KAC-06040 2832 (H) x 2128 (V) CMOS Image Sensor Description The KAC-06040 Image Sensor is a high-speed 6 megapixel CMOS image sensor in a 1 optical format based on a 4.7 mm 5T CMOS platform. The image sensor features very fast frame rate, excellent NIR sensitivity, and flexible readout modes with multiple regions of interest (ROI). The readout architecture enables use of 8, 4, or 2 LVDS output banks for full resolution readout of 160 frames per second. Each LVDS output bank consists of up to 8 differential pairs operating at 200 MHz DDR for a 400 Mbps data rate per pair. The pixel architecture allows rolling shutter operation for motion capture with optimized dynamic range or global shutter for precise still image capture. www.onsemi.com Table 1. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Typical Value Architecture 5T Global Shutter CMOS Resolution 6 Megapixels Aspect Ratio 4:3 Pixel Size 4.7 mm (H) x 4.7 mm (V) Total Number of Pixels 3024 (H) x 2320 (V) Number of Effective Pixels 2848 (H) x 2144 (V) Number of Active Pixels 2832 (H) x 2128 (V) Active Image Size 13.1 mm (H) x 10.0 mm (V) 16.65 mm (diag.), 1 Optical Format Master Clock Input Speed 5 MHz to 50 MHZ Maximum Pixel Clock Speed 200 MHz DDR LVDS, 400 Mbps Number of LVDS Outputs 64 Differential Pairs Number of Output Banks 8, 4, or 2 Frame Rate, 6 MP 1-160 fps 10 bits Charge Capacity 17,000 electrons Quantum Efficiency KAC-06040-CBA KAC-06040-ABA 40%, 47%, 45% (470, 540, 620 nm) 53%, 15%, 10% (500, 850, 900 nm) Read Noise (at Maximum LVDS Clock) 3.4 e- rms, Rolling Shutter 25 e- rms, Global Shutter Dynamic Range 74 dB, Rolling Shutter 57 dB, Global Shutter Blooming Suppression > 10,000x Image Lag 1.6 electron Digital Core Supply 2.0 V Analog Core Supply 1.8 V Pixel Supply 2.8 V & 3.5 V Power Consumption 2.3 W for 6 Mp @ 160 fps 10 bits Package 267 Pin Ceramic Micro-PGA Cover Glass AR Coated, 2-sides Figure 1. KAC-06040 CMOS Image Sensor Features * * * * * Global Shutter and Rolling Shutter Very Fast Frame Rate High NIR Sensitivity Multiple Regions of Interest Interspersed Video Streams Application * Machine Vision * Intelligent Transportation Systems * Surveillance ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 2 of this data sheet. NOTE: All Parameters are specified at T = 40C unless otherwise noted. (c) Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2016 March, 2016 - Rev. 3 1 Publication Order Number: KAC-06040/D KAC-06040 The image sensor has a pre-configured QHD (4 x 720p, 16:9) video mode, fully programmable, multiple ROI for windowing, programmable sub-sampling, and reverse readout (flip and mirror). The two ADCs can be configured for 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bit or 14-bit conversion and output. Additional features include interspersed video streams (dual-video), on-chip responsivity calibration, black clamping, overflow pixel for blooming reduction, black-sun correction (anti-eclipse), column and row noise correction, and integrated timing generation with SPI control, 4:1 and 9:1 averaging decimation modes. ORDERING INFORMATION Table 2. ORDERING INFORMATION - KAC-06040 IMAGE SENSOR Part Number Description KAC-06040-ABA-JD-BA Monochrome, Micro-PGA Package, Sealed Clear Cover Glass with AR Coating (Both Sides), Standard Grade. KAC-06040-ABA-JD-AE Monochrome, Micro-PGA Package, Sealed Clear Cover Glass with AR Coating (Both Sides), Engineering Grade. KAC-06040-CBA-JD-BA Bayer (RGB) Color Filter Pattern, Micro-PGA Package, Sealed Clear Cover Glass with AR Coating (Both Sides), Standard Grade. KAC-06040-CBA-JD-AE Bayer (RGB) Color Filter Pattern, Micro-PGA Package, Sealed Clear Cover Glass with AR Coating (Both Sides), Engineering Grade. Marking Code KAC-06040-ABA Serial Number KAC-06040-CBA Serial Number 1. Engineering Grade samples might not meet final production testing limits, especially for cosmetic defects such as clusters, but also possibly column and row artifacts. Overall performance is representative of final production parts. Table 3. ORDERING INFORMATION - EVALUATION SUPPORT Part Number Description KAC-06040-AB-A-GEVK Evaluation Hardware for KAC-06040 Image Sensor (Bayer). Includes Image Sensor. KAC-06040-CB-A-GEVK Evaluation Hardware for KAC-06040 Image Sensor (Monochrome). Includes Image Sensor. LENS-MOUNT-KIT-C-GEVK Lens Mount Kit that Supports C, CS, and F Mount Lenses. Includes IR Cut-filter for Color Imaging. See the ON Semiconductor Device Nomenclature document (TND310/D) for a full description of the naming convention used for image sensors. For reference documentation, including information on evaluation kits, please visit our web site at www.onsemi.com. www.onsemi.com 2 KAC-06040 DEVICE DESCRIPTION LVDS Bank 3 LVDS Bank 5 7D0 - 7D6 Clk7 5D0 - 5D6 Clk5 Clk3 3D0 - 3D6 Architecture 3.5 VA 3.3 VD 2.8 VA 2.0 VD 1.8 VA LVDS Bank 7 B G G R B G G R 8 B G G R (0, 0) 104 104 8 4000 (H) y 3000 (V) 4.7 mm Pixel B G G R 8 88 Chip Clock Trigger ResetN CSN SCLK MOSI MISO RBFB ADC_Ref1 4.02 kW 1% Even Row ADC, Analog Gain, Black-Sun Correction LVDS Bank 2 Timing Control, Sub-Sampling/Averaging 88 8 LVDS Bank 4 ADC_Ref2 LVDS Bank 6 Figure 2. Block Diagram www.onsemi.com 3 6D0 - 6D6 Clk6 4D0 - 4D6 Clk4 VSS 0 V 2D0 - 2D6 Clk0 Digital Gain/Offset, Noise Correction 0D0 - 0D6 LVDS Bank 0 Clk1 Clk2 1D0 - 1D6 LVDS Bank 1 Odd Row ADC, Analog Gain, Black-Sun Correction Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) KAC-06040 Physical Orientation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A B C D E LVDS Bank 5 LVDS Bank 7 LVDS Bank 2 LVDS Bank 4 LVDS Bank 6 LVDS Bank 0 LVDS Bank 1 LVDS Bank 3 AA AB AC AD AE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Notes: 1. The center of the pixel array is aligned to the physical package center. 2. The region under the sensor die is clear of pins enabling the use of a heat sink. 3. Non-symmetric mounting holes provide orientation and mounting precision. 4. Non-symmetric pins prevent incorrect placement in PCB. 5. Letter "F" indicator shows default readout direction relative to package pin 1. Figure 3. Package Pin Orientation - Top X-Ray View www.onsemi.com 4 KAC-06040 Table 4. PRIMARY PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name Type AB09 RESETN DI Sensor Reset (0 V = Reset State) Description E07 CLK_In1 DI Sensor Input Clk_In1 (5-50 MHz) D08 CLK_In2 DI Sensor Input Clk_In2 (Connect to Clk1) AB08 TRIGGER DI Trigger Input (Optional) AA05 SCLK DI SPI Master Clock AA06 CSN DI SPI Chip Select (0 V = Selected) AA07 MISO DO SPI Master Input, Slave Output AA08 MOSI DI SPI Master Output, Slave Input AB05 FB DO SPI Register Read Feedback D07 SPI_MS DI SPI CPOL/CPHA Mode Select AA14 ADC_Ref1 AO 4.02 kW 1% Resistor between Ref1 & Ref2 AA15 ADC_Ref2 AO 4.02 kW 1% Resistor between Ref1 & Ref2 AB06 FLO DO Flash Output Sync (Optional) AB07 MSO DO Mechanical Shutter Output Sync (Optional) E05 FEN DO Frame Enable Reference Output (Optional) E06 LEN DO Line Enable Reference Output (Optional) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DI = Digital Input, DO = Digital Output, AO = Analog Output. Tie unused DI pins to Ground, No Connect (NC) unused DO pins. By default Clk_In2 should equal Clk_In1 and should be the same source clock. The RESETN pin has a 62 kW internal pull-up resistor, so if left floating the chip will not be in reset mode. The TRIGGER pin has an internal 100 kW pull down resistor. If left floating (and at default polarity) then the sensor state will not be affected by this pin (i.e. defaults to `not triggered' mode if floated). 6. All of the DI and DO pins nominally operate at 0 V 2.0 V and are associated with the VDD_DIG power supply. 