Ultra Low-Power ARM Cortex-M3 MCU with Integrated Power Management Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES Ultra low-power active and hibernate modes Active < 38 A/MHz (typical) Flexi < 11.5 A/MHz (typical) Hibernate < 750 nA (typical) Shutdown < 60 nA (typical) ARM(R) Cortex(R)-M3 processor with MPU Up to 26 MHz with serial wire debug interface Power management Single supply operation Wide voltage range (VBAT): 1.8 V to 3.6 V Coin-cell battery compatible Internally generated 1.2 V (typical) domain with the following options: LDO+ Buck converter for improved efficiency (optional) LDO only Power modes Active - Full on mode Flexi - Autonomous sensor data movement with processor sleeping Hibernate - With configurable SRAM retention Shutdown - With optional RTC active Power Supply Monitor (PSM) Power-on Reset (POR) Memory options 128/256K bytes of embedded flash memory with ECC1 4K bytes of cache memory to reduce active power when executing from flash 64K bytes of configurable system SRAM with parity with the following options: 32K_ISRAM+32K_DSRAM, CACHE OFF 28K_ISRAM+32K_DSRAM, 4K_CACHE 64K_DSRAM, CACHE OFF 60K_DSRAM, 4K_CACHE Security/Safety Hardware Crypto Accelerator supporting AES-128, AES256 along with various modes (ECB, CBC, CTR, CBC-MAC, CCM, CCM*) and SHA-256 Watchdog timer operating using independent 32 kHz on-chip oscillator True Random Number Generator (TRNG) 1 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Hardware CRC with programmable generator polynomial Multi parity-bit-protected SRAM User code protection Protects customer IP software Prevents re-purposing the part Secure software upgrade via UART DIGITAL PERIPHERALS 3 X SPI interface with hardware flow control to enable glueless interface to sensors, radios, and converters I2C and UART peripheral interfaces SPORT for natively interfacing with converters and radios Programmable GPIOs 3 X general-purpose timers 1 X RTC, 1 X FLEX_RTC SensorStrobeTM for synchronization with external sensors to the FLEX_RTC Programmable beeper 25-channel DMA controller supporting dedicated DMA channels for each peripheral CLOCKING FEATURES 26 MHz clock On-chip oscillator External crystal oscillator SYS_CLKIN for external clock 32 kHz clock On-chip oscillator Low-power crystal oscillator Integrated PLL with programmable divider ANALOG PERIPHERALS Up to 1.8 MSPS housekeeping ADC 12-bit SAR Eight channels, single ended Digital comparator High-precision voltage reference Temperature sensor PACKAGES AND TEMPERATURE RANGE 64-pin LFCSP, 54-pin WLCSP Industrial temperature range Flash memory size varies by product. See Table 1 (Product Offerings) for more information. Rev. PrF Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106 U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 (c)2016 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data TABLE OF CONTENTS Features ................................................................. 1 Specifications ........................................................ 12 Digital Peripherals ................................................... 1 Operating Conditions ........................................... 12 Clocking Features .................................................... 1 Electrical Characteristics ....................................... 12 Analog Peripherals ................................................... 1 System Clocks/Timers .......................................... 14 Packages and Temperature Range ................................ 1 ADC Specifications .............................................. 15 Table Of Contents .................................................... 2 Flash Specifications .............................................. 15 General Description ................................................. 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................... 16 ARM Cortex-M3 Processor ..................................... 3 ESD Sensitivity ................................................... 16 Memory Architecture ............................................ 4 Package Information ............................................ 16 System and Integration Features ............................... 5 Timing Specifications ........................................... 17 On-Chip Peripheral Features ................................. 10 Processor Test Conditions ..................................... 25 Development Support .......................................... 10 Output Drive Currents ......................................... 25 Additional Information ........................................ 11 Environmental Conditions .................................... 26 Related Signal Chains .......................................... 11 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............ 27 Security Features Disclaimer .................................. 11 Outline Dimensions ................................................ 31 Future (Planned) Products .................................... 32 Rev. PrF | Page 2 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADuCM302x processor is an ultra low-power integrated mixed-signal microcontroller system for processing, control and connectivity. The MCU system is based on ARM CortexM3 processor, a collection of digital peripherals, embedded SRAM and flash memory, and an analog subsystem which provides clocking, reset and power management capability in addition to an ADC subsystem. For a feature comparison across ADuCM302x product offerings, see Table 1. * Beeper interface * SPORT, SPI, I2C, and UART peripheral interfaces * Crypto hardware support with AES and SHA256 * Real time clock (RTC) * General-purpose and watchdog timers * Programmable general-purpose I/O pins * Hardware CRC calculator with programmable generator polynomial Table 1. Product Offerings Part Number1 ADuCM3027 ADuCM3029 1 * Power-on Reset (POR) and Power Supply Monitor (PSM) Embedded Flash Memory Size 128K bytes 256K bytes * 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter * True random number generator (TRNG) ADuCM3029 replaces ADuCM3025. The ADuCM3025 has no ADC. To support extremely low dynamic and hibernate power management, the ADuCM302x processor provides a collection of power modes and features, such as dynamic and software controlled clock gating and power gating. System features that are common across all ADuCM302x processors include the following: * Up to 26 MHz ARM Cortex-M3 processor For full details on the ADuCM302x processor, refer to the ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference. * Up to 256K bytes of embedded flash memory with ECC * Optional 4K cache for lower active power ARM CORTEX-M3 PROCESSOR * 64K bytes system SRAM with parity The ARM Cortex-M3 core shown in Figure 1, is a 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC). The length of the data can be 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits. The length of the instruction word is 16 or 32 bits. * Power Management Unit (PMU) * Multilayer advanced microcontroller bus architecture (AMBA) bus matrix * Central direct memory access (DMA) controller 26 MHz CORE RATE PLL SERIAL-WIRE INSTRUCTION RAM/CACHE (32 KB) HFXTAL LFXTAL ARM CORTEX-M3 HFOSC LFOSC NVIC FLASH (256 KB) TEMP SENSOR SRAM1 (16 KB) DMA CRYPTO (AES 128/256, SHA 256) SPORT PWR MGMT BUCK SRAM0 (16 KB) MPU REF BUFFER ADC WIC MULTILAYER AMBA BUS MATRIX UART TMR0 TMR1 RTC0 RTC1 TMR2 WDT Beeper GPIO AHB-APB BRIDGE PROGRAMMABLE CRC POLYNOMIAL SPI SPI I2C SPI Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram Rev. PrF | Page 3 of 32 | February 2016 TRNG ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data The processor has the following features: storage, 32K bytes of data SRAM, and 32K bytes of SRAM (which is configurable between instruction space and data space). * Cortex-M3 Architecture * Thumb-2 ISA technology SRAM Region * 3-stage pipeline with branch speculation This memory space contains the application instructions and literal (constant) data which must be executed real time. It supports read/write access by the ARM Cortex-M3 core and read/write DMA access by system peripherals. Byte, half word and word