{ SGS-THOMSON VF WICROELECTRONICS ST5080A PIAFE PROGRAMMABLE ISDN AUDIO FRONT END FEATURES: Complete CODEC and FILTER system including: a PGM ANALOG TO DIGITALAND DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTERS a POWERFUL ANALOG FRONT END CAPA- BLE TO INTERFACE DIRECTLY: - Microphone Dynamic, Piezo or Electrete - Earpiece down to 1002 or up to 150nF - Loudspeaker down to 50Q or Buzzer up to 600nF. a TRANSMIT BAND-PASS FILTER a ACTIVE RG NOISE FILTER a RECEIVE LOW-PASS FILTER WITH SIN X/X CORRECTION a MU-LAW OR A-LAW SELECTABLE COM- PANDING CODER AND DEGODER a PREGISION VOLTAGE REFERENCE Phones Features: a DUAL SWITCHABLE MIGROPHONE AMPLI- FIER INPUTS. GAIN PROGRAMMABLE: 15 dB RANGE, 1 dB STEP. a LOUDSPEAKER AMPLIFIER AUXILIARY OUTPUT. ATTENUATION PROGRAMMABLE: 30 dB RANGE, 2 dB STEP. a SEPARATE EARPIECE AMPLIFIER OUTPUT. ATTENUATION PROGRAMMABLE: 15 dB RANGE, 1dB STEP a AUXILIARY SWITCHABLE EXTERNAL RING INPUT (EAIN). a TRANSIENT SUPRESSION SIGNAL DURING POWER ON. a INTERNAL PROGRAMMABLE SIDETONE CIRCUIT. ATTENUATION PROGRAMMABLE: 15 dB RANGE, 1 cB STEP. a INTERNAL RING OR TONE GENERATOR IN- CLUDING DTMF TONES, SINEWAVE OR SQUAREWAVE WAVEFORMS. ATTENU- ATION PROGRAMMABLE: 27 dB RANGE, 3 dB STEP. a COMPATIBLE WITH HANDS-FREE CIRCUIT TEA7540. a ON CHIP SWITCHABLE ANTI-ACOUSTIC FEED-BACK CIRCUIT (ANTI-LARSEN). December 1994 ADVANCE DATA ORDERING NUMBER: ST5080D General Features: a EXTENDED TEMPERATURE RANGE OP- ERATION (*) 40G TO +85C. EXTENDED POWER SUPPLY RANGE 5110%. 60 mW OPERATING POWER (TYPICAL). 1.0 mW STANDBY POWER (TYPICAL). CMOS DIGITAL INTERFACES. SINGLE + 5V SUPPLY. DIGITAL LOOPBACK TEST MODE. PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL AND CONTROL INTERFACES: Digital PCM Interface associated with separate serial Control Interface Ml CROWIRE compatible. GCIl interface compatible. (*) Functionality guaranteed in the range 40C to +85C; Timing and Electrical Specifications are guaranteed inthe range 26C to+85C. APPLICATIONS: a ISDN TERMINALS. a DIGITAL TELEPHONES a CT2 AND GSMAPPLICATIONS 1/32 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without natice.ST5080A PIN CONNECTIONS (Top view) HFICO1 4 28 tD EAN HF@ (J) 2 2? (CL) GNDA VFR? (13 26 [TJ MIC 2- VFR- Cj 4 25 (1) UCCA vec O15 24 (LI N.C. LS- CO6 23 TO NIC 1- LS? C2 22 1 NIC 1+ GND CT] @ 21 17) NIC 2+ MS C1] 9 28 (1) Cs-/A3 DX CI] 18 19 (12) CCLK/AB N.C. CU 11 18 [1 N.C. covA2 C1] 12 i7 1) Lo CI/A1 CY 13 16 (1) MNCLK DR CI] 14 15 (TZ) Fs NG2STSBGR-84 BLOCK DIAGRAM uCcH 8->4150B MItD- us 4dB STEP 2808 RC | [ s.c. aire Lf TRANSMIT be MIGA~ PREFILTER | |B.P.F. REGISTER nica , AUTO ZERO . MIC4+ EN MS uy) VOLTAGE CONTROL c5-7A3 REFERENCE GENERATOR INTERFACE cosA2 VEN | ANTILARSEN KG ref/RGref/URef POM & GC! c1sAd FD g-38dB 8->-27uB LATCH 2.8dB STED 308 STEPS SE UF r- g=< or | +4508 158 STEP SITONE AMP. UF r+ -27,50B 8.8->-4508 idB STEP =] =) n n EAIN MOESTEOSS-83E GNDA GND) Veen Ves VCM INTERNAL COMMON MODE VOLTAGE 2/32 Sar SGS-THOMSON 7 imenosiccrrenesST5080A $8-w8aOSi8T6N [39Nnoa3a ". o INI 319 G8 yf ad 2av-B0N TYPICAL ISDN TELEPHONE SET APPLICATION HILINS = = A00H waTIOBLNOD 199 3 GH| = F777 vS7S1s SW ey Zy Ty BY ante EL hanes ml oe advId yy. vz | iy eH ~aS7 yesesis San fa adge me Act Nad 0 48 * 40 -s7 rt AZT I99-d018 x8 aa 87 -07 TZ7S1S 17198 4790 anay'@ lk esi 484 +4314 | 2 +07 OxI eS) ZW1X WR [] -1314 --] HH Ty | In | IIN_I9N_ GND YONS| 4 zr 4dce ZHW9e'St Jade : il | _|=- nS+ ns LT #, Y3ATIONLNOD AAMNOd NOSI E ne HH nse 3/32 ELECTRORICS MICRO iyST5080A GENERAL DESCRIPTION 8T5080A PIAFE is a combined PCM CODEC/FIL- TER device optimized for ISDN Terminals and Digi- tal Telephone applications. This device is A-law and Mu-law selectable and offers a number of pro- grammable functions accessed through a serial control channel. Depending on mode selected, channel control is provided by means of a separate serial channel control] MICGROWIRE compatible or multiplexed with the PCM voice data channel in a GCI com- patible format requiring only 4 digital interface pins. When separate serial control interface is se- lected, PCM interface is compatible with Combo | and Combo Il families of devices such as ETC5057/54, TS5070/71. PIAFE is built using SGS-THOMSON's advanced HGMOS process. Transmit section of PIAFE consists of an amplitier with switchable high impedance inputs followed by a programmable gain amplifier, an active RC antialiasing pre-tilter to provide atlenuationot high frequency noise, an 8th order switched capacitor band pass transmit filter and an A-law/Mu-law se- lectable compandig encoder. Receive section consist of an A-law/Mu-law se- lectable expanding deceder which reconstructs the analog sampled data signal, a 3400 Hz low pass filter with sin X/X correction followed by two PIN FUNCTIONS separate programmable attenuation blocks and two power amplifiers: One can be used to drive an earpiece, and the other to drive a 50 Q loud- speaker. Programmable functions on PIAFE include a Ring/Tone generator which prevides one or two tones and can be directed to earpiece or to loud- speaker or alternatively a piezo transducer up to 600nF. A separate programmable gain amplifier allows gain control of the signal injected. Ring/Tone gen- erator provides sinewave or squarewave signal with precise frequencies which may be also di- rected to the input of the Transmit amplifier for DTMF tone generation. An auxiliary analog input (EAIN) is also provided to enable for example the output of an external band limited Ring signal to the Loudspeaker. Transmit signal may be ted back into the receive ampifier with a programmable attenuation to pro- vide a sidetone circuitry. A switchable anti-accoustic feed-back system cancels the larsen effect in speech monitoring ap- plication. Two additional pins are provided for insertion of an external Handtfree function in the Loudspeaker receive path. An output latch controlled by register program- ming permits external device control. Pin Name Description 1,2 HFI, HFO Hands free I/Os: These two pins can be used to insert an external Handfree circuit such as the TEA 7540 in the receive path. HFO is an output which provides the signal issued from output of the receive low pass filter while HFI is a high impendance input which is connected directly to one of the inputs of the Loudspeaker amplifier. 3,4 Vers, Ver Receive analog earpiece amplifier complementary outputs, capable of driving load impedances between 100 and 400 or a piezo up to 150nF. These outputs can drive directly earpiece transductor. The signal at this output can drive be the summ of: - Receive Speech signal from Dr, - Internal Tone Generator, - Sidetone signal. Vcc Positive power supply input forthe digital section. +45 V 410%. 6,7 LS-,LS+ Receive analog loudspeaker amplifier complementary outputs, intended for driving a Loudspeaker: 80 mW on 500 load impedance can be provided at low distorsion meeting specifications. Alternatively this stage can drive a piezo transducer up to 600nF. The signal at these outputs can be the sum of: - Receive Speech signal from Dr, - Internal Tone generator, - External input signal from EAIN input. 4/32 SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A PIN FUNCTIONS (continued) Pin Name Description g MS Mode Select: This input selects COMBO I/II interface mode with separate MICGROWIRE Control interface when tied high and GCI mode when tied low. 10 Dx Transmit Data ouput: Data is shifted out on this pin during the assigned transmit time slots. Elsewhere Dx output is in the high impendance state. In COMBO I/II mode, voice data byte is shifted out from TRISTATE output Dy at the MCLK frequency on the rising edge of MCLK. In GCI mode, voice data byte and control bytes are shifted out from OPEN-DRAIN output Dx at half the MCLK. An external pull up resistor is needed. 11 N.C. No Connected. 