Processing Items
Group Icon Processing Item
Used to identify the shapes and calculate the position of
measurement objects.
Flexible Search
Recognizing the shapes of workpieces with variation and
detecting their positions.
Sensitive Search Search a small difference by dividing the search
model in detail, and calculating the correlation.
ECM Search Used to search the similar part of model form input
image. Detect the evaluation value and position.
EC Circle Search
Extract circles using "round " shape information
and get position, radius and quantity in high
Shape Search II
Used to search the similar part of model from input
image regardless of environmental changes.
Detect the evaluation value and position.
Shape Search III
Robust detection of positions is possible at high-
speed and with high precision
incorporating environmental fluctuations, such as dif-
ferences in individual shapes of the workpieces, pose
fluctuations, noise superimposition and shielding.
EC Corner
This processing item measures a corner position (cor-
ner) of a workpiece.
Ec Cross
The center position of a crosshair shape is mea-
sured using the lines
created by the edge information on each side of the
Used when various kinds of products on the assembly line need
to be sorted and identified.
Edge Position
Measure position of measurement objects
according to the color change in measurement
Edge Pitch
Detect edges by color change in measurement area.
Used for calculating number of pins of IC and
Scan Edge
Measure peak/bottom edge position of workpieces
according to the color change in separated
measurement area.
Scan Edge Width
Measure max/min/average width of workpieces
according to the color change in separated
measurement area.
Circular Scan
Edge Position
Measure center axis, diameter and radius of
circular workpieces.
Circular Scan
Edge Width
Measure center axis, width and thickness of ring
Calculate approximate lines from the edge information
on two sides of a square workpiece to measure the an-
gle formed at the intersection of the two lines.
Color Data Used for detecting presence and mixed varieties of
products by using color average and deviation.
Gravity and Area Used to measure area, center of gravity of
workpices by extracting the color to be measured.
Labeling Used to measure number, area and gravity of
workpieces by extracting registered color.
Label Data
Selecting one region of extracted Labeling, and get that
measurement. Area and Gravity position can be got and
Used for appearance measurement of plain-color
measurement objects such as defects, stains and
Precise Defect Check the defect on the object. Parameters for
extraction defect can be set precisely.
Fine Matching
Difference can be detected by overlapping and
comparing (matching) registered fine images with input
Character Inspect Recognize character according correlation search
with model image registered in [Model Dictionary].
Date Verification Reading character string is verified with internal
Model Dictionary Register character pattern as dictionary. The
pattern is used in [Character Inspection].
2DCode *2 Recognize 2D code and display where the code
quality is poor.
Barcode *1 Recognize barcode, verify and output decoded
OCR Recognize and read characters in
images as character information.
OCR User
Dictionary Register dictionary data to use for OCR.
Circle Angle Used for calculating angle of inclination of circular
measurement objects.
Glue Bead
You can inspect coating of a specified color for gaps or
runoffs along the coating path.
Input Image
Camera Image
To input images from cameras. And set up the conditions
to input images from cameras. (To FZ5 Sensor
Controllers only)
Camera Image
Input FH
To input images from cameras. And set up the conditions
to input images from cameras. (For FH Sensor Control-
lers only)
Group Icon Processing Item
Input Image
Camera Image
Input HDR
Create high-dynamic range images by acquiring
several images with different conditions.
Camera Image
Input HDRLite
HDR function for FZ-SQ@ Intelligent Compact
Camera Switch To switch the cameras used for measurement. Not
input images from cameras again.
Image Switching
To switch the images used for measurement. Not
input images from camera again.
Used when positions are differed. Correct
measurement is performed by correcting position
of input images.
Filtering Used for processing images input from cameras in
order to make them easier to be measured.
To enhance contrast of images by extracting color
in specified brightness.
Brightness Correct
Track brightness change of entire screen and
remove gradual brightness change such as
uneven brightness.
Color Gray Filter Color image is converted into monochrome images
to emphasize specific color.
Extract Color Filter Convert color image to color extracted image or
binary image.
Anti Color Shading To remove the irregular color/pattern by
uniformizing max.2 specified colors.
Stripes Removal
Filter II
Remove the background pattern of vertical, horizontal
and diagonal stripes.
Rectify the image by polar transformation. Useful
for OCR or pattern inspection printed on circle.
Rectify the trapezoidal deformed
Machine Simulator
How the alignment marks would move on the im-
age when each stage or robot axis is controlled can
be checked.
Image Subtraction
The registered model image and
measurement image are compared and only the
different pixels are
extracted and converted to an image.
Advanced filter
Process the images acquired from cameras in order to make
them easier to measure. This processing item consolidates
existing image conversion filtering into one processing item
and adds extra functions.
Panorama Combine multiple image to create one big image.
Unit Macro
Advanced arithmetic processing can be easily
incorporated into workflow as Unit Macro
processing items.
Unit Calculation
This function is convenient when the user wants to cal-
culate a value using an original calculation formula or
change the set value or system data of a processing
Used when using the judge results and measured
values of ProcItem which are registered in
processing units.
Line Regression Used for calculating regression line from plural
measurement coodinate.
Circle Regression Used for calculating regression circle from plural
measurement coordinate.
Used for calibration corresponding to trapezoidal
distortion and lens distortion.
User Data
Used for setting of the data that can be used as
common constants and variables in scene group
Set Unit Data Used to change the ProcItem data (setting
parameters,etc.) that has been set up in a scene.
Get Unit Data
Used to get one data (measured results, setting
parameters,etc.) of ProcItem that has been set up in a
Set Unit Figure Used for re-setting the figure data (model,
measurement area ) registered in an unit.
Get Unit Figure
Used for get the figure data (model, measurement area )
registered in an unit.
Trend Monitor
Used for displaying the information about results
on the monitor, facilitating to avoid NG and analyze
Image Logging Used for saving the measurement images to the
memory and USB memory.
Image Conversion
Used for saving the measurement images in JPEG
and BMP format.
Data Logging Used for saving the measurement data to the
memory and USB memory.
Elapsed Time Used for calculating the elapsed time since the
measurement trigger input.
Wait Processing is stopped only at the set time. The
standby time is set by the unit of [ms].