MIL SPECS Ich Oooo1eS O00e3590 0 i 2 October 143. MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, POWER RECTIFIER TYPES 1N3164, 1N3168, 1N3170, 1N3172, 1N3174, 1N3175, 1N3176, 1N3177, AND R TYPES, JAN, JANTX, JANTXY This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-S-19500/2118, dated 18 May 1983, and is approved for use by all] Departments an4 Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 1 1.5: Delete "Rejc = 0.15C/W" and substitute "Rage = 0.20C/w". PAGE 3 FIGURE 1: Delete and substitute new figure 1 as printed on page 3 of this amendment. PAGE 4 4.3, add the following screen to the screening table: - T Screen (see table II of MIL-S-19500)} Measurement JANTX and JANTXV levels Method 2073 may be used in lieu of 2974 for compression bonded devic#s only. | | | | | | | | | | PAGE 8 TABLE II, Subgroup 5: Delete Rggc = 9.15C/W" and substitute "Rgjc = 0.20C/wW". The margin of this amendment is marked with asterisks to indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previous amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders ard contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment. wn Oo om wo na e 1 of 3 FMIL SPECS Custodians: Air Force = 17 Army = ER Navy = EC Review activities: Air Force = 11, 85 Army = AR Navy = SH User activities: Air Force = 14, 19 Army < MI Navy = CG, MC, WP Agent: DLA - ES W U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1985505-038/21363 Icffqogd1es 0002391 2 & Preparing activity: Army = ER (Project 5961-0978)MIL-S-19500/211B AMENDMENT 3 MIL SPECS cf oooo1es oooaaqa 4 i Q e SEE NOTE 8 E A oe . I a OM > F we TERM NO 2 SEATING PLANE Dimensions Letter Inches Millimeters |Notes NOTES: Min | Max Min Max 1. Metric equivalents are given for A 1.520 38.10 4 general information only. 2. Complete threads to extend to 530 2795 13.46 | 19.18 within 2-1/2 threads of seating Cc .063 .172 1.60 4.37 plane. 3. 3/4-16 UNF-2A. Maximum pitch pd 1.100 27.98 diameter of plated threads shall gD, .600 15.24 be basic pitch diameter (.7094 in., 18,019 mm) ref. (Screw Thread E 1,218 1,252 | 30.94 | 31.75 Standards for Federal Services) F 250 | .562 6.35 | 14.27 5 FED-STD-H28. 4, Angular orientation of terminal H 5.125 [6.750 |130,18 ]171.45 and tabulation with respect to 1, 2375 9.53 7 hex base is undefined. Square or radius on end of terminal is pM -660 | .745 | 16.76 g undefined. My 2125 3.18 6 5. <A chamfer (or undercut) on one or = = both ends of hexagonal portions N 2193 +828 [| 20.14 | 21.03 is optional. Q 2.30 57.15 6. Tublation optional. 7. Minimum flat. a 2375 9.53 6 8. Flexible leads. Ot 265 } .350 6.73 8.89 W 3 FIGURE 1. Physical dimensions for semiconductor devices.MIL SPECS IC cooo1es ooo#39a b Aateatr eaia MIL-S-19500/211A 25 February 1966 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, POWER RECTIFIER, TYPES 1N3164, 1N3168, 1N3170, 1N3172, 1N3174, 1N3175, 1N3176, 1N3177 and R TYPES JAN, JANTX, JANTXY This specification is approved for use by all Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for silicon power rectifier. Three levels of product assurance are provided for each device type as specified in MIL-S-19500. 1.2 Normal and reverse types (reverse types, suffix R). Reverse and normal types are identical except: The normal types have the cathode connected to the stud and the reverse types have the anode connected to the stud. Designated values are applicable to both types. 1.3 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (D0-205AB - formerly DO-9). 