accesses are supported. * Low-latency interrupt processing with tail chaining * Single cycle multiply * Hardware divide instructions * NVIC interrupt controller (64 interrupts and 8 priorities) SRAM is divided into data SRAM of 32K bytes and Instruction SRAM of 32K bytes. If instruction SRAM is not enabled, then the associated 32K bytes can be mapped as data SRAM, resulting in 64K bytes data SRAM. * Two breakpoints and one watchpoint (unlimited software breakpoints using Segger JLink) * MPU Parity bit error detection (optional) is available on all SRAM memories. Two parity bits are associated with each 32-bit word. * 8-region MPU with subregions and background region When cache controller is enabled, 4K bytes of the instruction SRAM are reserved for cache memory. * Programmable clock generator unit * Configurable for ultra low-power operation During hibernate mode, up to 32K bytes of SRAM may be retained: * Deep sleep mode, dynamic power management * Out of 32K bytes instruction SRAM, option to retain 16K bytes * Programmable clock generator unit MEMORY ARCHITECTURE * Out of 32K bytes of data SRAM, option to retain 8K bytes or 16K bytes The internal memory of the ADuCM302x processor is shown in Figure 2. This processor incorporates up to 256K bytes of embedded flash memory for program code and nonvolatile data RESERVED 0x4000 1044 0x4000 1000 REAL TIME CLOCK 0 (RTC0) RESERVED 0x4000 0824 0x4000 0800 GENERAL-PURPOSE TIMER 2 RESERVED 0x4000 0424 0x4000 0400 GENERAL-PURPOSE TIMER 1 RESERVED 0x4000 0024 0x4000 0000 GENERAL-PURPOSE TIMER 0 RESERVED 0x2004 7FFF 0x2004 4000 0x2004 3FFF 0x2004 0000 RAM BANK 1* (16K BYTES) RAM BANK 1 (16K BYTES) RESERVED 0x2000 7FFF 0x2000 4000 0x2000 3FFF 0x2000 0000 RAM BANK 0* (16K BYTES) RAM BANK 0 (16K BYTES) 0x4001 0FE0 0x4001 0000 DMA 0 RESERVED 0x4000 5C0C 0x4000 5C00 BEEPER 0 RESERVED 0x4000 5030 0x4000 5000 UART 0 0x4000 4438 0x4000 4400 SPI 1 MASTER/SLAVE RESERVED RESERVED 0x4000 4038 0x4000 4000 SPI 0 MASTER/SLAVE RESERVED 0x4000 3058 0x4000 3000 I2C 0 MASTER/SLAVE 0x4000 2C18 0x4000 2C00 WATCHDOG TIMER RESERVED RESERVED 0x1000 7FFF 0x1000 0000 INSTRUCTION SRAM* (32K BYTES) RESERVED 0x4000 2040 0x4000 2000 SYSTEM ID AND DEBUG ENABLE 0x4000 1444 0x4000 1400 REAL TIME CLOCK 1 (RTC1) RESERVED 0x0003 FFFC 0x0000 0000 256K BYTES FLASH MEMORY RESERVED * See the "SRAM Region" description in the "Introduction" chapter of the processor hardware reference for more information. Figure 2. ADuCM302x Memory Map Rev. PrF | Page 4 of 32 | February 2016 0x400F FFFF 0x4004 C80C 0x4004 C000 0x4004 406C 0x4004 4000 RESERVED POWER MGT, EXT IRQ, CLOCKING, & MISC MMR RESERVED CRYPTO RESERVED 0x4004 0414 0x4004 0400 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR RESERVED 0x4004 000C 0x4004 0000 PROGRAMMABLE CRC ENGINE RESERVED 0x4003 8078 0x4003 8000 SPORT 0 RESERVED 0x4002 4038 0x4002 4000 SPIH 0 MASTER/SLAVE RESERVED 0x4002 00B4 0x4002 0000 GPIO RESERVED 0x4001 8088 0x4001 8000 FLASH CONTROLLER RESERVED ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Memory-Mapped Registers (Peripheral Control/Status) SRAM Region Refer to Figure 2 for the address space containing memorymapped registers. These registers provide control and status for the processor's on-chip peripherals. Accesses in this region (0x2000 0000 to 0x2004 7FFF) are performed by the ARM Cortex-M3 core on its SYS interface. The SRAM region of the core can otherwise act as a data region for an application. Flash Memory The ADuCM302x processor includes 128K to 256 bytes of embedded flash memory, which is accessed using a flash controller. For memory available on each product, see Table 1. The flash controller is coupled with a cache controller which provides two AHB ports: one port for reading data (DCode), the other for reading instructions (ICode). A prefetch mechanism is implemented in the flash controller to optimize ICode read performance. * Internal SRAM Data Region. This space can contain read/write data. Internal SRAM can be partitioned between CODE and DATA (SRAM region in M3 space) in 32K byte blocks. Access to this region occurs at core clock speed, with no wait states. It supports read/write access by the M3 core and read/write DMA access by system devices. It supports exclusive memory accesses via the global exclusive access monitor within the Analog Devices Cortex-M3 platform. Flash writes are supported by a key-hole mechanism via APB writes to memory mapped registers. The flash controller provides support for DMA-based key-hole writes. * System MMRs. Various system MMRs reside in this region. With respect to flash integrity, the device supports: * A fixed user key required for running protected commands including mass erase and page erase * An optional and user definable user failure analysis key (FAA key); if set, this key may be required by Analog Devices personnel when performing failure analysis System Region Accesses in this region (0xE000 0000 to 0xF7FF FFFF) are performed by the ARM Cortex-M3 core on its SYS interface, and are handled within the Analog Devices Cortex-M3 platform. * CoreSight ROM. The ROM table entries point to the debug components of the processor. * An optional and user definable write protection for user accessible memory * An optional 8-bit error correction code (ECC); this code may be enabled by user code (off by default) Cache Controller The ADuCM302x family has an optional 4K byte instruction cache. In certain applications enabling the cache and executing the code can result in lower power consumption than operating directly from flash. When the cache controller is enabled, 4K bytes of instruction SRAM is reserved for cache data. In hibernate mode, the cache memory is not retained. ARM Cortex-M3 Memory Subsystem The memory map of the ADuCM302x family is based on the Cortex-M3 model from ARM. By retaining the standardized memory mapping, it becomes easier to port applications across M3 platforms. ADuCM302x application development is typically based on memory blocks across CODE/SRAM regions. Sufficient internal memory is available via internal SRAM and internal flash. Code Region Accesses in this region (0x0000 0000 to 0x0003 FFFF) are performed by the core on its ICODE and DCODE interfaces, and they target the memory and cache resources. * ARM PPB Peripherals. This space is defined by ARM and occupies the bottom 256K bytes of the SYS region (0xE000 0000 to 0xE004 0000). The space supports read/write access by the M3 core to the ARM core's internal peripherals (SCS, NVIC, WIC) and the CoreSight ROM. It is not accessible by system DMA. * Platform Control Registers. This space has registers within the Analog Devices Cortex-M3 platform component that control the ARM core, its memory, and the code cache. It is accessible by the M3 core via its SYS port (but is not accessible by system DMA). SYSTEM AND INTEGRATION FEATURES The ADuCM302x processor provides a number of features that ease system integration. Processor Reset There are four kinds of resets: external, power-on, watchdog timeout, and software system reset. The software system reset is provided as part of the Cortex core. A hardware reset is performed by toggling the SYS_HWRST pin, which is active low. Booting The processor supports two boot modes: booting from internal flash and upgrading software through UART download. Table 2. Boot Modes Boot Mode 0 1 Rev. PrF | Page 5 of 32 | February 2016 Description UART download mode Flash boot. Boot from integrated flash memory. ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Security Features * MAC mode - Message authentication code mode The processor provides a combination of hardware and software protection mechanisms that lock out access to the part in secure mode, but grant access in open mode. These mechanisms include password-protected slave boot modes (SPI and UART), as well as password-protected SWD debug interfaces. * CCM/CCM* mode -Cipher block chaining-message authentication code mode * Mechanisms are provided to protect the device contents (flash, SRAM, CPU registers, and peripheral registers) from being read through an external interface by an unauthorized user. This is referred to as read-protection. * It shall be possible to protect the device from being reprogrammed in-circuit with unauthorized code. This is referred to as in-circuit write-protection. * SHA-224 and SHA-256 modes CRC Accelerator The CRC accelerator can be used to compute the CRC for a block of memory locations. The exact memory location can be in the SRAM, flash, or any combination of memory mapped registers. The CRC accelerator generates a checksum that can be used to compare it with an expected signature. The main features of the CRC include: * Generates a CRC signature for a block of data * Supports programmable polynomial length of up to 32 bits CAUTION This product includes security features that can be used to protect embedded nonvolatile memory contents and prevent execution of unauthorized code. When security is enabled on this device (either by the ordering party or the subsequent receiving parties), the ability of Analog Devices to conduct failure analysis on returned devices is limited. Contact Analog Devices for details on the failure analysis limitations for this device. The device can be configured with no protection, read protection, or read and in-circuit write protection. It is not necessary to provide in-circuit write protection without read protection. Reliability and Robustness Features The processor provides a number of features which can enhance or help achieve certain levels of system safety and reliability. While the level of safety is mainly dominated by system considerations, the following features are provided to enhance robustness: * ECC enabled flash memory. The entire flash array can be protected to either correct single bit errors or detect two-bit errors per 64-bit flash data. * Multi-parity-bit-protected SDRAM. In the processor's SRAM and cache memory space, each word is protected by multiple parity bits to allow detection of random soft errors. * Software watchdog. The on-chip watchdog timer can provide software-based supervision of the ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 core. Crypto Accelerator Crypto is a 32-bit APB DMA capable peripheral. There are two buffers provided for data I/O operations. These buffers are 32bit wide and read in or read out 128 bits in 4 data accesses. Big Endian and Little Endian data formats are supported. Supported modes * ECB mode - AES mode * Operates on 32 bit of data at a time * Supports MSB first as well as LSB first implementations of CRC * Various data mirroring capabilities * Initial seed to be programmed by user * DMA controller (memory-to-memory transfer) used for data transfer to offload the processor True Random Number Generator The random number generator is used during operations where nondeterministic values are required. This may include generating challenges for secure communication or keys used for an encrypted communication channel. The generator can be run multiple times to generate a sufficient number of bits for the strength of the intended operation. The true random number generator can be used to seed a deterministic random bit generator. Programmable GPIOs The ADuCM302x processor has 44 GPIO pins, most of which have multiple, configurable functions defined by user code. They can be configured as an I/O and have programmable pullup resistors. All I/O pins are functional over the full supply range. In power-saving mode, GPIO pins retain state; they tristate on reset to prevent any bus irritation. Timers The processor contains general-purpose timers and a watchdog timer. General-Purpose Timers The ADuCM302x processor has three identical general-purpose timers, each with a 16-bit count-up/count-down counter. The count-up/count-down counter can be clocked from one of four user selectable clock sources. Any selected clock source can be scaled down using a prescaler of 1, 16, 64, or 256. * CTR mode - Counter mode * CBC mode - Cipher block chaining mode Rev. PrF | Page 6 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Watchdog Timer (WDT) Power Management The watchdog timer is a 16-bit count-down timer with a programmable prescaler. The prescaler source is selectable and can be scaled by a factor of 1, 16, or 256. The watchdog timer is clocked by the 32 kHz on-chip oscillator (LFOSC).The watchdog timer (WDT) is used to recover from an illegal software state. The WDT requires periodic servicing to prevent it from forcing a reset or interrupt of the processor. The ADuCM302x processor includes power management and clocking features, relating to power modes and power management. ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) The ADuCM302x processor integrates a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter with up to eight external channels. Conversions can be performed in single or auto cycle mode. In single mode, the ADC can be configured to convert on a particular channel by selecting one of the channels. Auto cycle mode is provided to reduce processor overhead of sampling and reading individual channel registers. The ADC can also be used for temperature sensing and measuring battery voltage using dedicated channels. Temperature sensing and battery monitoring cannot be included in auto cycle mode. A digital comparator is provided to allow an interrupt to be triggered if ADC input is above or below a programmable threshold. Input channels AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, and AIN3 can be used with the digital comparator. ADC can be used in DMA mode to reduce processor overhead by moving ADC results directly into SRAM with a single interrupt asserted when the required number of ADC conversions has been completely logged to memory. The main features of the ADC subsystem include: Power Modes The PMU provides control of the ADuCM302x processor power modes and allows the ARM Cortex-M3 to control the clocks and power gating to reduce the dynamic power and hibernate power. There are a number of power modes available; each mode provides an additional low-power benefit with a corresponding reduction in functionality. * Active mode - All peripherals can be enabled. Active power is managed by optimized clock management. * Flexi mode - The core is clock gated, but the remainder of the system is active. No instructions can be executed in this mode, but DMA transfers can continue between peripherals and memory. * Hibernate mode - This mode provides configurable SRAM and port pin retention, a limited number of wake-up interrupts, and (optionally) an active RTC. * Shutdown mode - This mode is the deepest sleep mode, in which all the digital and analog circuits are powered down with an option to wake from 4 possible wake-up sources. The RTC can be (optionally) enabled in this mode and the part can be periodically woken up by the RTC interrupt. Power Management * 12-bit resolution * Programmable ADC update rate from 10 KSPS to 1.8 MSPS The ADuCM302x processor has an integrated power management system to optimize performance and extend battery life of the device. * Integrated input mux that supports up to eight channels The power management system consists of: * Temperature sensing support * Integrated 1.2 V LDO and optional Buck * Battery monitoring support * Hibernate mode * Software-selectable on-chip reference voltage generation: 1.25 V, 2.5 V, VBAT * Integrated power switches for low standby current in hibernate mode Additional power management features include: * Software-selectable internal or external reference * Auto cycle mode: Ability to automatically select a sequence of input channels for conversion * Averaging function: Converted data on single or multiple channels can be averaged over up to 256 samples * Alert function: Internal digital comparator for AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, and AIN3 channels. An interrupt is generated if the digital comparator detects an ADC result above/below a user-defined threshold. * Customized clock gating for active modes * Power gating to reduce leakage in hibernate/shutdown modes * Flexible sleep modes * Shutdown mode with no retention * Optional high efficiency Buck converter to reduce power * Integrated low-power oscillators * Dedicated DMA channel support * Each channel, including