7. The SPI_MS pin has an internal 100 kW pull down resistor. If left floating the CPOL/CHPA will be compatible with CPOL = CPHA = 0 or CPOL = CPHA = 1. Table 5. POWER PIN DESCRIPTION Name Voltage Pins Description VDD_LVDS 3.3 V D C04, C05, C23, C24, D04, D24, E04, E24, AA04, AA24, AB04, AB24, AC04, AC05 AC23, AC24 LVDS Output Supply VDD_DIG 2.0 V D C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, E08, E18, E20, E21, E22, AA18, AA20, AA21, AA22, AB18, AB19, AB20, AB21, AB22, AB23, AC18, AC19, AC20, AC21, AC22, AB15 Digital Core Supply AVDD_HV 3.5 V A C11, D11, E11, AA11, AB11, AC11, C10, D10, E10, AA10, AB10, AC10 Pixel Supply 1 Vref_P 2.8 V A C13, D13, E13, AA13, AB13, AC13 Pixel Supply 2 AVDD_LV 1.8 V A C17, D16, D17, E17, AA17, AB16, AB17, AC17 Analog Low Voltage Supply Vpixel_low 0V E09 Pixel Supply 3. Combine with VSS for normal operation. Can be pulsed for Extended Dynamic Range Operation. VSS 0V A02, A14, A26, B14, C03, C06, C12, C14, C25, D03, D12, D14, D25, E03, E12, E19, E23, E25, AA03, AA12, AA19, AA23, AA25, AB03, AB12, AB14, AB25, AC03, AC06, AC12, AC14, AC25, AD14, AE02, AE14, AE26, D15, E15, AA09 Sensor Ground Reference No Connect NA A01, E14, E16, C09, D09, D05, D06, AA16, AC09 Unused and test-only pins. These pins must be floated. www.onsemi.com 5 KAC-06040 Table 6. LVDS PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name Description Pin Name Description Pin Name Description Pin Name Description E01 1DCLK+ Bank 1 C07 3DCLK+ Bank 3 C15 5DCLK+ Bank 5 A22 7DCLK+ Bank 7 E02 1DCLK- LVDS Clock C08 3DCLK- LVDS Clock C16 5DCLK- LVDS Clock B22 7DCLK- LVDS Clock D01 1DATA0+ A07 3DATA0+ A15 5DATA0+ A23 7DATA0+ D02 1DATA0- B07 3DATA0- B15 5DATA0- B23 7DATA0- C01 1DATA1+ A08 3DATA1+ A16 5DATA1+ A24 7DATA1+ C02 1DATA1- B08 3DATA1- B16 5DATA1- B24 7DATA1- B01 1DATA2+ A09 3DATA2+ A17 5DATA2+ A25 7DATA2+ B02 1DATA2- B09 3DATA2- B17 5DATA2- B25 7DATA2- A03 1DATA3+ A10 3DATA3+ A18 5DATA3+ B27 7DATA3+ Bank 1 LVDS Data Bank 3 LVDS Data Bank 5 LVDS Data B03 1DATA3- B10 3DATA3- B18 5DATA3- B26 7DATA3- A04 1DATA4+ A11 3DATA4+ A19 5DATA4+ C27 7DATA4+ B04 1DATA4- B11 3DATA4- B19 5DATA4- C26 7DATA4- A05 1DATA5+ A12 3DATA5+ A20 5DATA5+ D27 7DATA5+ B05 1DATA5- B12 3DATA5- B20 5DATA5- D26 7DATA5- A06 1DATA6+ A13 3DATA6+ A21 5DATA6+ E27 7DATA6+ B06 1DATA6- B13 3DATA6- B21 5DATA6- E26 7DATA6- Bank 7 LVDS Data Pin Name Description Pin Name Description Pin Name Description Pin Name AA01 0DCLK+ Bank 0 AC07 2DCLK+ Bank 2 AC15 4DCLK+ Bank 4 AE22 6DCLK+ Bank 6 AA02 0DCLK- LVDS Clock AC08 2DCLK- LVDS Clock AC16 4DCLK- LVDS Clock AD22 6DCLK- LVDS Clock AB01 0DATA0+ AE07 2DATA0+ AE15 4DATA0+ AE23 6DATA0+ AB02 0DATA0- AD07 2DATA0- AD15 4DATA0- AD23 6DATA0- AC01 0DATA1+ AE08 2DATA1+ AE16 4DATA1+ AE24 6DATA1+ AC02 0DATA1- AD08 2DATA1- AD16 4DATA1- AD24 6DATA1- AD01 0DATA2+ AE09 2DATA2+ AE17 4DATA2+ AE25 6DATA2+ AD02 0DATA2- AE03 0DATA3+ AD03 0DATA3- Bank 0 LVDS Data AD09 2DATA2- AE10 2DATA3+ AD10 2DATA3- Bank 2 LVDS Data AD17 4DATA2- AE18 4DATA3+ AD25 6DATA2- AD26 6DATA3+ AD18 4DATA3- AD27 6DATA3- 6DATA4+ Bank 4 LVDS Data AE04 0DATA4+ AE11 2DATA4+ AE19 4DATA4+ AC26 AD04 0DATA4- AD11 2DATA4- AD19 4DATA4- AC27 6DATA4- AE05 0DATA5+ AE12 2DATA5+ AE20 4DATA5+ AB26 6DATA5+ AD05 0DATA5- AD12 2DATA5- AD20 4DATA5- AB27 6DATA5- AE06 0DATA6+ AE13 2DATA6+ AE21 4DATA6+ AA26 6DATA6+ AD06 0DATA6- AD13 2DATA6- AD21 4DATA6- AA27 6DATA6- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description Bank 6 LVDS Data All LVDS Data and Clock lines must be routed with 100 W differential transmission line traces. All the traces for a single LVDS Bank should be the same physical length to minimize skew between the clock and data lines. In 2 Bank mode, only LVDS banks 0 and 1 are active. In 4 Bank mode, only LVDS bank 0, 1, 2, and 3 are active. Float the pins of unused LVDS Banks to conserve power. Unused pins in active banks (due to ADC bit depth < 14) are automatically tri-stated to save power, but these can also be floated. www.onsemi.com 6 KAC-06040 IMAGING PERFORMANCE Table 7. TYPICAL OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS (Unless otherwise noted, the Imaging Performance Specifications are measured using the following conditions.) Condition Description Notes Light Source Continuous Red, Green and Blue LED Illumination 1 Temperature Measured Die Temperature: 40C and 27C Integration Time 16.6 ms (1400d LL, Register 0201h) Readout Mode Dual-Scan, Global Shutter, 320 MHz, PLL2 Clamps Column/Row Noise Correction Active, Frame Black Level Clamp Active ADC Bit Depth 10 bit Analog Gain Unity Gain or Referred Back to Unity Gain 1. For monochrome sensor, only green LED used. Table 8. KAC-12040-ABA CONFIGURATION (MONOCHROME) Description Symbol Peak Quantum Efficiency Green NIR1 NIR2 QEMAX Wavelength (nm) Nom. 550 850 900 52 15 9.0 Units Sampling Plan Temperature Tested at (5C) % Design 27 Test Responsivity 83 ke * Lux @ s Design 27 20 Responsivity 7.3 V Lux @ s Design 27 21 Wavelength (nm) Nom. Units Sampling Plan Temperature Tested at (5C) Test 470 540 620 850 900 42 47 44 16 9.8 % Design 27 Responsivity Blue Green Red 18 36 39 Design 27 20 Responsivity Blue Green Red 1.6 3.1 3.4 Design 27 21 Table 9. KAC-12040-CBA CONFIGURATION (BAYER RGB) Description Symbol Peak Quantum Efficiency Green NIR1 NIR2 QEMAX www.onsemi.com 7 ke * Lux @ s V Lux @ s KAC-06040 Table 10. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ALL CONFIGURATIONS Description Symbol Min Nom. Max Units Sampling Plan Temperature Tested at (5C) Test Die 27, 40 16 Notes Photodiode Charge Capacity PNe 17 ke- Read Noise ne-T 3.4 RS/GR DS 3.7 RS/GR TS 25 GS DS/TS e- rms Die 27 8 Total Pixelized Noise TPN 3.6 RS/GR DS 3.9 RS/GR TS 25 GS DS/TS e- rms Die 27 19 Dynamic Range DR 74 RS/GR DS 73 RS/GR TS 57 GS DS/TS dB Die 27 Column Noise CN 0.4 RS/GR DS/TS 2.4 GS DS/TS e- rms Die 27 9 5 Row Noise RN 0.4 RS/GR DS 0.7 RS/GR TS 2.7 GS DS/TS e- rms Die 27 10 6 Dark Field Local Non-Uniformity Floor DSNU_flr 1.3 RS/GR DS 1.7 RS/GR TS 10 GS DS/TS e- rms Die 27, 40 1 4 Bright Field Local Photoresponse Non-Uniformity PRNU_1 1.1 Mono 1.5 Bayer % rms Die 27, 40 2 1 Bright Field Global Photoresponse Non-Uniformity PRNU_2 3.7 Mono 3.4 Bayer % pp Die 27, 40 3 1 Maximum Photoresponse Non-Linearity NL 5.4 % Die 27, 40 11 2 Maximum Gain Difference between Outputs DG 0.3 % Die 27, 40 12 7 Photodiode Dark Current IPD 6.6 e/p/s Die 40 13 8 Storage Node Dark Current IVD 1490 e/p/s Die 40 14 4 Image Lag Lag 1.6 e- Design 27, 40 15 15 > 10,000 W/cm2 Design 27 7 13 Design 27 6 9 Black-Sun Anti-Blooming XAB Parasitic Light Sensitivity PLS 3 xllumSat 728 Dual-Video WDR 140 RS 120 GS dB Design 27 10, 11 Pulsed Pixel WDR (GS Only) 100 dB Design 27 12, 11 NOTE: RS = Rolling Shutter Operation Mode, GS = Global Shutter Operation Mode, GR = Global Reset, DS = Dual-Scan, TS = Tri-Scan 1. Measured per color, worst of all colors reported. 2. Value is over the range of 10% to 90% of photodiode saturation, Green response used. 3. Uses 20LOG (PNe / ne-T). 4. Photodiode dark current made negligible. 5. Column Noise Correction active. 6. Row Noise Correction active. 7. Measured at 70% illumination. 8. Storage node dark current made negligible. 9. GSE (Global Shutter Efficiency) = 1 - 1 / PLS. 10. Min vs Max integration time at 30 fps. 11. WDR measures expanded exposure latitude from linear mode DR. 12. Min/Max responsivity in a 30 fps image. 