14 Dr Receive data input: Data is shifted in during the assigned Received time slots. Inthe COMBO I/Il mode, voice data byte is shifted in atthe MCLK frequency on the falling edges of MCLK. In the GCI mode, PCM data byte and contol byte are shifted in at half the MCLK frequency onthe receive rising edges of MCLK. There is one period delay between transmit rising edge and receive rising edge of MCLK. 15 FS Frame Syne input: This signal is a 8KHz clock which defines the start of the transmit and receive frames. Either of three formats may be used for this signal: non delayed timing mode, delayed timing and GCI compatible timing mode. 16 MCLK Master Clock Input: This signalis used by the switched capacitor filters and the encoder/decoder sequencing logic. Values must be 512 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 2.048 MHz or 2.56 MHz selected by means of Control Register CRO. MCLK is used also to shift-in and out data. In GCI mode, 2.56 MHz and 512 kHz are not allowed. 17 LO Open drain output: a logic 1 written into DO (CR1) appears at LO pin as a logic 0 a logic 0 written into DO puts LO pin in high impedance. 18 N.C. No Connected. 21 MIC2+ Alternative positive high impedance input to transmit pre- amplifier. 22 MIC1+ Positive high impedance input to transmit pre-amplifier for microphone symetrical connection. 23 MIC1- Negative high impedance input to transmit pre-amplitier for microphone symetrical connection. 24 N.C. No connected. 25 Voca Positive power supply input forthe analog section. +5 V 410%. Voc and Vcca must be directly connected together. 26 MICe2- Alternative negative high impedance input to transmit pre- amplifier. 27 GNDA Analog Ground: All analog signals are referenced to this pin. GND and GNDA mustbe connected together close to the device. 28 EAIN External Auxiliary input: This input can be used to provide alternate signals to the Loudspeaker in place of Internal Ring generator. Input signal should be voice band limited. {7 SGS-THOMSON 5/32 7 MICROELELTROMICSST5080A Following pin definitions are used only when COMBO I/Il mode with separate MICROWIRE com- patible serial control port is selected. (MS input set equal one) PIN FUNCTIONS (continued) Pin Name Description 12 co Control data Output: Serial control/status information is shifted out from the PIAFE on this pin when CS- is low on the falling odges of CCLK. 13 Cl Control data Input: Serial Control information is shifted into the PIAFE on this pin when CS- is low on the rising edges of CCLK. 19 GCLK Gontrol Clock input: This clock shifts serial control information into Cl and out from CO when the CS- input is low, depending on the current instruction. CCLK may be asynchronous with the other system clocks. 20 cs- Chip Select input: When this pin is low, control information is written into and out from the PIAFE via Cl and CO pins. Following pin definitions are used only when the GCI mode is selected. (MS input set equal zero) PIN FUNCTIONS (continued) Pin Name Description 19,13,12,20 AO,A1 A2,A3 These pins select the address of PIAFE on GCI interface and must be hardwired to either Vcc or GND. AO,A1,A2,A3 refer to C4,C5,C6,C7 bits of the first address byte respectively. 6/82 Ky S&S:THoMsoN MICROELECTRONICSST5080A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Power on initialization: When power is first applied, power on reset cicuitry initializes PIAFE and puts it into the power down state. Gain Control Registers for the various programmable gain amplifiers and programmable switches are initialized as indicated in the Control Register description section. All CODEG functions are disabled. Digital Interface is configured in GCI mode or in COMBO I/Il mode depending on Mode Select pin connection. The desired selection for all programmable func- tions may be intialized prior to a power up com- mand using Monitor channel in GCI mode or MI- CROWIRE port in COMBO I/II mode. Power up/down control: Following power-on initialization, power up and power dewn control may be accomplished by writ- ing any of the control instructions listed in Table 1 into PIAFE with P bit set to 0 for power up or 1 for power down. Normally, it is recommended that all programma- ble functions be initially pregrammed while the device is powered down. Power state control can then be included with the last programming in- struction or ina separate single byte instruction. Any of the programmable registers may also be modified while ST5080A is powered up or down by setting P bit as indicated. When power up or down control is entered as a single byte instruc- tion, bit 1 must be set toa O. When a power up command is given, all de-acti- vated circuits are activated, but output Dx will re- main in the high impedance state on B time slots until the second Fs pulse after power up, even ifa B channelis selected. Power down state: Following a period of activity, power down state may be reentered by writing a power down in- struction. Control Registers remain in their current state and can be changed either by MICGROWIRE control in- terface or GCI control channel depending on mode selected. In addition to the power down instruction, detec- tion of loss MCLK (no transition detected) auto- matically enters the device in reset power down state with Dx output in the high impedance state and LO in high impedance state. Transmit section: Transmit analog interface is designed in two silages to enable gains up to 35 dB to be realized. Stage 1 is a low noise differential amplifier provid- ing 20 cB gain. A microphone may be ca- pacitevely connected to MIG1+, MIC1- inputs, while the MIC2+ MIG2- inputs may be used to capacitively connect a second microphone (for digital handsfree operation) or an auxiliary audio circuit such as TEA 7540 Hands-free circuit. MIC1 or MIC2 source is selected with bit 7 of register CR. Following the first stage is a programmable gain amplifier which provides from 0 to 15 dB of addi- tional gain in 1 dB step. The total transmit gain should be adjusted so that, at reference point A, see Block Diagram description, the internal 0 dBm0O voltage is 0.739 V (overload level is 1.06 Vrms). Second stage amplitier can be pro- grammed with bits 4 to 7 of CRS. To temporarily mute the transmit input, bit TE (6 of GR4) may be set low. In this case, the analog transmit signal is grounded and the sidetone path is also disabled. An active RC prefilter then precedes the 8th order band pass switched capacitor filter. A/D converter has a compressing characteristic according to GCITT Aor mu255 coding laws, which must be selected by setting bits MA, IA in register CRO. A precision on chip voltage reference ensures accu- rate and highly stable transmission levels. Any offset voltage arising in the gain-set amplitier, the filters or the comparator is cancelled by an in- ternal autozero circuit. Each encode cycle begins immediatly at the be- ginning of the selected Transmit time slot. The to- tal signal delay referenced to the start of the time slotis approximatively 195 ps (due to the transmit filter} plus 123 ps (due to encoding delay), which totals 320 ps. Voice data is shifted out on Dx dur- ing the selected time slot on the transmit rising adges of MCLK. Receive section: Voice Data is shifted into the decoders Receive voice data Register via the Dr pin during the se- lacted time slot on the 8 receive edges of MCLK. The decoder consists of an expanding DAC with either A or MU255 law decoding characteristic which is selected by the same control instruction used to select the Encode law during intitializa- tion. Following the Decoder is a 3400 Hz 6th or- der low pass switched capacitor filter with integral Sin X/X correction for the 8 KHz sample and hold. 0 dBmO voltage at this (B) reference point (see Block Diagram description) is 0.49 Vrms. A tran- scient suppressing circuitry ensure interference noise suppression at power up. The analog speech signal output can be routed either to earpiece (VFR, VFR- outputs) or to loud- speaker (LS+, LS- outputs) by setting bits SL and SE (1 and 0 of CR4). Total signal delay is approximatively 190 ps (filter plus decoding delay) plus 62.5 us (1/2 frame) which gives approximatively 252 us. Differential outputs Vers,VrR- are intended to di- Ky SSS:THOMSON 782 MICROELECTRORICSST5080A