temperature sensor and battery monitoring, has its own data register for conversion result Rev. PrF | Page 7 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data The following features are available for power management and control: The clock options have software configurability with the following exceptions: * Full-on mode: See Table 4 for details on active mode power. * HFOSC cannot be disabled for use cases where internal Buck regulator is used * Low-power mode: * LFOSC cannot be disabled even if LFXTAL is used * Lower leakage if using internal oscillator or external wake-up source * See Table 5 for low power mode specifications * Voltage range of 1.8 V to 3.6 V, using a single supply (such as the CR2032) * Pad I/O is driven directly from the battery. The I/O configuration and pin state are retained in hibernate mode. * Wake-up from external interrupt (GPIO) and RTC * (Optional) High-power Buck converter for 1.2 V full on support; for processor usage only. See Figure 3 for suggested external circuitry VBAT The ADuCM302x processor has two real-time clock blocks, RTC0 and RTC1 (also called FLEX_RTC). The clock blocks share a low-power crystal oscillation circuit that operates in conjunction with a 32,768 Hz external crystal. The RTC has an alarm that interrupts the core when the programmed alarm value matches the RTC count. The software enables and configures the RTC and correlates the count to the time of day. The RTC also has a digital trim capability to allow a positive or negative adjustment to the RTC count at fixed intervals. FLEX_RTC supports a unique feature, SensorStrobe via Output Compare Pin (OPCx). Using this feature, the ADuCM302x processor can be used as a programmable clock generator in all power modes including the Hibernate mode. In this way, the external sensors can have their timing domains mastered by the ADuC302x processor, as the OPC can output a programmable divider from FLEX_RTC, which can operate up to a resolution of 30.7 us. The sensors and microcontroller are in sync, which removes the need for additional re-sampling of data to timealign it. VDCDC_CAP1P 0.1F VDCDC_CAP1N BUCK (ENABLED) Real-Time Clock VDCDC_OUT 0.47F VDCDC_CAP2P 0.1F VDCDC_CAP2N In the absence of this feature: * The external sensor uses its own RC oscillator (~+/-30% typical variation). The processor has to sample the data and re-sample it on the processor's Time domain before using it. LDO Or VLDO_OUT * The processor remains in a higher power state and drives each data conversion on the sensor side 0.47F Note: The figure shows a Buck enabled design. For designs in which the optional Buck is not used, the following pins must be left unconnected--VDCDC_CAP1P, VDCDC_CAP1N, VDCDC_OUT, VDCDC_CAP2P, and VDCDC_CAP2N. This feature allows the ADuC302x processor to be in a lower power state for a long duration, and also avoids unnecessary data processing. This extends the battery life of the end product. The key differences between RTC0 and RTC1 (FLEX_RTC) are shown in Table 3. Figure 3. Buck Enabled Clocking The ADuMC302x processor has the following clocking options: * 26 MHz * Internal oscillator - HFOSC (26 MHz) * External crystal oscillator - HFXTAL (26 or 16 MHz) * GPIO clock in - SYS_CLK_IN * 32 kHz * Internal oscillator - LFOSC * External crystal oscillator -LFXTAL Rev. PrF | Page 8 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Table 3. RTC Features Features RTC0 Resolution of time RTC0 counts time at 1 Hz in units of seconds. Operationally, base (prescaling) when used by the customer, RTC0 always prescales to 1 Hz (for example, divide by 32,768) and always counts real time in units of seconds. Wake-up timer Wake-up time is specified in units of seconds. RTC1 (FLEX_RTC) RTC1 (FLEX_RTC) can prescale the clock by any power of two from 0 to 15. It can count time in units of any of these 16 possible prescale settings. For example, the clock can be prescaled by 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 16384, or 32768. RTC1 supports alarm times down to a resolution of 30.7s, i.e. where the time is specified down to a specific 32 kHz clock cycle. Number of alarms One alarm only. Uses an absolute, non-repeating alarm time, Two alarms. One absolute alarm time and one periodic specified in units of one second. alarm, repeating every 60 prescaled time units. Output compare N/A Output compare is an alarm function in the RTC which causes an output pulse to be sent via GPIOs to an external device, to instruct that device to take a measurement or perform some action at a specific time. Output compare events are scheduled at a specific target time relative to the real time count of the RTC. Output compare can be enabled in the Hibernate mode. Input capture N/A Input capture takes a snapshot of the RTC real-time count when an external device signals an event via a transition on one of the GPIO inputs to ADuCM302x processor. Typically an input-capture event is triggered by an autonomous measurement or action on such a device, which then signals to the ADuCM302x processor that the RTC must take a snapshot of time corresponding to the event. The taking of this snapshot can wake up the ADuCM302x processor and cause an interrupt to its CPU. The CPU can subsequently obtain information from the RTC on the exact 32 kHz cycle and thus the exact time that the inputcapture event occurred. Rev. PrF | Page 9 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Ports Beeper Driver The ADuCM302x processor has an integrated audio driver for a beeper. The beeper driver module in the ADuCM302x processor generates a differential square wave of programmable frequency. It drives an external piezoelectric sound component whose two terminals connect to the differential square wave output. The beeper driver consists of a module that can deliver frequencies from 8 kHz to ~0.25 kHz. It operates on a fixed independent 32 kHz (32,768 Hz) clock source that is unaffected by changes in system clocks. SPI is an industry standard, synchronous serial interface that allows eight bits of data to be synchronously transmitted and simultaneously received, that is, full duplex. The SPI incorporates two DMA channels that interface with the DMA controller. One DMA channel is used for transmit and the other is used for receive. The SPI on the processor eases interfacing to external serial flash devices. The SPI features include the following: * Serial clock phase mode and serial clock polarity mode * Loopback mode * Continuous transfer mode A timer allows for programmable tone durations from 4 ms to 1.02 s in 4 ms increments. Single-tone (pulse) and multi-tone (sequence) modes provide versatile playback options. * Wired-OR output mode * Read-command mode for half-duplex operation (Tx first and Rx next) In sequence mode, the beeper can be programmed to play any number of tone pairs from 1 to 254 (2 to 508 tones) or be programmed to play forever (until stopped by the user). Interrupts are available to indicate the start or end of any beep, the end of a sequence, or that the sequence is nearing completion. * Flow control support * Multiple CS line support * CS software override support * Support for 3-pin SPI Debug Capability The ADuMC320x processor supports serial wire debug. UART Port ON-CHIP PERIPHERAL FEATURES The processor provides a full-duplex UART port, which is fully compatible with PC-standard UARTs. The UART port provides a simplified UART interface to other peripherals or hosts, supporting full-duplex, DMA-supported, asynchronous transfers of serial data. The UART port includes support for five to eight data bits, and none, even, or odd parity. A frame is terminated by one, one and a half, or two stop bits. The processor contains a rich set of peripherals connected to the core via several concurrent high-bandwidth buses, providing flexibility in system configuration as well as excellent overall system performance (see Figure 1). The processor contains high-speed serial ports, an interrupt controller for flexible management of interrupts from the onchip peripherals or external sources, and power management control functions to tailor the performance and power