13. Saturation Illumination referenced to a 3 line time integration. www.onsemi.com 8 KAC-06040 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES Monochrome with Microlens Figure 4. Monochrome QE (with Microlens) Color (Bayer RGB) with Microlens Figure 5. Bayer QE (with Microlens) www.onsemi.com 9 KAC-06040 Angular Quantum Efficiency For the curves marked "Horizontal", the incident light angle is varied along the wider array dimension. For the curves marked "Vertical", the incident light angle is varied along the shorter array dimension. Figure 6. Monochrome Relative Angular QE (with Microlens) Figure 7. Bayer Relative Angular QE (with Microlens) www.onsemi.com 10 KAC-06040 Dark Current vs. Temperature NOTE: "Dbl" denotes an approximate doubling temperature for the dark current for the displayed temperature range. Figure 8. Dark Current vs. Temperature Power vs. Frame Rate The most effective method to set the frame rate is to use vertical blanking (Register 01F1h). Unnecessary chip operations are suspended during vertical blanking conserving significant power consumption and also minimizing the image storage time on the storage node when in Global Shutter Operation. Tri-scan can reach higher frame rates, but consumes more power at all frame rates. It is recommended use Dual-Scan unless the frame rate required can only be reached with Tri-Scan. The LVDS clock is 1/2 the PLL2 clock frequency. Figure 9. Dual-Scan Power vs. Frame Rate, 10 bit Mode www.onsemi.com 11 KAC-06040 Figure 10. Tri-Scan Power vs. Frame Rate, 10 bit Mode Power and Frame Rate vs. ADC Bit Depth parameters impacting the line time, Tri-Scan only has significant benefit at 10 bit operation. At 8 bit operation the LVDS readout time dominates the line time; and at 12 and 14 bit the ADC time dominates the line time and the pixel time is not significant. But at 10 bit operation Tri-Scan can almost halve the line time at the cost of additional power consumption. Increasing the ADC bit depth impacts the frame rate by changing the ADC conversion time. The following figure shows the power and Frame rate range for several typical cases. For optimum image quality and power consumption the PLL2 and vertical blanking have been optimized for each bit depth and target frame rate. Because of the different Figure 11. Dual-Scan ADC Bit Depth Impact on Frame Rate and Power www.onsemi.com 12 KAC-06040 Figure 12. Tri-Scan vs. Dual-Scan Power www.onsemi.com 13 KAC-06040 DEFECT DEFINITIONS Table 11. OPERATION CONDITIONS FOR DEFECT TESTING Description Condition Notes Operational Mode 10 bit ADC, 8 LVDS outputs, Global Shutter and Rolling Shutter modes, Dual-Scan, Black Level Clamp on, Column/Row Noise Correction on, 1x Analog Gain, 1x Digital Gain Pixels per Line 2832 Lines per Frame 2128 Line Time 6.875 ms Frame Time 8.25 ms Photodiode Integration Time 33 ms Storage Readout Time 7.85 ms Temperature 40C and 30C Light Source Continuous Red, Green and Blue LED Illumination (Green only for monochrome sensor) Operation Nominal Operating Voltages and Timing, PLL1 = 320 MHz, PLL2 = 410 MHz Table 12. DEFECT DEFINITIONS FOR TESTING Description Definition 40C RS: Defect 30 dn GS: Defect 240 dn Limit Test Notes 60 4 1, 4, 5 5 2, 5 Dark Field Defective Pixel 30C RS: Defect 20 dn GS: Defect 180 dn Bright Field Defective Pixel Defect 12% from Local Mean 60 Cluster Defect A group of 2 to 10 contiguous defective pixels, but no more than 3 adjacent defects horizontally. 11 Column/Row Major Defect A group of more than 10 contiguous defective pixels along a single column or row. 0 Dark Field Faint Column/Row Defect RS: 3 dn Threshold GS: 10 dn Threshold 0 17 1 Bright Field Faint Column/Row Defect RS: 12 dn Threshold GS: 18 dn Threshold 0 18 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 RS = Rolling Shutter, GS = Global Shutter. For the color devices, all bright defects are defined within a single color plane, each color plane is tested. Cluster defects are separated by no less than two good pixels in any direction. Rolling Shutter Dark Field points are dominated by photodiode integration time, Global Shutter Dark Field defects are dominated by the readout time. 5. The net sum of all bright and dark field pixel defects in rolling and global shutter are combined and then compared to the test limit. www.onsemi.com 14 KAC-06040 TEST DEFINITIONS Test Regions of Interest Image Area ROI: Active Area ROI: Pixel (0, 0) to Pixel (2847, 2143) Pixel (8, 8) to Pixel (2839, 2135) Only the Active Area ROI pixels are used for performance and defect tests. 88 8 B G G R B G G R 8 88 8 8,8 88 2832 (H) y 2128 (V) 4.7 mm Pixel 0,0 B G G R 8 88 Figure 13. Regions of Interest Tests The highest sub-ROI average (Maximum Signal) and the lowest sub-ROI average (Minimum Signal) are then used in the following formula to calculate PRNU_2. 1) Dark Field Local Non-Uniformity Floor (DSNU_flr) This test is performed under dark field conditions. A 4 frame average image is collected. This image is partitioned into 180 sub-regions of interest, each of which is 190 by 178 pixels in size. For each sub-region the standard deviation of all its pixels is calculated. The dark field local non-uniformity is the largest standard deviation found from all the sub regions of interest. Units: e- rms (electrons rms). PRNU_2 + 100 @ Max. Signal * Min. Signal Active Area Signal Units : % pp 4) Dark Field Defect Test This test is performed under dark field conditions. The sensor is partitioned into 390 sub regions of interest, each of which is 128 by 128 pixels in size. In each region of interest, the median value of all pixels is found. For each region of interest, a pixel is marked defective if it is greater than or equal to the median value of that region of interest plus the defect threshold specified in the Defect Definition Table section. 2) Bright Field Local Photoresponse Non-Uniformity (PRNU_1) The sensor illuminated to 70% of saturation (700 dn). In this condition a 4 frame average image is collected. From this 4 frame average image a 4 frame average dark image is subtracted. The Active Area Standard Deviation is the standard deviation of the resultant image and the Active Area Signal is the average of the resultant image. PRNU_1 + 100 @ 5) Bright Field Defect Test This test is performed with the imager illuminated to a level such that the output is at approximately 700 dn. The average signal level of all active pixels is found. The bright and dark thresholds are set as: Dark Defect Threshold = Active Area Signal Threshold Bright Defect Threshold = Active Area Signal Threshold Active Area Standard Deviation Active Area Signal Units : % rms 3) Bright Field Global Non-Uniformity (PRNU_2) This test is performed with the sensor uniformly illuminated to 70% of saturation (700 dn), a 4 frame average image is collected and a 4 frame averaged dark image is subtracted. The resultant image is partitioned into 180 sub regions of interest, each of which is 190 by 178 pixels in size. The average signal level of each sub regions of interest (sub-ROI) is calculated. The sensor is then partitioned into 390 sub regions of interest, each of which is 128 by 128 pixels in size. In each region of interest, the average value of all pixels is found. For each region of interest, a pixel is marked defective if it is greater than or equal to the median value of that region of www.onsemi.com 15 KAC-06040 detected, typically several orders of magnitude greater than the photodiode integration time. interest plus the bright threshold specified or if it is less than or equal to the median value of that region of interest minus the dark threshold specified. Example for bright field defective pixels: * Average value of all active pixels is found to be 700 dn * Lower defect threshold: 700 dn 12% = 84 dn * A specific 128 x 128 ROI is selected: Median of this region of interest is found to be 690 dn. Any pixel in this region of interest that is (690 - 84 dn) in intensity will be marked defective. Any pixel in this region of interest that is (690 - 84 dn) in intensity will be marked defective. * All remaining 299 sub regions of interest are analyzed for defective pixels in the same manner. 7) Black-Sun Anti-Blooming A typical CMOS image sensor has a light response profile that goes from 0 dn to saturation (1023 dn for KAC-06040 in 10 bit ADC mode) and, with enough light, back to 0 dn. The sensor reaching 0 dn at very bright illumination is often called the "Black-sun" artifact and is undesirable. Black-sun artifact is typically the dominant form of anti-blooming image distortion. For the KAC-06040 the Black-sun artifact threshold is measured at the onset of saturation distortion, not at the point where the output goes to 0 dn. To first order the onset of black-sun artifact for the KAC-06040 is not proportional to the integration time or readout time. The sensor is placed in the dark at unity gain and illuminated with a 532 nm laser with the intensity of about 26 W/cm2 at the center of the sensor. The laser is strong enough to make the center of the laser spot below 1020 dn without any ND filters. ND filters are added to adjust the laser intensity until the signal in the region at the center of the spot increases to > 1020 dn. This illumination intensity at this ND filter is recorded (W/cm2) as the Black-Sun Anti-blooming. The `xIlumSat' unit is calculated using and integration time of 100 msec. Exposing the sensor to very strong illumination for extended periods of time will permanently alter the sensor performance in that localized region. 