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©2007 Copyright reserved to Isocom Limited Page 2 of 12 QC 88000-C001: 2007
The IECQ Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ) is composed of those member countries of
the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) who wish to take part in a harmonized system for electronic
components of assessed quality. IECQ is also known in some European member countries as IECQ-CECC.
The object of the System is to facilitate international trade by the harmonization of the specifications and quality
assessment procedures for electronic components, and by the grant of an internationally recognised Mark, or
Certificate of Conformity. The components produced or services provided under the system are thereby acceptable in
all member countries without further testing.
This Component Specification is based upon the requirements of IEC Publication QC 001002-2, and has been
prepared by:
Isocom Ltd
Hutton Close
Crowther Industrial Estate
Tyne and Wear
NE38 0AH
Tel: +44 0191 4166 546
Fax: +44 0191 4155 055
and published under the authority of:
BSI Product Services
Maylands Avenue
Hemel Hempstead
United Kingdom
Issue 1 - Changed Page 10 – Amendments 25/06/10
Issue 2 - Changed Page 4 – Amendments 22/03/10
Issue 3 - Changed Pages 4 & 6 – Updated Drawings 25/06/10
Issue 4 - Changed Pages 3 & 4 – Added devices IS49 & 4N49 05/07/10
Issue 5 - Changed Pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 10 – RoHS Compliant, Added CSM165-2 & Amendments 13/07/10
The requirements for IECQ-CECC Component Specifications as detailed in QC 001002-2 Amendment 1 clause 5.4
are satisfied by the following data sheet.
It should note that IECQ-CECC are not responsible for manufacturers declarations made in data sheets which fall
outside the limits of approved detailed in IECQ-CECC certificates.
This Component Specification is intended for use with applicable IECQ-CECC Assessment Specifications. Eg: QC