characteristics of the processor and system to many application scenarios. Serial Ports (SPORT) The synchronous serial ports provide an inexpensive interface to a wide variety of digital and mixed-signal peripheral devices such as Analog Devices' audio codecs, ADCs, and DACs. The serial ports are made up of two data lines, a clock, and frame sync. The data lines can be programmed to either transmit or receive and each data line has a dedicated DMA channel. Serial port data can be automatically transferred to and from on-chip memory/external memory via dedicated DMA channels. The frame sync and clock are shared. Some of the ADCs/DACs require two control signals for their conversion process. To interface with such devices, an extra signal SPT_CONVT signal is provided. To use this signal, enable the timer enable mode. In this mode, a PWM timer inside the module is used to generate the programmable SPT_CONVT signal. Serial ports operate in two modes: I2C The I2C bus peripheral has two pins for data transfer. SCL is a serial clock and SDA is a serial data pin. The pins are configured in a Wired-AND format that allows arbitration in a multi-master system. A master device can be configured to generate the serial clock. The frequency is programmed by the user in the serial clock divisor register. The master channel can be set to operate in fast mode (400 kHz) or standard mode (100 kHz). DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT Development support for the ADUCM302x processor includes documentation, evaluation hardware, and development software tools. Documentation The ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference details the functionality of each block on the ADuCM302x processor. It includes power management, clocking, memories, peripherals, and the AFE. Hardware The EVAL-ADuCM302xEBZ evaluation kit is available to prototype a user's sensor configuration with theADuCM302x processor. * Standard DSP serial mode * Timer enable mode Rev. PrF | Page 10 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Software The EVAL-ADuCM302xEBZ includes a complete development and debug environment for the ADuCM302x processor. The software development kit (SDK) for the ADuCM302x processor uses the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM as its development environment. The SDK also includes operating system (OS) aware drivers and example code for all the peripherals on the device, including SPI and I2C. tee that this technology provides absolute security. ACCORDINGLY, ANALOG DEVICES HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES THAT THE SECURITY FEATURES CANNOT BE BREACHED, COMPROMISED, OR OTHERWISE CIRCUMVENTED AND IN NO EVENT SHALL ANALOG DEVICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION, OR RELEASE OF DATA, INFORMATION, PHYSICAL PROPERTY, OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The following publications that describe the ADuCM302x processors can be ordered from any Analog Devices sales office or accessed electronically on our website: * ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference * ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Microcontroller Anomaly List This document describes the ARM Cortex-M3 core and memory architecture used on the ADuCM302x processor, but does not provide detailed programming information for the ARM processor. For more information about programming the ARM processor, visit the ARM Infocenter web page. The applicable documentation for programming the ARM Cortex-M3 processor include: * ARM Cortex-M3 Devices Generic User Guide * ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual RELATED SIGNAL CHAINS A signal chain is a series of signal-conditioning electronic components that receive input (data acquired from sampling either real-time phenomena or from stored data) in tandem, with the output of one portion of the chain supplying input to the next. Signal chains are often used in signal processing applications to gather and process data or to apply system controls based on analysis of real-time phenomena. Analog Devices eases signal processing system development by providing signal processing components that are designed to work together well. A tool for viewing relationships between specific applications and related components is available on the www.analog.com website. The application signal chains page in the Circuits from the Lab(R) site (http://www.analog.com/circuits) provides: * Graphical circuit block diagram presentation of signal chains for a variety of circuit types and applications * Drill down links for components in each chain to selection guides and application information * Reference designs applying best practice design techniques SECURITY FEATURES DISCLAIMER To our knowledge, the Security Features, when used in accordance with the data sheet and hardware reference manual specifications, provide a secure method of implementing code and data safeguards. However, Analog Devices does not guaran- Rev. PrF | Page 11 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data SPECIFICATIONS For information about product specifications, contact your Analog Devices, Inc. representative. OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Condition VBAT1,2 External Battery Supply Voltage VIH High Level Input Voltage VBAT = 3.6 V VIL Low Level Input Voltage VBAT = 1.8 V VBAT_ADC ADC Supply Voltage TJ Junction Temperature Min Nominal Max Unit 1.8 3.0 3.6 V 0.45 V TBD V 85 C 2.5 V TBD TAMBIENT = -40C to +85C TBD -40 1 Must remain powered (even if the associated function is not used). 2 Value applies to VBAT_ANA1,VBAT_ANA2,VBAT_DIG1,VBAT_DIG2 pin ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Condition Min VOH1 High Level Output Voltage VBAT = Min V, IOH = -1.0 mA 1.4 VOL1 Low Level Output Voltage VBAT = Min V, IOL = 1.0 mA IIHPU 2 Max High Level Input Current Pull-Up VBAT =Max V, VIN = VBATMAX V Low Level Input Current Pull-Up VBAT =Max V, VIN = 0 V IOZH3 Three-State Leakage Current VBAT = Max V, VIN = VBAT MAX V IOZL3 Three-State Leakage Current VBAT = Max V, VIN = 0 V Unit V 0.4 IILPU2 4 Typical 0.01 V 1 A 100 A 0.01 1 A 0.01 1 A Three-State Leakage Current Pull-Up VBAT = Max V, VIN = 0 V 100 A IOZHPU4 Three-State Leakage Current Pull-Up VBAT = Max V, VIN = VBAT MAX V 1 A IOZLPD5 Three-State Leakage Current PullDown VBAT = Max V, VIN = 0 V 1 A IOZHPD5 Three-State Leakage Current PullDown VBAT = Max V, VIN = VBAT MAX V 100 A CIN6 Input Capacitance fIN = 1 MHz, TJ = 25C, VIN = TBD V IOZLPU 1 10 pF Applies to output and bidirectional pins: P1_10, P0_10, P0_11, P1_2, P1_3, P1_4, P1_5, P2_1, P0_13, P0_15, P1_0, P1_1, P1_15, P2_0, P0_12, P2_11, P1_6, P1_7, P1_8, P1_9, P0_0, P0_1, P0_2, P0_3, P0_6, P0_7, P2_4, P2_10, P0_4, P0_5, P0_14, P2_2, P1_14, P1_13, P1_12, P1_11, P0_8, P0_9. Applies to input pins with pull-up: SYS_HWRST. 3 Applies to three-statable pins: P1_10, P0_10, P0_11, P1_2, P1_3, P1_4, P1_5, P2_1, P0_13, P0_15, P1_0, P1_15, P2_0, P0_12, P2_11, P1_6, P1_7, P1_8, P1_9, P0_0, P0_1, P0_2, P0_3, P2_4, P2_10, P0_4, P0_5, P0_14, P2_2, P1_14, P1_13, P1_12, P1_11, P0_8, P0_9. 4 Applies to three-statable pins with pull-ups: P1_10, P0_10, P0_11, P1_2, P1_3, P1_4, P1_5, P2_1, P0_13, P0_15, P1_0, P1_15, P2_0, P0_12, P2_11, P1_6, P1_7, P1_8, P1_9, P0_0, P0_1, P0_2, P0_3, P2_4, P2_10, P0_4, P0_5, P0_14, P2_2, P1_14, P1_13, P1_12, P1_11, P0_8, P0_9, P0_7, P1_1. 5 Applies to three-statable pin with pull-down: P0_6. 6 Guaranteed, but not tested. 2 Rev. PrF | Page 12 of 32 | February 2016 Preliminary Technical Data ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Power Supply Current Table 4 and Table 5 describe power supply current for VBAT as it relates to a variety of operating modes and conditions. Table 4. Active Mode--Current Consumption from VBAT = 3.0 V Mode/Condition Active Mode: Code3 Executing from FLASH, With Cache Enabled Peripheral Clocks OFF, HCLK = 26 MHz Active Mode: Code3 Executing from FLASH, With Cache Disabled Peripheral Clocks OFF, HCLK = 26 MHz Active Mode: Code3 Executing from SRAM Peripheral Clocks OFF, HCLK = 26 MHz Active Mode: Code3 Executing from FLASH, With Cache Enabled Peripheral Clocks ON, HCLK = 26 MHz, PCLK = 26 MHz Active Mode: Code3 Executing from FLASH, With Cache Disabled Peripheral Clocks ON, HCLK = 26 MHz, PCLK = 26 MHz Active Mode: Code3 Executing from SRAM Peripheral Clocks ON, HCLK = 26 MHz, PCLK = 26 MHz Flexi Mode: Peripheral Clocks OFF Flexi Mode: Peripheral Clocks ON, PCLK = 26 MHz Buck Enabled/ Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Typ1 0.98 1.75 1.28 2.34 0.95 1.78 1.08 1.99 1.37 2.55 1.08 2.03 0.3 0.52 0.39 0.7 Max2 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Unit mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA 1 TJ = 25C. TJ = 85C. 3 Code being executed is prime number generation in a continuous loop, with HFOSC as the system clock source. 