6) Parasitic Light Sensitivity (PLS) Parasitic Light Sensitivity is the ratio of the light sensitivity of the photodiode to the light sensitivity of the storage node in Global Shutter. There is no equivalent distortion in Rolling Shutter. A low PLS value can provide distortion of the image on the storage node by the scene during readout. PLS + Photodiode Responsivity Storage Node Responsivity (UnitlessRatio) GSE (Global Shutter Efficiency) is a related unit. GSE + 1 * 8) Read Noise This test is performed with no illumination and one line of integration time. The read noise is defined as one standard deviation of the frequency histogram containing the values of all pixels after the excessively deviant pixels ( three standard deviations) are removed. 1 % PLS Detailed Method: Photodiode Responsivity: The sensor is set in global shutter serial mode (integration time not overlapping readout) and the FLO signal is used to control a 550 nm normal incident (or large f# focused) illumination source so that the sensor is illuminated only during photodiode integration time (not illuminated during readout time). The integration time is not critical but should be large enough to create a measurable mean during this time. A 16 frame-average illuminated photodiode image is recorded. A 16 frame-average dark frame using the same sensor settings is captured and is subtracted from the illuminated image. 9) Column Noise After all rows are averaged together. Shading (low frequency change wrt column address) is removed. A frequency histogram is constructed of the resulting column values. The column noise is the standard deviation of the frequency histogram of the column values. This Metric includes both temporal and FPN. 10) Row Noise All columns are averaged together. Shading (low frequency change wrt row address) is removed. A frequency histogram is constructed of the resulting row values. The row noise is the standard deviation of the frequency histogram of the row values. This Metric includes both temporal and FPN. Detailed Method: Storage Node Responsivity: The sensor is set to a special characterization mode where the PD signal is discarded and does not impact the storage node. A long total frame time (storage node exposure time) is used to increase the storage node signal. A 16 frame-average dark frame is captured. The sensor is illuminated by the same 550 nm incident light source used for the photodiode responsivity. A 16 frame-average illuminated photodiode image is recorded; the dark frame image is subtracted from this. The integration time is not critical but should be set such that a significant response is 11) Maximum Photoresponse Non-Linearity The photoresponse non-linearity is defined as the deviation from the best fit of the sensor response using 70% of saturation and zero signal as the reference points. www.onsemi.com 16 KAC-06040 14) Storage Node Dark Current The storage node dark current is measured in global shutter read out mode using a special timing mode to prevent the photodiode dark current from being transferred to the storage node. In global shutter mode, the integration time of the storage node is the time it takes to read out a frame. The sensor analog gain is set to 2: The different signal levels are determined by varying the integration time. The sensor saturation level is (1023-dark offset). The dark offset is subtracted from the image for the following MAVG and LAVG. * The integration time is varied until the integration time required to reach the 70% saturation is determined. MAVG = the active array mean at the 70% saturation integration time. * The integration is set to 1/14 (5% exposure point). LAVG = meant at the 5% exposure point. * PRNL (@ 5% saturation) = ((LAVG/MAVG) (14/1) -1) 100 Storage Node Dark Current + Aver. Signal (DN) @ where `average signal (DN)' is the average of all pixels in the sensor array and `el-per-DN (gain=2)' is measured on each sensor using the photon transfer method. 15) Lag Lag is measured as the number of electrons left in the photodiode after readout when the sensor is illuminated at 70% of Photodiode Charge Capacity. Analog gain is set to 8. With no illumination a 64 average dark image is recorded (Dark_ref). The `el-per-DN' is measured using the photon transfer method. Illumination is adjusted blink every other frame such that the mean image output is 70% of the Photodiode Charge Capacity for even frames, and with no illumination for odd frames. A 64 frame average of Odd Dark Frames is recorded as Dark_Lag. 12) Maximum Gain Difference between Outputs The LVDS outputs contain no gain or offset error since these are purely digital segmentations. The predominant output mismatch comes from the pixel array readout segmentation. The sensor contains two ADC banks and four channels of analog line stores in its highest frame rate configuration, Tri-Scan. The sensor is factory calibrated to match the gain differences between all four possible gain channels. The gain variations are manifest as an every 4th row gain pattern. In tri-scan, and an even/odd row gain difference in Dual-Scan. The sensor is factory calibrated to match the four possible row gains. This test is performed in Tri-Scan mode to test the worst case gain error including all possible 4 row gains after the calibration has been applied. The sensor is illuminated at 70% of saturation. The entire test frame ROI into 4 groups of every 4th row. The first row group(average) is used as a reference and the following three row groups are compared to the first. The largest error is reported. Lag + (Dark_Lag * Dark_Ref) @ el-per-DN Units : Electrons rms 16) Photodiode Charge Capacity The sensor analog gain is reduced to < 1 to prevent ADC clipping at 1023 dn. The `el-per-DN' is measured using the photon transfer method. The sensor is illuminated at a light level 1.5x the illumination at which the pixel output no longer linearly changes with illumination level. The Photodiode Charge Capacity is equal to the average signal (DN) el-per-DN. Units: electrons rms. Second Row Average * 1 @ 100 First Row Average Third Row Average * 1 @ 100 First Row Average 17) Dark Field Faint Column/Row Defect A 4 frame average, no illumination image is acquired at one line time of integration. Major defective pixels are removed (> 5 Sigma). All columns or rows are averaged together. The average of the local ROI of 128 columns or rows about the column/row being tested is determined. Any columns/rows greater than the local average by more than the threshold are identified. Fourth Row Average * 1 @ 100 First Row Average 13) Photodiode Dark Current The photodiode dark current is measured in rolling shutter read out mode using 105 ms integration time and an analog gain = 8. The value is converted to electrons/pix/sec using the formula: Photodiode Dark Current + Aver. Signal (DN) @ el-per-DN (gain=2) 0.138 seconds 18) Bright Field Faint Column/Row Defect A 4 frame average, 70% illumination image is acquired at one line time of integration. Major defective pixels are removed (> 5 Sigma). All columns or rows are averaged together. The average of the local ROI of 128 columns or rows about the column/row being tested is determined. Any columns/rows greater than the local average by more than the threshold are identified. el-per-DN (gain=8) 0.105 seconds where `average signal (DN)' is the average of all pixels in the sensor array, and `el-per-DN (gain=8)' is measured on each sensor using the photon transfer method. www.onsemi.com 17 KAC-06040 20) Responsivity ke -/lux-sec This number is calculated by integrating the multiplication of the sensor QE by the human photopic response assuming a 3200K light source with a QT100 IR filter. This is a sharp 650 nm cutoff filter. If the IR filter is removed a higher response value will result. 