1.4 Ratings and characteristics: ] I | I I I | I | | | | Ig 1/ | Ig / | Tesm {Barometric ITy | | | | | . | | pressure [and | ! Types INRsM IWRWM Ic = 150 C ITc = 120C ! 1/120s (reduced) ITsTG | | | I | i | | | | | | | | | | | I. | ! v(pk) [vtpk) ! A_dc ! A_de ! a ! mmHg ! Lo ! {IN3164 ! 240 200 200 300 | 6250 woe ~65 | }1N3168 =| 480 | 400 [ 200 | 300 | 6250 | 8 | | | | | | | | [to | {13170 ! 720 600 200 300 ! 6250 ! 8 ! {1N3172 960 |! 800 | 200 300 6250 ! 15 |! +200 11N3174 11200 11000 ! 200 ! 300 ! 6250 15 | {1N3175 11440 11200 ! 200 ! 300 | 6250 ! 33 ! {1N3176 1 1680 1300 200 300 ! 6250 ! 33 |! 11N3177. 11920 {1600 | 200 | 300 | 6250 | 54 | | | | | | | | | | \ 1/ Derate linearity at: 4.0 A dc/C for 150C < Tr < 200C. . 3.33 A de/ C for 120 C < Te < 150 C. 1.5 Thermal resistance characteristic: Rgjc = 0.15C/W. TBenefictal comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be | lof use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, US Army Electronics I {Research and Development Command, ATTN:. DRDEL-ED, Adelphi, MD 20783, by using the | lself-addressed Standardization document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at | {the end of this document or by letter. FSC 5961MIL SPECS tcf oooo1es oooza9y 6 & MIL-S-19500/211B 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and standards, of the tssue ITsted in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards specified in the solicitation, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-H28 - Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services. MILITARY MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and publications required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 3. REQUIREMENTS MIL-S-1 ed herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein Shall be as spectfted tn MIL-S-I9500. 3.3 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions shall be as specifted i WIL-5-T9500 and figure 1 herein. 3.4 Marking. Devices shall be marked as specified in MIL~S-19500. At the option of the wanufacturer, the following may be omitted from the body of the device. 3.1 Detail specification. The indfvidual item requirements shall be in accordance with 5500, an as specifi a. Manufacturer's {dentification. b. Country of origin. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and fnspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. . 4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500.MIL-S-19500/211B rc cooo1es ooo2395 7 i MIL SPECS SEE NOTE 8 Ao ~ N mT o w -__tt_ Ss == EASY SS > Q| F Mi gD, TERM NO! TERM NO 2 H SEATING PLANE NOTES: 1. Metric equivalents are given for general information only and are 3. based upon 1 finch = 25.4 mm. Complete threads to extend to within 2-1/2 threads of seating plane. 3/4-16 UNF-2A. maximum pitch diameter of plated threads shall be basfc pitch diameter (.7094 {n., 18.01 mm) ref. (Screw Thread Standards for Federal FED-STD-H28. Services) Angular orfentation of terminal and tabulation with respect to hex base is undefined. Square or radius on end of terminal is undefined. A chamfer (or undercut) on one or both ends of hexagonal portions is optional. Tublation optional. Minimum flat. Flexible leads. FIGURE 1. E Fr c I j o + b ot T Dimensions { |Letter Trches meters [Notes] { TMIn | Maxl Min x | I A 1.500 38. T6T [aT { b | .530! .755! 13.46! 19.181 | L i J fc | .063{ .172] 1.60] 4.37 | | gp 11.100 | 27.94 {+++ gD | { .600] | 15.24 | +4 E |1.218/1.250/ 30.941 31.751 | F | .250] .562| 6.35! 