2 Table 5. Low Power Mode1--Current Consumption from VBAT = 3.0 V -40C 25C 85C 85C Typ Typ Typ Max Unit RTC 1,0 Disabled + 8K bytes SRAM retained, LFXTAL = OFF TBD 0.75 TBD TBD A RTC 1,0 Disabled + 16K bytes SRAM retained, LFXTAL = OFF TBD 0.77 TBD TBD A RTC 1,0 Disabled + 24K bytes SRAM retained, LFXTAL = OFF TBD 0.79 TBD TBD A RTC 1,0 Disabled + 32K bytes SRAM retained, LFXTAL = OFF TBD 0.81 TBD TBD A RTC 1 Enabled +8K bytes SRAM retained, LFOSC as source for RTC1 TBD 0.78 TBD TBD A RTC 1 Enabled + 8K bytes SRAM retained, LFXTAL as source for RTC1 TBD 0.83 TBD TBD A Mode Condition Hibernate RTC 1,0 Enabled + 8K bytes SRAM retained, LFXTAL as source for RTC1,0 Shutdown RTC 0 Enabled, LFXTAL as source for RTC0 RTC 0 Disabled 1 TBD 0.924 TBD TBD A TBD 340 TBD TBD nA TBD 56 TBD TBD nA Buck Enable/Disable selection does not affect power consumption in low-power mode. Rev. PrF | Page 13 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data SYSTEM CLOCKS/TIMERS The following tables show the system clock specifications for the ADuCM302x processor. Platform External Crystal Oscillator Table 6. Platform External Crystal Oscillator Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Comment TBD 8 TBD pF External capacitor, C1 = C2 (symmetrical load) LOW FREQUENCY CEXT1 = CEXT2 Frequency 32,768 Hz HIGH FREQUENCY CEXT1 = CEXT2 TBD 20 Frequency TBD pF 16 or 26 External capacitor MHz On-Chip RC Oscillators Table 7. On-Chip RC Oscillators Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Unit TBD 26 TBD MHz TBD 32,768 TBD Hz HIGH FREQUENCY RC OSCILLATOR Frequency LOW FREQUENCY RC OSCILLATOR Frequency Rev. PrF | Page 14 of 32 | February 2016 Condition/Comment ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data ADC SPECIFICATIONS Table 8. ADC Specifications Parameter Test Conditions Typ Unit Offset Error TBD TBD LSB Gain Error TBD TBD LSB Differential Linearity Error TBD TBD LSB Integral Linearity Error TBD TBD LSB FLASH SPECIFICATIONS Table 9. Flash Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Unit FLASH/GP FLASH Endurance Data Retention 10,000 Cycles 10 Rev. PrF Years | Page 15 of 32 | February 2016 Condition/Comment ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ESD SENSITIVITY Stresses at or above those listed in Table 10 may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Table 10. Absolute Maximum Ratings PACKAGE INFORMATION Parameter Rating External Battery Supply Voltage (VBAT) TBD Digital Input Voltage1, 2 TBD Digital Output Voltage Swing Analog Input Voltage Voltage Reference Input Voltage Storage Temperature Range Junction Temperature While Bias 1 2 The information presented in Table 12 and Figure 4 provides details about package branding. For a complete listing of product availability, see Future (Planned) Products on Page 32. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD D TB A T DA Applies to 100% transient duty cycle. For other duty cycles, see Table 11. Applies only when VBAT is within specifications. When VBAT is outside specifications, the range is VBAT 0.2 V. Table 11. Maximum Duty Cycle for Input Transient Voltage1 VIN Min (V) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 1 VIN Max (V) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Figure 4. Product Information on Package1 1 Table 12. Package Brand Information Brand Key ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 t pp Z ccc vvvvvv.x n.n yyww Maximum Duty Cycle TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Applies to all signal pins with the exception of SYS_CLKIN, SYS_XTAL. 1 Rev. PrF | Exact brand may differ, depending on package type. Page 16 of 32 | Field Description Product model1 Temperature range Package type RoHS compliant designation See Future (Planned) Products Assembly lot code Silicon revision Date code See available products in Future (Planned) Products on Page 32. February 2016 Preliminary Technical Data ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Specifications are subject to change without notice. Reset Timing Table 13 and Figure 5 describe reset operation. Table 13. Reset Timing Parameter Min Max Unit Timing Requirements tWRST 1 SYS_HWRST Asserted Pulse Width Low1 4 s Applies after power-up sequence is complete. tWRST SYS_HWRST Figure 5. Reset Timing System Clock and PLL Table 14 describes system clock and PLL specifications. Table 14. System Clock and PLL Parameter Min Max Unit Timing Requirements tCK PLL Input CLKIN Period1 38.5 62.5 ns tCKL PLL Input CLKIN Width Low 19.2 31.25 ns tCKH PLL Input CLKIN Width High 19.2 31.25 ns fPLL PLL Output Frequency2, 3 16 60 MHz 3, 4 fVCO VCO Output Frequency 32 60 MHz tPCLK System Peripheral Clock Period 38.5 62.5 ns tHCLK AHB Sub System Clock Period 38.5 62.5 ns 1 The input to the PLL can come either from the high frequency external crystal or from the high frequency internal RC oscillator. Refer to the ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference. 2 For the min value, the recommended settings are PLL_MSEL = 13, PLL_NSEL = 16, PLL_DIV2 = 1 for PLL input clock = 26 MHz and PLL_MSEL = 13, PLL_NSEL = 26, PLL_DIV2 = 1 for PLL input clock = 16 MHz. 3 For the max value, the recommended settings are PLL_MSEL = 13, PLL_NSEL = 30, PLL_DIV2 = 0 for PLL input clock = 26 MHz and PLL_MSEL = 8, PLL_NSEL = 30, PLL_DIV2 = 0 for 16 MHz. 4 For the min value, the recommended settings are PLL_MSEL = 13, PLL_NSEL = 16 for PLL input clock = 26 MHz and PLL_MSEL = 13, PLL_NSEL = 26 for PLL input clock = 16 MHz. Rev. PrF | Page 17 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Serial Ports To determine whether communication is possible between two devices at a particular clock speed, the following specifications must be confirmed: * Frame sync delay and frame sync setup and hold * Data delay and data setup and hold * Serial clock (SPT_CLK) width In Figure 6 either the rising edge or the falling edge of SPT_CLK (external or internal) can be used as the active sampling edge. When externally generated the SPORT clock is called fSPTCLKEXT: 1 t SPTCLKEXT = -----------------------------f SPTCLKEXT When internally generated, the programmed SPORT clock (fSPTCLKPROG) frequency in MHz is set by the following equation, where CLKDIV is a field in the SPORT_DIV register that can be set from 0 to 65535: f PCLK f SPTCLKPROG = ---------------------------------------------- 2 CLKDIV + 1 1 t SPTCLKPROG = ---------------------------------f SPTCLKPROG Table 15. Serial Ports--External Clock Parameter Timing Requirements tSFSE Frame Sync Setup Before SPT_CLK (Externally Generated Frame Sync in either Transmit or Receive Mode)1 tHFSE Frame Sync Hold After SPT_CLK (Externally Generated Frame Sync in either Transmit or Receive Mode)1 tSDRE Receive Data Setup Before Receive SPT_CLK1 tHDRE Receive Data Hold After SPT_CLK1 tSCLKW SPT_CLK Width2 tSPTCLK SPT_CLK Period2 Switching Characteristics Frame Sync Delay After SPT_CLK tDFSE (Internally Generated Frame Sync in either Transmit or Receive Mode)3 tHOFSE Frame Sync Hold After SPT_CLK (Internally Generated Frame Sync in either Transmit or Receive Mode)3 tDDTE Transmit Data Delay After Transmit SPT_CLK3 tHDTE Transmit Data Hold After Transmit SPT_CLK3 Min Max 5 ns 5 ns 5 8 38.5 77 ns ns ns ns 20 2 1 Referenced to the sample edge. 2 This specification indicates the minimum instantaneous width or period that can be tolerated due to duty cycle variation or jitter on the external SPT_CLK. 3 Referenced to the drive edge. | Page 18 of 32 | February 2016 