19) Total Pixelized Noise This test is performed with no illumination and one line of integration time. A single image is captured including both Temporal and Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN). A spatial low pass filter is applied to remove shading and excessively deviant pixels ( three standard deviations) are removed. The Total Pixelized Noise is defined as one standard deviation of the frequency histogram. 21) Responsivity V/lux-sec Voltage levels are not output from the sensor. This value uses the pixel output before analog gain to match the ADC input range. Including the ADC matching gain will result in a larger responsivity value. OPERATION This section is a brief discussion of the most common features and functions assuming default conditions. See the KAC-06040 User Guide for a full explanation of the sensor operation modes, options, and registers. All SPI reads are to an even address, all SPI writes are to an odd address. Sensor States Figure 14 shows the sensor states, see the KAC-06040 User Guide for detailed explanation of the States. Register Address The last bit of any register address is a Read/Write bit. Most references in this document refer to the Write address. RESETN low or reset Reg 4060h RESET <35 s STANDBY 150 s <2 s CONFIG WAKE-UP (50 ms) <2 s Slave Integration Mode <50 s TRIG_WAIT IDLE TRIGGER Active Edge End of acquisition <2 s EXT_INT End of acquisition AND IDLE mode AND No TRIGGER RUNNING mode OR TRIGGER pin <50 s TRIGGER Inactive Edge RUNNING READOUT Figure 14. Sensor State Diagram www.onsemi.com 18 KAC-06040 Encoded Syncs the following Figure 15. This is performed for each of the 8 LVDS output banks providing frame, line, and output synchronization. See the KAC-06040 User Guide for additional detail on LVDS and Encoded Sync output. To facilitate system acquisition synchronization the KAC-06040 places synchronization words (SW) at the beginning and at the end of each output row as indicated in V Blanking Period SOL Data EOL H Blanking Period SOF EOF V Blanking Period Line Length (LL) Figure 15. Encoded Frame Syncs Line Time conversion time and LVDS readout time are similar in size. For full resolution this corresponds to 8 LVDS bank and 10 bit ADC bit depth. In Tri-Scan mode the longest of the three components will define the minimum line time. The KAC-06040 architecture always outputs two rows at once, one row from the top ADC, and one from the bottom ADC. Each ADC then divides up the pixel into 1 4 parallel pixel output LVDS Banks. The default is 4 output banks per ADC for a total of 8 parallel pixel outputs to minimize the LVDS data output time. Since the sensor always outputs 2 rows at a time the timing and registers are based on a Line Time (LT) or Line Length (LL) where one LT = the time to readout 2 rows in parallel (one even row and one odd row). This Datasheet presumes the recommended startup script that is defined in the KAC-06040 User Guide has been applied. The KAC-06040 defaults to Dual-Scan mode. In this mode the LVDS data readout overlaps the pixel readout and ADC conversion time. The Pixel read time is fixed, and the ADC Conversion Time is dependent on the ADC bit depth selected. The LVDS time will be dependent on the PLL2 frequency selected. Depending on the ADC bit depth and the PLL2 frequency the LVDS readout or the (Pixel + ADC conversion) may limit the minimum possible line time. The Line Time is not impacted by the selection of Rolling Shutter or Global Shutter mode. Tri-scan mode can be used in for shorter line times and faster frame rates (at elevated power consumption). Tris-scan is of most value when the Pixel time and ADC 10 bit ADC n+1 Pixel n+1 Line 8 Bank LVDS Output n Line n Time = Line Length register (0200h) Figure 16. Dual-Scan Line Time Relationship www.onsemi.com 19 KAC-06040 Pixel (Line n+2) 10 bit ADC (n+1) 8 Bank LVDS (n) Min Line Time Figure 17. Tri-Scan Line Time Relationship Frame Time By default the Integration Phase overlaps the Readout and Frame Wait Phases. If the Integration Phase is larger than the Readout + Frame Wait time, then the Integration Phase will determine the video frame rate. Otherwise the frame rate will be set by the Readout + Frame Wait time. In other words, if the programmed integration time is larger than the minimum readout time (and vertical blanking) then extra vertical blanking will be added and the frame rate will slow to accommodate the requested integration time. The frame time is defined in units of Line Time. 1 Line Time unit = 2 output rows. To first-order the frame rate is not directly impacted by selection of Global Shutter, Rolling Shutter, Dual-Scan, or Tri-Scan. The Frame Time is made up of three phases: 1. Integration Phase 2. Readout Phase 3. Frame Wait Phase (Vertical Blanking, VBLANK) Integration Phase Frame m Integration Phase Frame m+1 Frame Wait Readout Phase Frame m Integration Phase Frame m+2 Readout Phase Frame m+1 Frame Wait Video Frame Time = Readout + Wait Figure 18. Default Frame Time Configuration (Frame A) If the Integration Phase is less than the Readout Phase then the start of integration is automatically delayed to minimize the storage time and dark current. Integration Phase Frame m Integration Phase Frame m+1 Readout Phase Frame m Frame Wait Integration Phase Frame m+2 Readout Phase Frame m+1 Frame Wait Video Frame Time = Integration Time Figure 19. Frame Time with Extended Integration Time If the Readout Phase (+ VBLANKING) is less than the Integration Phase, then the readout occurs as soon the integration is complete to minimize the storage time and dark current. See the KAC-06040 User Guide for detailed calculation of the Integration Phase, Readout Phase, and Frame Wait. To first-order the Readout Phase is equal to the number of rows row_time. www.onsemi.com 20 KAC-06040 Global Shutter Readout Global Shutter readout provides the maximum precision for freezing scene motion. Any motion artifacts will be 100% defined by an ideal integration time edge. Every pixel in the array starts and stops integration at the same time. Integration of Next Frame Overlaps Readout of Previous Frame Row Address Axis Integration Time Figure 20 illustrates a Global Shutter Frame readout assuming the recommended Start-up Script defined in the KAC-06040 User Guide (8 LVDS banks, Dual-Scan, 8.75 ms line time). The Frame Wait Phase is not shown due to its small default size (1 LL) and for clarity. Frame Readout Time/Col Address Axis Effective Frame Time (Video) = Readout Time Trigger Pin: True Figure 20. Illustration of Frame Time for Global Shutter Readout TRIGGER input pin is true when at the start of the integration time for the next frame then the sensor will complete an additional frame integration and readout. In the case shown in Figure 20 two frames will be output. Global Shutter readout mode is selected using Bits [1:0] of Register 01D1h. Images can be initiated by setting and holding the TRIGGER input pin or by placing the sensor into RUNNING mode by writing 03d to register 4019h. If the www.onsemi.com 21 KAC-06040 Rolling Shutter Readout The KAC-06040 high speed Rolling Shutter readout provides the maximum dynamic range while still providing excellent motion capture. In Rolling Shutter the readout more closely matches a film camera shutter. Each row of the image receives the same integration time, but each row starts and ends at a different time as the shutter travels from the top Integration of Next Frame Overlaps Readout of Previous Frame Row Address Axis Integration Time of the array to the bottom. In the Figure 21 frame time illustration this `moving shutter' displays as a sloped edge for the blue pixel array region, just as the readout edge is sloped. The Figure 21 illustration shows a 2 frame output sequence