rectly drive an earpiece. Preceding the outputs is a programmable attenuation amplifier, which must be set by writing to bits 4 to 7 in register CR6. At- tenuations in the range 0 to -15 dB relative to the maximum level in 1 dB step can be programmed. The input of this programmable amplifier is the summ of several signals which can be selected by writing to register CR4.: - Receive speech signal which has been de- coded and filtered, - Internally generated tone signal, (Tone ampli- tude is programmed with bits 4 te 7 of register CR7), - Sidetone signal, the amplitude of which is pro- grammed with bits 0 to 3 of register GR5 Vrr+ and Ver- outputsare capable of driving output power level up to 14mW into differentially con- nected load impedance between 100 and 490 2. Differential outputs LS+,LS- are intended to di- rectly drive a Loudspeaker. Preceding the outputs is a programmable attenuation amplitier, which must be set by writing to bits 0 to 3 in register CR6. Attenuations in the range 0 to -30 dB rela- tive to the maximum level in 2.0 dB step can be programmed. The input of this programmable am- plifier can be the summ of signals which can be selected by writing to register GR4: - Receive speech signal which has been de- coded and filtered, - Internally generated tone signal, (Tone ampli- tude is programmed with bits 4 to 7 of register CR7), - EAIN input which may be an alternate Ring signal or any voice frequency band limited signal. (An external decoupling capacitor of about 0.1HF is necessary). Receive voice signal may be directed to output HFOQ by means of bit HFE in Register GR4. After processing, signal must be re-entered through in- put HF| to Loudspeaker amplifier input. (An exter- nal decoupling capacitor of about 0.1pF is neces- sary}. LS+ and LS- outputs are capable of driving output power level up to 80 mW into 50 differentially connected load impedance at low distortion meet- ing PGM channel specifications. When the signal source is a Ring squarewave signal, power levels up to approximatively 200 mW can be delivered. Anti-acoustic feed-back for loudspeaker to hand- set microphone loop with squelch effect: on chip switchable anti-larsen for loudspeaker to handset microphene feedback is implemented. A 12dB depth gain control on both transmit and receive path is provided to keep constant the loop gain. On the transmit path the 12dB gain control is pro- vided starting from the GRS5 transmit gain defini- tion; at the same time, on the receive path the 12dB gain control is provided starting from CR6 8/82 Ky S&S:THoMsoN receive gain definition. Digital and Control Interface: PIAFE provides a choice of either of two types of Digital Interface for both control data and PCM. For compatibility with systems which use time slot oriented PGM busses with a separate Control In- terface, as used on COMBO I/II families of de- vices, PIAFE functions are described in next sec- tion. Alternatively, for systems in which PCM and con- trol data are multiplexed together using GCI inter- face scheme, PIAFE functions are described in the section following the next one. PIAFE will automatically switch to one of these two types of interface by sensing the MS pin. Due to Line Transceiver clock recovery circuitry, a low jitter may be provided on Fs and MCLK clocks. Fs and MGLK must be always in phase. For $S154215 Transceiver, as an example, maximun value of jitter amplitude is a step of 65 ns at each GCI frame (125us). So, the maximum jitter amplitude is 130 ns pk-pk. COMBO I/Il mode. Digital Interface (Fig. 1} Fs Frame Sync input determines the beginning of frame. It may have any duration from a single cy- cle of MGLK to a squarewave. Two different rela- tionships may be established between the Frame Sync input and the first time slot of frame by set- ting bit 3 in register GRO. Non delayed data mode is similar to long frame timing on ETG5057/ TS5070 series of devices (COMBO | and COMBO II respectively): first time slot begins nominally coincident with the rising edge of Fs. Alternative is to use delayed data made, which is similar to short frame sync timing on GOMBO | or COMBO II, in which Fs input must be high at least a half cycle of MCLK earlier the frame beginning. A time slot assignment circuit on chip may be used with both timing modes, allowing connection to one of the two B1 and B2 voice data channels. Two data formats are available: in Format 1, time slot B1 corresponds to the 8 MCLK cycles follow- ing immediately the rising edge of FS, while time slot B2 corresponds to the 8 MCLK cycles follow- ing immediately time slot B1. In Format 2, time slot B1 is identical to Format 1. Time slot B2 appears two bit slots after time slot Bi. This two bits space is lett available for inser- tion of the D channel data. Data format is selected by bit FF (2) in register CRO. Time slot B1 or B2 is selected by bit TO (0) in Control Register CR1. Bit EN (2) in control register CR1 enables or dis- ables the voice data transfer on Dx and DR as appropriate. During the assigned time slot, Dx MICROELECTRONICSST5080A Figure 1: Digital Interface Format FORMAT 1 eS re (delayed timing) FS | TT 7 (nan delayed timing) MCLK Ure inUatguuentatal slatel neal atenanitatat PUA USL LE DR L 81 | B2 | x | x x Dx B1 | B2 | FORMAT 2 FS St (delayed timing) FS ee (non delayed timing) MCLK | [| i haan AU UU UT pA | Bt Tx] | x x a : Figure 2: GCI Interface Frame Structure e (tee | ont eye eke a ea r aco 00. A ENT output shifts data out from the voice data register on the rising edges of MCLK. Serial voice data is shifted into Dr input during the same time slot on the falling edges of MCLK. Dx is in the high impedance Tristate condition when in the non selected time slots. Control Interface: Control information or data is written into or read- back from PIAFE via the serial control port con- sisting of control clock CCLK, serial data input Cl and output CO, and Chip Select input, CS-. All control instructions require 2 bytes as listedin Ta- ble 1, with the exception of a single byte power- up/down command. To shift control data into ST5080A, CCLK must be pulsed high 8 times while CS- is low. Data on Cl input is shifted into the serial input register on the rising edge of each CCLK pulse. After all data is shifted in, the content of the input shift register is decoded, and may indicate that a 2nd byte of control data will follow. This second byte may either be defined by a second byte-wide CS- pulse or may follow the first contiguously, i.e. it is not mandatory for GS- to return high in between the first and second control bytes. At the end of Ky SSS:THOMSON 9/32 MICROELECTRORICSST5080A the 2nd control byte, data is loaded inte the ap- propriate programmable register. GS- must return high at the end of the 2nd byte. To read-back status information from PIAFE, the first byte of the appropriate instruction is strobed in during the first CS- pulse, as defined in Table 1. GS- must be set low for a turther 8 GGLK cy- cles, during which data is shitted out of the CO pin on the falling edges of CCLK. When C&- is high, GO pin is in the high imped- ance Tri-state, enabling CO pins of several de- vices to be multiplexed together. Thus, to summarise, 2 byte READ and WRITE in- structions may use either two 8-bit wide CS- pulses or a single 16 bit wide CS- pulse. Control channel access to PCM interface: It is possible to access the B channel previously selected in Register CR1. A byte written into Control Register CR3 will be automatically transmitted trom Dx output in the following frame in place of the transmit PCM data. A byte written into Control Register CR? will be automatically sent through the receive path to the Receive amplifiers. In order to implement a continuous data flow from the Control MICROWIRE interface to a B chan- nel, it is necessary to send the control byte on each PCM frame. A current byte received on Dr input can be read in the register CR2. In order to implement a con- tinuous data flow from a B channel to MI- CROWIRE interface, it is necessary to read regis- ter GR2 at each PCM trame. GCI COMPATIBLE MODE GCI interface is an European standardized inter- face to connect ISDN dedicated components in the different configurations of equipment as Ter- minals, Network Terminations, PBX, etc... In a Terminal equipment, this interface called SCIT for Special Circuit Interface for Terminals al- lows for example connection between: - $75421 (SID-GCI) and ST5451 (HDLC/GCI controller) used for 16 kbit/s D channel packet frames processing and SID control, - Peripheral devices connected to a 64 kbit/s B channel and S1T5451 used for GCI peripheral control. 