ns ns 20 1 Rev. PrF Unit ns ns Preliminary Technical Data ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Table 16. Serial Ports--Internal Clock Parameter Timing Requirements tSDRI Receive Data Setup Before SPT_CLK1 Receive Data Hold After SPT_CLK1 tHDRI Switching Characteristics tDFSI Frame Sync Delay After SPT_CLK (Internally Generated Frame Sync in Transmit or Receive Mode)2 tHOFSI Frame Sync Hold After SPT_CLK (Internally Generated Frame Sync in Transmit or Receive Mode)2 tDDTI Transmit Data Delay After SPT_CLK2 Transmit Data Hold After SPT_CLK2 tHDTI tSCLKIW SPT_CLK Width tSPTCLK SPT_CLK Period 1 2 Min Max Unit 25 0 ns ns 20 ns -8 ns 20 ns ns ns ns -7 tPCLK - 1.5 2 x tPCLK - 1 Referenced to the sample edge. Referenced to the drive edge. DATA RECEIVE--INTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE EDGE tSCLKIW DATA RECEIVE--EXTERNAL CLOCK SAMPLE EDGE DRIVE EDGE SAMPLE EDGE tSCLKW SPT_A/BCLK (SPORT CLOCK) SPT_A/BCLK (SPORT CLOCK) tDFSI tDFSE tHOFSI tSFSE tHFSE tSDRE tHDRE tHOFSE SPT_A/BFS (FRAME SYNC) SPT_A/BFS (FRAME SYNC) tSDRI tHDRI SPT_A/BDx (DATA CHANNEL A/B) SPT_A/BDx (DATA CHANNEL A/B) DATA TRANSMIT--INTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE EDGE tSCLKIW DATA TRANSMIT--EXTERNAL CLOCK SAMPLE EDGE DRIVE EDGE tSCLKW SAMPLE EDGE SPT_A/BCLK (SPORT CLOCK) SPT_A/BCLK (SPORT CLOCK) tDFSI tDFSE tHOFSI tSFSE tHOFSE SPT_A/BFS (FRAME SYNC) SPT_A/BFS (FRAME SYNC) tHDTI tDDTI tHDTE SPT_A/BDx (DATA CHANNEL A/B) SPT_A/BDx (DATA CHANNEL A/B) Figure 6. Serial Ports Rev. PrF | Page 19 of 32 | February 2016 tDDTE tHFSE ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Table 17. Serial Ports--Enable and Three-State Parameter Switching Characteristics tDDTIN Data Enable from Internal Transmit SPT_CLK1 Data Disable from Internal Transmit SPT_CLK1 tDDTTI 1 Min Max Unit 160 ns ns 3 Referenced to the drive edge. DRIVE EDGE SPT_CLK (SPORT CLOCK INTERNAL) DRIVE EDGE tDDTIN tDDTTI SPT_A/BDx (DATA CHANNEL A/B) Figure 7. Serial Ports--Enable and Three-State I2C Serial Interface The I2C receive and transmit operations are described in the ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference Manual. Rev. PrF | Page 20 of 32 | February 2016 Preliminary Technical Data ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 SPI Timing Table 18, Figure 8, and Figure 9 (for master mode) and Table 19, Figure 10, and Figure 11 (for slave mode) describe SPI timing specifications. SPIH can be used for high data rate peripherals. Table 18. SPI Master Mode Timing Parameter tSL tSH tDAV tDOSU tDSU tDHD tCS tSFS Description SCLK Low Pulse Width SCLK High Pulse Width Data Output Valid After SCLK Edge Data Output Setup Before SCLK Edge Data Input Setup Time Before SCLK Edge Data Input Hold Time After SCLK Edge CS to SCLK Edge CS High After SCLK Edge Min tPCLK - 2 tPCLK - 2 Max Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 25 tPCLK - 2.2 25 0 0.5 x tPCLK - 3 0.5 x tPCLK - 3 CS tSFS tCS SCLK (POLARITY = 0) tSH tSL SCLK (POLARITY = 1) tDAV MOSI MISO MSB MSB IN BIT 6 TO BIT 1 BIT 6 TO BIT 1 tDSU tDHD Figure 8. SPI Master Mode Timing (Phase Mode = 1) Rev. PrF | Page 21 of 32 | February 2016 LSB LSB IN ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data CS tSFS tCS SCLK (POLARITY = 0) tSH tSL SCLK (POLARITY = 1) tDAV tDOSU MOSI MSB MISO BIT 6 TO BIT 1 MSB IN tDSU LSB BIT 6 TO BIT 1 LSB IN tDHD Figure 9. SPI Master Mode Timing (Phase Mode = 0) Table 19. SPI Slave Mode Timing Parameter tCS tSL tSH tDAV tDSU tDHD tDOCS tSFS Description CS to SCLK Edge SCLK Low Pulse Width SCLK High Pulse Width Data Output Valid After SCLK Edge Data Input Setup Time Before SCLK Edge Data Input Hold Time After SCLK Edge Data Output Valid After CS Edge CS High After SCLK Edge Min 38.5 38.5 38.5 25 6 8 Max 20 38.5 CS tSFS tCS SCLK (POLARITY = 0) tSH tSL SCLK (POLARITY = 1) tDAV MISO MSB MOSI MSB IN BIT 6 TO BIT 1 BIT 6 TO BIT 1 tDSU tDHD Figure 10. SPI Slave Mode Timing (Phase Mode = 1) Rev. PrF | Page 22 of 32 | February 2016 LSB LSB IN Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Preliminary Technical Data ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 CS tCS tSFS SCLK (POLARITY = 0) tSH tSL SCLK (POLARITY = 1) tDAV tDOCS MISO MOSI MSB BIT 6 TO BIT 1 MSB IN tDSU BIT 6 TO BIT 1 LSB LSB IN tDHD Figure 11. SPI Slave Mode Timing (Phase Mode = 0) Rev. PrF | Page 23 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data General-Purpose Port Timing Table 20 and Figure 12 describe general-purpose port operations. Table 20. General-Purpose Port Timing Parameter Timing Requirement tWFI General-Purpose Port Pin Input Pulse Width Min Max 4 x tPCLK Unit ns tWFI GPIO INPUT Figure 12. General-Purpose Port Timing Timer PWM_OUT Cycle Timing Table 21 and Figure 13 describe timing specifications for PWM_OUT operations. Table 21. Timer Cycle Timing (Internal Mode) Parameter Min Max Unit 4 x tPCLK - 2 256 x (216 - 1) ns Switching Characteristic tPWMO Timer Pulse Width Output PWM OUTPUTS tPWM0 Figure 13. Timer Cycle Timing (UART) Port--Receive and Transmit Timing The UART port receives and transmits operations. The port is described in the ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference. Rev. PrF | Page 24 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data PROCESSOR TEST CONDITIONS The AC signal specifications (timing parameters) appearing in this data sheet include output disable time, output enable time, and others. Timing is measured on signals when they cross the VMEAS level as described in Figure 14. All delays (in ns/s) are measured between the point that the first signal reaches VMEAS and the point that the second signal reaches VMEAS. The value of VMEAS is set to VBAT/2. TESTER PIN ELECTRONICS 50: VLOAD T1 70: ZO = 50:(Impedance) TD = 4.04 r 1.18 ns 50: 0.5pF 4pF INPUT OR OUTPUT DUT OUTPUT 45: 2pF 400: VMEAS VMEAS Figure 14. Voltage Reference Levels for AC Measurements (Except Output Enable/Disable) NOTES: THE WORST-CASE TRANSMISSION LINE DELAY IS SHOWN AND CAN BE USED FOR THE OUTPUT TIMING ANALYSIS TO REFELECT THE TRANSMISSION LINE EFFECT AND MUST BE CONSIDERED. THE TRANSMISSION LINE (TD) IS FOR LOAD ONLY AND DOES NOT AFFECT THE DATA SHEET TIMING SPECIFICATIONS. ANALOG DEVICES RECOMMENDS USING THE IBIS MODEL TIMING FOR A GIVEN SYSTEM REQUIREMENT. IF NECESSARY, A SYSTEM MAY INCORPORATE EXTERNAL DRIVERS TO COMPENSATE FOR ANY TIMING DIFFERENCES. Figure 15. Equivalent Device Loading for AC Measurements (Includes All Fixtures) OUTPUT DRIVE CURRENTS Table 22 (TBD) shows driver types and Figure 16 (TBD) and Figure 17 (TBD) show typical current-voltage characteristics for the output drivers of the processors. The curves represent the current drive capability of the output drivers as a function of output voltage. Table 22. Driver Types (TBD) Driver Type TBD Associated Pins TBD 200 160 160 120 VBAT = 3.3V @ 25C VBAT = TBDV @ 105C 80 40 TBD 0 - 40 - 80 - 120 VBAT = 3.3V @ 25C VBAT = TBDV @ 105C 80 SOURCE CURRENT (mA) 120 SOURCE CURRENT (mA) VBAT = TBDV @ - 40C VBAT = TBDV @ - 40C 40 TBD 0 - 40 - 80 - 120 - 160 - 160 - 200 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) Figure 16. Driver Type A Current Figure 17. Driver Type B Current Rev. PrF | Page 25 of 32 | February 2016 3.0 3.5 4.0 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS To determine the junction temperature on the application printed circuit board use: T J = T CASE + JT P D where: TJ = Junction temperature (C) TCASE = Case temperature (C) measured by customer at top center of package. JT = From Table 23 PD = Power dissipation (see Power Supply Current on Page 13 to calculate PD) Table 23. Thermal Characteristics (64-Lead LFCSP) Parameter JA JA JA JC JT JT JT Condition 0 linear m/s airflow 1 linear m/s airflow 2 linear m/s airflow 0 linear m/s airflow 1 linear m/s airflow 2 linear m/s airflow Typical TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Unit C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W C/W Values of JA are provided for package comparison and printed circuit board design considerations. JA can be used for a first order approximation of TJ by the equation: T J = T A + JA P D where: TA = Ambient temperature (C) Values of JC are provided for