14.271 5 | H |5.125]6.750/130.18{ 171.45 { 1, | 3751 = | 9.53 17} p> 4) +| gm | .660! .6701 16.76 f2f My 125 3.181 6 | Ww | .793[ .828) 20.14] 21.031 png Q 12.250] | 57.15] | 44) | | | 375) | 9.531 6 | pt | .265| .350| 6.73] 8.89! W | 1 3 i Physical dimensions for semiconductor devices.MIL SPECS rcp oogo1es oonza56 1 & MIL-S-19500/211B 4.3 Screening (JANTX and JANTXV levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 TeabTe YT) and as specitied herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with Table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I shall not be acceptable. 4 Ipmy = #0.5 mA(pk) or 100% of initial value whichever 1s greater. 4 Vey = 40.1 v(pk). | T | | Screen I Measurement ! | | { (See table II | | | of MIL-S-19500) | JANTX AND JANTXY LEVELS l | | T ; 4 | 25006; Performed prior to installation of external lead. | I | 10 ! Not applicable ! I | T | | 11 | Ipmi, and Vey | | ! | | ~ I 12 | Method 1038, condition A; Ypm = Vy rated See 1.4), I | | Tp = 180C. # 280 Hz. I | | I | T | ! 13 Subgroup 2 of table I herein: | | | | | | | | | | I | | | | | { 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. 4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-S~19500 and table I heretn. End point electrical measurements shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV herein. 4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions for subgroup testing in table IVb of MIL-S-19500 and table II herein. Electrical measurements (end points) shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV herein. 4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for Subgroup testing in table V of MIL~S-19500 and table III herein. Electrical measurements (end points) shall be in accordance with the applicable steps of table IV erein. 4.5 Methods of examination and test. Methods of examination and test shall be as specified in the appropriate tables and as follows. 4.5.1 Power cycling. One complete cycle for this test shall be as follows: First, heat the case to the maximum temperature specified, by passing the specified amount of short-circuit forward current through the diode under test. Then, remove the applied current and allow the case temperature to cool to the minimum case temperature specified. No time limit {ts applicable to any one cycles but the cycling shall be continuous until the required number of cycles has been completed.MIL SPECS 5. PACKAGING TcBooog1es on0e39? 3 MIL-S-19500/211B , 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes. The notes specified in MIL-S-19500 are applicable to the specification. Custodians: Air Force - 17 Army - ER Navy - EC Review activities: Air Force - 11, 85 Army - AR Navy - SH User activities: Air Force - 14, 19 Amy - MI Navy - CG, MC, WP Agent. DLA - ES Preparing activity: Army - ER (Project 5961-0887)gooo12eS Oooe#348 5 & MIL SPECS icf MIL-S-19500/2118 TABLE I. Group A inspection. | | MIL-STD-750 [Limits | q I T I Inspection IMethod! Conditions ! LTPD ! Symbol] Min ! Max Unit ! | | | I | | I I | qT l | | | { | | | | smoot | Ph b ET {Visual and mechanical | 2071 | | | l | | | { inspection | | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Saher i | fo od [Forward voltage | 4011 [Pulse method: | [Vem | --- 11.55 | v(pk) | | | [Ipq =940A( pk); | | | | | | | | [Puise width = 8.5 ms max. | | | | | | ! ! {Duty cycle = 2% max. ! ! [Reverse current | 4016 {AC method: | 1 Ipm1 | | | | | 1N3164 | 1Vpm = 200 v(pk) | | | --- {10 {tmA(pk) | | 1N3168 | ive = 400 vipk) | | J --- [10 [mA(pk) | | 1N3170 | [Ypq = 600 v(pk) | I | --- | 10 |mA(pk) | | 1N3172 | 1Vpm = 800 v(pk) | | | --- | 10 |mA(pk) | | 