5T5080A may be assigned to one of the B chan- nels present on the GCI interface and is moni- tered via a control channel which is multiplexed with the 64 kbit/s Voice Data channels. Figure 2 shows the frame structure at the GCI in- terface. Two 256 kbit/s channel are supported. a)GCl channel 0: It is structured in four sub- channels: B1 channel8 bits per frame loise Ky S&S:THoMsoN B2 channel8 bits per frame M channel8 bits per frame ignored by PIAFE 8C channel 8 bits per frame ignored by PIAFE Only B1 or B2 channel can be selected in PIAFE for PCM data transfer. b}GCI channel 1: It is structured also in four subchannels: B1* channel 8 bits per frame B2* channel 8 bits per frame M* channel8 bits per frame C? which is structured as follows: 6 bits ignored by PIAFE A* bit associated with M* channel E* bit associated with M* channel. B1* or B2* channel can be selected in PIAFE for PCM data transfer. M* channel and two associated bits E* and A* are used for PIAFE control. Thus, to summarize, B1, B2, B1* or B2* channel can be selected to transmit PCM data and M* channelis used to read/write status/command pe- ripheral device registers. Protocol for byte ex- change on the M* channel uses E* and A bits. Physical Interface The interface is physically constitued with 4 wires: Input Data wire: Dr Output Data wire: Dx Bit Clock: MCLK Frame Synchronization: Fs Data is synchronized by MCLK and Fs clock in- puts. Fs insures reinitialization of time slot counter at each frame beginning. The rising edge or FS is the reference time for the first GCI channel bit. Data is transmitted in both directions at half the MCLK input frequency. Data is transmitted on the the rising edge of MGLK and is sampled one pe- riod after the transmit rising edge, also on a rising edge. Note: Transmit data may be sampled by far-end device ie SID ST5421 on the falling edge 1.5 pe- riod after the transmit rising edge. Unused channel are high impedance. Data out- puts are OPEN-DRAIN and need an external pull up resistor. COMBO activation/deactivation ST5080A is automatically set in power down mode when GCl clocks are idle. GCI section is re- activated when GCI clocks are detected. PIAFE is completly reactivated after receiving of a power up command. Exchange protocol on M* channel MICROELECTRONICSST5080A Protocol allows a bidirectional transfer of bytes between ST5080A and GCI controller with ac- knowledgment at each received byte. For PIAFE, standard protocol is simplified to provide read or write register cycles almost identical to MI- CROWIRE serial interface. Write cycle Control Unit sends through the GCI controller fol- lowing bytes: - First byte is the chip select byte. The first tour bits indicate the device address: {A3,A2,A1,A0). The four last bits are ignored. ST5080A compare the validated byte re- ceived internally with the address defined by pins A3, A2, Ai, AO. If comparison is true, byte is acknowledged, if not, ST5080A does not acknowledge the byte. NOTE: An internal message in progress flag re- mains active till the end of the complete message transmission to avoid irrelevant acknowledgement of any further byte. - Second byte is structured as detined in Ta- ble 1. - Third byte is the Data byte to write into the Register as indicated in Table 1. It is possible but optional to write to several differ- ent registers in a single message. In this case the Chip Select byte is sent only once at the begin- ning of the message, the device automatically toggles between address byte and data byte. Read cycle Control Unit sends two bytes. First byte is the chip select byte as detined above. Second byte is structured as defined in Table 1. lf PIAFE identifies a read-back cycle, bit 2 of byte 1 in Table 1 equal 1, it has to respond to the Gon- trol Unit by sending a single byte message which is the content of the addressed register. It is possible but optional to request several ciffer- ent read-back register cycles in a single message but it is recommended to wait the answer before requesting a new read back to avoid loss of data. ST5080A responds by sending a single data byte message at each request. Received byte validation: A received byte is validated if it is detected two consecutive times identical. Exchange Protocol: Exchange protocol is identical for both directions. Sender uses E* bit to indicate that it is sending a Ml byte while receiver uses A* bit to acknowledge received byte. When no message is transferred, E* bit and A* bit are forced to inactive state. A transmission is initialized by sender putting E* bit from inactive state to active state and by send- ing first byte on M* channel in the same frame. Transmission of a message is allowed only if A* bit from the receiver has been set inactive for at least two frames. When receiver is ready, it validates the received byte internally when received in two consecutive frames identical. Then the receiver sets first A bit from inactive to active state (pre-acknow- lagement), and maintains A* bit active at least in the following frame (acknowledgement). If valida- tion is net possible, (two last bytes received are not identical), receiver aborts the message setting A* bit active for only a single frame. For the first byte received, Abort sequence is not allowed. PIAFE does not respond either if two last bytes are not identical or if the byte received does not meet the Ghip Select byte defined by AD-A3 pins bias. A second byte may be transmitted by the sender putting E* bit from active to inactive state and sending the second byte on the M* channel in the same frame. E* bit is set inactive for only one frame. If it remains inactive more than one frame, it is an end of message (i.e. not second byte available). The second byte may be transmitted only after re- ceiving the pre-acknowledgment of the previous byte transmitted (see Fig. 3). The same protocol is used if a third byte is transmitted. Each byte has to be transmitted at least in two consecutive frames. The receiver validates current received byte as done on first byte and then set A* bitin the next two frames first from active to inactive state (pre- acknowledgement), and after from inactive to ac- tive state (acknowledgement). If the receiver can- not validate the received current byte (two bytes received are not identical), it pre-acknowledges normally, but let A* bit in the inactive state in the next frame which indicates an abort request. Ifa message sent by ST5080A is aborted, it will stop the message and wait for a new read cycle instruction from the controller. A message received by ST5080A is acknow- ledged or aborted without flow Control. Figures 3 gives timing of a write cycle. Most sig- nificant bit (MSB) of a Monitor byte is sent tirst on M* channel. E* and A* bits are active low and inactive state on DOUT is high impedance. PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS Ky SSS:THOMSON 1/82 MICROELECTRORICSST5080A Figure 3: E and A bits Timing me x] s = a] 0A (oar) oar] Se] Pa i] : E* rE I s- | $i vont aot a mH al i. oI i nt pe I 1 : iB OY i 44+ = 11 toe ry Lt iy va 5 tid iil | { j i ' tel byte end byte cedbyte 4th byte? EOM (s) (ADP} way) 0 Ready pre-ack ack pre-ack ack pre-ack ack pre-ack?? Ready for fora message (cs) (cs) (ADA) (ADR) (DAT) (DAT) 4 anew message THREE BYTES MESSAGE - NORMAL TRANSMISSION Mee xX] | taT DAT | ' 1 E* : i 1 1 "5 a = AN ; 1 I i Istbyte 2nd byte?? EOM | (DAT) 4 Ready pra-ack ack pra-ack?? Ready for for