package comparison and printed circuit board design considerations when an external heat sink is required. In Table 23, airflow measurements comply with JEDEC standards JESD51-2 and JESD51-6. The junction-to-case measurement complies with MIL-STD-883 (Method 1012.1). All measurements use a 2S2P JEDEC test board. Rev. PrF | Page 26 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Table 24. Signal Functional Descriptions 1 GPIO Signal Name SPIn_CLK SPIn_MOSI SPIn_MISO SPIn_RDY SPIn_CSm Description SPI Clock SPI Master Out Slave In SPI Master In Slave Out SPI Ready Signal SPI Chip Select Signal SPTn_ACLK SPTn_AFS SPTn_AD0 SPTn_ACNV SPTn_BCLK SPTn_BFS SPTn_BD0 SPTn_BCNV SPORT A Clock Signal SPORT A Frame Sync SPORT A Data Pin 0 SPORT A Converter Signal For interface with ADC SPORT B Clock Signal SPORT B Frame Sync SPORT B Data Pin 0 SPORT B Converter Signal For interface with ADC I2Cn_SCL I2Cn_SDA I2C Clock I2C Data SWD_CLK SWD_DATA Serial Wire Debug Clock Serial Wire Debug Data BPRn_TONE_N BPRn_TONE_P Beeper Tone Negative Pin Beeper Tone Positive Pin UARTn_TX UARTn_RX UART Transmit Pin UART Receive Pin XINT0_WAKEn System Wake-up Pin (Capable to wake up from hibernate FLEXI/hibernate/shutdown modes)1 TMRn_OUT Timer Output Pin SYS_BMODE0 SYS_CLKIN SYS_CLKOUT Pin when asserted at reset gets boot kernel to UART download mode External Clock In pin External Clock Out pin ADC0_VINn ADC Voltage Input pin For shutdown, XINT0_WAKE3 is not capable of waking the part from shutdown mode. Rev. PrF | Page 27 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Table 25. 64-Lead FCSP_WQ Package Pin Assignments Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 GPIO# P2_03 P2_04 P2_05 P2_06 P2_07 P2_08 P2_09 P2_10 P0_05 P0_04 P0_07 P0_06 P1_09 P1_08 P1_07 P1_06 P2_11 P0_12 P2_00 P1_15 P1_01 P0_09 P0_08 P1_11 P1_12 P1_13 Signal Name Description VBAT_ANA1 SYS_HFXTAL_IN SYS_HFXTAL_OUT SYS_LFXTAL_IN SYS_LFXTAL_OUT VDCDC_CAP1N VDCDC_CAP1P VBAT_ANA2 VDCDC_OUT VDCDC_CAP2N VDCDC_CAP2P VLDO_OUT VREF_ADC 1 VBAT_ADC GND_VREFADC 1 ADC0_VIN0 / GPIO35 1 ADC0_VIN1 / GPIO36 ADC0_VIN2 / GPIO37 2 ADC0_VIN3 / GPIO38 2 ADC0_VIN4 / SPI2_CS3 / GPIO39 2 ADC0_VIN5 / SPI0_CS2 / GPIO40 2 ADC0_VIN6 / SPI0_CS3 / GPIO41 2 ADC0_VIN7 / SPI2_CS2 / GPIO42 I2C0_SDA / GPIO05 SYS_HWRST I2C0_SCL / GPIO04 GPIO07 / SWD0_DATA GPIO06 / SWD0_CLK SPI1_CS0 / GPIO25 SPI1_MISO / GPIO24 SPI1_MOSI / GPIO23 SPI1_CLK / GPIO22 SPI1_CS1 / SYS_CLKOUT / GPIO43 VBAT_DIG1 SPT0_AD0 / GPIO12 SPT0_AFS / GPIO32 SPT0_ACLK / GPIO31 GPIO17 / SYS_BMODE0 BPR0_TONE_P / SPI2_CS1 / GPIO09 BPR0_TONE_N / GPIO08 TMR1_OUT / GPIO27 GPIO28 GPIO29 Analog 3 V Supply 26 MHz High Frequency Crystal 26 MHz High Frequency Crystal 32 kHz Low Frequency Crystal 32 kHz Low Frequency Crystal Buck Fly Cap Buck Fly Cap Analog 3 V Supply Buck Output Cap Buck Fly Cap Buck Fly Cap LDO Output (For placing load cap) Analog Reference voltage for ADC Analog 3 V Supply for ADC Reference Ground for ADC Rev. PrF Default GPIO PULL PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU System Hardware Reset PU PU PD PU PU PU PU PU Digital 3 V Supply PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU | Page 28 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Table 25. 64-Lead FCSP_WQ Package Pin Assignments (Continued) 1 2 Pin # GPIO# Signal Name 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 P1_14 P2_02 P0_14 P1_00 SPI0_RDY / GPIO30 SPT0_ACNV / SPI1_CS2 / GPIO34 TMR0_OUT / SPI1_RDY / GPIO14 XINT0_WAKE1 / GPIO16 GND_DIG VBAT_DIG2 XINT0_WAKE0 / GPIO15 XINT0_WAKE2 / GPIO13 XINT0_WAKE3 / TMR2_OUT / GPIO33 SPI2_CS0 / GPIO21 SPI2_MISO / GPIO20 SPI2_MOSI / GPIO19 SPI2_CLK / GPIO18 UART0_RX / GPIO11 UART0_TX / GPIO10 SPI0_CS1 / SYS_CLKIN / SPI1_CS3 / GPIO26 SPI0_CS0 / SPT0_BCNV / SPI2_RDY / GPIO03 SPI0_MISO / SPT0_BD0 / GPIO02 SPI0_MOSI / SPT0_BFS / GPIO01 SPI0_CLK / SPT0_BCLK / GPIO00 GND_ANA P0_15 P0_13 P2_01 P1_05 P1_04 P1_03 P1_02 P0_11 P0_10 P1_10 P0_03 P0_02 P0_01 P0_00 Description Digital Ground Digital 3 V Supply PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU PU Analog Ground Silicon anomaly note: This pin is a no connect (NC) for revision 0.0 silicon. Silicon anomaly note: This pin must be connected to ground (GND) for revision 0.0 silicon. Table 26. 54-Ball WLCSP Package Pin Assignments Pin # B1 C3 C5 C1 E9 D13 E13 E11 H8 H10 D1 D5 H12 G5 H4 G3 H2 G7 E3 GPIO# P0_00 P0_01 P0_02 P0_03 P0_04 P0_05 P0_06 P0_07 P0_08 P0_08 P0_10 P0_11 P0_12 P0_13 P0_14 P0_15 P1_00 P1_01 P1_02 Pin Label SPI0_CLK / SPT0_BCLK / GPIO00 SPI0_MOSI / SPT0_BFS / GPIO01 SPI0_MISO / SPT0_BD0 / GPIO02 SPI0_CS0 / SPT0_BCNV / SPI2_RDY / GPIO03 I2C0_SCL / GPIO04 I2C0_SDA / GPIO05 GPIO06 / SWD0_CLK GPIO07 / SWD0_DATA BPR0_TONE_N / GPIO08 BPR0_TONE_P / SPI2_CS1 / GPIO09 UART0_TX / GPIO10 UART0_RX / GPIO11 SPT0_AD0 / GPIO12/UART0_SOUT_EN XINT0_WAKE2 / GPIO13 TMR0_OUT / SPI1_RDY / GPIO14 XINT0_WAKE0 / GPIO15 XINT0_WAKE1 / GPIO16 GPIO17 / SYS_BMODE0 SPI2_CLK / GPIO18 Rev. PrF | Page 29 of 32 | Default GPIO PULL PU PU PU PU February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data Table 26. 54-Ball WLCSP Package Pin Assignments (Continued) Pin # E1 F6 F4 G9 F12 F10 F8 D3 H6 F2 D9 C13 D11 G11 E7 A5 B5 B3 A3 B13 A1 C7 G1 G13 A13 C9 A11 D7 E5 A7 B7 B9 A9 B11 C11 GPIO# P1_03 P1_04 P1_05 P1_06 P1_07 P1_08 P1_09 P1_10 P1_14 P2_01 P2_04 P2_05 P2_06 P2_11 P2_03 Pin Label SPI2_MOSI / GPIO19 SPI2_MISO / GPIO20 SPI2_CS0 / GPIO21 SPI1_CLK / GPIO22 SPI1_MOSI / GPIO23 SPI1_MISO / GPIO24 SPI1_CS0 / GPIO25 SPI0_CS1 / SYS_CLKIN / SPI1_CS3 / GPIO26 SPI0_RDY / GPIO30 XINT0_WAKE3 / TMR2_OUT / GPIO33 ADC0_VIN1 / GPIO36 ADC0_VIN2 / GPIO37 ADC0_VIN3 / GPIO38 SPI1_CS1 / SYS_CLKOUT / GPIO43/RTC1_OPC1 SYS_HWRST SYS_LFXTAL_IN SYS_LFXTAL_OUT SYS_HFXTAL_IN SYS_HFXTAL_OUT ADC0_VIN0 / GPIO35 VBAT_ANA1 VBAT_ANA2 VBAT_DIG2 VBAT_DIG1 VBAT_ADC VDCDC_OUT VLDO_OUT GND_ANA GND_DIG VDCDC_CAP1P VDCDC_CAP1N VDCDC_CAP2P VDCDC_CAP2N VREF_ADC GND_VREFADC Rev. PrF | Page 30 of 32 | February 2016 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data OUTLINE DIMENSIONS PIN 1 INDICATOR 9.10 9.00 SQ 8.90 0.30 0.25 0.20 49 PIN 1 INDICATOR 64 1 48 0.50 BSC EXPOSED PAD 4.60 4.50 SQ 4.40 16 33 32 0.50 0.40 0.30 TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 17 0.20 MIN BOTTOM VIEW 7.50 REF 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.203 REF SEATING PLANE Figure 18. 64-Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_WQ] 9 x 9 mm Body, Very Thin Quad (CP-64-16) Dimensions shown in mm 2.800 2.760 SQ 2.720 0.210 0.108 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 0.35 BALL A1 IDENTIFIER B BSC C D E 0.303 F BSC G 0.350 BSC H BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW (BALL SIDE UP) (BALL SIDE DOWN) 0.530 0.470 0.410 SEATING PLANE 0.320 0.290 0.260 END VIEW COPLANARITY 0.05 0.280 0.240 0.200 0.210 0.180 0.150 Figure 19. 54-Ball Wafer Level Chip Scale Package [WLCSP] (CB-54-1) Dimensions shown in mm Rev. PrF | Page 31 of 32 | February 2016 0.103 ADuCM3027/ADuCM3029 Preliminary Technical Data FUTURE (PLANNED) PRODUCTS Generic Part Number SAP Part Number1 Description Package (Code) Temperature Range2, 3 Reel Info ADuCM3027 ADUCM3027BCBZ ULP ARM Cortex-M3 with128K Embedded Flash 54 WLCSP (CB-54-1) -40C to +85C Individual ADUCM3027BCBZ-RL 13" Reel ADUCM3027BCBZ-R7 7" Reel ADUCM3027BCPZ ADuCM3029 ULP ARM Cortex-M3 with128K Embedded Flash 64 LFCSP (CP-64-16) -40C to +85C Individual ADUCM3027BCPZ-RL 13" Reel ADUCM3027BCPZ-R7 7" Reel ADUCM3029BCBZ ULP ARM Cortex-M3 with 256K Embedded Flash 54 WLCSP (CB-54-1) -40C to +85C Individual ADUCM3029BCBZ-RL 13" Reel ADUCM3029BCBZ-R7 7" Reel ADUCM3029BCPZ ULP ARM Cortex-M3 with 256K Embedded Flash 64 LFCSP (CP-64-16) -40C to +85C Individual ADUCM3029BCPZ-RL 13" Reel ADUCM3029BCPZ-R7 7" Reel 1 Z =RoHS compliant part. Referenced temperature is ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is not a specification. See Operating Conditions on Page 12 for the junction temperature (TJ) specification which is the only temperature specification. 3 These are pre-production parts. See ENG-Grade agreement for details. 2 (c)2016 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PR14168-0-2/16(PrF) Rev. PrF | Page 32 of 32 | February 2016