2 Am29LV128M
The Am29LV 128M is a 128 Mbit, 3.0 v olt single power
supply flas h memory devices or ganized as 8,388,60 8
words or 16,777,216 bytes. The device has a 16-bit
wide data bus that can also function as an 8-bit wide
data bus by us ing the BYTE# input. The devic e c an be
prog ramme d eithe r in the host sy stem or in stan dard
EPROM programmers.
An access time of 90, 100, 110, or 120 ns is available.
Note that each access time has a specific operating
voltage range (VCC) and an I/O voltage range (VIO), as
specif ied in the Product Selector Gui de and the Order-
ing Information sections. The dev ice is offered i n a
56-p in T SOP or Fortif ied BGA pac kage . Eac h de vic e
has se parat e chip en able (CE#) , w rite en able (W E#)
and output enable (OE#) controls.
Each device req uires only a single 3.0 volt po wer
supply for bo th read and wr ite functions. In addition to
a VCC input, a high-voltage accelerated program
(WP#/ACC) input provides shorter programming times
through in creas ed curren t. This fea ture i s intended to
facilitate factory thro ughput during system production,
but may also be used in the field if desired.
The device is entirely command set compatible with
th e JEDEC single-power-supply Flash standard.
Commands are written to the device using standard
microprocessor write timing. Write cyc les also inter-
nally latch addresses and data needed for the pro-
gramming and erase operations.
The sector erase architecture allows memory sec-
tors to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting
the d ata conte nts o f othe r sectors . The device is fully
erased when shipped from the factory.
Device programming and erasure are initiated through
command sequences. Once a program or erase oper-
ation has begun, the host system need only poll the
DQ7 (Data# Polling) or DQ6 (to ggle) status bits or
monitor the Ready/Busy# (RY/BY#) output to deter-
mine whether the operation is complete. To facilitate
programming, an Unlock Bypass mode reduces com-
mand seque nce o verhe ad by requi ring on ly two writ e
cycles to program data instead of four.
The VersatileI/O™ (VIO) control allows the ho st sys-
tem to set the voltage levels that the device generates
and tolerates at a ll control and data I/Os to the same
voltage level that is asserted on the VIO pin. This al-
lows the device to operate in a 1.8 V or 3 V system en-
vironment as required.
Hardware data protection measures include a low
VCC detector that automatically inhibits write opera-
tions during power transitions. The hardware sector
protection feature disables both progr am and er ase
operations in any combination of sectors of memory.
This can be achieve d in-syst em or via programming
The Erase Susp end/Erase Resume feature allows
the host system to pause an erase operation in a
give n sec tor to r ead or progr am an y other sec tor and
then complete the erase operation. The Program
Suspend/Program Resume feature enables the host
system to pause a program operation in a given s ector
to read any other sector and then complete the pro-
gram operation.
The hardw are RESET# pin terminates any operation
in progress and res ets the device, aft er whic h it is then
ready for a new operation. Th e RESET# pin may be
tied to the system reset circuitry. A system reset would
thus also reset the dev ic e, enabling the host system to
read boot-up firmware fr om the Flash memory device.
The device reduces power consumption in the
standby mode when it detects specific voltage levels
on C E# an d R ESET#, or w hen ad dress es h ave b een
stable for a specified period of time.
The SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector provides a
128-word/256-byte area for code or data that can be
perm anently protec ted. Onc e th is sector is pro tected,
no further changes within the sector can occur.
The Writ e Pr ote ct (WP# /ACC) feature protec ts the
first or last sector by ass erting a logic low on the W P#
AMD MirrorBit flash technology combines years of
Flash memory manufacturing experience to produce
the highe st levels of qua lity, re liability and co st effe c-
tiveness. The device electrically erases all bits within a
sector simultaneously via hot-hole assisted erase. The
data is programmed using hot electron injection.