a message (DAT) (DAN ) anew message ONE UYIE MESSAGE - NORMAL TRANSMISSION Mt* | xX [cs | [cs | a i i i AY oe oe i ijt ' Hy ! | Isthyte j cs) | | Ready pte-ack ack pre-ack ack pre-ack?? Readytor fora message (cs) ces) (ADR) (ADR) * anew message FWO BYTES MESSAGE - NORMAL TRANSMISSION OD 2 oe of oe) le on er nn | : ae tatbyte and byte EOM istbyte {cS} (ADR) {orabon ack) (cs) PReadyfor = pre-ack ack pra-ack abort Ready for pre-ack amessaga (CS} (cs) (ADA) (ADR) fetransmissian (cs) TWO BYTES MESSAGE ABORTED ON THE SECOND AND RETRANSMITTED 12/se 57 SSS:THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A For both formats of Digital Interface, programma- ble functions are contigured by writing to a num- ber of registers using a 2-byte write cycle (not in- cluding chip select byte in GCI). Most of these registers can also be read-back tor Table 1: Programmable Register Intructions verification. Byte one is always register address, while byte two is Data. Table 1 lists the register set and their respective adresses. Function Address byte Data byte 7{/6)/5/4]/3]2]1)]9 Single byte Power up/down P{X|[xX|{X]X]xX {0} X [none Write CRO P{O/;}0;]0;]0j]0/]1 | X |see CROTABLE 2 Read-back CRO P{[O;0;/0/0] 1 1 | X |see CRO Write CR1 P{O/;}0/0/]1 {0 {1 =| X |see CR1 TABLE 3 Read-back CR1 P{o;}o/]0/]1 1 1 | X |see CRI Write Data to receive path P{O}]Oj {1 ;]0]0{1 =| X |see CR2 TABLE 4 Read data from Dr P|{O}]Oj;/1;]0;] 1414) X%X |see CR2 Write Data to Dy P|O]0] 1 1 Oo} 1 |X |see CR3 TABLE 5 Write CR4 P{|o]1 Oo} oO {0 {1 |X |see CR4 TABLE 6 Read-back CR4 P{[oO;1/]0/]/0] 1 1 | X |see CR4 Write CR5 P|o]1 Oo} 1 {|0 {1 | X {see CR5 TABLE 7 Read-back CR5 P{[O};]i{0Oj;}i1]i1 {14} X |seeCR5 Write CR6 P{|o]1 1 | 0 {6 | 1 =| X |see CRE TABLE 8 Read-back CR6 P|oO]1 1/07] 1 1 | X |see CRE Write CR7 P{|oO]1 1 1 | 0 | 1 | X% |see CR? TABLE 9 Read-back CR7 P{[O;]i{ii]i1{]i1 {1 =| X |see CR? Write CR8 P {1 Oo}0;]0]0 {1 |X |see CR8 TABLE 10 Read-back CR8& P{i1];0;]0/0] 1 1 | X |see CR8 Write CRS P| 1 o;}0;]1 {0 1] 1 | X |see CRS TABLE 11 Read-back GR9 P{ij{oj;oj}1]1{1=4)|%X |see CR Write Test Register CR10 P|ij;oj1j)]0]0]1 =) X Jreserved NOTE 1: bit 7 of the address byte and data byte is always the first bit clocked into or out from: Cl and CO pins when MICROWIRE serial portis enabled, or into and out from Da and Dx pins when GCI mode selected. X =reserved: write 0 NOTE 2: *P* bitis Power up/down Control bit. P = 1 Means Power Down. Bit 1 indicates, if set, ihe presence of a second byte. NOTE 3: Bit 2 is write/read salact bit. Ky7 $&S-THOMSON ST5080A Table 2: Control Register GRO Functions MA DN FF B7 DL Function -=400 -+0o+-90 MCLK = 512 kHz MCLK = 1.536 MHz MCLK = 2.048 MHz MCLK = 2.560 MHz _s Select MU-255 law A-law including even bit inversion A-law; No bit inversion a4 Delayed data timing Non delayed data timing +0 Bi and B2 consecutive Bi and B2 separated a a fo pe ee Pe 8 bits time-slot 7 bits time-slot a4 Normal operation Digital Loop-back Table 3: Control Register CR1 Functions state at power on initialization significant in COMBO I/ll mode only 7 4 HFE ALE DO MR MX EN 11 To Function - Oo HFQ / HF I pins disabled HFOQ / HFipins enabled a4 Anti-larsen disabled Anti-larsen enabled a4 LO latch is put in high impedance LO latch set to 0 a Dr connected to rec. path CRe2 connected to rec. path a4 Trans path connected to Dx CR8 connected to Dy ee ae aa fa fe ee be ee a4 voice data transfer disable voice data transfer enable =3 30 -+o+-90 B1 channel selected B2 channel selected Bi* channel selected B2* channel selected * state at power oninitialization (1): significant in COMBO | / II mede only (2): significant in GCI mode only. 14ise Ky S&S:THoMsoN MICROELECTRONICSST5080A Table 4: Control Register GR2 Functions 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 : Function d7 | db | d5 | d4 ] d3 | d2 | dt do msb Isb | Data sent to Receive path or Data received from Dr input Table 5: Control Registers CR3 Functions 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 a Function d7 | d6 | d5 | d4 ] d3 | dz | dt do msb Isb | Dy data transmitted Table 6: Control Register CR4 Functions 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Function VS | TE | SI_ | EE |RTL|RTE| SL | SE 0 MIC1 selected * 1 MIC2 selected 0 Transmit input muted * 1 Transmit input enabled 0 Internal sidetone disabled * 1 Internal sidetone enabled 0 EAIN disconnected * a EAIN selected to Loudspeaker Ring / Tone muted Ring / Tone to Earpiece Ring / Tone to Loudspeaker Ring / Tone to Earpiece and Loudspeaker =-03c0 -+o+-0 Receive signal muted Receive signal connected to earpiece amplifer Receive signal connected to loudspeaker amplifier Receive signal connected to loudspeaker and earpiece amplifier =2-800 7+ Oo - Oo state at power on initialization 15/32 ka 3GS-THOMSON 7 imenosscreamesST5080A Table 7: Control Register GR5 Functions 7/|6/5 | 4 3 | 2{1 |o0 Function Transmit amplifier Sidetone amplifier 0 0 0 0 0 dB gain 0 0 0 1 1 dB gain - - - - in 1 dB step 1 1 1 1 15 dB gain 0 0 0 0 |-12.5dB gain 0 0 0 1 |-13.5 dB gain - - - - in 1 dB step 1 1 1 1 |-27.5dB gain *: state at power on initialization Table 8: Control Register CR6 Functions 7[e[s[4[slzl[1]o unation Earpiece ampifier Loudspeaker 0 0 0 0 0 dB gain 0 0 0 1 -1 dB gain - - - - in 1 dB step 1 1 1 1 -15 dBgain 0 0 0 0 |0dB gain 0 0 0 1 |-2 dB gain - - - - in 2 dB step 1 1 1 1 |-30 dBgain * state at power on initialization 16/32 ky SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A Table 9: Control Register GR7 Functions 7/6/5 |/4]3 {2/1 | 0 Function Tone gain FA F2 | SN | DE Attenuation f1 Vpp #2 Vpp 0 0 0 0 OdB * 2.4 (1) 1.9 (1) 0 0 0 1 -3dB 1.70 1.34 0 0 1 0 -6dB 1.20 0.95 0 0 1 1 -3dB 0.85 0.67 0 1 0 0 -12dB 0.60 0.47 0 1 0 1 -15dB 0.43 0.34 0 1 1 0 -18dB 0.30 0.24 0 1 1 1 -21 dB 0.21 0.17 1 x x 0 -24 dB 0.15 0.12 1 x x 1 -27 dB 0.10 0.08 0 0 f1 and f2 muted * 0 1 f2 selected 1 0 fi selected 1 1 fi and f2 in summed mode 0 Squarewave signal selected * 1 Sinewave signal selected 0 |Normal operation * 1 |Tone / Ring Generator connected to Transmit path * state at power on initialization (1): value provided if f1 or f2 is seleced alone. if f1 and 12 are selected in the summed mode, f1=1.34 Vpp while 12=1.06 Vop. Output generator is 2.4 Vop X reserved: write 0 Table 10: Control Register CR8 Functions 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 a Function f17 | f16 | f15 | f14 | 13 | f12 | f11 | f10 msb Isb | Binary equivalent of the decimal number used to calculate f1 Table 11: Gontrol Register GR9 Functions 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 : Function f27 | f26 | f25 | f24 | f23 | f22 | f21 | f20 msb Isb | Binary equivalent of the decimal number used to calculate f2 ky SGS-THOMSON 17/32 MICROELECTRORICSST5080A CONTROL REGISTER CRO First byte of a READ or a WRITE instruction to Control Register CRO is as shown in TABLE 1. Second byte is as shown in TABLE 2. Master Clock Frequency Selection A master clock must be previded to PIAFE tor op- eration of filter and coding/decedingtfunctions. In COMBO Ill mode, MCLK frequency can be either 512 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 2.048 MHz or 2.56 MHz. Bit Fi (7) and FO (6) must be set during initializa- tion to select the correct internal divider. In GCI mede, MCLK must be either 1.536MHz or 2.048MHz. 512KHz and 2.56MHz are not allowed. Default value is 1.536 MHz for both modes. Any clock different trom the default one must be selected prior a Power-Up instruction for both medes. Coding Law Selection Bits MA (5) and IA (4) permit selection of Mu-255 law or A law coding with or without even bit inver- sion. After power on initialization, the Mu-255 law is se- lected. Mu 255 law True een bit A law nour even bit msb Isb | msb Isb | msb Isb Vin = + full scale 1{/O;/O;oO{oOs;o;o;o;Aloy;i; oli slsoyryoyrifyifyiftripyrpyirsyis Vin =0V Ty 1; 77 apt ya pa papaya poy ty Oy tp oy apt poOy;yay oy ayo; ojo O;1 yt yt yr erp ryt yaorytyaoyrt yoy; pPoyAyPoy;yo;o;o;o;o;yaoya Vin = - full scale O;o;/o;oyolsos;/oj;oOsoys;ol;1{ oy; tr soyryoy;oy;ryi sy tyr} 1yqsd MSB is always the first PCM bit shifted in or out of PLAFE. Digital Interface timing Bit DN=0 (3) selects digital interface in delayed timing mode while DN=1 selects non delayed data timing. In GCl mode, bit DN is not significant. After reset and if COMBO I/Il mode is selected, delayed data timing is selected. Digital Interface format Bit FF=0 (2) selects digital interface in Format 1 where B1 and B2 channel are consecutive. FF=1 selects Format 2 where B1 and B2 channel are separated by two bits. (see digital interface format section). In GCl mode, bit FF is not significant. 