1N3174 | 1pm = 1000 v( pk) | | { --- [10 [mA(pk) | | 1N3175 | -~1Vpw = 1200 v(pk) | | { --- [| 10 I|mA(pk) | | 1N3176 | 1Vpu = 1400 v(pk) | | | --- [10 ImA(pk) | | 1N3177 | 1Vpw = 1600 v(pk) | l | --- | 10 [mA(pk) | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | | | | 1 [Reverse current | 4016 [AC method: | | Try | | | I {at peak reverse | | I | | | | | {voltage: | | | { | | \ i | | | | | | I | | | 1N3164 { lpy = 240 v(pk) | | [ --- 1 50 |mA(pk) | | 1N3168 | 1pqm = 480 v(pk) | | | --- | 50 [mA(pk) | | 1N3170 | 1Vpq = 720 v(pk) | | | --- [| 50 = |mA(pk) | | 1N3172 | \Vpm = 960 v(pk) | | | --- | 50 [mA(pk) | I 1N3174 | [Vay = 1200 v(pk) | | | --- {50 [mA(pk) | | 1N3175 | [Yam = 1440 v(pk) | | f --- | 50 |mA(pk) | | 1N3176 | IVpq = 1680 v( pk) | | | --- | 50 |[mA(pk) | | 1N3177 | | RM = 1920 vi pk) | | | --- | 50 Ima(pk) | | ems | pep RE {High temperature | [Tc = 175C | | | | { \ | operation: | { c | | | | | I | | | | | | | | | |Reverse current ! 4016 {AC method ! !TRM3 ! J 1N3164 | [Vay = 200 v(pk) | | | --- [ 30 [mA(pk) | | 1N3168 | 1pq = 400 v(pk) | | | --- {30 [mA(pk) | | 1N3170 | [Vey = 600 v(pk) | l | --- | 30. {mA(pk) | I 1N3172 | [Vem = 800 v(pk) | | | --- | 30 |mA(pk) | | 1N3174 { Vem = 1000 v(pk) | | | --- | 30 ImA(pk) | | 1N3175 | Iaq = 1200 v( pk) | | | --- | 30 [mA(pk) | | 1N3176 | [Vem = 1400 v(pk) | l | --- [30 [mA(pk) | ! 1N3177 ! ! RM = 1600 v(pk) ! ! --- 30 |mA(Pk) |Low temperature | ITo = -65C | | | | | { | operation: | | | | | { | | | | | | | | | | | [Reverse current 4016 {AC method ! | TRw4 ! ! ! | 1N3164 | 1pq = 200 v(pk) | | | --- { 50 {mA(pk) | | 1N3168 I 1Vpq = 400 v(pk) | | | --- [| 50 [mA(pk) | 1. 1N3170 | lpm = 600 v(pk) | l | --- | 50 [mA(pk) | | 1N3172 | |Vpq = 800 v(pk) | | {| --- | 50. |mA(pk) |MIL SPECS icf TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued. MIL-S-19500/211/8 gooo1es 0002399 7 & Endpoint electrical measurements Subgroup 7 Not applicable I T ~ MIL-STD-750 ] T Uimits | | { | | T. | Inspection Method) Conditions ! LTPD Symbol ! Min | Max ! Unit I | | | { | | | { | qT ] | 1 | I i | | 1N3174 | 1pm = 1000 v(pk) | | { --- | 50 [mA(pk) | 1N3175 | [Vp = 1200 v(pk) | | | --- | 50 [mA(pk) | 1N3176 | IVpw = 1400 v( pk) \ | | --- [| 50 [mA(pk) 1N3177 | IVR = 1600 v(pk) ! |! --- 50 imACPk} | somes | PoP EE Not applicable | I i | | i | I I | | | | | | | Sbsrop st i | rot Not applicable | | | | | | | | | | | | | | { | Subgroup 6 |! ! ! 10 ! ! ! Surge current [4066 [Tc = 150C; | | | | | | I | l | | | { | | | { i | | I | | | | { | \ I | | | | | | | | | | { | | | | ( | | l { | | | | | I { | | | | \ | | | | | | | { { | | i | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | { | | | I: { | | | I | | l | | | ee ec EO TS EE ES EL NL A A er Ne 1 Vp Se =200 A de; 1/120s surges; Tec a = 6250 a(pk) 18 surge/minute; m = Ypwm (see 1.4) e table IV, steps 1 and 2MIL SPECS rCfoooo125 oonayoo T ff MIL-S-19500/211B TABLE IJ. Group B inspection. MIL-STD-750 | | Inspection T { Conditions LTPD Subgroup 1 1022 Subgroup 2 Thermal shock 1051 {temperature cycling) Hermetic seal 1071 | { I | | | { | | I | | | | | { | | | | Gross leak | Electrical See table IV, steps 1 and 2 measurements { { | | | [ l | | ! Fine Teak | | | [ | | Subgroup 3 { Blocking life OF Vem = Veun 4 Hl ; half-sine wave, Zz Electrical | i I ! measurements See table IV, steps 1 and 2 | l | l Subgroup 4 Decap-internal visual (design verification) 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2075 { | | Subgroup 5 | Thermal resistance Rage = 0-15 C/W Subgroup 6 Hi gn temperature