 MHz 171 CCS 780 00 68
256 K, 1 Modbus, 1 I/O bus, 32 MHz 171 CCS 760 00 68
512 K, 1 Modbus, 1 I/O bus, 32 MHz 171 CCC 760 10 68
512 K, 2 Modbus, 32 MHz 171 CCC 780 10 68
544 K, 1 Modbus, 1 Ethernet, 50 MHz 171 CCC 980 20 68
544 K, 1 Ethernet, 1 I/O bus, 50 MHz 171 CCC 960 20 68
544 K, IEC Exec, 1 Modbus, 1 Ethernet,
50 MHz
171 CCC 980 30 68
544 K, IEC Exec, 1 Ethernet, 1 I/O bus,
50 MHz
171 CCC 960 30 68
Option adapters Modbus Plus™, single port 172 PNN 210 22 75
Modbus Plus, dual redundant ports 172 PNN 260 22 75
RS 232/RS 485 serial port 172 JNN 210 32 75
Discrete input
24 Vdc 16 inputs 170 ADI 340 00 19
24 Vdc 32 inputs 170 ADI 350 00 19
Discrete output
24 Vdc 16 solid state outputs 0.5 A 170 ADO 340 00 19
24 Vdc 32 solid state outputs0.5 A 170 ADO 350 00 19
DC/AC 6 relay form “C” outputs 5 A 170 ADO 830 30 19
Discrete I/O bases 24 Vdc 16 inputs/16 outputs 0.5 A 170 ADM 350 10 19
24 Vdc 16 fast inputs/16 outputs 0.5 A 170 ADM 350 11 19
24 Vdc 16 inputs/16 outputs 0.5 A 170 ADM 350 15 19
24 Vdc 16 inputs wiring
check/12 outputs 0.5 A
170 ADM 390 10 19
24 Vdc 16 inputs/8 outputs 2 A 170 ADM 370 10 19
12...60 Vdc 16 inputs/16 ouputs 0.5 A 170 ADM 850 10 19
24 Vdc 10 inputs/AC or DC/8 relay 2A 170 ADM 390 30 19
170 ADM 390 31 19
170 ARM 370 30 19
Analog input
16 single-ended inputs 12 bits + sign 170 AAI 140 00 34
8 differential inputs 15 bits + sign 170 AAI 030 00 34
Discrete and
analog I/O bases
4 differential analog inputs/2 analog outputs
4 discrete inputs/2 discrete outputs
170 AMM 090 00 34
170 AMM 090 01 34
6 analog inputs/4 analog outputs
8 discrete inputs/8 discrete outputs
170 ANR 120 90 34
170 ANR 120 91 34
Specialty I/O
High-speed counter base, 2 independant
counters 200 kHz max.
170 AEC 920 00 42
I/O base with Modbus RS 485 communication
port and 120 Vac 6 inputs/3 outputs 0,5 A
170 ADM 540 80 42
1 Communication adapter cover
2 I/O base
3 Standard screw M3-6
4 Male-female standoff
5 Added standoff