using the external TRIGGER pin. Frame Readout Time/Col Address Axis Effective Frame Time (Video) = Readout Time Trigger Pin: True Figure 21. Illustration of Frame Time for Rolling Shutter Readout RUNNING mode by writing 03d to register 4019h. If the TRIGGER input pin is True when at the start of the integration time for the next frame then the sensor will complete an additional frame integration and readout. Rolling Readout mode can be selected using Bits [1:0] of Register 01D1h. Images can be initiated by setting and holding the TRIGGER input pin or by placing the sensor into www.onsemi.com 22 KAC-06040 8 BANK LVDS DATA READOUT LVDS Banks period. All 7 data pairs, of each bank, are used only in 14 bit operation mode. By default only 5 data pairs are used for 10 bit mode (D4 D0). The unused pairs are held in low-power high impedance mode. Bank 7 Bank 3 Bank 5 Pixel Array 4 Bank Mode Bank 0 Bank 0 Pixel Array 2 Bank Mode Bank 7 Bank 2 Bank 4 Bank 6 Bank 3 Bank 5 Bank 7 Pixel Array 8 Bank Mode Bank 0 Bank 5 Bank 1 Bank 1 Bank 3 Bank 1 The KAC-06040 provides 8 parallel pixel banks, each consisting of 8 LVDS differential pairs (7 data pairs + 1clock pair). This allows the output of 8 pixels per LVDS clock Bank 2 Bank 4 Bank 6 Bank 2 Bank 4 Bank 6 Figure 22. LVDS Bank Labeling In order to minimize the LVDS clock rate (and power) for a given data rate the pixels are output in DDR (Double Data Rate) where the MSB is always sent first (on rising edge) and the LSB second (falling edge) This is not programmable. The number of output banks used is independent of the ADC bit depth chosen. By default the KAC-06040 uses all 8 output banks for maximum frame rate. If technical restrictions prevent the use of 8 LVDS banks, the sensor can be programmed to use 4 or 2 banks, however this can result in reduced frame rate and reduction of image quality. It is recommended that 8 banks be used when possible. Only the 8 bank option is discussed in detail in this specification, see the KAC-06040 User Guide for additional detail on 4 and 2 bank mode. Ports per LVDS Bank The MSB comes out first on the falling edge, followed by the LSB on the net rising edge. Table 13. NUMBER OF LVDS PAIRS (PORTS) USED VS. BIT DEPTH Bit Depth Edge of DATA CLK Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 14 bits Falling (MSB Nibble) D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 Rising (LSB Nibble) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 12 bits Falling (MSB Nibble) D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 HiZ Rising (LSB Nibble) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 HiZ Falling (MSB Nibble) D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 HiZ HiZ Rising (LSB Nibble) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 HiZ HiZ Falling (MSB Nibble) D4 D5 D6 D7 HiZ HiZ HiZ Rising (LSB Nibble) D0 D1 D2 D3 HiZ HiZ HiZ 10 bits 8 bits www.onsemi.com 23 KAC-06040 8 Bank Pixel Order 4. Each LVDS Bank outputs one pixel per clock cycle, so 4 pixels of each row are output each full LVDS clock cycle, two rows in parallel for 8 pixels per clock cycle total. 5. The pixels are sent out from left to right (low column number to high column number). So the first 4 pixels are sent out on clock cycle 1, and the next 4 pixels to the right are sent out on clock cycle 2. 6. To conserve the number of wires per port, the 10 bits per pixel are sent out DDR (Dual Data Rate) over 5 ports. On the falling edge the upper 5 MSB bits are sent out, and on the rising edge the lower 5 bits LSB are sent out. Completing one full LVDS clock cycle and one set of eight pixels. The KAC-06040 always processes two rows at a time. Even row decodes are sent to the bottom ADC and LVDS output banks (0, 2, 4, 6). Odd rows are sent to the top ADC and LVDS banks (1, 3, 5, 7). The ROI must be (and is internally forced to) an even size and always starting on an even row decode. The rows are read out progressively left to right (small column address to large). Eight pixels are sent out of the chip at once, one pixel per LVDS bank per LVDS clock cycle. Pixel Readout order: 1. Two rows are selected, the even row is sent to the bottom ADC and the odd row to the top ADC. 2. Each ADC converts its row of pixel data at once and stores the result in a line buffer. 3. At default settings there are 4 output LVDS banks for each ADC. Bank 5 Bank 7 Bank 1 Bank 3 First CLK-DATA Pulse 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Row 2n +1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Row 2n Bank 0 Second CLK-DATA Pulse Bank 2 Bank 4 Bank 6 Figure 23. Pixel Readout Order Diagram Table 14. PIXEL READOUT ORDER TABLE LVDS Bank Row Bank 0 2n (Even) 0 4 8 12 16 Bank 2 2n (Even) 1 5 9 13 17 Bank 4 2n (Even) 2 6 10 14 18 Bank 6 2n (Even) 3 7 11 15 19 Bank 1 2n+1 (Odd) 0 4 8 12 16 Bank 3 2n+1 (Odd) 1 5 9 13 17 Bank 5 2n+1 (Odd) 2 6 10 14 18 Bank 7 2n+1 (Odd) 3 7 11 15 19 1 2 3 4 5 LVDS Clock Cycle Pixel Number www.onsemi.com 24 KAC-06040 De-Serializer Settings The SOL/SOF synchronization words are sent out of each LVDS bank before the first valid pixel data from that bank. Each bank outputs all 4 syncs of the SOF or SOL. And each of the active LVDS banks each output all 4 sync codes for the EOL/EOF. Figure 24 shows the data stream of one LVDS bank for 10 bit resolution. Data serialization is fixed at 2 cycle DDR for all bit depths. Data output order is MSB first on the falling edge, and LSB following on the rising edge. Four pixel values per synchronization word are embedded into the video stream per LVDS bank. Dclk0 Data0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 D5 D0 Data1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 D6 D1 Data2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 D7 D2 Data3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 D8 D3 Data4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 D9 D4 MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 P0 P1 P2 P3 MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB PN-1 PN SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 t Synchronized Word on 10 bits Data on 10 bits Synchronized Word on 10 bits Figure 24. Data Stream of One LVDS Bank for 10 bits ADC Resolution www.onsemi.com 25 KAC-06040 REGISTER DEFINITION Table 15. REGISTER DEFINITION 16 bit Address (Hex) Reset Value Hex/Dec SPI State Register Name 0001 0d Any Frame A ROI y1 0009 2144d Any Frame A ROI h1 0011 0d Any Frame A ROI x1 0019 2848d Any Frame A ROI w1 0021 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI y2 0029 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI h2 0031 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI x2 0039 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI w2 0041 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI y3 0049 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI h3 0051 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI x3 0059 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI w3 0061 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI y4 0069 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI h4 0071 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI x4 0079 0d Any Frame A sub-ROI w4 0081 0011h Any Frame A Decimation 0089 0d Any Frame A Video Blanking 0091 3430d Any Frame A Integration Rows 0099 0d Any Frame A Integration Sub-Row 00A1 10d Any Frame A Black Level 00A9 001Fh Any Frame A Gain 00E9 344d Any Frame B ROI y1 00F1 1456d Any Frame B ROI h1 00F9 136d Any Frame B ROI x1 0101 2576d Any Frame B ROI w1 0109 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI y2 0111 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI h2 0119 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI x2 0121 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI w2 0129 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI y3 0131 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI h3 0139 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI x3 0141 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI w3 0149 