life Ta = 200C non-operating) Electrical measurements Subgroup 7 Power cycling | | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | { | [See table IV, steps 1 and 2 | | |See 4.5.1: lIp = 200 A dc; IT (low) = 50 +0C,-15C IT (high) = 150 +5C,-0C IS, ,000 cycles Electrical [See table IV, steps 1, 2, and measurements 13 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | { | { i | | I | | [ [ | | | | | | I | 15 10 10 11 device/O {failure for leach lot 20 10 20 I | l | | ] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | i 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |MIL-S-19500/2118 MIL SPECS icf OOO001eS 9002401 |, i TABLE III. Group C inspection. : | MIL -STD-750 ! Inspection {Wethodt Condftions LTPD | I | | | | T | I T T Subgroup 1 ! ! 15 {Physical dimensions ! 2066 |See figure 1 ! Subgroup 2 ! ! 15 ! {Thermal shock 1 1056 |Test condition B | | ! (glass strain) ! ! ! {Terminal strength | 2036 | | | | Tension (lead) | {Test condition A; | | | | [Weight = 100 1b; | | | | Its154#35 | | l l | | | Bending stress | [Test condition F; | | | (lead) | IWefght = 10 1b; | | | | It=15 43s | | I { { | | | Stud torque | ITest condition D2 | | | | [Torque = 325 Ib in.; | | | | Its15#35 I | | | | | | |Hermetic seal ! 1071 | ! | Gross leak only ! ! {Moisture resistance ! 1021 ! |External visual { 2071 ! | [Electrical | |See table IV, steps 1 and 2 | | | measurements | | | | I | | | | | Subgroup 3 i | 1 35 | Subgrou | l |Tests may be performed on de- | | | | lvices prior to the instalia- | | | | Ition of the external lead | | | | lor with the external lead | | | | | removed. I I | | | | | {Shock | 2016 (5006s | | | | | | | | | | I | |Vibration, variable | 2056 | | | ! frequency ! | | |Constant | |2500G; X1, Yj, and Yo | | acceleration | lorientations ! ! | | [Electrical | |See table IV, steps ? and 2 | | ! measurements ! ! ! Subgroup 4 15 |Salt atmosphere 1 1041 | | I ! (corrosion) -MIL SPECS rcfJ cooo1es coozyo2 3 & MIL-S-19500/211B TABLE III, Group C inspection - Continued. { q | MIL-STD-750 | Inspection {Method 1 LTPD | | | | Conditions | | | { | | | q | | T qt | | | | | Subgroup 5 | 15 | {Barometric pressure {1001 | | | (reduced) | | {1N3168, 1N3170 | {Pressure = Gm Hg I | 11N3172, 1N3174 | [Pressure = 15mm Hg | | [1N3175, 1N3176 I {Pressure = 33am Hg | | t1N3177 [Pressure = 54mm Hg [Measurement during | {See table IV, step 2 | | | test | | | | | | | | I | Subgroup 6 | [Blocking life | --- [Te = 200C; Vpw = Vw la = 10 | | I {(See 1.4) | | | | lIg = 0; half sine wave, | | | | Pe i [Electrical | [See table IV, steps 1 and2 = | | measurements ! ! 10MIL SPECS 1c 0000125 0002403 5 i MIL-$-19500/211/8 TABLE IV. Groups B, and C, endpoint electrical measurements. | -STD- Limit Istep| Inspection { MIL-STD-750 Symbol | Unit | | {Method Conditions Win [rex [ | | I I 7 | 1. [Forward voltage 4011 [Pulse method: Vem --- [1.55fv(pk) | | | | { = 940 A(pk) 1 | | | | | [Pulse width 6.5 ms max | | | | | ! { { [Duty cycle = 2% max I { ! | | | | | { 2. [Reverse current 4016 ine wethod: Rat | ! | 1N3164 Vem = 200 V(pk) --- 110 fmA(pk){ | 1N3168 Vom = 400 V(pk) --- {10 [mA(pk)! | 1N3170 View = 600 V(pk) --- 110 {fmA(pk)| | | 1N3172 | lVou = 800 V(pk) I l--- [10 {mA(pk)| | 1N3174 | [Vem = 1000 V(pk) ! [-~- [10 [mA(pk)] | 1N3175 | Ypm = 1200 V(pk) --- [10 {mA(pk)| | 1N3176 | Ypm = 1400 V(pk) --- 110 [mA(pk)] ! 1N3177 Vow = 1600 V(pk) --- 130 WmA(pk) | | ! 3. [Forward voltage {4011 Tey = 940 A(pk) laVEy wo {0.1 v(Pk) | il U8, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE; 1983-605-034/2983