Rev. PrF | Page 10 of 32 | February 2016
Preliminary Technical Data
Beeper Driver
The ADuCM302x processor has an integrated audio driver for a
The beeper driver module in the ADuCM302x processor gener-
ates a differential square wave of programmable frequency. It
drives an external piezoelectric sound component whose two
terminals connect to the differential square wave output.
The beeper driver consists of a module that can deliver frequen-
cies from 8 kHz to ~0.25 kHz. It operates on a fixed
independent 32 kHz (32,768 Hz) clock source that is unaffected
by changes in system clocks.
A timer allows for programmable tone durations from 4 ms to
1.02 s in 4 ms increments. Single-tone (pulse) and multi-tone
(sequence) modes provide versatile playback options.
In sequence mode, the beeper can be programmed to play any
number of tone pairs from 1 to 254 (2 to 508 tones) or be pro-
grammed to play forever (until stopped by the user). Interrupts
are available to indicate the start or end of any beep, the end of a
sequence, or that the sequence is nearing completion.
Debug Capability
The ADuMC320x processor supports serial wire debug.
The processor contains a rich set of peripherals connected to the
core via several concurrent high-bandwidth buses, providing
flexibility in system configuration as well as excellent overall
system performance (see Figure 1).
The processor contains high-speed serial ports, an interrupt
controller for flexible management of interrupts from the on-
chip peripherals or external sources, and power management
control functions to tailor the performance and power charac-
teristics of the processor and system to many application
Serial Ports (SPORT)
The synchronous serial ports provide an inexpensive interface
to a wide variety of digital and mixed-signal peripheral devices
such as Analog Devices' audio codecs, ADCs, and DACs. The
serial ports are made up of two data lines, a clock, and frame
sync. The data lines can be programmed to either transmit or
receive and each data line has a dedicated DMA channel.
Serial port data can be automatically transferred to and from
on-chip memory/external memory via dedicated DMA chan-
nels. The frame sync and clock are shared. Some of the
ADCs/DACs require two control signals for their conversion
process. To interface with such devices, an extra signal
SPT_CONVT signal is provided. To use this signal, enable the
timer enable mode. In this mode, a PWM timer inside the mod-
ule is used to generate the programmable SPT_CONVT signal.
Serial ports operate in two modes:
• Standard DSP serial mode
•Timer enable mode
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Ports
SPI is an industry standard, synchronous serial interface that
allows eight bits of data to be synchronously transmitted and
simultaneously received, that is, full duplex. The SPI incorpo-
rates two DMA channels that interface with the DMA
controller. One DMA channel is used for transmit and the other
is used for receive. The SPI on the processor eases interfacing to
external serial flash devices.
The SPI features include the following:
• Serial clock phase mode and serial clock polarity mode
•Loopback mode
• Continuous transfer mode
•Wired-OR output mode
• Read-command mode for half-duplex operation (Tx first
and Rx next)
• Flow control support
• Multiple CS line support
• CS software override support
• Support for 3-pin SPI
The processor provides a full-duplex UART port, which is fully
compatible with PC-standard UARTs. The UART port provides
a simplified UART interface to other peripherals or hosts, sup-
porting full-duplex, DMA-supported, asynchronous transfers of
serial data. The UART port includes support for five to
eight data bits, and none, even, or odd parity. A frame is termi-
nated by one, one and a half, or two stop bits.
The I
C bus peripheral has two pins for data transfer. SCL is a
serial clock and SDA is a serial data pin. The pins are configured
in a Wired-AND format that allows arbitration in a multi-mas-
ter system. A master device can be configured to generate the
serial clock. The frequency is programmed by the user in the
serial clock divisor register. The master channel can be set to
operate in fast mode (400 kHz) or standard mode (100 kHz).
Development support for the ADUCM302x processor includes
documentation, evaluation hardware, and development soft-
ware tools.
The ADuCM302x Mixed-Signal Control Processor with ARM
Cortex-M3 Hardware Reference details the functionality of each
block on the ADuCM302x processor. It includes power man-
agement, clocking, memories, peripherals, and the AFE.
The EVAL-ADuCM302xEBZ evaluation kit is available to pro-
totype a user's sensor configuration with theADuCM302x