56+8 selection Bit *B7 (1) selects capability for PIAFE to take into account only the seven most significant bits of the PGM data byte selected. When B7 is set, the LSB bit on Dr is ignored and LSB biton Dx is high impedance. This function al- lows connection of an external in band data generator directly connected on the Digital Inter- face. Digital loopback Digital loopback mode is entered by setting DL bit(0} equal 1. In Digital Loopback mode, data written into Re- ceive PGM Data Register from the selected re- ceived time-slot is reacd-back from that Register in 18/32 kyr SGS-THOMSON the selected transmit time-slot on Dy. Time slot is selected with Register CR1. No PGM decoding or encoding takes place in this mede. Transmit and Receive amplifier stages are muted. CONTROL REGISTER CR1 First byte of a READ or a WRITE instruction to Gontrol Register CR1 is as shown in TABLE 1. Second byte is as shown in TABLE 3. Hands-free I/Os selection Bit HFE set to one enables HFI, HFO pins for connection of an external handfree circuit such as TEA 7540. HFO is an analog output that provides the receive voice signal. 0 dBMO level on that output is 0.491 Vrms (1.4Vpp). HFI is an analog high impedance input (10 KQ typ.) intended to send back the processed receive signal to the Loudspeaker. 0 dBMO level on that input is 0.491Vrms. Anti-larsen selection Bit ALE set to one enables on-chip antilarsen and squelch effect system. Latch output control Bit DO centrols directly logical status of latch out- put LO: ie, a"ZERO written in bit DO puts output LO in high impedance, a ONE written in bit DO sets output LO to zero. MICROELECTRONICSST5080A Microwire access to B channel on receive path Bit MR (4) selects access from MICROWIRE Register GR2 to Receive path. When bit MR is set high, data written to register CR2 is decoded each frame, sent to the receive path and data in- put at Dr is ignored. In the other direction, current PGM data input re- ceived at Dr can be read from register CR2 each frame. Microwire access to B channel on transmit path Bit MX (3) selects access from MIGROWIRE write only Register CR3 to Dx output. When bit MX is set high, data written to CR3 is output at Dx every frame and the output of PCM encoder is ignored. B channel selection Bit EN (2) enables or disables voice data trans- fer on Dx and Dr pins. When disabled, PCM cata from DR is not decoded and PCM time-slots are high impedance on Dx. In GCI mode, bits T1 (1} and TO (0) select one of the four channels of the GCI interface. In COMBO I/II mode, only B1 or B2 channel can be selected according te the interface format se- lected. Bit T1 is ignored. CONTROL REGISTER CR2 Data sent to receive path or data received from Dr input. Reter to bit MR(4) in "Contrel Register CR1 paragraph. CONTROL REGISTER CR3 Dy data transmitted. Reter to bit MX(3)in "Gontrol Rgister CR1 paragraph. CONTROL REGISTER CR4 First byte of a READ or a WRITE instruction to Control Register CR4 is as shown in TABLE 1. Second byte is as shown in TABLE6. Transmit Input Selection MIG1 or MIG2 source is selected with bit VS (7). Transmit input selected can be enabled or muted with bit TE (6). Transmit gain can be adjusted within a 15 dB range in 1 dB step with Register CR5. Sidetone select Bit SI (5) enables or disables Sidetone circuitry. When enabled, sidetone gain can be adjusted with Register (CR5). When Transmit path is dis- abled, bit TE set low, sidetone circuit is also dis- abled. External Auxiliary signal select Bit "EE (4) set to one connects EAIN input to the kyr SGS-THOMSON loudspeaker amplifier input. Ring/Tone signal routing Bits RTL (3) and RTE (2) provide select capabil- ity to connect on-chip Ring/Tone generator either to loudspeaker amplitier input or to earpiece am- plifier input or both. PCM receive data routing Bits "SL (1} and SE (0} provide select capability to connect received speech signal either to Loud- speaker amplifier input or to earpiece amplifier in- put or both. CONTROL REGISTER CR5 First byte of a READ or a WRITE instuction to Control Register CR5 is as shown in TABLE 1. Second byte is as shown in TABLE 7. Transmit gain selection Transmit amplitier can be programmed for a gain from OdB to 15dB in 1dB step with bits 4 to 7. 0 dBmO level at the output of the transmit ampli- tier (A reference point) is 0.739 Vrms (overload voltage is 1.06 Vrms). Sidetone attenuation selection Transmit signal picked up after the switched ca- pacitor low pass filter may be fed back into the Receive Earpiece amplitier. Attenuation of the signal at the output of the sidetone attenuator can be programmed fram 12.5cB to -27.5cB relative to reference point Ain 1 dB step with bits 0 to 3. CONTROL REGISTER CR6 First byte of a READ or a WRITE instruction to Control Register CR6 is as shown in TABLE 1. Second byte is as shown in TABLE 8. Earpiece amplifier gain selection: Earpiece Receive gain can be programmed in 1 dB step from 0 dB to -15 dB relative to the maxi- mum with bits 4 to 7. 0 dBmO voltage at the output of the amplitier on pins VrFr+ and Verr- is then 824.5 mVrms when OdB gain is selected down to 146.6 mVrms when 15 dB gain is selected. Loudspeaker amplifier gain selection: Loudspeaker Receive amplifier gain can be pro- grammed in 2 cB step from 0 dB to -30 cB rela- tive to the maximum with bits 0 to 3. 0 dBmO voltage on the output of the amplifier on pins LS+ and LS- on 50 Q is then 1.384 Vrms (3.91Vpp) when O dB gain is selected down to 43.7 mrms (123.6MVpp} when -30 cB gain is se- lected. 19/32 MICROELECTRONICS.ST5080A Current limitation is approximatively 150 mApk. CONTROL REGISTER CR7: First byte of a READ or a WRITE instruction to Control Register CR/ is as shown in TABLE 1. Second byte is as shown in TABLE 9. Tone/Ring amplitier gain selection Ouiput level of Ring/Tone generator, before at- tenuation by programmable attenuator is 2.4 Vpk- pk when fi generator is selected alone or summed with the f2 generator and 1.9 Vpk-pk when f2 generatoris selected alone. Selected output level can be attenuated down to -2/ dB by programmable attenutator by setting bits 4 to 7. Frequency mode selection Bits Fi (3) and 'F2 (2} permit selection of f1 and/or {2 frequency generator according to TA- BLE 9. When f1 (or 12) is selected, output of the Ring/Tone is a squarewave (or a sinewave) signal at the frequency selected in the GR8 (or GR9) Register. When f1 and f2 are selected in summed mode, output of the Ring/Tone generator is a signal where f1 and f2 frequency are summed. In order to meet DTMF specitications, {2 output level is attenuated by 2cB relative to the f1 output level. Frequency temporization must be controlled by the 20/32 kyr SGS-THOMSON microcontroller. Waveform selection Bit SN (1) selects waveform of the output of the Ring/Tone generator. Sinewave or squarewave signal can be selected. DTMF selection Bit DE (0) permits connection of Ring/Tone/DTMF generator on the Transmit Data path instead of the Transmit Amplifier output. Earpiece feed-back may be provided by sidetone circuitry by setting bit SI or directly by setting bit RTE in Register CR4. Loudspeaker feed-back may be provided ci- rectly by setting bit RTL in Register CR4. CONTROL REGISTERS CR8 AND CR9 First byte of a READ or a WRITE instruction to Control Register GR8 or CRQ is as shown in TA- BLE 1. Second byte is respectively as shown in TABLE 10 and 11. Tone or Ring signal frequency value is detined by the formula: f1 = GR8/ 0.128 Hz and f2 = CR9/ 0.128 Hz where CR8 and CR9 are decimal equivalents of the binary values of the GR8 and CR@9 registers respectively. Thus, any frequency between 7.8 Hz and 1992 Hz may be selected in 7.8 Hz step. TABLE 12 gives examples for the main frequen- cies usual for Tone or Ring generation. MICROELECTRONICSST5080A Table 12: Examples of Usual Frequency Selection Description f1 value (decimal) Theorie value (Hz) Typical value (Hz) Error % Tone 250 Hz 32 250 250 .00 Tone 330 Hz 42 330 328.2 .56 Tone 425 Hz 54 425 421.9 73 Tone 440 Hz 56 440 437.5 .56 Tone 800 Hz 102 800 796.9 -.39 Tone 1330 Hz 170 1330 1328.1 -.14 DTMF 697 Hz 8&9 697 695.3 .24 DTMF 770 Hz 99 770 773.4 +.44 DTMF 852 Hz 109 852 851.6 .05 DTMF 941 Hz 120 941 937.5 .37 DTMF 1209 Hz 155 1209 1210.9 +.16 DTMF 1336 Hz 171 1336 1335.9 .01 DTMF 1477 Hz 189 1477 1476.6 .00 DTMF 1633 Hz 209 1633 1632.8 .00 SOL 50 392 390.6 .30 LA 56 440 437.5 .56 Sl 63 494 492.2 -.34 DO 67 523.25 523.5 +.04 RE 75 587.33 586.0 .23 MI flat 80 622.25 625.0 +.45 MI 84 659.25 656.3 45 FA 89 698.5 695.3 45 FA sharp 95 740 742.2 +.30 SOL 100 784 781.3 -.34 SOL sharp 106 830.6 828.2 29 LA 113 880 882.9 +.33 S| 126 987.8 984.4 .34 DO 134 1046.5 1046.9 +.04 RE 150 1174.66 1171.9 .23 MI 169 1318.5 1320.4 +.14 POWER SUPPLIES used. While pins of PIAFE device are well protected against electrical misuse, it is recommended that the standard CMOS practise of applying GND be- fore any other connections are made should al- ways be followed. In applications where the printed circuit card may be plugged into a hot socket with power and clocks already present, an extra long ground pin on the connector should be kyr SGS-THOMSON To minimize noise sources, all ground connec- tions to each device should meet at a common point as close as possible to the GND pin in order to prevent the interaction of ground return cur- rents flowing through a common bus impedance. A power supply decoupling capacitor of 0.1 uF should be connected from this common point to Vcc as close as possibleto the device pins. 21/32 MICROELECTRONICS.ST5080A TIMING DIAGRAM Non Delayed Data Timing Mode IAM FM WMH os 1 ee hee | 1 | ii iy mf MCLK [Xy 1 2 a 4 \ fs \ / \ f/f T\ fe\ fa. i j i . Yt ig m4 0 aga tHMF ! a nroapes : | to TTT ee bom FS iA \, I ! a Po----- | | | i : 10FD naz 1 toh seo. | 1OMo | | | -B, baal] i ox i 13 xX 4 X 5 x 8 x 7 X s } { j ! | tSDM | HMO te It I OR x 1 Xx 2 yi 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 K 7 K 8 \ 4 A Delayed Data Timing Mode wax APR CAF APA 1SFM I | : Dx { 1 X 2 y 4 \ 5 Xx B Xx 7 YO 7 DF x 1 x 2 x a x 4 Xx 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 22/32 kyr SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A TIMING DIAGRAM (continued) GCI Timing Mode ms NAVAN f WAAR Ra inanan. oP ee inc XOAAAC an - neem Serial Control Timing (MICROWIRE MODE) C5: BYTE 4 co soc] | tHe oN KEK SK NOUST5ORR-BI 23/32 ir SGS-THOMSON 77 MISROELECTROUICSST5080A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Value Unit Vec to GND 7 V Current at Vmic (Vcc < 5.5V) +50 mA Current at Vrxo andLS + 100 mA Current at any digital output +50 mA Voltage at any digital input (Vcc < 5.54); limited at + 50mA Vcc + 1 to GND - 1 Vv Storage temperature range - 65 to + 150 C Lead Temperature (wave soldering, 10s) + 260 C TIMING SPECIFICATIONS (unless otherwise specified, Vcc = 5V + 10%, Ta = 25C to 85C | typical characteristics are specified Vec=5V,TA=25C; all signals are referenced to GND, see Note 5 for timing definitions) MASTER CLOCK TIMING Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit fick Frequency of MCLK Selection of frequency is 512 KHz programmable (see table 2) 1.536 MHz 2.048 MHz 2.560 MHz twaH Period of MCLK high Measured from Vin to Vin 80 ns tw Period of MCLK low Measured from Vit to Vit 80 ns tra Rise Time of MCLK Measured from Vit to Vin 30 ns tem Fall Time of MCLK Measured from Vin to Vit 30 ns PCM INTERFACE TIMING (COMBO | / Il and GCI modes) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit tyme Hold Time MCLK low to FS low 10 ns tsem Setup Time, FS high to MCLK 30 ns low tomb Delay Time, MCLK high to data Load = 100 pf 100 ns valid tomiz Delay Time, MCLK low to DX 15 100 ns disabled torD Delay Time, FS high to data valid} Load = 100 pf; 100 ns Applies only if FS rises later than MCLK rising edge in Non Delayed Mode only tsom Setup Time, Dr valid to MCLK 20 ns receive edge tHMD Hold Time, MCLK low to Dr 20 ns invalid 24/32 kyr SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A SERIAL CONTROL PORT TIMING (Usual COMBO | / II mode only) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit feck Frequency of CCLK 2.048 MHz twou Period of CCLK high Measured from Vin to Vin 160 ns tweL Period of CCLK low Measured from Vit to ViL 160 ns tre Rise Time of CCLK Measured from Vi_ to Vin 50 ns tec Fall Time of CCLK Measured from Vin to VIL 50 ns tues Hald Time, CCLK high to CS 10 ns low tssc Setup Time, CS- low to CCLK 50 ns high tspc Setup Time, Cl validteo CCLK 50 ns high tucb Hold Time, CCLK high to Cl 50 ns invalid tocp Delay Time, CCLK low to CO Load = 100pF , 80 ns data valid plus 1 LSTTL load tpsp Delay Time, CSlow to CO data 50 ns valid topz Delay Time GS-high or 8th 15 80 ns CCLK low to CO high impedance whichever comes first tusc Hold Time, 8th CCLK high to 100 ns CS- high tscs Set up Time, CS high to CCLK 100 ns high Note 5: A signalis validif itis above Vin or below Vi_ and invalid if itis between ViL and Vin. For the purpoas of this specification the following conditions apply: a) Allinput signal are detined as: Vi. = 0.4V, Vin = 2.7V, ta < 10ns, tf < 10ns. b) Delay times are measured trom the inputs signal valid to the output signal valid. c) Setup times are measured from the datainput valid to the clock input invalid. d) Hold times ara measured from the clock signal valid to the data input invalid. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (unless otherwise specified, Vcc =5V + 10%, Ta =25C to 85C ; typical characteristic are specified at Voc =5V, Ta =25C ; all signals are referenced to GND) DIGITAL INTERFACES Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit VIL Input Low Voltage All digital inputs DC 0.7 V AC 0.4 Vv Vin Input High Voltage All digital inputs DC 2.0 V AC 27 V VoL Output Low Voltage Dx, IL =-2.0mA; be 0.4 Vv all other digital outputs, AC 0.7 V IL=imA Vou Output High Voltage Dy, IL =2.0mA; DC 2.4 Vv all other digital outputs, AC 2.0 V IL =1mA lit Input Low Current Any digital input, -10 10 pA GND < Vin < Vit liq Input High Current Any digital input, -10 10 pA Vin < Vin < Voc loz Output Gurrent in High Dx and CO -10 10 pA impedance (Tri-state) 25/32 ir SGS-THOMSON v7 MIGROELECTROWIESST5080A ANALOG INTERFACES Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Imic Input Leakage GND < Vic < Vcc -100 +100 pA Rimic Input Resistance GND < Vic < Vcc 50 kQ River Load Resistance Vers to Ver- 100 Q Giver Load Capacitance Vers to Ver- 150 nF Rovera Output Resistance Steady zero PCM code applied 1.0 Q te DR; |=+1mA Vosvrro Differential offset: Alternating + zero PCM code -106 +100 mvV Voltage at Vern, Ver applied to DR maximum receive gain; Ri = 1000 Fits Load Resistance Ls. to Ls. 50 Q Cis Load Capacitance Ls, to Ls. 600 nF Rois Output Resistance Steady zero PCM code applied 1 Q to DR; 14 1mA Vosis Differential offset Voltage at Ls., | Alternating + zero PCM code -100 +100 mV Ls- applied to DR maximum receive gain; Ri = 500 POWER DISSIPATION Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit lece Power down Current CCLK,Cl = 0.4V;CS = 2.4V 0.2 0.5 mA (wire only) All other inputs active GCI meade only: 0.2 0.5 mA lect Power Up Current Ls., Ls. and Vers, Ver not 12.0 17.0 mA loaded TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS (unless otherwise specified, Vcc = 5V + 10%, Ta = 25C to 85C; typical characteristics are specified at Voc = 5V, Ta = 25C, MIC1/2 = OdBmo, DR = 0dBmo PCM code, f = 1015.625 Hz; all signal are referenced to GND) AMPLITUDE RESPONSE (Maximum, Nominal, and Minimum Levels) Transmit path - Absolute levels at MIG1 / MIC2 Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0 dBMoO level Transmit Amps connected for 73.9 mVpms OdB gain Overload level A law selected 106.08 mVams Overload level mu law selected 106.47 mVRms 0 dBMoO level Transmit Amps connected for 13.14 mVpms 15dB gain Overload level A law selected 18.86 mVrams Overload level mu law selected 18.93 mVpms 26/32 kyr SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS (continued) AMPLITUDE RESPONSE (Maximum, Nominal, and Minimum Levels) Receive path - Absolute levels at Ver (Ditferentially measured) Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0 dBMO level Receive Amp programmed for 824.5 mVRMs OdB gain 0 dBMO level Receive Amp programmed for 146.6 mVams - 15d0B attenuation AMPLITUDE RESPONSE (Maximum, Nominal, and Minimum Levels) Receive path - Absolute levels at Ls (Differentially measured) Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0 dBMO level Receive Amp programmed for 1.384 Vrms OdB gain 0 dBMoO level Receive Amp programmed for 43.7 mVRMs - 30dB gain AMPLITUDE RESPONSE Transmit path Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Gxa Transmit Gain Absolute Transmit Gain Programmed for | -0.30 0.30 dB Accuracy maximum. Measure deviation of Digital PCM Code from ideal OdBmo PCM code at Dx Gxae Transmit Gain Variation with Measure Transmit Gain over -0.5 0.5 dB programmed gain the range from Maximum to minimum setting. Calculate the deviation from the programmed gain relative to GXA, i.e. Gaxg = Gactua - G prog. 7 Gxa Gxat Transmit Gain Variation with Measured relative to Gxa,. -0.1 0.1 dB temperature min. gain < Gx < Max. gain Gxav Transmit Gain Variation with Measured relative to Gxa -0.1 0.1 dB supply Gy = Maximum gain Gxar Transmit Gain Variation with Relative to 1015,625 Hz, frequency multitone testtechnique used. min. gain < Gx < Max. gain f = 60 Hz -26 dB f = 200 Hz -1.5 -0.1 dB f = 300 Hz to 3000 Hz -0.3 0.3 dB f = 3400 Hz -0.8 0.0 dB f = 4000 Hz -14 dB f = 4600 Hz (*} -35 dB f = 5000 Hz to 6000 Hz -40 dB f = 8000 Hz (*) -47 dB f > 8000 Hz -40 dB Gxat Transmit Gain Variation with Sinusoidal Test method. signal level Reference Level = -10 dBmo Vic = -40 dBmo to +3 dBro -0.25 0.25 dB Veic = -50 dBmo to -40 dBro -0.5 0.5 dB Vuic = -55dBmo to -50 dBmo -1.2 1.2 dB (*) The limit at frequencies between 4600Hz and 8000H2z lies on a stright line connecting the two frequencies on a linear (dB) scale versus log (Hz) scale. kyr SGS-THOMSON 27/32 MICROELECTRONICS.ST5080A AMPLITUDE Receive path RESPONSE Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit GRaAE Receive Gain Absolute Accuracy Receive gain programmed for maximum Apply 0 dBro PCM codeto Dr Measure Ver. -0.3 0.3 dB Gra Receive Gain Absolute Accuracy Receive gain programmed for maximum Apply 0 dBmo PCM codeto Dr Measure Ls. 0.6 dB GRaAGE Receive Gain Variation with programmed gain Measure Earpiece Gain over the range from Maximum to minimum setting. Calculate the deviation from the programmed gain relative to GRAE, i.e. Grace =G actual - G prog. ~ Grae 0.5 dB GRaAGL Receive Gain Variation with programmed gain Measure Loudspeaker Gain over the range from Maximum to minimum setting. Calculate the deviation from the programmed gain relative to GRAL, i.e. Gra =Gactual-G prog. ~ Gra. -1.0 1.0 dB Grat Receive Gain Variation with temperature Measured relative to GRA. (LS and VF) Gr = Maximum Gain 0.1 dB Grav Receive Gain Variation with Supply Measured relative to GRA. (LS and Vr) Gr = Maximum Gain 0.1 dB GraF Receive Gain Variation with frequency (Earpiece or Loudspeaker) Relative to 1015,625 Hz, multitone testtechnique used. min. gain < GR < Max. gain f = 200 Hz f = 300 Hz to 3000 Hz f = 3400 Hz f = 4000 Hz -0.3 -0.3 -0.8 dB dB dB dB GRALE Receive Gain Variation with signal level (Earpiece) Sinusoidal Test Method Reference Level = -10 dBm0 Dr = 0 dBm0 to +3 dBmo Dr = -40 dBm0 to 0 dBm0 Dr = -50 dBm to -40 dBmo Dr = -55 dBm to -50 dBm6 -0.25 -0.25 -0.5 -1.2 GRAaL L Receive Gain Variation with signal level (Loudspeaker) Sinusoidal Test Method Reference Level = -10 dBm0 Dr =O dBm0 to +3 dBmd Dr = -40 dBm0 to 0 dBm0 Dr = -50 dBm to -40 dBmo Dr = -55 dBm0 to -50 dBmo -0.25 -0.25 -05 -1.2 dB dB dB dB 28/32 kyr SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSST5080A ENVELOPE DELAY DISTORTION WITH FREQUENCY Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit DXA Tx Delay, Absolute f = 1600 Hz 320 Ls DXR Tx Delay, Relative f = 500 - 600 Hz 225 ps f = 600 - 800 Hz 125 ps f = 800 - 1000 Hz 50 pis f = 1000 - 1600 Hz 20 pis f = 1600 - 2600 Hz 55 ps f = 2600 - 2800 Hz 80 pis f = 2800 - 3000 Hz 130 pis DRA Rx Delay, Absolute f = 1600 Hz 252 ws DRR Rx Delay, Relative f = 500 - 1000 Hz 10 ps f = 1000 - 1600 Hz 30 pis f = 1600 - 2600 Hz 105 pis f = 2600 - 2800 Hz 135 pis f = 2800 - 3000 Hz 185 ps NOISE Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit NXC Tx Noise, C weighted Vuic = OV Max. Gain 16 dBrnCo NXP Tx Noise, P weighted Vuic = OV Max. Gain -70 | dBm0p NREG Rx Noise, C weighted Receive PCM code = Alternating 18 |dBrnco (Earpiece) Positive and Negative Cade Max. Gain NREP Rx Noise, P weighted Receive PCM code = Positive Zero -70 | dBmdp (Earpiece) Max. Gain NRLG Rx Noise, C weighted Receive PCM code = Alternating 21 dBrnCo (Loudspeaker Pasitive and Negative code Max. Gain NRLP Rx Noise, P weighted Receive PCM code = Positive Zero -67 | dBmdp (Loudspeaken Max. Gain NRS Noise, Single Frequency Vuic = OV, Loop-around -50 dBmo measurament from f = 0 Hz to 100 kHz PPSRx Positive PSRR, Tx Vuic = OV, Vcc = 5.0 Voc + 100 MVims; 30 dB f = OHz to 50KHz PPSRp Positive PSRR, Rx PCM Cade equals Positive Zero, 30 dB Veco = 5.0 VDC + 100 mVrms, measure Vers f= 0 Hz -4 kHz 30 dB f= 4 kHz - 50 kHz 30 dB SOS Spurious Out-Band signal at DR input set to 0 dBm0 PCM the output code 300 - 3400 Hz Input PCM Code applied at DR 4600 Hz - 5600 Hz -40 dB 5600 Hz - 7600 Hz -50 dB 7600 Hz - 8400 Hz -50 dB 8400 Hz - 100 kHz -50 dB 29/32 ASP iemouscrmonicsST5080A DISTORTION Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Stpx Signal to Total Distortion Sinusoidal Test Methode StTpr (measured using G message weighting Filter) Level = 0 dBm0 to - 20 dBmo 37 dBC Level = - 20 to -30 dBm0 36 dBC Level = - 40 dBmo 29 dBC Level = - 45 dBm0 24 dBC Sprx Single Frequency Distortion 0 dBm0 input signal -46 dB transmit Sprr Single Frequency Distortion 0 dBm0 input signal -46 dB receive IMD Intermodulation Loop-around measurament -41 dB Voltage at Vaic = -4 dBm0 to -21 dBm0, 2 Frequencies in the range 300 - 3400 Hz CROSSTALK Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Cher Transmit to Receive Transmit Level = 0 dBmo, -65 dB f = 300 - 3400 Hz DR = QuietPCM Code Crrx Receive to Transmit Receive Level = 0dBm0o, -65 dB f = 300 - 3400 Hz Vic = OV APPLICATION NOTE FOR MICROPHONE CONNECTIONS DIFFERENTIAL NODE SINGLE ENDED MODE MIXED MODE (REVERSIBLE) 6.47uUF 8.47uF 6.47uUF CH nici Cj nici: nica nic: - } nici- } nic- 6.47uF B.47uF 8.47uUF @.47UF STSB8eA 8. 47uF STS@aeA 9. 47uF STS660A } nic2+ Co nice nice Cj nic2- CF nic2- }nice- @.47uF 8.47uF @.47uF {__ {___ t_ AS2STFRBCA - 82 The 4 connection modes (since the MIXED MODE is symmetrical with respect to MIC1 and MIC2) allow one microphone at a time to be selected via the Vs bit (bit 7 of Control Register CR4). 30/32 A3/ StemotiscimoacsST5080A 3028 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA al 0.1 0.3 0.004 0.012 b 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019 b1 0.23 0.32 0.009 0.013 c 0.5 0.020 cl 45 (typ.) D 17.7 18.1 0.697 0.713 E 10 10.65 0.394 0.419 e 1.27 0.050 e3 16.51 0.65 F 7.4 7.6 0.291 0.299 L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050 s 8 (max.) 31/32 ASP iemouscrmonicsST5080A Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications men- tioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without ex- press written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. 1994 SGS-THOMSCN Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil- France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 32/32 ks SGS-THOMSON 7 \acroc.ecrromee