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI y4 0151 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI h4 0159 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI x4 0161 0d Any Frame B sub-ROI w4 0169 0011h Any Frame B Decimation 0171 0d Any Frame B Video Blanking 0179 3430d Any Frame B Integration Rows 0181 0d Any Frame B Integration Sub-Row 0189 10d Any Frame B Black Level 0191 001Fh Any Frame B Gain www.onsemi.com 26 KAC-06040 Table 15. REGISTER DEFINITION (continued) 16 bit Address (Hex) Reset Value Hex/Dec SPI State Description 01D1 FC10h CONFIG Only Config1 01D9 0500h CONFIG or IDLE Config2 01E1 00AAh CONFIG or IDLE Analog/Digital Power Mode 01E9 0000h CONFIG or IDLE Dual-Video Repetition 01F1 0d CONFIG or IDLE Vertical Blanking 01F9 3431d CONFIG or IDLE Fixed Frame Period 0201 1400d CONFIG or IDLE Line Length (LL) 0209 002Dh CONFIG or IDLE ADC Bit Depth 0211 0000h CONFIG or IDLE FLO Edge Delay 0219 0000h CONFIG or IDLE MSO Edge Delay 0708 0000h Any Sensor Type FB 0710 0000h Any Temperature Sensor FB 0718 0000h Any General Feedback 0720 0000h Any Minimum LL FB 0730 0000h Any User OTP1 FB 0738 0000h Any User OTP2 FB 2059 0300h CONFIG Only Output Bank Select 1 2099 2877h CONFIG Only PLL1 Setting 20A1 0861h CONFIG Only PLL2 Setting 2449 1C32h CONFIG Only Sub-LVDS Enable 2479 10B8h Any BSC Clamp Threshold A 2481 20C7h Any BSC Clamp Threshold B 2499 0000h CONFIG or IDLE Test Pattern Control 1 24A1 536d CONFIG or IDLE Test Pattern Control 2 24B9 202d CONFIG Only Companding Slope 1 Length 24C1 101d CONFIG Only Companding Slope 2 Length 24C9 101d CONFIG Only Companding Slope 3 Length 24D1 101d CONFIG Only Companding Slope 4 Length 24D9 101d CONFIG Only Companding Slope 5 Length 24E1 420d CONFIG Only Companding Slope 6 Length 24E9 0083h CONFIG Only Companding Slope 1/2 Gain 24F1 038Fh CONFIG Only Companding Slope 3/4 Gain 24F9 0FBFh CONFIG Only Companding Slope 5/6 Gain 2501 1F9Fh CONFIG Only Companding Slope 7 Gain 2559 7804h Any Defect Avoidance Threshold 2561 003Fh Any Defect Avoidance Enable 25C1 0003h CONFIG or IDLE Encoded Sync Config 2619 000Bh CONFIG Only Output Bank Select 2 4000 4100h Any Chip Revision Code 4008 0011h Any Chip ID Code MSB 4010 0080h Any Chip ID Code LSB 4019 0000h Any Set Sensor State 4021 0000h CONFIG or IDLE OTP Address www.onsemi.com 27 KAC-06040 Table 15. REGISTER DEFINITION (continued) 16 bit Address (Hex) Reset Value Hex/Dec SPI State 4029 0000h CONFIG or IDLE OTP Write Data 4031 0000h CONFIG or IDLE Command_Done_FB 4041 0000h CONFIG or IDLE OTP Read Data 4061 0000h CONFIG or IDLE Soft Reset Description NOTES: SPI State (the Sensor State from which the register can be set): 1. "Any": Can be written from any state (including RUNNING). 2. "CONFIG or IDLE": These registers can be changed in IDLE or CONFIG states. 3. "CONFIG Only": Sensor must be in CONFIG state to set these registers. 4. Only Register 4018h and 4060h may be set when the sensor is in STANDBY state. 5. FB = Feedback, a read-only register that provides some error or status. NOTES: Decimal, hexadecimal, binary values: 1. "b" denotes a binary number, a series of bits: MSB is on the left, LSB is on the right. 2. "h" or "hex" denotes a hexadecimal number (Base 16, 1-9, A-F). The letters in a hex number are always capitalized. 3. "d" denotes a decimal number. 4. Note that "0" and "1" are the same value in all number base systems and sometimes the base notation is omitted. The KAC-06040 features an embedded microprocessor by Cortus. www.onsemi.com 28 KAC-06040 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS For Supplies and Inputs the maximum rating is defined as a level or condition that should not be exceeded at any time. If the level or the condition is exceeded, the device will be degraded and may be damaged. Operation at these values will reduce Mean Time to Failure (MTTF). Table 16. SUPPLIES Description Value AVDD_LV, VDD_DIG -0.25 V; 2.3 V AVDD_HV, Vref_P, VDD_LVDS -0.25 V; 4 V DC Input Voltage at Any Input Pin -0.25 V; VDD_DIG + 0.25 V Table 17. CMOS INPUTS Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Input Voltage Low Level VIL -0.3 - 0.35 VDD_DIG V Input Voltage High Level VIH 0.65 VDD_DIG - VDD_DIG + 0.3 V www.onsemi.com 29 KAC-06040 OPERATING RATINGS Table 18. INPUT CLOCK CONDITIONS Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Frequency for Clk_In1 and Clk_In2 5 48 50 MHz Duty Cycle for Clk_In1 and Clk_In2 40 50 60 % RESETN 10 - - ns TRIGGER Pin Minimum Pulse Width 20 - - ns Parameter TRIGGER must be active at least 4 periods of PLL1 (12.5 ns at 320 MHz) to start a capture cycle. The polarity of the active level is configurable by SPI (Register 01D8h Bit 0), the default is active high (i.e. pin = VDD_DIG = trigger request). Table 19. OPERATING TEMPERATURE Description Operating Temperature (Note 1) Symbol Minimum Maximum Unit TOP -40 80 C 1. Under conditions of no condensation on the sensor. Table 20. CMOS IN/OUT CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Output Voltage Low Level VOL - - 0.45 V Output Voltage High Level VOH VDD_DIG - 0.45 - - V Input Hysteresis Voltage VTH - 0.25 - Pull-up Resistor Value for RESETN Pin RPU 62 - - kW Pull-down Resistor Value for TRIGGER Pin RPD 100 - - kW IADC_REF - 100 - mA Current on ADC_REF Pin www.onsemi.com 30 KAC-06040 Table 21. SUPPLIES Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit LVDS IO Supply VDD_LVDS 3.15 3.30 3.63 V Pixel High Voltage Supply AVDD_HV 3.40 3.50 3.60 V Pixel Low Voltage Supply Vref_P 2.71 2.80 2.88 V Analog Power Supply AVDD_LV 1.71 1.80 1.89 V Digital Power Supply VDD_DIG 1.90 2.00 2.10 V AVDD_HV - Vref_P - 0.5 - V Power in STANDBY State - 10 - mW Current in STANDBY State VDD_LVDS AVDD_HV AVDD_LV Vref_P VDD_DIG - - - - - < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 1 - - - - - Power in CONFIG State - 320 - Current in CONFIG State VDD_LVDS AVDD_HV AVDD_LV Vref_P VDD_DIG - - - - - < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 162 - - - - - Power in IDLE State - 510 - Current in IDLE State VDD_LVDS AVDD_HV AVDD_LV Vref_P VDD_DIG - - - - - < 0.5 20 < 0.5 < 0.5 222 - - - - - Power in RUNNING State - 2.26 - Current in RUNNING State VDD_LVDS in Sub-LVDS Mode AVDD_HV AVDD_LV Vref_P VDD_DIG - - - - 115 100 20 20 721 - - - - mA mW mA mW mA W mA 1. Voltages relative to VSS. Current measurements made in darkness. 2. Max frame rate (and thus maximum current mode). a. Tri0Scam mode b. 10 bit ADC c. PLL2 = Max spec MHz d. No horizontal or vertical blanking and 8 active LVDS banks. www.onsemi.com 31 KAC-06040 SPI (SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE) The SPI communication interface lets the application system to control and configure the sensor. The sensor has an embedded slave SPI interface. The application system is the master of the SPI bus. Table 22. Name Sensor I/O Direction CSN I SPI Chip Select - Active low, this input activates the slave interface in the sensor. Description SCK I SPI Clock - Toggled by the master. MISO O SPI Master Serial Data Input - Slave (sensor) serial data output. MOSI I SPI Master Serial Data Output - Slave (sensor) serial data input. Table 23. Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Unit SPI SCK 5 25 50 MHz Duty Cycle on SPI SCK 40 50 60 % Clock Polarity and Phase CPOL (Clock POLarity) and CPHA (Clock PHAse) are commonly defined in SPI protocol such as to define SCK clock phase and polarity. The KAC-06040 defaults to expecting the master to be configured with CPOL = 1 (the base value of the clock is VDD_DIG) and CPHA = 1 (data is valid on the clock rising edge). CSN ... SCK ... MOSI X ... X MISO X ... X Figure 25. CPOL = 1 and CPHA = 1 Configuration www.onsemi.com 32 KAC-06040 SPI Protocol Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 8 Cycles 8 Cycles 8 Cycles 8 Cycles CSN Sclk 16 Bit Address Word MOSI MSB 16 Bit Data to Write LSB MSB LSB Figure 26. SPI Write Byte Order Byte 0 Byte 1 8 Cycles 8 Cycles Byte 2 Byte 3 CSN Sclk MOSI 16 Bit Address Word MSB MISO 8 Cycles 8 Cycles LSB 16 Bit Read Data Wait Time 1.5 ms MSB LSB Figure 27. SPI Read Byte Order There is a delay during readback between presenting the address to be read on the MOSI and being able to read the register contents on the MISO. This delay is not the same for all registers. Some are available immediately, some require a longer fetch time. The 1.5 ms shown in Figure 27 is the maximum time to fetch a register's value when in CONFIG state (the recommended state for changing registers). Some registers can be adjusted during RUNNING state (see the Register Summary on page 26). If performing a readback during RUNNING state, the delay could be as long as 4.5 ms depending on when in the row the request was sent and the sensor's microcontroller activity at that moment. The SPI FB pin can be used to dynamically adjust the wait time for a register contents to be fetched. Figure 29 illustrates the use of the FB pin. The FB output will be low (VSS) until the requested register contents are ready to be clocked out of the MOSI pin. Once the FB pin goes high (VDD_DIG) then clocking the Sclk will transmit the requested register contents. The SPI FB pin is inactive by default, this function is enabled in register 4041h. www.onsemi.com 33 KAC-06040 Byte 0 Byte 1 8 Cycles 8 Cycles Byte 2 Byte 3 CSN Sclk MOSI 16 Bit Address Word MSB MISO 8 Cycles 8 Cycles LSB Variable Wait Time 16 Bit Read Data MSB LSB FB Figure 28. SPI Read with FBRB Handshaking active memory. For instance if the sensor is in RUNNING mode and you adjust the LL in register 200h. You can read back and confirm that your register change was received by the sensor; however, the LL will not change since register 200h can only be changed in CONFIG state. If you change the sensor state to CONFIG and then back to RUNNING, then the new LL will take effect. The Note that readback does not provide the actual register value being used, but reflects the next value to be used. All new register writes are placed in a shadow memory until they can be updated into the active memory. This active memory update occurs at the start of the next frame or upon entering the state listed in the Register Summary table on page 26. Register reads access this shadow memory not the www.onsemi.com 34 KAC-06040 SPI Interface ... CS TCS_HOLD TCYCLE TCS_SETUP ... SCK TSETUP X MOSI THOLD MSB TOUT_DELAY TOUT_DELAY_CSN MISO MSB MSB-1 Figure 29. SPI Timing Chronogram Table 24. SPI TIMING SPECIFICATION Symbol Minimum Value TCYCLE 25 Maximum Value Unit ns TSETUP 2.9 ns THOLD 0.8 ns TCS_SETUP 12.5 ns TCS_HOLD 12.5 TOUT_DELAY_CSN 3.1 4.7 ns ns TOUT_DELAY 4.9 8.7 ns www.onsemi.com 35 KAC-06040 LVDS INTERFACE RL = 100 W 1%, Typical values are at VDD_LVDS = 3.3 V. Use register 2449h to select standard or Sub-LVDS. This document assumes that Sub-LVDS is active for all power measurements. Standard LVDS can increase the average power consumption as much as 200 mW in the case of minimum horizontal and vertical blanking. The data output can be configured to follow standard TIA/EIA-644-A LVDS specification or a low power mode compatible with common Sub-LVDS definition used in FPGA industry. (Please refer to the KAC-06040 User Guide for more information). Unless otherwise noted, min/max characteristics are for T = -40C to +85C, output termination resistance Table 25. STANDARD LVDS CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Differential Output Voltage Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VOD 250 355 450 mV VOD Variation between Complementary Output States DVOD -20 - 20 mV Common Mode Output Voltage VOCM 1.235 1.259 1.275 V DVOCM -25 - 25 mV High Impedance Leakage Current IOZD -1 - 1 mA Output Short Circuit Current: When D+ or D- Connected to Ground When D+ or D- Connected to 3.3 V IOSD 2.9 12.25 - - 4.3 30.47 Output Capacitance CDO - 1.3 - pF - - 10 pF Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit VOD 140 180 220 mV VOD Variation between Complementary Output States DVOD -5 - 5 mV Common Mode Output Voltage VOCM 0.88 0.90 0.92 V DVOCM -10 - 10 mV High Impedance Leakage Current IOZD -1 - 1 mA Output Short Circuit Current: When D+ or D- Connected to Ground When D+ or D- Connected to 3.3 V IOSD 1.4 10.21 - - 2.2 30.47 Output Capacitance CDO - 1.3 - pF - - 10 pF Minimum Typical Maximum Unit LVDS_CLK 50 160 160 MHz Duty Cycle on LVDS_CLK - 50 - % VOCM Variation between Complementary Output States Maximum Transmission Capacitance Load Expected (for 260 MHz LVDS Clock) mA Table 26. SUB-LVDS CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Differential Output Voltage VOCM Variation between Complementary Output States Maximum Transmission Capacitance Load Expected (for 260 MHz LVDS Clock) mA Table 27. Parameter www.onsemi.com 36 KAC-06040 In-Block LVDS Timing Specification The table below gives LVDS timing specification for one group of LVDS for nominal frequency of 260 MHz. There is no skew specification between groups. Table 28. IN-BLOCK LVDS TIMING SPECIFICATION Parameter Symbol Value Typical Maximum Unit Minimum Time between Data Change and Clock Rising Edge tsDLH 600 - - ps Minimum Time between Clock Rising and Data Change thDLH 600 - - ps Minimum Time between Data Change and Clock Falling Edge tsDHL 600 - - ps Minimum Time between Clock Falling Edge and Data Change thDHL 600 - - ps Maximum Differential Skew between the 7 Data Pairs tSKD - 200 700 ps VOH Differential Data VOL Differential Clock tsDLH thDLH tsDHL thDHL Figure 30. LVDS Timing Chronogram Table 29. INTER-BLOCK LVDS TIMING SPECIFICATION Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Unit - 6 12 LVDS Clock Periods Inter-Block Skew www.onsemi.com 37 KAC-06040 STORAGE AND HANDLING Table 30. STORAGE CONDITIONS Description Symbol Minimum Maximum Unit Notes Storage Temperature TST -40 80 C 1 Humidity RH 5 90 % 2 1. Long-term storage toward the maximum temperature will accelerate color filter degradation. 2. T = 25C. Excessive humidity will degrade MTTF. For information on ESD and cover glass care and cleanliness, please download the Image Sensor Handling and Best Practices Application Note (AN52561/D) from www.onsemi.com. For quality and reliability information, please download the Quality & Reliability Handbook (HBD851/D) from www.onsemi.com. For information on device numbering and ordering codes, please download the Device Nomenclature technical note (TND310/D) from www.onsemi.com. For information on soldering recommendations, please download the Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual (SOLDERRM/D) from www.onsemi.com. For information on Standard terms and Conditions of Sale, please download Terms and Conditions from www.onsemi.com. www.onsemi.com 38 KAC-06040 MECHANICAL INFORMATION Completed Assembly Notes: 1. See Ordering Information for marking code. 2. No materials to interfere with clearance through package holes. 3. Imaging Array is centered at the package center. 4. Length dimensions in mm units. Figure 31. Completed Assembly (1 of 5) www.onsemi.com 39 KAC-06040 Figure 32. Completed Assembly (2 of 5) www.onsemi.com 40 KAC-06040 Figure 33. Completed Assembly (3 of 5) www.onsemi.com 41 KAC-06040 Figure 34. Completed Assembly (4 of 5) Figure 35. Completed Assembly (5 of 5) www.onsemi.com 42 KAC-06040 MAR (Multi-Layer Anti-Reflective Coating) Cover Glass Notes: 1. Units: IN [MM] 2. A-Zone Dust/Scratch Spec: 10 mm Maximum 3. Index of Refraction: 1.5231 Figure 36. MAR Cover Glass Specification ON Semiconductor and the are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC) or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC's product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent-Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. 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American Technical Support: 800-282-9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81-3-5817-1050 www.onsemi.com 43 ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative KAC-06040/D Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ON Semiconductor: KAC-06040-CBA-JD-AA KAC-06040-ABA-JD-AA KAC-06040-ABA-JD-BA KAC-06040-CBA-JD-BA